HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #3 : • . .;, �'. . ��� � + �F � � . + ORDT"�?A�'1C� ^Tp, 3 ORDI1�?AT?CF P?QVTDZi�?G T�?A^FTr GT1A'�DS Be It Ordained ?'i,y the G3t,y Council of the rity of !`ar.tor, Illinoi.s: Section 1. APPQ?r�TT*��"��T. OATu, F�r'�. That thP Mavor b,y and with the ad- vice and COngert of the rit.y Co�ancil srell appoint reputa.hle ard discr^et C'�t�ZP,TiS of this ci.ty as Traffic Guards. Any �e�rsor so appointe� ?-�fore Bt"ter'in� upon the duties o£ his offi�•e sha_l.] take tre oath �r:�scribe�3 h�� law for city of- fic?rs ard e,�ecute a hord to the �it�- o£ �flrtpn in ±he r.enal sum of One Tho�zsard Dollars, with such sAcurities as the C'�t,y ('o�zncil mav aprro�re, cor�it�one�3 iar_.on the faithful pPrformance of the �iuti�s of ris �f£�ce; provjded, however, that in event the bord is secur�d froM a surc±t,y com�ary, t�e cost of tre same s!�all be paid h,y the City from its �ereral fiird. Section 2. POWrRS A?�TD DTTTI�:S. �'acr Trp.ffic Gu�rd whil� h� is on dtit,y and acti.rF as such sh�ll h�t=� th� same pow�rs ac those �iven Police �fficers b,y tre Ofdinances of the Citv. He shall direct traf''ic at and near schools or pv'nlic funetiors ard �erform sl.ich other �u.ties as directe�a b,y the Chief of Police, Mayor, or committee on Lepal ard Police ard sha11 ohP-r scv� orders as �iv�r. him hy his su�eriors. ; Section 3. �'�?1TP"�'�'^'T. The �itv shall furnisr eac� Traf£ic Guard with whistles, badt�es, !�ats, '�elts or sucr o'her �q�iip� �ht that the Cj ty Council deem neceGcary, which srall re corsidered t.re prop,�tv of t�e �i.t,y and upor his re- si�nation or rero•ra1 from office he Ghall i�r�edjaf,e�y returr su^h equipment to t� Chief of Police for t�e use of tre ^ity. �'ach Traffic, Gu�� �c� sball ta.�.ce proper care of the equipr�ent furrished him by the City an� in evert re sbotald lose or wilfully destroy tre s�me, he shall rep�ace it at ris own expen�e. Sectior 4. DFPORTt'.�T'^�T. Fach Traffic Guard sha11 be civi7_ and respectful to the public and upon all o^cascions perform hi.s duty with �ood temper and dis- � _ . _ ;j Sectior. . CHIF'F GF PC' 7CF TG F'?�'T'T�H ?^?cT�?TrCT?r?'r� It shal� '�e the duty of the Chief of Folice, hy and with the a�pro���l of t!^e r?ayor and Commit- tee on Le�sl and Poli_r.e, to fvrni^h each Traffic Guard witr i.nstructic?ns in writina settinp forth t"� ho�irs he is to w�rk, t�� �lace, a�d su^h other m�tters which s�id ('o?^mittee ard Mavor deem recessar,y. �uch irstructiors when so fur- nished srall be deemed as orders from � su�erior ar� shal.� rot he modified, e�cept temporarilly h,y t�e Ch ief o£ Pol_jce or ��-iAf of the Fire Departmert, or a State-Pol.icem^n when deer,�ed necessar.,y for emer�enev r�>a��rs. Section 6. CO��'PF'"'�'AT?�'�P?. Fach Traffic Guard emr?oyed b,y the City shall be compensate�i for tr e work the,y perform at t,he rate of �1.00 per hour. On Non- day of ea^h week the Chi�f of PolicP shall furrish the �ity C].erk wit,h the name and number of hours each Traffic Guard worked the precedir� week. The Cit,y Clerk sh�ll. then dr.aw a check unon tbe funds of t'-e Citv for the amotznt due each Traffic Guard and by United States ?�a.il remit said cherk to the payee. SPCtion 7. EF�'FCT"���' DATF. This Ord3.rance sra]_1 �,e ir ePfect upon its pas�a�e b,y the C�t,y Council and approved b.y th� ?�a,yor. Passed hy the Citv Co>>rcil and apnroved h,y the ��ayor this _ �.%' G da,y of _ �. _ ;____ A. D. 1�'60. � APr�?01;�rD: //t-�.c_�/.�fG�-Z' C-C�/ �-- . r,�aYor ATT�'ST: l /.A .-L�� � `�;,�C' ,; ,, ,, - � Cit,y Clerk ,