HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #15 : ..., o +r ,,�. . . � a ♦ —�• ���N � c�.n:r�a:�r,T^x: ^;o, l.5 . �r n , � �n�-.,,, mj7— n�n�t( �L� arr o���r�n T� 4 ����.r?��zc; TF��� �, ��Ir���a a�r:�npr-r_�� �-cr- � , _.� rAI,"I'C��I� TLLIIi(. .._�.� �'Or i�_�� F�:�f'AL .�'.�t1" ( � `'l_�� ('tCY� 1t;FaQ—l�,F�l� �t'(�. }3F TFF"rf'D TI�r �;��r:Tt1�.�,L A�'"r'ROPRIAi'IC}P' OT'D�i.•�,,'rr CF `'�.^�ID ,r,�'",,y. BF IT OF.D�1I1'1�"D :�1' 'C��iT' CTT" CO?fiiCl:[, Or �'t�'-� Cr'I'Y CF C?r,TTCPI� Ir�LIP30IS: Sec�tic�n 1. Thn.t th� fc�ll.o�rin�* Gl:rzs nf r-.oneY, ar aa much there�f ws ma,y be required and shall. be autharizpd b�T la`�r, ���, and the same are herel7y appropriated for the cor�rate purposFS of the ^it�r nf �anton, Il.linc�is, ».5 hereinaft,er specified, for t1Ye Fisr.f�l �'.et:r. c�.f s�aid Cit�r, be�inniazg �rle first Tuesda,y in the n:cnth ��f '�1a;;� A.�. 1°F�G, ar�c� �r_s.lin�r +he fir�t TuF,sday in the mont� of *,tav A.J. 1�'F�l: FC�' a"TT�'R AL COpPCF A�'� Ft1�PC"rS C��' "t:ID r�"'t's PCLICE DEPA''mi'��:PdT - Salariess 1 !:hief of Police �' %,�'h�•0� 3 S�r�eants at :�5,1_22.00 �a�Y� 15,3��6.Ot7 1� Po.l-±.cemen at .„4,'.-02.00 ��.ch 1�,��g•d� 2 ?'�adio OperQt�ra �t <�3,"�32.CG e�ch ry,'7�4.0� 1 F�..I.e Clerk �''��•�`� Auxi7.iary Po�.ice:nPn ;,:OO.Q� "'ot�.]. Po)i.�e Depn.r.t;~�?nt ��.l�ries �r `>5,298.00 P�I.�r�. L7x'pt��m,.,��p!T _ c,_irPla.es �.n� ?'aiai�r,.ent; Yalt,ce Car RE:ntal � ���'��•�� Sug�lies ar.d I'ca�.�i�n�nt ��OJ0.�70 Gasoline for I'olice Cars 2,2���•Q� R.adio Service 1,5CG.00 Total Pol.ice DeI�'�rt~nent; "up�li�:.s �n�� Tnui�n�nt! `� 11.,.10�'.00 S T1�1�r!AL�'�: R.epairs arcl r`ainte».nee 500.00 STr'rFTS Ai?D ALLF`I�"�s Purch�se of F�uipmPn� �;" 12,O�J.�O �^.ravelin� of Poads ?,C%�0.00 ?���.terials an�, SuFpliAs 1r,G�0.0� I,a.t�or ti7,0^0.C� Oi1in� of Rc�ads �����•�C Total Strc:�t,s arl;.l All�ys :;� 62��00.� ?`ISCT'LT,A i�;0115 r i�;F'.iV;�,?-,`', :�Q00.vC p�'IrvTING nr?D PT�F?r,TCr,''_'IOT�� 1,500.00 CITY Cr�r�T ":�Zr?T'�;'la��TrE 50G.00 PLTFsI,Tf,', (',RC'T��iDS AT,'?� �?TrTL�T?�TGS Repair an�] "�aintpr�.nce '.J 10,00G.�0 o . . • ��� � , � STR�'�'T LIGHi'T?�x�'r .; 1].,000.00 rL�'CTIC+T1 T"'FF?�'S-;�: Jua��s ana ^z�r�s a �,a5c.� S,��plies 45C.00 Total - �:i.�etion �;��er.ses �_,500.�0 C-:'�^,r'i'?"�Y: ?"aintFnance ;�10,��00.�10 P,_zrch�xse of F�u.ij�,.ent 7_,7C?C`.00 repeirs 1'SQO.�� TOt�.l-('�7-let�rY I.?,OGGi.UO I„S'TF�?�T'C'?s Fire <<nd ��7ind_storr�., Cit�� i?t��l�in�^ ar.d cr.nt�nts ��% 1,�Ufl.OG Casualty an1 �•Jorl��en's Co�rpensatian 10�5GO.�G Total - Insurance 11�50C�.00 TO'� t1L GF*t'F1?t�T, T'T�''D r ?l.7_,?og�00 i,rAT�F' 9�7) S'���rF�?. n�'FA??T�>�t;T;m'; S�a�ar. i�s '� ?O,;�CC.O� L'�:tra Lahor ',,�`C�O.�'�0 t:'ainten.a.nr,e ��,{?CQ.C� Truck Cpex�ti�ng ?,�C0.�0 Sizpplies� Chemic�ls and Ft�n1..s ti2,0�0.�70 Office �xpense 1_,50C.0� PowPr `l.c,On0.00 Fir� an�l ,.rir_c?st��•�n Ins+irancP ?,5C�.00 Cas�a�lty flnd ',rorkm��is Comp. �nstrr. ..'��,?00.00 Deprpci�.tion �ccount �?,hQO.�G Fx-tens9.on of S��rvic� �!;,C,,�?t`0.0� Purchase of F'quiprnent �,,�CQ.�� Reti.remer�t of Eonds �nd Int�=r��� ?O,�OQ.00 Total - ?'atP.r anc� Seiae.r i_?e��rt:npnt 5 2�7,3C0.�?0 P�'�RKING ?�'�°T�'R FtIfd�: Purch�se of Eq�_�ipmFnt ^; ��nn��v� Service in �'arkinr� 1�'c�tor. Zc�ne 2.,OC10.�0 Cas �nd Oil. SQO.QO MaintenaneF of ?Tfltar Cycle l�OC.�O Paintin7 riark3n,:�s 700.�0 Salary; 1 ��etAr ?��aid �,'�00.00 Sal�r . 1 ?'raff3..c olicemar�, % � '��?2.�0 y� °� c� �, o. �i'�'-�tr�'�,J�JC7C� Street L-mpro+�ements narki�� 'ror�r�+x �- � •QC Tc�t�l - P�rkin ?"eter Fun�� �° �` " 08�.Q0 ... . �!Y J i� SA?�'S TAX FT1NDs Retire;nent of Street Improvement Boncis �nc� Intprest ;'; 30,��?0.�`�C Sa1_aries: 5 PolicPmen at .�l+,h�2.00 e�.ch 2?,Ol_0.00 � , . � �.,...,�,��'`^�'.. � Tota1 - S�7.ps T�x rund ;'" 7_10,5,?2.00 C�RP_PTD TCYJ'AL CxrT'F'R.AT., P?�'.PO`�,,5 ,`� 5h��a02�00 FOR OTH??E? F''�PO"�'�`,g AT�'Pt�{ORI�,?�b "Y I�ATds PTr�LI� Ct7?�0"T S`"??T7C?`�; r1T1!'D: A tax not to �Xceed .�^,3?? per cent; c�f th� fu7._l, fair essh va1.��e, as eq��a.l.�.ze�i or assesred ?�y the I�ep�rtmnnt o£ re�*�n��e of the St�te �f Ill_ir.ois, on aa.t ta�.t�l.P �rop�rty t•ri.thin the City of C�.nton, I]_lin�is: F,epairs and ?q�.inter.ance 5; ��0(70.00 �ai�.ri�5 z,�.oe.00 Fayment� Tnter�st and Frinr.i�l. on T�or,c�s 1�1?G.00 Tota1 Puhlic Com.f�rt �t�ti�r. Func� � 12�520.00 FOF? POLIr,�' p�?pTC10^t FT?i;ID: A t,t�x not to P.X.CP?t'� .05 per c�nt of the fuli, fair casr val�ze, �.s equ�.li�?d o.r assAssed h�r the Department of Retrer.ue �.f the State of Illin�is, on �,11 ta�,?�Zp iropert,y �.sithin tl�� rit� of C���on, Tl1_inr,i�, r 10,OOQ.00 F0�? FT'�'T' PF?QT''rTT�'`1 1?'��'D: .? tax not to excPed twn mi]ls �n e�ch dollar o.'' thp full, f�ir cash v�l�.ie� as ec1ualized or a��essPd bJ the Department of ?�evenue of the ct�te of I1.7_inois, on all taVat�le propPx�t�r �rithin th� r:7.t�r of rantcn� I?l�r.ois: �alarips of Firpmen: 1 Cl:i?.� of the Fire ?�erfzr.tn��r.t ;" r,ti��0.�0 2 A ssi�t�znt Chiefs c�f th.e Fire �JPpP.rtment at ��,1?�,0�' ��ch 1.�, .?_/.,�..00 3 Fi.remen at n;L�,h0�.00 �ach 1.?,��6.00 Total Firer�len's �'.a.:l.ari.�s � ?�,71r.�'C rquinment 1,�OC�.i� F';,�dra nt F ar.tal �{'S00.v0 Tot.al -� ri�e Protectio� F�and � 3;,�1C�.�0 �'pR pTT.r�T,IC �'r::�'FTT r TJT�?D: 4 ta�; not �:o exc�=;FC1 .�� r�r c��t or. tre full, f_air c�sh t�alu?, �s e��ualiz?d or assetised b�r t�ic Departrr�Pnt �f ?even!i� af thP State of Il�.inois, on a11 ta�.ble nrorie.r+y within t,!�e Citv of C�n±on, I�1�i_na-is, tn ��e known as the Ptxbli.c �enF:fit Tax, ar.c? �:}-,^ fur.c? arisin� tr�.r.efrom to ��? krown as tl�P P�ihli.c '_'^r.pfi t Fi.�.nd t� ��� usFr.l sol�lp for thP �,_zrpose of ��ri.n� thPt p�rtion �f the ��veral am��.znt8 r E'.Y'.P,t(?�O7'C? Y . • 4 '•' • �� � ass?sspd €�rainst s�id. City f�r. I'uh- lic Prynefits a.� �,te1.1 as �ava.nv any s!arh amo,an.ts a� ?na:�* be hereQ.fter as�e�sed against said C�_ty for �uh- ?-ir. �enefits under t�rd in pi�rGt��nce of �ny �r�inence +hat m�y he �ere- after passed. w> 18,^OO.CO FOfi ZI,T,�1OTr r'�'�'IICIPl�L ;�rT�'"f"�r?T FUND: A tax not to PXCE?PC� .].�5 p�r �ent on the full, fa3r cash v�.lue on a11 tax- ahle property with3.n the s�id �ity o�' Cantcr, Illinois, av the s�r�e �s equalized or assessed by tbe De�art- m�nt of Reven�� c�f. +�^n �tate of �.17_inois. � 25,OGO.QO Far the payment of Princ3.pal and Int�- e.rest on General Oblir�qtion Ranc�s of the City of C&nton, Illinois, for the i.mproz-e�rent of Ganton I�a.ke �pi]_lway ar.d :,fatcr ?lorks Improvemer�t, aLthor- ized '�y Ordina.nce *��. 1?�., pas�ed Au��st 7, iQ51 - Tot�.l � Zs,�oo,00 For the pavment af Frineigal -�nd Int- erest on General Obli�atzrn �'onds �f th� _C,ity of Ce.nton, Il]_inois, for ?aJater��rorks ?mprc�vera�nt, atzt�horizQC� �y C`�^din?nce r?o. 405, �ssecl "Ppt�mher ].5, lg�h. � 33,�OC.00 For the pa.yment of �'rincip�l. .�:�n•� Int.. ernst on Gener�l Ob].inati�on ??car.ds of the City ��' Cp.ntcn, Il l i.nnis, for Cnn- struction Im.prover�en,ts �nc3 T'xtpnsians of the Seti�er�.r�e System� a�athora.?Pd hv Crdina.nce r:TO. 4p�, F�.ssed .�ept�r�bFr 1�, 1�5a v �2,500.00 FOR GAP Rt�GF DI��OSAL: A t�x r.c�t to exe�ec� .1C per c�nt on the ful..l, faj.r cash v�lue, �s equal- ized or asses�� t�y t,he Ileg�rtr.�Pnt of Rev�nue of the State of I1.linois, on all ta�.ble property �aithin thp Gity o_f Canton� Illinais, pttrs�l�n� to Crd.inance ?�To. ?5, passed �'av 20, 1947, authorizin� the est�Y�lish.�nent and maintenance of a s�-sten: f�r thP collection and dispas�.1 �f �arba.ae: Labor �r ^°,OOC.00 T�T�int�n�nnP �?.OG0.00 . � « • �y . ,-.,�,````'� TOTAL 0`1'�??'� P?!?'P(?�'�`,e, � 22��0?Q.00 GRAr:� TQTAL - FOR ALL PiTR.PQ�T�:S � �7$7,Q?�.pp Section 2. TY?�3.t t�'?P. City Ca�.tncil sh�1]. at any time aftpr the first Y�alf of the fiscal year, by a t;�c�.-thirds vote of its m�rsbprship, make t.rans- fers within any dppartr�er.t or other sepa.rate €.�ercy of thP Ci.t3* �overnm�r.t, �f svms of mon�y a;��::ropriat?d fc�r one c�rpc�ra.te ota�ect or p��rpc,se to an�th�r corporate o?�,jAct. or purpose, �aut no anpro�riAt�on f�r any objer,t or. g�.arpose �hall thereby be reduc:e�. below an �im��.znt s�.xffici.ent to cover a1Z obli�s.t,ions 3ncjtrred or to be in�t�rred a�air.st such a;-propr�ata.an. f Section 3. Th3s Ord.ir.�.nce sh.a7.1. he known a� t,hA "lrrnaal Agpropria- tion �rdina.ncp" of t.re rity of Ca�tnn, Tl.linc�i.s. Sectyan 4. This Ordin7r.ce s1;���, 1-�e 3.r, effect +en da.ys after its passr�ae by tre t'3ty r�unc,il, ai pr.ov�1 b,y the 'rayar f}n�i ���b�_ic�.tien aceordin�? to la;,r. Passed hy the C�.t;v Council of the ^'ty c£ C'^.•�tor, I77_i.noi.s, at a reg�zl_ar meetir� thereof he7.c� on the _1�w� dav of �71�r.e A.'?. 1°6C. APPROVT�'D by me this ` � C d�.�r �f J�.ine. A.'J. ]_�?fiC. . AP?'R.C�'�D: f- - �'� -� ,. �rtn Yf?R ATi�'Si, �.,Ct. �� �T'?`y CL'�R