HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #19 - �. . .
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8eation 1. Tbat Yiela Ri.ght of �y 31gnu shall be p3aaed st the 3outhea,at
oorne� sad the Horthwest oorner of the interae�ion at Eletresith iTe�one and Ea�t
ffi� 3treet in t�e City ot Canton, Illin�ie, aad sll vehicle� entering Elm Strmet
absll grant the p�iv3lsga ot the imnecliats na� o! the iat�sec�ing roadvsy to
tra�lie irithir� the iatsr�aation as�d tc� �rehiel�a apps�w�ahir�g t�oa the ri&ht er left
oa �aet �t 3treet� b�t vhen the roadwa� ie clear aay p�ooeed into tha intersra-
3sotion 2. That Yield Bight o! �y 3igna aha11 be placed st the Nort�esst
aornea� a�cl the Se�at,h�eat ecrner c�! t,h� interaeation at Etat Me�g1s �treet a�nd 8oath
81zth lvem�s ia the City �' Canton, I31i.noi�, sr�d al.l �ehie],es spp�osching Sc�nth
si�cth Lvsnue shall grant the p�ivil�ge ot the immediate �ee ot the int�rasctir�g
roadvay te� 'Cratlic xithin the intereeetion and to vehicles app�oaching iycom ths
right er lstt on 3outh 33xth Ava�e� b�t t�ea tha roadvay ia c].ssr a� psoee�d in-
to ths i�e�eeotion.
3eot3�on 3. T1�t no notor vehiale shsll be p�rbsd (s� defined by tha Or�
dinanoee �+f the Ci't� of Cantcn, Illinois) to� s period oi3pnge� than tea (10)
�inates on thm Saet sids ot Ne�th 3econd 1'e�e from the 3'outh cm�b line of East
Cheatnu� 3treet to a point 150 fe�t Sout�h oi eaid 3c�uth o�ab line o! nid Eaat
Chsstmit ,l�traet.
Ssc�ion l�, Tl�t n� motor trohiole sba11 be pe�rked (se� defined b,y the t�r�
�linances ot ths City oP Csnton, I]linois) os the west aide o! South 3ec�nd lvenne
in t�e City e! Canton, Illinois, trom the gouth onrb lime oP L�a�t Cheataut Street
to a point 60 ltet Sonth ot aq�l South avrb line of esid Eaat Cl�eetngt Street.
Sectioa 3. That ths p�oper otficials �� ths �ity s�rall poet aigae in-
t'oi',in6 pereone ot thia �rdi.�snca.
3eotioc 6. lbat a�► pe�eon vho ehsll be oonvioted o! a vimintioa �t a�pr
o� the pa��oviaioria �p thia Ordinanoe �ba1.1 be prtmiehed by a iine ot not les� tl�
Thr.e Dol7.ara (�3.F�0) nor aore tban T� H�ndred Dollars (��pp.ap).
3�ation 7'. Thia Ordiue�nce ehall bs in sFtmct ten de�a after ita paessge
b? �he Counoil, app�o�l b�r the Me�j�or and pablica�ion saoording to 1aw.
�essd by th City Cc>unoil a�d app�oved by the I�ie,�►or thie �L�� clay at
. H. 1960.
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