HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #22 i. ..�...,v,�W� .
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Section 1. That Yield Ri�ht of ',�Tay`Sigr_s shall be placed at the South-
west corner and the Pdortheast corner of North Ei�;hth Avenue and �`�ast P�'�rtle Str�et
in the City of Cantor, Illinois, and all. vehicles entEring North Eighth Avenue
at said intersection shall grant the privileee of the irranediate use of tY:e inter-
secting roadway to traffic within said intersections and to vehicZes approaching
from the ri�ht and left on R?ortr x?�ir�hth Avenue, but wh�n the roadwa.y is clear
may proceed into the intersection.
Section 2. That Yield Ri�ht of ?�1a�r Si�ns shall. be placed at the
Southwest corner and the "TOrtheast corner of �'orth ?�linth Avenue and Fast ?�yrtle
�treet in the City of Canton, Illinois, and all veh�cles ent�rin� ?lorth Ninth
Avenue at said intersection shall grant the privilege o� the im�aediate use of
the intersecting roadway to txaffic within said intereections and to vehicles
approt�chin�* from the right and left on '�?orth Plinth Avenue, but when the raadw�y
is clear may proceed into the intersection.
Seetion ?. That a stop si,r*n sha11 be pl�:ced at the Southwe�t corner
of ��:ast Myrtle Stxeet and ":orth Eleventh Avenue in the City of Canton, Illinois,
and a driv�r of a vehicle approachina said intFrsection from the 47E�S't shall come
to a stop as required by t�e Ordinances of the City of Canton, Illinois, and
shall, y�eld the ri�?ht of wa;� to ve}�icles which t�ave entered the intersection from
said 1�Torth Eleventh Avenue or wrich arE approaching so closely on said T?orth
F;lev�nth ;�venue as to con.stitute an.. immediate hazar.d, but said driver havinc� so
yielded mav proce�d at such time as a safe interval ocauxs.
Section !�. That stop si�ns shall �e placec� at the Southeast corner and
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corner and Northwest corner of rlorth Seventh Averue and �;ast �irch Street in the
City of Canton, Il)_inois, and a drivpr of a vehicle a.r�proaching said East Bireh
Street from north and so!zth at said intersections sha11 brin�? ]�is vehicle to a
stop as required by the Ordinances of the City of Canton, Illinois, and shall
yield the rit�ht of way to vehicles which havP en.tered the intersections from said
Nast Birch Street or which are approachin� so closely on said East �3i.rch Street
as to constitute an inanediate hazard, but said driver havin� so yielded may pro-
ceed at such time as a safe interval occ�ars.
Section 5. That no motor vphic.le shall be parked fas defined by the
Ordinances of the City of Canton� Illinois,) on the PTor.th s3de of East Ash Street
between Dean C,ourt and 3axter ^ourt in the C3ty of Canton, Illinois.
Section b. That t' ere sha11 be stop si?ns erecte�? at all four corners
of South Seventh Avenue �nd �:ast WaZnut Street in the City of Canton, Illinois,
a.nd a driver before entering said intersection shall comP to a stop as reqixired
b,y the Ordinances of the �ity of Canton, Ill_inois, and shall then proceed When
a safe interval occurs.
Section 7. That the praper officials of the City sha11 �ost sipns
informinn persons of the provisions of this Ordir.ance.
Section g. That ar_y person who shal.l be convieted of a violation of
any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less
than �3.�0 nor more than �200.00)
Section 9. This Ordinance shal]. be in effect ten days after its pas-
sage by the �it� Council, a�proval by the r'ayor and public�.tion according to law.
PARRP.A hv tha ^itv !',ni�ncil and ant��'oved. bv the "�`avor this �� `��'/dav of