HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #24 � . . ;, ._ . ° �- ., . • y W W�� �� �=�� H�i IT �11�11I�'I� BY TH8' CITY COITI�CIL O�F T8E CII'Y C1P' `f�AM'0$� ILyl�j�i 3�otion l. POLICE MAGISTRd1'E. Terad. Th�re i� l��r�b7 areated th� of- lic� o! Poliae I��istrnts oi �hs City of Ce►�t.on, IlliLOis. Hs shall b� a ��ali- fi,�d slNatcr oi th� City of Caatoa. Ht�ahall b� el�atsd and s�el]. hold his o!- fios f� �o�a years, eu�i �nti1 his auac�asor is �1�ated a�d has qaali,fi�d. �otic�a 2. OATH, B�ND. Befe>re •�rtering npcn ths duties ot Poliae �istrato, b� s1�a17. ta]os and anbacribe to the csth reqnirsd ci' all c►ffic�ra et th� CitT of Caeton ar�d ah�ll e�osants a pena7. bca�! ia ths et� ot T�o Thonsand TbLlara, vith �sc�rity tc� bm app�o�ed by �he City Coumcsil, aonditicasd apoa tbe 3'aitbtn7. pszf�ana� ot the dttties of tha offias a�cl th• p�asnt oP a11 am�r r�c�i��d by h3a u Polio� I�agi.atrate a�c,rding to lsw aad tha f�divaao�s c! th� Cit� o! Canton. Thi� 0ath and bond aha11 bs til�d vith ths City �lerk. �ction 3. JI�ISDICTIGI�. The Pe�lies Msgistr�ts sba7.l l�a�rs �hs sue jmriadiatioa u Jnsticea of Psaas. 3eotifln 4. C�F!'ICL HOt1tt.S. Ths Pc►lics Msgistrats �thall ffiiritsin an oflio� in the City Hall, or at euah o�her placs ae the Cit� Ccm�oil as� diro�t� and bia olfies hc>m�a shall b� lia�sd by th� Co�ittss on Legs1 a�d Perlice, emb�- j�ct to the appa�oval ot' the Ci�y Gowacil. 3�atioa 5. �t�lP'LIlS, ETC. TO BE �'t��D. Ths City m?�all !'tsniah ths Polies Ma�i�ttrate aLl dc�oloeta, r•cords, t'orse� both ci�il e,nd erisina].� stst�tss o! Illi�ois, atat34nary, t�l�phone, sncl athar snpplise nmceesary ic�r ths condn�ot of his oltios. 3sctioa 6. 9�►LL'RY. The Polia� �agistrata shall r.asivs aa ana�ul aatary 0! T�ro Tho�se�nd Dollara (�2,t'ft�.00) to bs psid hia at the �ass time aa other Citp ottiosra. 8�ct3om ?. PAYI�IP� aP' FEF�� ETC. All t'sea, coat�, e�nd �clma�cts of as� ld.nd oollected by� the Pclice Magistrate in civil a�d criasi.r�s,t csases a�d tt� all oth�r ldnda ot ae�rioaa ahall. bs paid o�er tc> ths CitT Treasura on or betar� �he tsath c�jr of �he aorrth ita�ed3ate].,y lollo�ring the aoath in which the ooll�ction t�i lasd�. 3ectioa $. El�'FBCTI9� D�TE. Ths firat P�li.c:e Magistrate to be �lseted m�der the �sr�a o! this Qrdinanae ehall bs at �h� g�nsral el�otion to be h�ld in the C3tT oi' Ctatoa on the 1lSth da�r o! Ap�il, 1961, a� hm mhall a�amwe offic� on ths lir�t T�ssc� of the mo�th ot Msy, 1961. 3e�tic>a 9. RFp'E4L. A� prdir�nnaes in aonfliet �ith s�r ot' the tsras a�d p��viairoAe ct thia fhrdi�ana. be snd the� are hereby re sled. Pass«1 by tl�e City Coun�ci7, thie ��cta�r of L. B. 1961. �PPRC�ED by ths Mdy�r this l�� da�y ot � �. D. 19b1. �r�✓Y�. � //��...�_.� .�