HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #26 ►
� � • • First Readi.ng= Council 2/7/61
� • � . Laid over till
` . " 2/21/61
O�R.D�B RO.�_
Ssctioa 1. OI� HOtk� PARI�ING LIMIT ?AI�. That s�ocept as p�o�3,dsd by
�tction �. of thi8 Ordi�ance, between the homrs of'eight o�olock ia the forerioon
a�d tiw o'clock in the afternoon of Mc�nde►q, Tnesday, Wed�eadey, ThnradWr snd
Sstvrday of �ach week a�d fron e3ght o'clock in tha forenoon �til eight c�c10�k
ia the aftsr�con ct FSriday �f esah s�eek eacept xhen 8ev Yearffi, Msmorial Day,
Fovrth of July, Labor Da►y, The,nlm�i�ing or Chri�tm4e fa]1a ca one oF ss3d daya,
no per�on ehall p�rk a�r vehicle i'or s peri.od ia e�cceas of on�e ho�a in theae
portions of th� tolloxing atrsets, avemus or cosata in the City oP Cantor�, Illireoiss
On the perking spaema abutting ths Pub11a Squar�;
On the �et sids of Nlsin Street f'r�a Pins 3tr�et to Cheatrmt 3trset;
On the eamt aida of Msin Street f�on Pine S�t�rest, tc El� Strsst;
Oa th� eeat aide �f 8aet side of 3qvare f�offi Ela Street tc� Cheatn�t St;
Oa both �idee oP White Conrt t'roa► Elm Str�et to Pine �trset;
Oa both aidee oS Firet Avenc�e trcm El�a 3t,reet to Pine �treet;
On the North side of Chestn�rt Street frcm Main Street to Firet �vsn�s;
On the South side of Cheetnnt Street t'ro� the �ast sids of �qneirre
to F3rat Avma�;
On the Sonth aide of l�lm 3treet tros� Ma3n 3trest to Vsn Bvrea Covrt; ar�d
On the l�arth si�de oP S1a Street f'rom Eaa� side ot Square to Firat
It ia fm•ther p�ov3ded that ar�y �ehicle parbsd on a� oi' thoae portiane of the
s�re�ts, av�rn�sa or oo�ts abov� deacribed for a period loYiger than one hot�r, ahall
b� con�idered to bm tmisvtully parked and the ovnsr or op�ratvr thersof ehaZl be
snb je�t to the pena7.tiea herei�at'ter a�t forth.
3scti�oa 2. TiiO HOL�R P1R.1�G LIl�lIT �Ol�. That �xcep� sa p�oQided b7
3ection 4 of this Ordinanc., betvmen the hcura of eight o'clock ia the fcrenacia
and five o'clack in the atternoon ot' Monde�y, T�eaday, Wednseday, Thursday a�d
Saturday oF eaah wrek a�d t"rom eight o'olock ia the forenocn antil eight o'clock
ia the a.fter�oon of Friday of each �rsek, sxcept rrhen Nev Year�, l�morial Day,
����iL _a T�7� 7_i_� w_- w��__ • _. •_. • �. . . � � �� � _ _
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t �
ho�ara in. thoae portions of the folloWir�g streeta, avenuea or cora�ta in the City
of Canton, Illinoiss
On both �idea of Ma3n 3treet �`ro� Loctugt 3treet to Cheeta�t 3treet;
OA both •idma of Fir�t Avenue from Cheatnnt Street tc► � Street;
On the •ae� aide af oa� Bvren Covrt t'ro�a ffim Street to Pine 3treet;
Oa both aidea of Cheetnnt Strset f`rom Aven�e A to Msin Stre�t snd
Prom Firat Avsnne to 3eaond Avmnns;
Oa both s3�dsa of E1m 3treet t�om Aven� A to Main Street;
On the north side of Elbn St�reet fram Firet Averine to Second Avarme;
Oa the aouth side of Elm Street t`rom �Tan B�aen Ccsa�t to S�cond Avenne;
On the eouth eid• oF Pine St,reet fro� **�laartin Avenne to First lv�nne; abd
On th� North �3�de of Pine Street t�om Avenue A to First Avenu�.
It is frrather p�ov3ded that ar�r �rehiel� par�ed on e� oP the p6rticns of' the
streets, aveausm and covrt� abooe demcribed tcr a period longer the,n two �uccee-
sivm homca eriall. be aoneidered �Go be unlawfnll� pnrla�d sryd the o�mer car operator
ehall be aub�eet to the peim].t3ea hereir,a.fter p�ov3�ded.
�ction 3. THItEE xOtkt PgR� LIMIT ?AI�. That szcept aa px�ovided by
Section 4 of this Ordi.nance, bet�reen the hovrs of eight o�clock in the foremoon
ar�d !'is�a o�alock in the afternoon of Monde�y, Tnsa�daT, Nsd��d�y� Thursda,y e�nd
S�.tucday of euch week arul from eight o'alock in the forenac►n nntil eight o'cicak
ia the aftern�con cf �'riday of each �rsek, s�ept when New Yesre, N�emorial Day, "
Fourth of July� Iabor D�,y, ThankmgiTing or Chrietffia falle on one of maid days,
no peraon shall park a�r vehicle for n period in sxcea� of thr�� oonaecntive ho�rr
in thoee portions of the follcwing etreeta, avemae� or co�ta in the City of Ce�n-
tcn, Ill it�ii.s:
On both aidem of l�nin Street lyrom Pine Strmat to Wslmat S�reet;
On both aidee of White Cotat f`rom Pine Stra•t to Waingt Street;
On both sidas of Fir�t Av�nue frcm Locust Street to Cheataut Street;
On both side� of Van Bm�sn Court f�om Pins Stre�t tc italnn� Street; and
On both eidee of Pir�e Street from Van Buren Co�at to $eeond Ave�e.
It ia ftather p�vaided that e��r vshiele parlosd on aaay portion of those atr�mta,
avemiea and cos�ts abo�e de�cribmd for a periad longer than three snaceeei�►s ho�aa
.1,�t7 1.s ..�..�la�.�_� a._ L_ __�_-J'_,7— --�L� __� it- - � ----- -- - _ • • -- - -
3eaticn d�. P,A�t�ING PR4_. That in order tci aleaa np the d�bzis
on thoae porti�ons of the streeta, avenuea� and courta �acrib�d in �sctiona l,
2� snd 3 of thia Ordir�anca, aftfr the haura of 1s00 o'cloek A. M. and befora the
hoia oP 5s00 o'aloak A. M. of saah and every day of the year, x�o person eha]1
perk a eehiole on ar�y portiona of the atreete, a4enues anci csourta described in
Sectiona l, 2 abd 3 of this Ordinance.
3eetion 5. b'NF'�CEN�TT. PENALTY. That the Police Depertm�ent, �uxier
the dirsction of the Comsnittea on Legal and Polioa of the City Council ahall con-
trol the ent'orcement of Secticns 1,2, and 3 of thia Ordinance.
Anpr pereon urho ie ie�ued a Notice that he haa violated a�r of the pa�o-
vieion� of Seotion� 1, 2 or 3 0� thia Ordinance m�yr, on or be�ore mi�dnight, o� the
dsy on vhich aneh Notiva ia iaa�ed avoid p�oeecution by plaeing the Netiee an�d
the awa of fifty eeata in an envelope nnd depoaiting it in one cf the yellow boxes
p�ovided Yor eaid p�pose on certain pnrking aeter poate in the City of Ca�nton�
S•cticn 6. OPIItA'TION OF PAR.KING�. Whenever a vehicla eh��l]. be
pe�rlced in a perking lan� or stall p�ovided fcr and nex� to a pe.rking �eter aa
p�ovided by the Ordinsncea oP eaid City, on those atraet�, ava�ea or covrta dea-
cri'bed in 3mc�ion 1 of thi.�s Ordinsnce, the ovner or oparator ahall� npon entering
Aaid perki�ag la�ae or eta�l.7., for the purpoee of perking said vehicle, i�edie�tsly
depoeit im aaid aeter a five cent coin or a one cent ccin of the IInit�d Statse,
alang aide of, or next to aaid parkirig lane or atall in aocordance vith the in-
atructions thereon. The five ceat coin wi11 permit the vehicle to be pdrloed for
a period of one ho� and the one cant aoin wi7.1 permit the vahicla to be p�rbed
for a period of tvel4e minutea.
L1L�.����� � �_LJ�1_ _L_7'� L_ ___���� �_ _ _�•_� .. � . �� . ' �
on thoae mtr•ete, avenne� and courte dascribed in Sectione 2 �,nd 3 of thie Ordi-
ne�acr, the o�aer or operator ahall, apon �nterix�g eaid pnrking lar�e vr atall for
the pn�posa ot parking aaid vehicle, im�nediately dspoait in said meter a five
aent coin or a one oe� aoin oP the IInited 3tatea alo�g eide cf, or n��ct to aaid
psrking lane or atall in soavrdarr�e wi.�h the inetrnotion�s therson. The Pive aent
ooin Will pernit the vehiole to be per�ed Por a period ot ttiro ho�aa and the one
a�nt`.aoin will psrmi.t the vehiele to 'be perloed for e� peri,od of twent�-�o�a mmint�tme.
111 eoir�s shnll be colle�tsd by the Poliee Dep�rtment nnd delivered to
ths City Trsaaursr. It ahal2 be �n1e��Pv], and a vio].etion oP th3a Ordinanae for
s�y peraon to fail or ueglact to so depoait the proper coin, or coina, when par]G•
iz�g saithin s+aid pnrking lanea cr stalls, tlpoa depoait of eaid eoi� or ceine aa
hersin provided to be depoeited, eaid pe�rrk3ng le�ne or atall m�,y then be �aed by
aaid vehicle d�xring the time herein pa�ovide8 to be uead upon dapoeit ot said coin
or oeine, �,nd aaid vehicl• shall be coasidersd illegally parlaed it' i� remaina in
aaid spaoe beyo�d a legal pe�rking limit aa hsrein pz�ovi�ded when the perki�g m�ter
diaplay� a mignel ahoving ae►id �ehiele to be pe�r�ed without the deposit of the
coin or coi�a horein p�vvidsd to be dmpoaited or over the time hermin pa�ovidsd
for suah coin or coina.
3eetion 7. �ARLLL�L PARKIl�. �11 vehielee pe�rlaed npoa the eaat a�ids
of ldorth Msia Strset bet�reen Cheatnut 3treet 4ad Loouet Street in sa3d City �ha11
bs parlo�d pnrallel to end vi�h the right wheela thereof not �ore the.n t�n inehes
f�oa the curb sdge ot' tha etreet.
3�etion 8. P03TI1�G SIGNS. ETC. The Police Department a�nd the Street
Dep�rtment sha11 do �1.1 thinge neaeeaary �o inform the public of the p�ovieione d
thie Ordin�na�. -
3sotioa 9. Fi� LTY. 8'rery peraon comicted tor a violation oP thia
Ordiz�anoe icr vhich nnother pg�altf ia not provided ehs11 ba panished by a, fins
ot' not leaa than one dollar nor mor• thaa Oae Hundx�ad Dollars.
3�otion 10. R�. L� pa�i,or Ordinanca c�' said City in contliat
with a�y of the p�ovisiona of thia Ordi�e►nae shall be and the aame ia her�by re-
pealed on a�d sfter the effmctive date of thie OrdiAe,nce.
Secti�on 11. 8FP'�CTIVE AATE� Thia Ordinanee shall be efPectiva from
and after the firat da4y of ths calendar aonth aext followi�g ths �upire�tion of
th� ten dsy pnblication period.
Paesed by th• City Couneil a thia ��y of
� Jl. D. 1961.
� --
ITTI�STs � -�-.._ ``\
_ �-
� . . Read; by Ma►yor Woods to" Counci:,
� � ' March 7, 1961. File.
Members of City Cauncil, Merchants and shopping public, you are
entitled to know the reasons for my failure to approve Qrdinance
Number 26, which concerns the enforcement of one hour parking in
the business district and the penalty.
An informal meeting was held of the Traf�'ic Committee of City Council,
Lloyd Herbener, Chaixr�an, and the Traffic Committee of the Chamber af
Commerce, Jack Andrews and Jack i�Falker, in addition to Stewart ,�?,eec�,,�
Executive Secretary, at which time the above ordinance was1drafted
and approved by all present.
rTy reasons are as f ollowsx (1) One hour parking has been tried
in the past and has fa�led. The merchants compla3ning the shopping
public takes longer than an hour. (2) I believe that imposing a
fine of fifty cents is exorbitant. Representatives of the Chamber
of Commerce think it will help, eatperience has proven that it wont.
Council voted by a vote bf 9 to 2 to pass the ordinance. In the
best interests of the merchants and the shopping public I could not
si�n, therefore the ordinance will go into effect without my ,
��p�� '',-�'/
. Paul Woods, Mayor