HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #27 , . ' � � `•• � `,� . QFDINANCE NO:,� WIiF�tF�LAS, it appears and is determined by the City Couneil of the City of Canton, Illinoia, that the public interast will be eubserved by the vacation of a street, being a portion of South Fourth Avenue ae hereinafter described; ancl, WHF�.EAS, said portion of South Fourth Avenue hereinafter dea- cribed is not nov and t'or mariy year� laat paat been used by the public so there ia relief to the public from the Pvrther burden and reapon- aibility of raaintaining said portion of South Fourth Avenue. TI�EFORE BF IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLI�OISs Section 1. That the portion of Fourth Avenue described aa follow�, to-wits In generals All that pert of aeid F'ourth Avenue lying West from line Which is located $.5 feet West from the center line of the main track of the Chicagv, Burlington & Quincy Railroad ae pa�esently located along and near the center of said Fourth Avenue from the South line of Elm Street in the City oP Canton, Illinois, southwardly to the center line of Wa3�nut Street in said City, aaid tract being more definitely described aa folloirs, to wits Commencing at a stone marking the aouth-eaet corner of Section 27, Township 7 North, Range 4 Eaat of the Fourth Pr incipal Meridi.a,n, Fulton County, Illinois, running thence Weeterly on the centar line, vf Walnut 5treet 26.8 feet, thence Northerly on the East line of Bloc� 4 of Parlin & Orendorff'Gompn��s Sub-Division (extended South) 8.5 feet to the actusl place oP beginning� being 21r.5 feet South of the 3outheast corner of 8aid Block Q, running thence North 0° 26' West 839.9 feet to the Northeast corner of Blook 2 (College Square� of said 5ub-Division� a point on the South line of Elm Street� running thenee East on the South line of Elm Street 20.17 feet to a point tha.t ie distant 8.5 feet weeterly trom the center line of said main tract, Which is al�o 12.83 feet West from the F�e►st line of asid Section 27, running thence South 0° 06� East on a line t}.�.t ie 8.5 feet West from the eenter line of said main tr�.et, and measure 590.8 feet to the point of curvature (ll.g5 Feet dista�nt Weat said Section line� continue thence Sautherly deflecting to the right from the pro�ection oF laat course and tangent thereto at said point, on the arc`��f the circular curve described by radiva ofll,2/,..2 feet e.nd meaa�are 113.1 feet and running thence South 4° 27� West 13g.43 feet to the place of beginning, all of which ia situated in the City of Canton� County of Fulton, end State of Illinoie, an�d more particulaxly set forth in a plat attached to thia Ordine,nce and made a pert hereof; be and the same ia hereby vacated. , • . ' �� ' . ' ' 3ection 2. That upon the passage of this Ordinance ns required by law and apgroaral by the Mayor, this Ordine�nce she11 becom.e effective and the title to tha.t portion of Fourth Avenue above deacribed �hall vest in the abutting owners of land as p�ovided for by the Statutes of the State of Illinois. Section 3. Paseed by an affizzaative aye and noe vote of three- fourtha of all alderznen authoriaed by law to e� elected in said City and app¢�oved by the Mayor thia �;3� day of _,�;,_ � -! A. D. 1961. �PPROVED: %' MAYOR G•-'? '' ,' . , ATTEST s � , ��-.L,�` ,°� �ITY CLERK.