HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #32 w �' t f First Readin�;� Old Co�nc�..l 5/2/61 ."^ A T7otion to sL�spend r�.�l.es; $ _�A1S, 3 AYES. � � � First kcading; Idew Cour_cil 5�2/61 (Amended to read: 2�,; increase -- across the board) . ��lotion to suspend rules; L?nanimous. Roll call vote of Passage; 13 AYES A'_\ID 1 NAY. Motion carried. CIRDINANCE N0. �� j BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: Sect3cn l. CITY ATTGffi.NEY. The City Attorney ahall receive an annusl .�3�'95.00 ealary of ��AO anrl auch other componsation aa the City Council may provida. Section 2. SUPF�IIdTENDENT OF STREETS. The Superintendent of Streete �5801.50 shall reeeive an annual aalary of 0. Sect3on 3. CI?'Y ENGII�. The Cit� Engineer er.a].1 reeeive an annual �8405.00 aalary of �8•�++f�y6�rA�, Section 4. WATER AND SEWF�i. DEP,ARTI�NT. The Chief operator at the �6150.00 Wster Treatment Plar�t ahall recsive ar� annual aelary of �b�Gr�00. The ChieF operator of the Sewer Treatrn�nt Plant shall receive an sn- �5801.50 nual malary of ���AsAt). Lsch operator at the Water Rat�ent Plant snd the SeWSr Treatment Plant ahall rmceive a monthly aala�ry of ����.`00 for the first three monthe of hf� em- ploynient and thereaPtar an annval aalary of ���.�.�,QO. �4717.05 The Cashier of the Water and Seu�er Depaz�tment ahall reeeive an annual �4059.00 aalery of �1.;@�fl;.;QQ. Each meter reader eha11 receive an annual ealsry of �I�,,6�,,00. �4610.45 Section 5. PLUr93ING INSP�,F�CT�t. The Plumbing InSpeetor shall receiv� ,��,5801.5C an annual salary of �:,$�t�;QO. - Sect3c�n 6. ARR AND PUBLIC COPg'CRT STATION CU5TODIAN. The Park Cueto�2314.�45 dian ar_e1.). receive an annual salary of 2�:�0. The Public Comfort Station Cnstod3an ahall receive an annual salary of �,�.GO. �2191.��.5 Section 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Chief of the Fire Depart�raent ahall 4�5801.50 receiv� an �nnual salary oP 5��.-f)0; the Assistant Chief of the Fire DepQrtmen�525o.�5 aha11 receive an annual ealary of ���2'i�,�p0; each fireman employed by the City ��� a� ehall rseeive a moathly salary of ��DO during the first three monthB of his employment and thereafter an annual sa7.ary oP ��,�.�p. In addition to the abo�,717.p5 aalary, each me�ber of the Fire Department shall receive an annual clothing al- Io�e.nce of �30.00. Section $. POLICE DEPAR.TMENT. The Ch3ef of Police sha11 receive an �5801.50 annval ealnry of �-,:B�Q...O�; sach 5ergeant of Police sha11 receive an annual aalary s of � ;-Q0; �ach Policeman employed by the City eha11 receive a monthty aalary�s250.05 �` o�' �34+t��� during the first three month� of his amployment and thereafter an att- a�]. aslary of �¢,°�''I�;�; each desk clerk emploqed by the C3tq shall receive a��1�717,p5 snnval salary of ���892�:=�0; auxiliary policemen �mplo ed try t�he City sha7.1 be�-3�?`i �r coffipen�ated for the work theg perFarm at the rate ai' .�--�ie� hour. The fils �3p38.00 elerk employed 3as the Police Depertment ahall reeeive an annual salnry of $3,038.00. Each l�a�er Maid employed by the City ehall receive an annual salary oF �2,665.a0�2665.00 In add3.tion to hie �alary, aaoh wniformed policeman and meter maid (exeept aw�311- arp po�iae) ahall raeeive an annual cicthing allowance of �5(�.00. Section 9. 3ECRETARY 0�' TI� MAY�t. The Secretary of the Mayor shall �35�7.5� reoeive an annus�l aelary of �;�},�. i . . - ' _ ' . . , ,� � � . c • - Section 10. LAB�S - �tTIME. Laborers employed by the City izt the Street Department who are aquipment operstors shall be compensated for the �rork �eq perform at the rate of �84.00 per week; La�orers employed by the City 3n the Street Depertment Who are truck drivers shall be eompeneated for the wrk they perform at �82.00 per �eel� a�].1 other laborera employed by the Street Depas�tment ehall be aompensated for the work they perform at the rate of $1b.00 per day. I�borer� empl�yed bp the Citq in the �Jater and Se�rer Department who are truak drivers ahall be compensated for the �rork thsy perform at the rate of �84.00 per �raek; all other laborere employed by the City to the Water and Sewer Depert- ment shall be c�penaated for the work they perform at the rate of �16.OE3 per day In event an�y lsborer worka more than fortg hovrs in az�y one �reek, he shall receivs overtime pe,y at the rate of t3me and one-half for each hour he irorke. Seation 11. GARBAGE DEPARTMENT. Each member of the Garbage Depertment ahall receive an annual aal�ry of $��. 9�4610.l�5 3eetion 12. _. Ar�y �ior ordinanee in conflict vith a.z�y of the pa�ovisions of thim Ordinance be and the eame is hereby repealed. Ssctic�n 13. EFFECTIPE DATE. This Ordinance ehall bm in eff�ct after itm psesnge by the City Conncil and app�oval by the Maqor an�d on �nd at'ter the 3rd das of May, 196t. `�9 Paaasd by the City Council and epp�oved by the Maqor thie ��ay of /�� A. D. 1961. ( ��, � g�xovEn: - .,,�...c��' �"v r�yc�. �TTFSTs CITY CL�tK;. G