HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #37 ; • .. i . .i "�--`•7-�--`� oRP zrs�r?c� No. � . � AIV ORDI�TAPTCE LEVYIS�G TAXES FOR CORPOI�ATE PURT'OSES OF TI�::� CITY OF CI�NTCIvT, ILLITS�IS, FOH TI3�� FISC��L Y"-��1R OF �AID CITY,1961-1962, WHER�aAS, The City Council of the �ity of Canton, Illinois , did on the 20th. day of June , A� D. 1961, pass the ANNUAL APPROPRI.A,TION ORDIN�.T.10E of the �ity of Canton for the �'iscal Year of said City be— �;inning on th� First Tuesday of the month of May, 1961, and ending on the First uesday of the month of Ma.v, 1962, anc� the amount which was appropriated was the sum of �•8y-9„42'`j�OGT, which said ANNUAL AP— PROPRIATION ORDINA23C� was duly approved by the Mayor of said City on the 20th. day of June , 1961, and which said Ai1TN�L APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE was , on the 26th. day of June , 1961, duly published in the Canton Daily Led�er,a�aily secular newspaper of �eneral cir— culation published in said city of Canton, I�linois , for a period of at least six (6) �onths prior to said publication; NOW, TH'uizi�FO�;, BE IT URl).��INi�D BY THc: CITY COUNCIL UI�' 'iH'_� CITY OF CANTQN� ILLINOIS: Section 1. That t'��re be , and is hereby levied on all prop— erty subject to 'taxat�:on �:Tithin �he corporate limits of the City of Canton, Illinoi;. , as the same is assessed and equalized for State" and County purposes for the current year, for the i�iscal year of said City of Canton, Illinois , be�inning on the first Tuesday in the month of May, 1961, and endin��� on the first Tuesday in the month of May, 1962, the total su.�i oy ��3� ,6�Oti00, for the fallowin� specified '' purposes: Amount Amount to Appropriated. be levied. FOR G�F11�RAL COR}?URA`lE PU�PGS�S: POI�ICE DEPA�TTi:�NT— aALARIJS � , -' • �. Chief o�' Police 5,801.00 � 3 Ser�eants at �5,250.00 each 15,750.00 8 Policemen at �4,71?.00 each 3?r736�00 2 Radio Operators at �3,?85.00 each 7,958.00 1 �'ile Clerk 3,038.00 Auxiliary Policemen 5,500.00 Total Palice Department Salar��s 75, 83•0� � 30,000.00 POLICE DEP.xRTT�NT—Supplies ar:d. _ Equipm.ent R : Police car ��ental 2,400.00 ;�upplies and Eguipmen�` 5,000.00 Gasoline for Polic ; cars 2,200.00 Radio Service 1,000.C?0 Total Po.lice De�artment , Supplies and Ee�u�p�ent 10,600.U0 '7,000.00 SIDEW:II,KS: Repairs and T�aintenance 500.00 M � . . 2/ , , . � , �� • Miscellaneous Fxpenses � 2,500.00 � 1,000.00 Frinting and Publication 1,500.00 1,000.00 City Court Maintenance 500.00 , PUBZIC GR�UNDS AI�1li EUILDTNGS: � Repairs and T�aintenance 10,000.00 8,000.00 SALt�RIES OF CITY OFFIC:��RS: Mayor 2,500.00 City Clerk 4,000.00 City Treasurer 2,000.00 City Attorney 3,895.00 Aldermen 3,500.00 Police Magistrate 2,000.00 Deput� Clerk 600.00 Secretary to Mayor 8 .00 Total City Officers Salaries 2 ,-�00 20,000.00 AUDITING 400.00 STR�ET LIGHTING 11,000.00 9�000.00 CEMET�RY: Maintenance 10,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 2,500.00 Repairs 2 00.00 Total-Cemetery � , . 13,000.00 INSUR���?CE: Fire and Windstorm, City Buildings and contents 1,000.00 Casualty and Wo.rkmen' s Compensation 10 00.00 Total insurance �3,��C� 10,000.00 TOTAL GJIv'�,�I, FUND: 226,665.00 99,000.00 WAT:�R �'iI�TD SEWER DLYARTMEi�TT: Salaries �6,500.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 Maintenance 6,000.00 Truck Operations 2,000.00 Supplies, Crlemicals and fuels 22,000.00 Office Expense 1,500.00 Power 15,00�.00 Fire and Windstorm Insur�nce 2,500.00 Casualty and Worl�nen' s Cor�.�pensation 4,200.00 Depreciation Account 12,000.00 Extension of Service 40,000.00 Retirement Bonds and Interest 30,000.00 Purchase of E4uip�nent � 400.00 Total Water and Sewer Department 2 _, 00.00 PARKING NLT�R FUND: w . _ . . �' 3/. Permanent Street Improvements � 13,000.00 Total Parking Meter Fund -�b�� SALES T,AX FUND: Retirement oF Street ImprovemArt Bonds and Interest 30,000.00 For General Gorporate Purpases 40,000►00 For Fire Protection Purposes 30,000.00 Garbage Departrnent Main�enance 5,000.00 For Street Department R �,�airs and Maintenance P 20,000.00 Total Sales Tax Fund —3�,��.� G_RA.ND TOTAI, Gf+;NERA.L PURFOS��S �09,681.00 � 99,000.00 FGR OT�R PURFU;��S Ati'L'�_G 3I Z�D �3Y I,A��J: PUBLTC COMFORT STATIC;N F-uND: A tax not to exceed .0333 per cent of tr�e full fair, cash value , as equalized or assessed b;r thE Lep�rt�ent of Revenue of th� State of I1linois , on all taxable propert� within the City of Canton, 511- inois. Repairs an�:. I�iaintenancE �,300.0� S�laries 2,200.00 Payment oi Principal and Interest on bonds 1,000.00 Total Pul�lic �o�fort St�tion Fund �, i .b� 12,500.00 � CIVIL DEF�NSE FUND: � tax not to exceed .05 ,;er cent of the full, fair cash valu�, as eoualized or assessed by the Depart�ent af �ev�nue of the State of Illinois, an all taxable property within the Cit;,T of Car_ton, I11- inois. 10,000.00 10�0�0.00 FU�ti PULICr P'-�T?::�ICi�r FL?ND: a t�v not ta exceed .05 per cent of �he ful1, fair cash value, ' as euualized or , assessed by the Depar-�men� of Revenue ; o� the S�ate of Il.linois, on all ta�able property wit;hin th�: City �f Canton, I11- inois. 10,000.00 10,000.00 FOI� FI�.'� PROTFCTION FUTdD: 4 tax not to exceed two mills on each dollar of the fu11, fair cash value as equalized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illii�ois. Salaries of firemen: 1 Chief of Fire Department 5 801.00 � 2 Assistant Chiefs of the Fire De- partment C� �5250.00 each 10,500.00 y , ` 4/. FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on the full, fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Department ��f Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Ill- inois, to be known as the Public Benefit Tax; and th� fu.nd rising therefrom to be known as the Public Benefit Fu.nd to be used solely for the purpose of paying that portion of the several amounts here- tofore assessed against said City for � Public Benefits under and. in pursuance of any ordinance that may hereafter be pass- ed or assessed against � 15,000.00 11,000.00 F�I� ILZIT�yOIS 1`:tTT��ICIPAL 2.�`TIF��l�rTl FUND: A tax not to exceed .125 per cent om the full, fair cash value on ali ta�abl.e property within the said City of Can- ton, as the same is equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of th.e State of Illinois. 1j,000.00 15,000.00 For the paym.�nt of principal and interest on Gener_al Obligation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois, for the improve*�ent of Canton Lake �pillway and water works im- provement , authorized by Br�'inance I�To.134, passed Au�ust 7, 1951. 'Total 17,590.00 17,590.00 For the payment of principal and interest on General Obligation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois , for Waterworks Im- provement, authorized by Ordinance No. 405, passed September 15� 1959• Total 32,400.00 32,400.00 For the pa;jment of principal and interest on General Obligation �onds of the City of Canton, Illinois , for Eonstruction Improvements and Extensians of the �ewer System, and authorizeci. b�T Urdinance No. 406, passed September 15, 1959• Total 25,200.00 25,200.00 FCR GARi3AG� DIS�'CS�.L: ' ; A tax not to exceed .10 per cent on tre full, zair cash value , as equalized or asseCse�. by the Departnent oi Revenue of the State of Illinois , on all taxable property within the �ity of Carton, Ill- inois , pursuant to Ord.inance No. 35, passed Ma� 20, 1}47, authorizin�; the est- ablishment and maintenance of a system for collection and uisposal of Garba�e: r- . 5�• � . � , . Section 2. That t�e City Clerk of said City of Canton, I11�- inois, is hPreby authorized an� directed to file with the County -� �%lerk of ��ulton County, I1_linois, � duly certified copy of this Ordinance. Section 3. This 0rclinance sha11 be in etfect upon its pas- sa�e by the City Cnuncil and a�proved by the Mayor. Passed ?�y the �ity �ouncil this ���day of July, A. D, 1�61. 3pproved 1�� the Mayor this -,���� day of July, A. D. 1961. �� �� �PP=ROV't�D: ��,f�,,,e'����� ._, r�-- �Tayor. ' � C� A'I'TEST: � City lerk