HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #41 , ,�• ` � �' . . ; � . •� . . a . . , _ fi, . . . . � . O�i.DI�TAi�?CE No. �l BE IT OR�AINED �i THE CITY COL??�tC��T� OI+ T��L CI'I''Y OF CANTO��?, ILLZ�TOIS: Section l. `I'hat it sha11 be unlatiTfltl for an� person to drive or onerate a Motor Vehicle or iZotorcycle unon the public streets hereinafter d�scribed at a speed greater than Fifteen (15) miles per h�ur, to wit; On South Avenue D betT�reen the "��orth side of ��Jest Glalnut Street and the ,. North side of ?��est Maple Street, In Canton, Illinoisi and West �;dalnut Street bet��reen the ti�est side of South Avenue �D and the certer of the creek kno�m as Big Creek� which flows across 1rJ�;st Walnut 5treet in Canton, I1.linois. Section 2. ��very nerson convicted of a violati_on of tnis Ordinance, for which another penalt�T is not nrovided, shall be fined nat less than One �ollar nor more than :Jne Hundred Doliars. Secticm 3. Any prior �rdinance of said Citv in conflict with any of the provisions oi this Ordinance shall be and the sam� is hereby repealed on and after the effective date of thi_s C:rd?_nance. Sect_i_on �. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten days after its passage by the City Council, a�provel by the t�ayor and publication according to law. ?'assed by the rity Council and ap�roved by the I�Zayor on �,his lbth day of �ugust, 1961. �� .. An�-'nOV''`�:� .. ��..__ .,, __.... Mayor, Pro tem. AT['�ST: � City Clerk. � ���