HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #48 .: _ ~'` . _ ` , � -� . . y� ORDINANCE N0. � . BE IT �RDAINED BY THE CITY CCUNCIL OF T +, CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. ARTICL_w I. Section 1. BC��RD OF HEALTH ESTABLISHED--MEM�3ERS--- APPOINTMENT. There i� hereb� esta�lished a department of the municipal �overnment of the ��.tq of Canton to be known as the Board of Health, which $hall consist of a health Commissioner, who shall be a practicing ph�sician in good standing in his .pr,o- fession, a police officer whc� shall be designated Sanitaxy Police- man, and one competer_t citi7���� who shall be president of �he board; said members of the 13c�:�rd of ?�ealth shall be apgointed by the Mayor by and with the �dvice �nd consent of the Cit3� Council, and shall hold office for �he te:c°e� of one 9ear and �n�il their success- ors are duly appointe� and c���al3fied.-� Section 2. T�x� pres�{�ent of said board shall preside at all meetings, �which s:��,�11 be neld in the City Building, and the Citq Clerk shall be ex-offic��t secretary of �aid board. The Health Commi�sioner shall b� �xecut �.v� officer of the Board of Health, a�;,d he shall have power. to e��;rcise the powers of said Board wh�n �.�s�' in session. �ection 3. 5�.:�d Boaa�� of Health shall meet once each month in the C��, � Cuilding c�f C�ntn.�, at such a date as the9 shall fix, c� and at s� ° other tim�r, as :3i�i1 be necessar� to properly carry on the duties of their n�'�"icP. Section 4. ��.i.d noa��� of Health shali enforce all ordin- ances containing prov�.aions ��;� the protection of the public health; ' aad sha1�. make inspec��.on� o�:" f�od �tuff and of the� premises used for storing or sel'lin�; ot" pr��risa.ons as may be provided by ordinance Section 5. TY�Ae pres�.C?�nt of said Board of Health shall make reports to the Cit� C�uncil as from time to time shall be necessary; and he shaai also �ake recommendations for rulings, orders or ordinances rpspecti�.g the public health whenever he is ' requested to do so, o� whene�r:=r he deems it adnisable of necessary. Section 6. Th� Boar�' �f Health shall have powers and per- - form the duties assigne�i to �.�; by statute or ordinance and make all rules and re.gulations for th� �rotection of the health of the City of Canton and to guarc� again�t the spread of contagious diseases and to prevent bg nece�sary x�ules the induction of diseases, con- tagious or o�herwise, �Jithin 1-1�,e corporate limits of the City of Canton. � Section 7. An�r �ers�r� violating or refusing to obey any order of the Board� of Health �r destroying or mutilating or con- cealing an;� notice po��ed by �?r under the authority oP the Board of Health sha11 be fii�ad not ?PSS than Dne �ollar nor more than One Hundred Dollars . p ` . �4r( •.- . -2- AHTTCLE II. Section 1. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any unwholesome or polluted foad or drink of an� kind in the City of Canton. Section 2. All premises used in the sale or storage of food or drink intended for human conswnption shall be kept in a clean and sauitary condition; and it shall be ualawful to permit an� person who is afflicted with a contagious disease to handle any food or drink intended for sale. The premises shall be kept free or flies and vermin of all kinds. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to deposit anywhere in the Cit9 of Canton any unco�ered piles of refuse, garbage, offal or careasses o.f dead animal$; and piles of refuse, garbage ;or "'d�fa1 �is° herery: declared..��o:.he '�a nuis- ance. Section 4. It shall be unl�awful to permit any buildiag, structure or place to remain in such a condition as to be dangerou� to the public health in auy way. Any such structur.e., bui.ldin�. ar�. place is hereby declared to be a nui.�aa.�c�.�,,..,,,,.. .. . _ . ... :.:.....:.::...... Section 5. Utensils for personal use in all places serw- ing food or drink to the public shall be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized after each usuag�. Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit or maintain the existence of any nuisance on any property under his or its control. The Chief of Police and health officers are each hereby authorized to abate any such nuis- ance eaisting in the� City of Canton whether such nuisances are specificiall�r recognized by ordinance or not. Scction 7. It shall be unlawful to spit or expectorate on any public sidewalk or street or other public place, on the floors or walls of any store, theater, hall, public vehicle or other place frequented by the public or to which the public is invited. Section 8. 1 nuisance when used in this ordinance includes eversthing which $ndangers life or health, gives offense to the senses, violates the laws of decency, or ob�tructs the reasonable and comfortable use of property, the unwarrantable or unlawful use by any person of his property so as to produce material anno�►ance, inconvenience, discomfort, or hurt to any person or to the public in general. Section 9. Any person, firm or corparation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not less thaa One Dollar nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each offense ; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each and every day during or on which a violation occurs or is permitted to continue. �. . . r. .. � .r . . , . . -3- ARTICLE III. Section 1. Syphillis, gonorrhea and ��c�rC�c�f , hereinafter designated veneral diseases, are hereby recognize;i and declared to be contagious, infectious, communicable, and dangerous to the public health. Section 2. It shall be the duty of each physician of the City of Canton to report any case of venereal disease to the Board of Health of th� City of Canton that shall be treated by him. Section 3. Upon the receipt of a report of a case of ven— ereal disease by name it shall be ti�e duty of the Board of Health to institute such measures for the protection of other persons from infection by such venereally diseased person as said Board of �ealth is empo�rered to use to prevent the spread of other coa— tagious, infestious, or communicable diseases. Section 4. The parents of minors infected with Qenereal diseases and living with said parents shall be legally responsible for the compliance of �uch minors with the requirements of this ordinance. Section 5. In all suspected cases of venereal disease in the infectious stages �;he Board of Health shall immediately use every available means �o determine whether the person or persons so susspected of bein�; infected are suffering from said diseases, or any of them, and wh�never any one of said diseased i� found �o exist the 1�oard of Hea1_th shall, whenever possible, ascertain the sources of such �.nfectis�n. In such investigations the City Board of Health is hereby vetited with full power of inspection, exam3.na— tion, and isol�tion of all persons as provided herein. Sectioza 6. I� shail be unlawful for any person to infect any other person with an� of said° ve�ereai diseases, and it shall be unlawful fo�• 8U1y pt,?�'s021 to gerform or comm�t.�:any.:.aat.,:�rhi�h�-:e�c— poses any other persor� to infection with an,q, a� said diseases. Sectio� �. It shall be unlawful fo.r any person to neglect or refuse to a�ey an9 �x�der of the Board of Health authorized by this Ordinance or to �.z:terfere with or nbst�uct said Board in the perYormance of �.ts dtz��ies herein sequired. .. . _ Section 8. A�y. persbns f�rm or corporation violating any of the provisicar�s of ��is Article shall be fined not less than One Dollar nor mor� than O�e Hundred Dollar� far. each offense. Sectian 9. Thi� Ordinance, includin� three articles, shall be in full force 3nd effect from and after its passage b9 the �ity Counc�.l, apg�:��oval by the Mayor and publication according to law. . : assed b9 the G'it� Council and approved b9 the Mayor this day of C�� , 1961. APPROVED: -- ,,/ , � *- -!.��---��--,,,,� _____