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ORDIzi.�l'ttC�' P�,O .
�.N OFiDIId��:(i G� �'��'.����I{�:�I7 :�E'�t�� `t'r��.:�i1�TS�,�I`i T�D t1�iD S J.'S Pt�`�:,�KGE
R�C�f I::�ivDLD LY rl'?i�� �3U '�:�-:D UF LOCnL Ia`r�.OV;��'.�afidTS 0�' `.i'I�E
CITY 0�+� CM�1`vTUll� ILL'�i10IS , '?:OV1:�:L17G F�J r. 'i:-' : LOC:3L II�+i.-
FROV �.,����;T C7�' ��:.`l'x°�Il�� YU�'TIO�iS OF Li�:vI7li�i: S'I'�:�t�T� L:�uJ-
rt:��NC:E i)P���T�; tdi:A-G�r�-BL D�?IVi;� t'.�1-�., t'L�`�ZA 1):.RI�T�� .�IvD
Y:����I� PL1�ZA ����T�T Tl���+ Til�� C,.�'1.'Y ��;�' C �1�TON� TLL1I�T�IS �
FO�.i'�:'ITUG � CU.�1�1�:i:T ��.F ��Y�'L �i;a OF Y�.V���:1:;?�;T r'�;���D l���SlGi�fia.T���D
`�Cy'�.C�IT0�3 P:�V�C��TG I r'UJ �r::�a�TT I�NT�'�3f�P� 61-�.��
BE IT OFt.U�sii��ED i�Y `l'���� CiZ'Y �t)t�i<C-i L UF `i'I-��; C�TY 0�' C�� '1'Oiv�
�ZL1_i�?uIS :
Section l. That a 1oca1 improvemen.t be and the same is here-
by originatea to be m�.de by s�ecial assessment with�.n the Ca.tyr of C��ntGn�
County of Fultan� �in the St�.te cf I1lincis � to be known ..�,s "���NTOI� PxV-
TT3G I�':`Yi�.UVr�1�,�TvT NUi�,i�31;F: 61-1�" � the n�tt�rA� character� locality� descrip-
tic�n ::�nd extent of ��,�hich loc_�l iu�prov�ment is as f'ollows :
That the ro:-�away of t11�_� st_reets � c�ra.ves and cotirts h�ereina�'ter
�;escribed be improved by excav�.t�ng� gradin� --�nd pr�-paring the sub�rade
to receive the herein�.fter described p��.ven�ent and cux°bin�� by pavin� �aith
a 7-inch compacted �ravel� crushed �ravel� or crushec� stone base c�urse�
by priming the base course with a bitumincus m�terial� by covering the
base course and pri.me coat with a 2-inch bitumi�.cus caver coat mixture �
by curbing with r'ortlanc� Cement Concrete curbs � by cons�ructing n�cess-
ary stoxm water inlets and connecting storm sewers � by constructing �.nd
making necessary adjustm�nts to grade of existing r�ar�holes and v�.lve
vault covers � by construating necessary conc-rete header.s � by removing
tr�es � s�zch rernov�.l rn:�.de necess:�.ry by the placing of curbing� by remav-
ing existing catch basins ,�.nd inlets .
That the pavement herein �-rovided to be constructed on Linden
Street shall be unifr,rmly 30.0 feet in z,ridth� <�s rr�asured betweEn front
f�,ce of curbs from S3I fioute 7n ��ast ta th� '��^dest line af Lawrenc� Dy°ive .
That the pave�ent her�in -�rovid�d to be constructed an Law-
rence Street shall be uniforml.y 30.Q feet in �aidth� �.s measured be�ween
front face of curbs f"rom Linden Street to t��e i�lorth line of Lot 7 and
Lot 43 of CH�.nL:�:.S ',°Jl�!`�tEGiti.%' SU;3ll:.�V1STOT� in the City a� Canton.
Thr�.t the p.�.ver�Pnt h�r�in �r. ovided to be ecnstructad on ���.a-Gra-
B1 Drive shal.l be unif ormly 30.0 feet in. width� �.s measux•ed between f'rant
face of curbs from SBI Route 78 :�ast t.o th�= '�.Jest line of Lawrence :Jrive
in the City af C<�,nton.
That the �1�ve�ent herpin provi�ed to be censtructed on �ark
1'laza Drive shall be uniformly �f?.0 fe�t in width� �.s me�.sured between
frcnt face of existin�; gutterfl:�.��s from th� East line of Lot 32 :�nd Zot
51 of P�.rk F�laza� seccnd extens:ion� ,�. su'.�division in -the C�ty of C:�nton�
I11.�ncis � to and incluc�in� t?�e cL?]_ de sac �tt the '.^lsst end of Park �'laza
Drive � said cul-de-sac h:�.vin� a r�,dious of' 2� f'eet to the face of the
existin�~ gutterfla� � in t�e Citv of. C�nton.
That the p�.ver�»nt herein ;�rovi�;�.e�. ta �e cc�nstructed on Park
�laza Co�.�rt sha.11. be unif`c�rm�ly 2`? .Q feet in wiryth� �.s measured between
frant face of existin� gutt;erfl�.�s frer� rark Plaza Drive to and including
��, cul c�e sac at the S�uths��est end o�' P_�.r?s �'laza Court� saic� ctz1. de sac
naving a raclio�zs of 2g fe��t to t;he .f�zce af existing �utterflag� in the
City of Canton.
. .,�,,.
� _2` .
. .. � ..
That tree remov:�,l sh�,ll include exc�.vatio.r_� tx°ee r. �c�oval�
brush and stum� remav:�1 ��nd backf�11in�.
. Th:�.t the p��.vPrnent shall �e con.str�ucted tc a uniform thick-
ness of nine (9) inches .
That the cor�-bination cur.b �ne� �,ut '�er izer�in �arovided to �e
constructed shall be Nineteen (19) inches i,n ���idth and sha11 extend
Six {6) inches in heights �:�bove ��aver�ent surf:�ce .
That the curb headers herein �.I"OV1d.P,C� to be cc�nstructed shall
be Six (6) inches in �ric�th Eighteen (1c��.� inch�s in height .
That the necessary stc�r7± ws�ter i.r_lets � storm sewers � and ap-
purtenances for pa.vernent dr.ainage be constructed �.long the lines of
the improvem�ent .
2hat the removal of existing c�:�tch basins �.nd inl��ts shall
include excav�.tion and b:ekf illing.
That all necessary exc�,v��tian� grad:ing� sha;�ing and comp�acting
of the sub�;rade preparatory to the placement of the pavement and curbin�
be done� which excavatian and grading to in.cluc�.e the removal of all
earth� oil surf�,ce � culvert pi�es �,nd ather obstructions of whatever
nature within the p �vement and curbing �rea� the removal of which is
necessary for the construction of the �.�roposad i.nprovement .
That where abuttin� side��ralks -:�nd c�riveways do not meet the
grades of the �;ro�osed curbs said sidewalk shall be r�aue to conform
� to the proposed improvement gra�.e by t�.'�i.n�; up the required amount of
such existing side�aa_lk ��.nd replaci.ng an equal kind anc� quality of same
to conform to the pro�osed i~�.pravement grades and make a neat and servi-
cable junction.
That the p�.rkways along the line of the proposed curbs sha11
be graded and smoothed to the top of the proposed curb grade on a back
slope not exceeding one vertical to three rxorizont.�,l.
In all other res�ects t�.e constriiction shall conform to the
requirerr:ents as set f orth in the "Standard Specif ications far Road �nd
Bridge Construction" prepar�d by the �e�artment of Public '�iorks and
Buildings of the State of T1linois :.xnc? adopted by said llepaxtment�
January 2� 1958� and F�evisions and t�dditions thereto.
That the total cost of the improvement� including all neces-
sary l�.bor� m�.terials � rr�acha.nery� tools �.n.c� eatzipr.'ient� for th� Local
Improvement in said City of Canton� Illinois , is the sum of �65�28+�,,'Q3y
which said estimate is itemized �.nd is attached hereto �.nd made a �art
of this Ordin��.nce by reference thereto .
That for a zr:ore detailed descri,�tion of the matto.rs heretofore
recited� reference is hereby r�ade to the �.,lans � prof ils and drawin�s
hereto attached� which plans � profiles and drawing;s are hereby made
expressely a part of this Ordinance .
That all the elevations ana gr�.c�es of the center line of the
finished ir.r{provement� the top of the fi_nished curb, the storm water
ir.lats � valve man.holes � and necessary �zdjustment to grades shall conform
to and be identical �aith the elevations and grac�es as shown b� the planss
s�ecifica.tians and �rofiles ��r��a�.red by Cr�.wford� T.:i.urphy and Til1y�
f3onsulting Engineers � of the Ci�t;;� of Springfield � Illinois � and n.ow on
file in the of.fice af the City Clerk of the Ci.ty of Canton� Tllinois �
and r�ade a part of this Ordin�nce by reference � as though set out hersin
in full� a copy of such plans � s��cifica�ions� and prcfiles being attach-
ed h�reto.
_ �
� �.� -3--. : . .
That such grades and elevations are s�.own in such p1,�.ns , s�ecifica-
tions a.nd profiles and �.�°° �1easurec� �_n fept �cnd dec:Lmal p-�.rts t'nereof
and are deter:�ined _from a bench mark� the location of �rhich is shown
on said plans � sr�ecifications :�.nd �raf�.les .
Section 2. DEF�:T��IT.��T3S . That tiahQn�ver the �;rords desired
below are used in this Ordinanee � or in t11a specific:�.tions hereto
attached and macie a pi:rt hereof � or in any proceedin4s relative to
the improvem�nt hPrein provi�ed for� theJ shall have th� fc�llot�ring
meanings :
"State" s��al1 �e inter�;retec� to mean the Ci�ty of Canton�
Illa.nois .
"Dep��rtment of t�ublic ��°Jort�s and Build:i.ngs" shall be inter-
pretea to �r.ean the 3oard o�' Loca,l Zrf�pxov�rr.ents of the City of C�.ntc��
"k;ng]_neer" sha11 be i.nterp.reted tc� me�.n the engineer employ-
ed by the City af Canton� T11��nois ;
"St.�.te 7�easurer of Illinois" sh�.11 be interpr.eted to m_ean
the City' Treasurer of C�,nton� T1la..nois ;
"Contractor" shall be interpreted to Mean the person� fir�
or corp to tivhorn th� �or.k. for this i.Y�pr_ �v�rn�nt _i_s aw:�.rded and the agents �
assigns and employee� thereo� .
Section 3 . AF����'OVwiL t�r r'L.�?`�S �TC. That the maps � plans � and
specifications for this improvement� hereto att-�,ched� �nd hereinbefore
referred to� are hereby a�;��,roved �.nd rnade a p�.rt of this Urdin�.nce the
same as if incorl.:orated in t��is Ordinance in f>>11. In case of conflict
with the parts of said sp<c_i.fic��tic�ns =:�nd sz�ecial ��rovisions , the
special provisicns shall con�rol.
Section 4. SUP;��VIS�ON. That all th� ��,foresaid 1oca1 im-
provements sha11 be under the supervisi�n an� rxirection of the Board
of Local Improvements of the City of C�.nton� T1linois .
Section 5. RLC:O� -���'`DnTIOTd a"�r �'��'�V�.�D. That the recomr�enda-
tions of the Board of Loc�.l impravements of the City of Carton� I11in-
ois � recommerdi.ng and providing f�r trze aforesaid local ir�provement�
together ����ith the �st;matP of the Gost tnereof� as :nade and itemized
by and ov��r tha sign�.ture of the �nga_neer of s�.ic� Board� both att�ch-
ed hereto� be ��.nd tkie same are approved� and made a �art her�of the
same as if they :�J�r� incor�,orat�d herein in fu11.
Sectian 6. xS����5):;��ITT, �tc . That said Local Ir�provement
shall be made and the cost of s��.id 1oc�.l improvetnent being the sum of
�65,2.$9.�3 � as sriown by- the estimate of the �n�:ineer of said City of
Canton� Illinais att.a,ched hereto and m��de a p_�.rt he7�eaf� including
the sum of �3,3i�•78 being the am��.znt included in the e�,ta.mate of
said engine�r as the cost of making� levying and col.lect�_ng the assess-
ment thereforo� the caurt costs � attor�?e;y ' s fees and the lawful ex-
penses attend��ng the sane � and inclz�ditlg the surn of ��6,3z9•7�' being
the amount inclizded in the est�.mate of said eng�neer ��.s th� cost of
engineering� ins��Actian �.nd supervisicn� shall be paid by s�ecial
assessment, to be 1�vied u�>on the can.ti�uous property specifically
to be benefited to the amount that �Ghe s�.me may be 1eoa11y assessed
_ � .
*• ` :r�._ ' . .
therefore in accordance with the ��rovisions of an :�ct cf the Gener-
al Assembly of the State of I1linois � entitled "�?evised Cities and
Villages �ct" , Article 84� �ection 1 to q9, both inclusive� approved
Au�ust 1K� 1�41� in �orce Janu�,ry l� 1�4�2� �.nd acts �.r,etld«,tory the_�_e-
to. Th�.t the said sum of ;�3,319•'78 shall be aja�:liec? towards the pay-
ing of lawful ex��enses of �-r,a'�ing� levying� ana collecting the said
assessments and the cotzrt casts � attorneys ' fees ��.nd laz�ful expenses
attending the same � anc� the suri of �6�b3�.��' shall be ayuNlied towards
paying the cost of enga_neerin�;� ins�,ection and suy>ervisicn incident
to said improvement� all as ,�rovidec; by s��.ia �,ct of the Cene.r�al
Assembly� and all acts ame��.d�itory �nd supplerrientary th�r�to. '
Section 7. 7PiSTt'�"LL�:��ad�'S . That the a�reg.�,te amo�znt herein
ordered to be as�=�essed agalnst the �ro��erty of each lot, piece � tract
or parcel to be assessQd, a,nd %he ai�ount to be assessed� if any�
against the City of C:�.nton� Illinois � as and for �ublic benefit� sh�ll
be divided in ten (10) annual installments so that all installments
shall be equal in amount �xcept th�zt all fractional ar�ounts shall be
added to the first installr,�ent so as to leave th� r?maining ins�all-
ments of the agg:� eg�,te eq_ual in amount and e:�ch a r�ultiple of One
Hundred Dollars (`�1Q0.00) ; said first inst�,llr�ent sha11 be due and
payable on the 2nd. day of January next after thQ date of the f irst
voucher issued on account of �rork done on said improvement� �.nd the
seccnd installment one ye�.r after� and so on annuall,y until all of
said installments are paid� and al1 of said installments shall bear
interest at the rate of Five Per C`'ntun (5`,�.�) per annum� from the date
of the first voucher issued. on account af �aork done on said im�rove-
ment. And it is hereby made the duty of the Board of Loca1 Improve-
ments to file in the office of the Clerk of the Court in which said
assessment is confirmed a certific.�te signed 'p�;r its secretary of the
date of said first voucher and the ar�ount thereof within thirty (30)
days after the issuance thereof.
5ectian �. BU1'�fDS . That for the �urpose of anticipating the
collection of the second and succeeding installm�nts of said sgecial
assess�ent for sai� loc�,l improverrent� bonds shall be issued payable
out of the aforesaid installments � be�,ri.ng interest at the ratQ of
Five Per Centum (5;���) ��er annum� pay�,ble annually� �.nd said bonds shall
be signed by the TsTayor� P-residAnt of the Bor�,rd of. Laca1 Improver�ents �
of the City of Canton� Illinois � attested and countersi�ned by the
City Clerk of said City� under the cor;�orate seal of said CityT of
Canton� Tllinois and s�.id bonds shall be issued in the sum, of One
Hundred (;�100.�0 j Dallars �ach o� sorrie multiple th�reaf� and shall be
dated and draw interest fram the d�.te of the issuing the same ; said
bonds sha11 be issued in accordancP with �.nd in all respacts �:ursuant
to the pravisions and requiren�nts of an xct of tne General Assembly
of the State of 211inois � entitled "I�evised Cities and Villa�es Act�' �
�.rticle $4� Sections 1 to 9�, both inc�usive � a�proved �3�zgust 15�1�"41�
in force January 1� 1942� and a11 acts ar��er.datory ther�to .
Seetion Q. P�LOC.�'DU' L . Th�.t the ��'ayor of the City of Canton�
I17_:;.nois � on behalf of s::�id City is hereby directed and instructed to
f ile a Petition in the Ca�ty Court of Canton� I llinois� 3.n the name of
the Cit� of Canton� Illino3.s� praying that steps be tal�en to levy a
special assessment �'or the said il��.prover��ent in accordance v�ith the
provisions of this Ordinanca and in the manner prescr:i.bed by law.
. �
, � � . < . .
Section 10. GEPII�N.�1L F���UVISIQNS . That a1.1 actions taken
in and based on this Ordinance is and shall be under and pur�uant
to the terms and provisaons of an Act of the General kssembly of
the State of Tllinois entitled "Revised Cities and Villages �ct" �
Article 84� 5ections 1 to �j9� bcth i.r.clusive � a��proved ��ugust 1��
1941� in force January l� 1�42� �,n� aIl additions and acts amenda-
tory thereto.
Sectzon 11. �.�:��1�?�L. That all Ordinances and ���,rts of
ardinances in any w�.y conf`licting witn this Qrdin�.nce� be, and the
same are her. eby repealed .
5ection 12 . �°d'-iEI�� �-�:?���LCrrIVE. This Ord;n.:�.nce shall be in
fu11 force and eff.ect from and after its passage and a��roval�
according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Cant�n� I1linois �
and signed and a�proved by the it�Tayor of sai�l �' t� and depos�_ ��i ?_n
the office of the Clerk of said City� tilis ✓�� _day of,���.
✓ �
� 1���'�• �
�PPROVED: , � � p� �
I�Zayor .
�T T�;�T: �.•������`�. �'.�L.�,..
Ci.ty C1 k.