HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #56 �
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That Section 2 of Article III, Chapter 44 of the Reqised
Ordinan.cee of the City of CantoB, 1959, be and the aame is hereby
ameaded to read as follows:
Sec. �30A'1�ING LICENSE REQUIR�D: .All persons operating boats
or w�tercraft on Lake Canton, shall first pay fee� an.d obtain licenses
a� follows:
(1) CANTUN ��SIDENTS EZ'C. Canton residents and lea�e lot
" holderra of I►ake Caaton shall pay the Pollowing:
(a) Two Dollars for each boat oP craft which is not
propelled by aay motor or engine.
(b) Four pollar� for each boat or crat't either tempora-
ril� or permaaently eqtiipped with any motor or ea-
gine not in excess of twelve horse power.
(c) Fourteea Dollars for each boat or craFt either tem-
� porarily or permanentl9 equipped with any motor or
engine in excess of twelve horse power.
(2) R1�SIDENT UUTSIDE CuRPORA'i'E LIMITS. Residents out�ide
the cp�i^�te limits of the �ity of Canton shall pay the followiag
annual license fees� if bona fide residents of Fulton County, I11-
inois, a,a i'ollowa:
(a) Two Dollars for each boat or craft vrhich is not
propelled by an� motor or eagine.
(b) Four pollars for each boat or eraft either tempora-
rily or permanent�:y equipped with any motor or eagine
not in excess�s of twelve horse power.
(c) 1'r�tenty-four pollars for each boat or craft tem�orari-
ly or permanently equipped with any motor or engine
in exceBS of twelve horse power.
(3) 1,IMITA'1'IUNS UF 1,ICENb�S.
(aj No licence shall be isst}ed for any boat or crart
temporaril� or perman.ently equipped with any motor
or eragine in excess of Eight9-�ive horse power.
tb) No one residing outside the limits of �,iltoa �ouaty,
I��inois�. shall be permitt�d to buy a licenee for aay
motor for use oa I,ake Can�on.
(c) Daily p�rmite or dail� licenses. shall not be is�ued
for ar�y boa�s or Crafts to be used on Lake Canton.
(4) Al1 licenses shall be obtained. b,� makiag application
with the cashier of the Water and Sewer Depar't�i�nt of the City of
Cantoa, at the City 13uilding, Can.ton, Illinois, and each person ap-
piyiag for a license, a� �fore�aid, shall pPesent evidence �o ehow
that �the boat is properly registered and that he or she carries prop-
ert� and liabilitg in�urance on and in coanectit�n with th�e boat he o�
she desires to operate on said lake.
C5j All owners or boats with motors or engines to be operated
on Lake Cantoa shall carry liability and property in�urance coverning
any person or property in�ured or damaged by reasoa o.f �he operaticn
of s�ch boat on said lake. The liability insurance �.��+�iag damage
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or ia�nry �c a person �shall be aot lees than �1�,Ou0.00; �nd the in-
suraace covering-property damage shall not be less than #�,pp0.40.
(6) No moto�r boat �hall be p�eraiitted �o operated oa �aid lal�e
later than one honr after �an down.
Sec. 2-A. �Io boats with motors exceeding T,relve horse,�-p�crwer
shall b� permitted to operate oa $aid I�age Canton at any time on
Mondays of each week and �,:-�; oa no moraing� of each day of the �eek
before ll o'clock, A. M. ; but boate with mo�ors exceeding txelve
horse power sha1.1 be permitted to operate on said lake trom 11 o'clock,
A. M. ,uatil oae hour a�'ter s�n down on all days of the week except
Sec. 2-B. The Water and Sewer Committee of the City Council of
the City of Cantoa shall have the right to ereet and maintain a sys-
tem of buoye across the lake in such placee as they �ahall determine,
from time to time, are necessary to properly control the traffic oa
said lake and for those who use water from the lake. Such syst4m of
marking��ofi di�risions ot' said lake shall be as folloxs:
(1) a �etring of buoye shall be �trung across the lake, more or
le�a parallel to the dam, at the lower part of the lake, at such a
dis�a�ee up the 1�ke as the committee sh��l thiuk best. In this por-
tion of said ]��ke, which sha11 be knowa a� Zone A, no boat,s shall be
permitted �.0 a��r�t�:��(� aay time.
(2) A second striag of buoys shall be ,�trung across the lake
Northeast of the poiat knoNn as Claudon's Point to a point knowu as
Fireman's point. Bet�een this set of buoys an.d the first string of
buo�s aforementioned,strung near the dam, �ahall be known as Zone B.
�3� 4�1 boats operating in Zone B shall operate with closed
throttle� �rith a speed not to exceed fine miles per hour.
(4j The portion of the lake above the atring of buoys extending
i'rom a point Rortheast o� Claudon':s poiat to �'iraman.'s point, as afQre-
said, �hall be and is hereby set apart for Water Skiing and large motor�,
This portion of the lake shall be known as Zone C.
�5) B�xik fishing and fiffihing out of raw boat� is permitted at all
timee of day and night in Zones B and C.
Se c. 2-C. REGUGiTIONS ,AND PE�t.,�1,2'Y s '
(1) �'he Water and 8ewer Cemmittee of the C�t� Council of the City
cf Can�oa, shall pronide a loak ehai�n for u�as ��ro�s the road ad�oiaing
the lake which is }�serra as the "inlet" road, and this chain �hall be
locked aaro�s the road one hour after sun down of each aad e very day;
and they �sha11 provide a Lock Chaia across the roac� ad�oining the lake
whiah is knowa as the Koutlet" road, aad this chaia ehall be locked
across said road at 11 o'clock, P. M,t of each and every day.
(2) A,ny person convic'ted of any violation of this Amendment to
the said Ordinaa��:s of the Cit9 of Canton, or any portion �hereof �ha11
be fined not les� �than. Five ($5.00) Lollars nor � than. T�rc Hundred
(�2UO.OU� Lolla�s. �Rt
C3) A11 ordinances and parts of ordinances in any way confli�ting
with this Amend.ment to t�ae urdinances be and they are hereby repealed.
This .I�m��d�en#r to eaid Ordinances shall be in full force and et-
fest from and a�'ter its passage by the City Coun.cil and Approv�al by the
Marsor, and p�t3�li�hed e�.ecording to law.
PASSED b� the City Council and approv�d b9 the Mayor this ��
Day of `_____, 1y62. APPRUVED_�„���; MA]L08.
.ATTEST: ''" ._� � '` ITY CLERB. �— ` '._.....