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Ordinance #60
- '. 'rw' , . • � ` „ � ' ,, „�. . . • , , , , ; .. . ,, q a OR]�I�?AI�?CE 7�T�. 6 0 . . AN GT�:JI�•��.'�;CE ::AT;I?`•�CT TF-�'� A� r;;r'i�`L !�t'�'RC��>??TEITTC'�? POt? T�';�� C:i'1�y !'JF GI���imp�J ILLi.��OIS, �+OR T�TE r�ISCA.T, �x:_'�.R OF .`.i,^-�??a r1`I'��', 1.962-.1963, TO '?E TERT"�� r!'�'� A:.TTiT.?t'�L !�P�pnp,�1�1m1,-��� O�P.I.�T.�.I'C� �:y "!`.T?� CITv. ��; zm o�raz�T�;?� 1-j�� �r�T � c���,r � ,; ��c;��-r.� �� = c:����-� a� c�r��ro�T ,. , TII�'�OTS: _ _,s_� _ . - � Sectic�n l. That the w'o�low:�n�Y s�xms o.t' ;��on���T, or as muc� t�ere- of as n:a;,r bc rer�iu3.�e� and :�1ia11. be �ut}�.o�°i�:d b� la�r be � , , an� the s�n�e are tiiereb�* ap�ra,r�riatec� f'or t��.e cor. �,�orat� puruoses af the Cit f of Canton, :Lllinois, as horein�fter �,pecified, for the Piscal Xear of said Cit�T, �ae�innin� the firrt T��esd�y in the i�Tonth of Tv�ay, �. D. 1952, and e�din�; th� fir�t Tuesd�y in tr_te �anth of T�%:ay, A. D. 1963. :�'OR G�NER�L COI�PO�!�TE �UF,i,JSLS �7F SE11� C��'iT: . POLICE I�EP4RTi'�ET`?T-S.�LA.RI�:S: l. Chief of Police �� 5,905.00 ?_ Sear�eants at ��5,3�I�.00 each 10,?08.00 �? Policer�nn at �"�1.�,821.00 e ach 3u,568.�JO ? Radio Operr�.tar� �� �54,QR9.pt� each 8,178.00 1 File Clerk 3, 1?�2.00 Auxiliary Policemen 5,000.00 �Tac at i on Pay 2,7 50.00 Total F�alice Dep�rt�r�wnt :S�la.ries �� 7�,251.00 POL2CE DEPART;:,`ENT SIT,�'I'LI��S 1�'� E�,JIPT��ElIT: FolicQ c�r rental ?�g���r�� Supplies ar.d equipment �,000.00 Gasoline far Palice car� ����;��p�, nadio Se.rvice 1,000.�0 Total Police De;�artrr�Ent �u�plies and Equiprient 11,08d.00 SID��tALKS: I�e�airs and Maintenance �00.00 500.00 Sm�i��TS A��D AL.�:1S: Salaries and Labor 33s.��g•�0 Gra�reling and Roads 6,000.00 l�:aterial and Sup�l3es 12,000.00 Purchas e of Eq�zipment 5�5�p��d Oilin� of Raads 8,000.00 Total Streets and Alleys 65,,028.00 i��ISCELLA�`?EOUS �FEi��SES 2�500.00 2�500.00 PR1.d'TI�rG A'_`;� �'LT'�I�IC�1T�t��; 1.,000.00 1�000.00 CITT� COUr�T I��AI?�T'?'L;1`?�;�?r�; 500.00 500.00 P!JBLIC CrRO[_?I�''T�'S �T;`I� �'?T?TL?�_:""C`_5: t�epairs and T�aintenance 7,�00.00 7,500.00 S�!L1��IES QF CITY ON�4�ICI�7��� Pfia,yor 2i �(J0.00 2s.50Q.00 C�ty Clerk I�,000•00 �.,OOO.QO City Treasure;r 2 00 C�.00 00 City Attorr_p�r 3,895.00 � 00. �lldermen 3,895•00 Police I�Ta�istrate 3,��0.00 3,�OO.00 2,000,00 2,000.0� Deputy Clerk 70L�.00 70}�,0' Secretary to t�e :�'�Tavor �,F�9i,00 3�E�91.C" Total Citzr Ot'����rs � Ualari�s 22,2'�0, �_ . . . - , , tl • . . -. , � . . `2- , . AUDTT T?�?G: l�.00.00 - . . _ 400.00 STREET LSGI-'TING: 13,000.00 13,000.00 CII'���'E'E?Y: Maintenance 10,000.00 Pttrcha�e of Eqtzipmen.t 2r500.00 Repairs 2,500.00 Total Cer..eter,y 15,0�0.00 ZT�TStIRAIdCE: Fire and �Ti.ndstorm, Citz7 B?zildin�;s, and Contents 1,000.00 Casualty aric� ti�dorkmer.,�s Co���erisat�.on 10,500.00 Total Insurance 11,500.00 TOTAL �G�N�!�I� FUS��?� 22 ,_ q.OC� �.�T.9.T�,�'R fi.��D SE�J�ft DE�'�;Ti� �i;�TI': Salaries 78,��0.00 Ext�a L�_bos� 6,oao.00 Maintenance 3,000.00 Truck Qperations 2,000.00 Supplies, Chem�.cals and Fue.ls 22,000.00 C��'fice �xpense J.,500.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire and Windstorm Tr�urance 2,500.00 Ga�ualty and Trlorkmenis Compensation !� 200.�0 �` Depreciation Account ' 12,000.00 EYter.sion of Servi ce 1�.0,000.00 Retiremel�t Bonds and IntPres� 30,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 5,004.00 Tota1 'u�ater ar_d �awer Departrnent 226,780.00 PARI�I?�3G. i�ET'�,R PUIv'�A: Off'--Street P�.rkin�; Sinki.n�; F'��r� 1C�,000.QO Furch�.se of �;qu�_pment �sas, Oil and l`otc�rc;�rcles 2,!�OC1.C!� l�_00,!�0 Service in Parkinm I�:eter Z��� ?,000.00 I�:�in�;enance af T_`otorc�rcle� ��0.�� �'aintin� Marl�in�;s* 1,OOO.OQ Salary: 1 ���eter �-T�.id 2,76��.0� tSalarv: 1 7'raffic Par?•~i?�m �'olice�;,ar_ and �epairman � �IE.,�O�}..CO Ferm�nent Street Improvem�nts 3, 00.00 Total Farkin�, Iiund 35,a�'.�.o0 SAL:�S TAX rUTSD: Retirement of Str�et �Cmprove�,ient Bonds and Interest 30,�00.00 For General Corl�orate rur��ases t��0,p00.C`0 rire Protection Purposes �5,pt�(�.00 G�rba�e Departr,�nt P��aintAn�nc� �,^00.�0 Por StreQt Departr}.er_t '�e;�r:irs �nd N�aintenance 2�, 0��.0� T�ta1, Sales T� Fund 135,000.00 r�Ral�� TQ"�AL GEl�,�?.4L PrrRP^S�� 622,�.42.00 ' ,' - • . ..�.. ` J r r..,r. ._ � . . . �''�1t7 O'�T',�.;r'; �T.I�E'Qa�..,�`� r�i.�r'��.�ti_1i��;,�� G�`� r �'c`�1: �- r.•, �. i ! c.mi ii' '_�."., iir- r }, , r1:�:L� C CE��,i i�RI �.:i,. A tax rot tc� exC��� ,r��?✓ �;�;t� �;...�t, of the fi��l, .f'r!ir c..��� �r<�,,,,:;, ;-;� ec�u�lizcc� :�r a�r„n,.,�` ,;, �L":;e ��.:,;���t_ rn?nt �f RecTenYZe a�' tf,e St�3.�,� of� il 1_ inois, on a11� tax�.�1e �r���ert�r ti�J�_th- �Tl t.�'i:". �il��T O.�' ��".i`d.[l�'r0=1� 1�_�.1.r-,��lc • r'e��airs ar� i"�inter��-,�c� �?,1.��.00 Salari.Pc � 3n'� �� _, � _ . Pa�rm�n� of rr.�.nc:iy;:�l :�.�z� �.r�-F����:� r .�n �-,oncis l,100.OG '�ot�l Ytxblic C�r��'ort ��-,a�i�n fl?.nd 1.2,5C70.00 CI'�TiL �7E��'i���'S� Fi,"rI�: 4 ta� not t� �xc?ed .Or ��es• ct�r,t c:,� tt-,o f�.ill, fai.r c�ash �,ra1�=��, �n> e�i���.l- �?��:d or €�ss, �rv:d b° �i�c Departr�ent , � r, � ~%� '?f'z.r�r;uP c�f f,h� �t�a�e ;�f :� � 1i.?°�c�is , �.. , ,_ �.� �.1.1 � �.��va��.a ,��roi�^rtc, �ai.•t��in ��ze C:��t�T c�f Ca,-ltnn, Tllin:��.� . L; ,C),4,�j�Op }�-,OOQ.00 FGn :c�i:�IC��: T'�;'�;.��;�Y:r ,;�,�,,�: A tax no� ta exce�c? .Or ner c��:��t af the :C�zl.l_, fa�r cach v�.1�_�e, �.s eq�.i�l� ized or ry�ces 7cd b�r th� De��.ra.�'���.e��t of r?rV;'�r]���� ,�f t;re ��-,�,�t� �'e r '_7.1?1(71.�� n,� ,11 ��.:���.Y�>lE, ;�ro�ert a ;��.�_u?��ir;. t?�e C3t,r �f ���r,tc�ri, �.r?_�_:�l��i:� . 1C�,n(?'?.00 10,00�.,'1n i:�, .,��_; ,�l-'��'.�:� j;T:l�);7,.,:�,r7,� �i��� ,�. T'� . 1, J I ..J.IJ .'�!.l• A. �%3..� �10� �7 �:,'�C':'3�� �Z,TO .'?:LJ_7.S C�?'? t'`c�Cl_'i do1.l��.r r_�' the f�:.71�, f<�;.�r r:�.r� r:,^}, =rn1�_��, �� ecl�?�1-i_�f�d �� �..^. ._.�;cd �;��,r ;;�-.c� Pe���_rtr��:�nt of �iev�r.tzc ;�� .��-:c� `'��.t� r�f Y�. l�lt'1'�+18� nit �?Z� "i;�.2<�'i�=,�t? i7T'O;';E3T't-�j TJ�t1.",_ 121 ���E� �l.��T :)f' ��::}".tf�l3� .L1�.1�1r!l;' . Salarie� of i.i�i_re De��artment: -, 1 C���":� o�. i�'ire D{��,art�:��.r�� �� 90����,� ? A.c^7 st�rt C}�iefs �L ti;}5,35�-�•00 1.0,708.00 ' ° niremen at �1�., ��1.00 133,ai�9.00 Tota1 li i.rF�.�en S�lz.r. :i.es b�,C�02.00 Eql�.ipment l,(�0(�.00 `Taca_tic�n Pay 2,t�,OQ.OQ ?Ifc?r��-:t- T?nn�al �� ,�00.C)0 Total Fire Prot�ctiot� :�'�ryr� 6�, '�0?_.00 't�C)?�? PURI,IC ?3L'':��r'T_rl' i�f�,�D: A tax not ta ��:reer3 .��� _��r c,����: o� tl-ie ft�ll� fair c�sh val,x�, �� �c�uali�ea o.r a�sessed hs% the '?ey�a��t�-!.�nt ��' '�,c,^„��e �f t?�,e ��t a_t; o f 1).1.:L r..o i s, on al.�_ l,;���,�.t,l e ��ro.��'�'��T T•�T.i.t'��:i�'t t'�F� C _I;Z* oI �%°?.'�ton� ?.7_1- :L rl O 1°� '�O �'E3 ).`i1 d 1N'I1 L�S �'t1�J�.1 C ''�P.Y)'?t�7-t ���-'``s and �ti�e f��r_c� risin� t�t�z=e:Cram. to ';e �-r�oia� ��ti� t'�_� rt�blic '_�en�f-�t l�'l�nd ta �7�� ��U,ec? . sole7�y for. t},,e r,ur�?o�e �f—��asv':.�.ri�m t}�^_t :-7o,ryt��n of tl:�e sev�ra:L a�no�a.nts r:_�;��^�o�'ore assFSSe�� a��,�infit t?�e Ci V-�r far 1'�,�,lic >en.ef�.ts uYld�r ar.d i� �?ur�t:�ance of a:�y� ordir7�l�c� t}��t Yia; Y,e»��ttar be pa^ced o_r as�essed - �in:�.t . 15,0�0.00 1�,�00.00 �� ' ' ' � , _!+_ . F�R ILI,Ii�10TS I�'�Ui�I^iP�L R����!E�1T: �'�Tr?D: ` : A t� n�+t ta excPed .i�5 ��er cent or� the flzll, fair cash_ ���l��ze on all taxa- � b1e proberty within the said City of C�nton, Tllinois, a� ths ;,a,ne �.a �qu.�-�_ ized or assessed b,yt the De�ar•tment of Revenlzc� of t,�e ct�t� c��' I1lirois. 1�,��00.�0 i5,000.00 �'or the �a;�ment of Princi��l a?�.� i�tFr_ ��t an G�n^r�l G�l.j.r.ration Bonds of the Cit,y nf Canton, Illinois, f�r tr� im_ prov�ment of Canton Lake Spilljaay anc� b�'�ter 'rJork� Im�rovement, ���.t}-�c,rizec� b,y Grdinance i��o. 13Z;-, passed Aix�ust ?, l�,rl. l�?,200.O�J 18,�oo.oa For the y ayment o_f r>rinci��al and iryt�;r:�st on General Ohlit ation Bon�s of tr_e City of Canton, I113.noic, f�r ��,'atAr Nlorks im- ��rovempnt, a�zthorizad bv Ordinanc� �;��� ��05, passed Se��tember l�, 19�9. 32e1;-n�.00 � 3�,4oa.00 For th� payment of ��rincipal .�nd interest on xeneral C�bli�;ation Bonds �f the Cytv of Canton, I1linais, f�r Constructiorz � Irnpravements and �xtensians of Sewe.ra�� Syst�m, auth�rized b,y C!rdinance ivo. !�OC, passed Se�tember 1�, 1959. 25 2�0.00 � 25,2oa.00 F4R rAR�ACsE DISP��SA,L; A tax. not to exceed .10 per cent an the � fu11, fair cash val.ue, aa enualized or acsessed b y the Department of RevenL�e of the State of Il.li.roir , on all tax�.ble property within the Cit�r of CP..r.ton, I1.1- inois, �ur�u ant to Ordinance �.?�� �5� passed Ma,y 20, 1947, autraorizin� the es- tabliar.ment and maintenance of a systeri fcr the collect�.on and dis�-�o�a]_ of Gar- b��;e: Labor 30,000.00 Maintenance 6,000.00 Total Garba�e Dispos�.l 36,OOO.QO TOTAL OT��ER PUFY�SES 236,602.00 GRA.��?D T07'AL FOR ALL �T�RI�US�� °ss,}91_l.�..00 Sectiun 2. That the City Co�_�rcil. sh�l.l a.t any time after the first. half of the fiscal year, by a two-thir�s vote of its membership, make tran�fer �rithin an, department or other se�arate a�ency of the City C}overnment, nf sums of money a�propriated for. one cor��rata ob�ect or purpose to another c�rporate object or purpose, but no appropriation f'or an,y ob,�ect or purx>ose s.hall i�hereby be reduced be- low an amaunt sufficient to cover all ob1_i�;ations inc�arred/to be incurred a�ainst such appropriation. n� Section 3. Tnis Qrdinance sh�ll be kk���wn as �):�e "Annual Ap- �ropriati.on Ordinance" of the City �f Canton, Illinc�is. .� , _ , '�� , � , � /` � ' ' ` - _5_ � Section 1.�.. T�is Or�inance ���a1.1 be in ef�'ECt ten da,ys after its bassa�e b..� th.e City �o�zncil, a�l�rova? b,y the i�;��ror, ar.d publica- tion according to ].aw• PPSSed by t�� City Co�?r�cil of Ca�ton, Illinois, at a regul.ar meetin� thez'eof held on the --��day" af June, tt�. D. 1962. Approved by me trYic ���z�day of Jun.e, 1962. _.,..�-� .''1/ APPRO�JE'D: n�C,�.. N�ayor �____.... , ATT�ST: L� � � . ' -�, �� City C1erk /