HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #62 First r�ading; Council 7�3. -- " . Se�a+nd�.eading: Council ,7 17,62 ,� �•, �" '� Passed. .. ► , •.., OR.DINI NCE N0. ..._�: � . ___ 1N ORDINANCE FOR LEVYING TAXES FOR f10RPORATE PURPOS�S OF THE CITY OF CANT4N, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAI, �" y�,AR OF SAID f1ITY, 1962-1963. WIi�R�AS, the Clty Oou�cil of the City of Q�ton, Illinoi�, did o� the 19'�h day 0f Juna�A.D. � 1962, pa�s the ANNUAI, AP1'ROPRIATIODT OxDIDtAN08 mf the City of Canton for the Fiscal Ye�r of �s�id Cit�r beglnning o� the Fir�t Tue�day of the Moath of ��y', ��a2t�e �,mou�t in� on the Fir�t Tuesday of the Month of �� ��OO��which �aid AN- whioh was appr0$riated �as the st�m of �858� NUAI, APP$OPRIATSON ORDINgbTC� w�.� duly �pproved by the Mayar �f �aid Oity o� the E$th d�.y o f June, 1962� �d which s�.id ANNUAZ APFROPRIgT'�► IO�t ORDSNANOE wa�, on the _� day of Ju�e,1962 duly published in tha f�ant0n Daily Ledger, a dai�y secular newsp�per 0f �;ener�,l circulatiom, publi�hed in said C�iQT to ��id�publication;�r a period of at le��t �ig mc�.ths ( 6 � pr Np�T, TH�REFORT, BE IT ORDAINED BY TH� C?ITY COUNCII, OF TH� OITY OF CANTON, IZLINOTS2 Section 1. That there be, and is hereby levied on all property sub�ect to t�xation within the corporate limits of tha (31ty mf Oan- tan, Illinois, as the same is �,s�essed and equalized for State amd OOUnty purposes for the curren'� year, for the fiscal year of said Cit�r ef Oanton,Illinais, beginnin� on the First Tuesday in the mo�th of May� 1962, �.nd ending on the First �ors�he follpwing �peaified� 1963� the total �um �f �228,300.00 � purposesi Amowa.t Amount t� �. u�ronriated�. be Levied. FOx GEI�RAL CORPORATE PURPOSES: POLICE DTPARTP�NT- Salaries 1 Ohief af Poli.ce � 5,9�5.00 2 Sergeants � 5,35�+•�� eaeh 10,708,00 8 Pol�cemen � ��+,821.00 eaeh 38,568.00 2 Radia Opera,t0rs � �4,089.00 8,178.00 . 1 Fi1� Clerk 3,142.00 Au.xiliary Policemen 5,000,00 Vac�tio� P�y �2 .�.� Total Polic� Department Salari�s �74,�5 .� �30,000.00 POLICB DEPARTM�NT SUPPLIES &EQIIIPP�NT: �2�880.00 Pelice t��.r Rental 5,000.00 Supplies & Equipment 2 200.00 Gasoline for Police Cars 1.000.00 Radio Service - Total Police Department Supplies �11�080.00 � �`,000•00 & Equipment SIDL'�TgLKS s 00.00 Repairs & M�..intenanae � 5 �,.,.a-.s , y-. . ` , . `,�► . �r ' � - •2 - • . �. Amoun.t Amouat to A�ro�pri�ted be Zevied STRETTS & ALLEYS: � Sal�.ries & Labor �32,528,00 Gravelia� of Roads 6,00�,00 Material & Supplies 12,000.00 Pureha.�e of �quipment 5,500,00 Oili�.g of Ro�.d� 8 000 �0 T�t�.l S�reets & Alley� �5,0� MISC�ZI,ANEOUS EXPENSTS: �2,500.00 � 1,000•00 PRINTING & PIIBLICATI4�Ts �1�000.00 � 1,044.00 CITY COURT MAINTENANCP: � 500.00 PUBI,IC GROUNDS & BIITLDING�: � Repair� & Niaintenance 7,500.00 � 7,000.00 SgLARIES OF CITY OFFTCIAI,SS Ma,yor 2,500,00 City Clerk 4,000.00 City Treasurer 2,000.00 aity Attorney 3,895.00 �ldermem 3,500.00 Police Ma�;istrate 2,000.00 �eputy Clerk 704*00 Secretary to th� Mayor 6 1 0 Total City Official's S�.larie� 22,290.00 �20�000.00 gUDITING: � 400.00 STREET LIGFiTING: �13�000.00 � 9�00�.00 OEMETERY: Maintenab.ae 10,000,00 PurcY�se of Equipmex�t 2,500,00 Repairs 2 00 00 Tatal Cemetery , 0 . �13,000.00 INSURANf1�C: Fire and wind�torm, City Building� and eontents 1,000.00 C�sualty & Wor�en� � Compensation 10 0 00 Total Insurance 1, 0.00 �10�000.00 TOT9.I, GENERAZ FUND �224,54g.00 �99,000.00 W�TER & STWER DETgRT�TENT: Salaries 78,580.00 Extra I,abor 6,000.00 MaixitenanQe 8�000.00 �ruck Operation� 2�000.00 Supplies, Chemicals & Fu�l 22,000.00 Office Expense 1,500.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire & Windstorm Insur�nce 2,500.00 Casualty & Workmen' s Compensation 4,240.00 Depreciation gccount 12,000.00 �xtension of Service 40�000.00 etirement Bonds & Interest 30,000,00 Purchase of �quipment 000 00 Total Water & Sewea �22 ,7 0.00 � �: • F � � . . _ 3 r . gmount Amou�t to A�propriated be Levied � PARKING METER FUND: Off-Street Parking Sinking Fun.d �10�000.00 Purohaae of �quipment 2,000,00 Gas & Oil-Motorcycle 400.00 Servi.ce in Parkin� Meter Zpne 2,000.00 �a.intenanee of Mof�orcyele 200.00 Pa,inting Markin�� 1,000,00 Salary: 1 meter m�..id 2,76.5.00 Salary: 1 Parki�ag Pollceman and Re pairmar�. 4,604.00 Permanent Street Improvements 1 000„�00 Total Parking Meter Fund 35��.00 SAI,TS TAX FUND: �etirement of Street Improvemen.t Bond� & Intere�t �30,000.00 For Gener�,l Corporate Purposes 40,000.00 Fire Protection Purposes 35,000.00 Garbage �epartment Maintenance 5,000.00 For Street Department Repairs & Maintenanca ,�5,000,00 Total Sales Tax Fund ���35�,000.00 GRAND TOTAI, GENERAL PURPOSES �622,��}�.00 �99,000.00 FOR OTHER PURPOSES AUT,:::ORIZED BY LAWs F�iHLIC COMFORT STATION FUND: g tax not to exceed .0333 per cent of the full, fair c�.sh value , as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable propertq within the City vf Canton,Illin- ois. Repairs �,nd Mainte�.anee 9,100.00 Salarie� 2,300.00 Pa�aent of Principal & Interest on Bond s 1 100.0,Q 2,500.00 �12,500.00 CIqIZ DEFENS� FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cen.t of the full, fair cash value,as equalized or �.sses�ed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinoi�, on all t�,xable property within the City of Canton,Illin- ois. � 4,000.00 � 4,000.00 FOR POLICE PEI�SIOI� FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent of the full, fair cash value, a� equalized or a�ses�ed by the �epart�:e�.t of Hevenue of the State of I111nois, on all taxable property within. the City of Can.ton, I11- i�.ois. �10,000.00 �10,000.00 v r ` r � � � AIi�.�LU3.t �10UY1.'� '�� .A,ppropriated be Levied FOR FIRE I�ROTECTION FUND: A t�x not ta exceed two mill� on each dollar cf the fu11, fair cash value, a� equa.lized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenu� of the State of Illin- oi�, on all taxable proper�y within the City of Canton, Illinois. SALARIES OF THE FSRE DEPARTMENT 1 Ohief of Fire Dep�.rtmen.t 5,905.00 2 Assi�tant Chiefs � �5,354.00 �aeh 10,708.40 9 Firemen � �4,821.00 each 4 8 00 Tot�l �iremen�s Salaries 0�002.0 Equipment 1,000.00 Vacation P�g 2,800.00 Hydrant Rental �+ 00 00 TOTAL FIRE PRO�ECTIO�� FUND ,302:00 ,�65,000.00 FOR PUBLIC BENPFIT FtTND: g tag not to exaeed .05 per cent on the full, falr cash value, as equal- ized or as�e��ed by the Department of Revent�e of the State of Illinois,on all taxable property within the City of Ca,ntQn, Illinoie, to be known as Public enefit Tag, and the fund rising therefrom to be known as the Publie Benefit Fund to be used solely for the purpo�e of paying that portion of the s�veral amounts heret0fore asse�sed against the Oity of C�,nton for Publie Benefits u�der and in pursuance of any ordinance tha.t may hereafter be pa�sed or assessed against. �15,000.00 �11,000.00 FOR ILLINOIS NNNI6tTPAL �E'�I�'E�lEN'fi:.:�'LiND: 1 t�x nvt to exeeed ,125 �er cent on the full, fair cash value''''as equalized or �ssessed by the Department of Reve- nue af the State of Illinois on a11 i; . :'_.: �c^ taxable property within the Qit� of Canton, Illino3.s �15,000.00 �15,000.00 For the Payment of Principal and In- terest on General Obligation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois�jfor the improvement mf Qanton. Lake Spill- way and Water Works Improvement Au- thorized by �rdinance �o. 134,passed August 7, 1951. �18,200.00 �18,200.00 For the �layment of Principa.l and In tereet on General Obligatiom Box�ds of the City of Canton, Illinois,for aonstruction Improvements and Ezten- �io�e of Sewera�e System, �.uthorized by Ordinance �To. 405, passed Septem- ber 15, 1g59: ���i�04i00 �����d0°,00 - 3 , ,�. k ' W � . '� . � - 5 - gmount �.mount to A �propriat d be I,evied For the payment of �'rincipal an.d In- terest on General Obligati.on Bonds of the 01ty of Ca,nton, Illinois, for Water Works Improvement,authorized by drdinanoe No 405, passed Septem- ber 15, 1959 �32,400.00 �32,�+00.00 FOR G9RBAG� DISPOSAI,: A tax not to egceed .10 per cent of the full, f�.ir cash value , as �qu�.lized or or a�sessedby the Departau�nt of Reve- °"�`` �ue of the State of Illinoi�, on all � tagable property within the C�ty of Oantoa, Illinois,pursuant to rdi�- a.nce DTo. 35, Pas sed May 20,1947� authorizing theestablishm�nt and m�„in- ten�nce mf a system for the collection and disposal of garbage: Labmr 30,000.00 Maintenance 6 040 00 Total Garbage Disposal 3 ,000.00 �35,000.00 Fur�,d Total O�HER PURPOSES ���6,6d�.�b �228�300,00 GRAND TOTAL FOR AI�L PURPOS�S �858,���..00 �327,300,00 Section 2. That the City CZerk of the City 'of Canton� I1.11�41s, is herebY authorized and direeted to file wit� the County Clerk of Fulton Ccunt:�� Illinois, �. duly certified copy of this ordinanee. Saction 3. That this ordinance shall be in effec� upon its pas��.�e by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and �,pproval by the Ma.�or„ Pa�sed by the City Council this ,.�;��C��:�y of J�y, 1962 A.D. Approved by the r�2a�ior thiu , ������.y of Ju3�e , 1962 A.D, APPROVED: � , _,,���=-��_ r 1�'AYOR ATTEST: �' ,.�,� ��_ ;' � ��I�ER i� % �