HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #74 � � a� ��� Partial readinga Counc�l.lfl}�/63 � - � � `To �e re�d 2�5/63. , , : Fu11 reading: CauR�:_?�. �� 2/5/63 Passed; 10 AYES, ORDIN'ANCE, 1 PASS. �'0. 7� AN �RDINANCL PREPARED AND TRANSMITTED AND ITS PASSAGE RECOI�'IENDED BY THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROYEMENTS 4F TAE CITY OF C�TTON, IZ►LINQIS, PROVIDING FOR THE I,OCA� IMPROYEMEN�' OF �FRTAIN PORTIONS OF HICKORY STREET, HOLLY STREET, LEWIS 3TREET, FiANLO�' sTRFT3', S.�M SCOTT STREE�' AND SIXTH AY�NUE IN TI� CITY OF CANT01�, ILLINOIS, FORMING A COI�TNECTED SYSTEM 4F PAVEMENT .AND DE8IGI�ATED AS "CANTON PAVIPTG IMPROVEMENT 16UMBLx 63-A". BL IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF C9NTON, II,ZINOIS s Section 1. T'hat a local improvemeat be and the aame is� hereb� originated to be made by specisl asse��ement withia the Cit9 of Canton, Count� of Fulton, and State of Illinois� tn be known a� "CANTON PAVING IMPROVEMEPIT NIINiBER 63-A", the nature, charaeter, locality, deaeription and extent of which 14ca1 im- provement is as followss That the roadwag of the atreet�, drives and court�`�here�ia- after des�eribed to be improved by excavating, grading and pre- p�ring the subgrade to rec�ive the hereina�ter de$cribed pavement and curbing, by paving with a 7-inch compacted gravel, cru�ahed gr�wel or crushed stone ba8e cours�, by priming the baae cours�, with a bituninous material by covering the base courae and prime coat r�rith a tr�o inch bitum�aous cover coat miature, by curbing with Portland Cement Concrete curb�, by constructing necessary stora water inlets and connec�ing storm �ewers, by constructing and making necess4r� ad�u�tments to grade of existing manholes and valve vault covers, by constructing necessary concrete he�d- ers, by removing tree,�, such removal made necessary b9 the plac- ing of curbing, by removing existiag eateh basins aad inl�ts. �'hat the pavement hereinafter provided to be con�tructed on Hickory 8treet shall be uniformly 34 feet in width a$ meaaured from froat face of curbs from Third Avenue to Fourth A�enue. That the pavemen� hereinafter provided to be con�tructed oa Holly S�i�et shall be uniformly 34 feet i� width as measured between �a ±�r of curbs from Fourth Avenue to �'i�th Aveaue. That the pavement hereinafter provided to be constructed on Lew�B�,reet �hall be uniformly 34 feet in width as measured betwee �'e of curbs from Fourth Avenue to Sixth .Avenue. That the pavement hereinafter provided to be cons�ructed on Han�o����treet shall be uniformly 34 feet in Nidth as �aea�ured betwee � of curbs from Fo�th Avenue to Sixth A�enue. That the pavement hereinaft�r provided to be conatructed on Sa.� S►cott St��,t� shall be uniformly 34 feet in Kidth ae mea�ured betwe �i�`''ace of curba from Fit'th Avenue to Seventh lvenue. That the pavement hereinafter provided to be constructed on Sixth Avenue �hall uniforml� 34 feet in width as measured be- �weexa, front face of c�zrbe from Oak Street to Sam Scott Street, except that portion of said Sixth Avenue between Linn Street ta Ho119 �treet the pavement shall be uniformly 36 feet in width a� measured betWeen i���t face of curbs. � a " � , , .. . � i � �/• � .i . ' That tree removal shall include excavation, �ree rem,oval, brush and stump removal and backfilling. That the avement shall be conetructed to a uniform thick- ne,s s of nine (9� inche s. Tha� the combination curb and gutter herein provided to be coastructed shall be Nineteen (19) inches in width and shall ex- tend 8ix (6) inches in height above Favement surface. That the curb headers herein provided to be conatructed shall be Six (6) inchea in width and eighteen (18) inchee in height. That the removal of exi�ting catch basias and inlete shall include excavation and backfillingy �'hat all necegsary excavation, gr+�ing, shaping and co�- Dacting of the subgrade preparatory to' th� placement of the pa�r�-- �aent and curbing be dnne , which �xcavatican and �radiag to include the removal of all earth, oil surface, culvert pipes �d other obstructions of whate�rer nature within the pavement and curbing area, the removal of which is nec�ssary for the construetioa of the proposed improvement. That where abutting sidewalk� and driverraye do not meet the grades of the proposee curbs, said sidewalks shall be �ade to ean- form to the proposed improvement grade by taking up the �eQuir�t� amoun.t of such existing sidewalk and replacing an equal kind and quality of the same to conform to the proposed improvement grade$ and �,ake a neat and servicable �unction. That the parkwa�s along the line of the proposed eurbs sshall be graded and smoothed to the top of tYie proposed c�rb grade on a baek slop�not exceeding one vertical to three horia0ntal. I� all other respects the construction whall conform to the requirements as aet forth in the �STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR RO.�D AND BRI;�E CONSTRUCTION", prepared by the Department of Public Works and Building� of the State of Illinois and adopted by said Department, Januar9 2, 1958, and revisions and additions thereto. � That the total cost of the improvement, including all nece�- �ary labor, materials, machinery, tools an.d equipment, for the Local Improvement , in said �ity of Canton, Illinois, is the sum of �215,0�0.00, Khich said estimate i$ itemiSed and is attached hereto and m�de a part of this Ordina�nce by reference thereto. That for a more detail descriptioa of the matter� heretofare recited, reference is hereb� made to the plans, �ro�il�e��a�d�(a}sa�- ing hereto attached, which plans, profiles and drawinge are here- by made expressely a part of this Ordinance. That all the �levations and �rades of the center line of th� finished improvement, the top of the finished curbs, the atorn� water inlet�a, valve manholes, and nece�sary ad�u�t�ea� to grades shall eonform to and be identical with the elevations and grades a+e sshown by the pl�s� specifications and profiles prepared by CraM- ford, Murphy and Tilly, Con�ulting Engineers, of the City of Spring- �ield, Illinois, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of th� City of Canton, Illinois, and aade a p�rt of this Ordinarice b� reference, as though set out herein in full, a cop� of such plans, specifications, and profiles being attached hereto. � '�hat su�h grades and elevations are shown ia �uch pls�n�, f. m ^ ,� a «- ' 3�. specifications and profiles and are m�asured in feet and decimal part� thereof and are determined from a bench mark, the locatioa of which is shown on said plans, specifications and profiles�. 5ectioa 2. DEFINITIONS. That wheaever the �rords�"d.e�§���d below are u�ed in this Ordinance, or in the specifications hereto attached and made a part hereof, or in any proceedings relative to the improvement herein provided for, they shall have the �ol- lowiag meaningss "State" shall be interpr�ted to mean the City of Canton, Illinois. "Department of Public Work�a and Buildings" shall be inter- preted to mean the Board of Local Improvements of the �ity of C�a- ton, Illinois. "Engiaeer" shall be interpre�ed to mean the engineer ena- ployad by the City of Canton, Illinois. "State Trea�urer of Illinois" shall be interpreted to meaa the City Treasurer of Canton, Illinois. "Coatractor" shall be interp�eted to mean the persoa, firm or corporation to �rhom the work for this improvement is awarded and the agent�, a�signs and employees thereof. Sectioa 3. APPROVAL OF PI�ANS ETC. That the maps, plans aad speaifications for this improvemen�, hereto attached, �.nd herein- before referred to, are hereb9 approved and made a part of thi�e Urdinance the same as if incorporated in this Ordinanee in full. Ia ease of conflict with the parts of said specifiaations and special provisions, the special provisions shall control. Section 4. SUPERVISION. That all the aforesaid local im- provements shail be under the supervision and direction of the Board of Zocal Improvements of the City of Canton, Illinois. Section 5. RECOI�'IENDATIONS APPROVED. Tha� the recommenda- tions ef the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Cantoa, Illinois, recommending and providing for the afor�said local im- pr0vemeat , together with the L�timate o�' the Cost thereof, aa made and ite�i�ed by and over the signature of the Engineer of said Board, both attached hereto, be and the same are approved, and made a part her�of the same as if they were incorporated herein in full. Section 6. ASSESSMENT ET�. That the said Local Improvement shall be made and the cost of said local 3.mprovement being the Bum of �215�000.00, as shown by the �stimate of the Engineer of . said City oS C�nton, I1linois, attached hereto and �ade a part here- of, including the aum of �10,905.76, being the amount included in the esti.mate of said engineer as the cost of making, levying and collecting the assessments thereof, the court costs, attorne�'s t'ees and the lawful expen�es attending the same, and including the sum of $22,331.60, being the amount included in the estimate of �aid engiaeer as the cost of engine�ring, inspection and supervia- ion, sha11 be paid by special a�aess�ent, to be levie�d upon the contiguoue property �pecifica119 to be 'trenefited to the amount the same may b� lega119 assessed therefore in accordance with the pro- viaions of an Act of the General Assembly of �he State of Illinoi$, entitled "R�vised �ities and Villa�es Act", Article 84, Sectione � to 99, bo h iacluaive, approved A�gust 15, 1941, in foree Jan- uary 1, 1942, and acts amendator9 thereto. `�hat the suffi of �10,9�5•76 shall be applied towards of lawful expenses ot' making, � a . � 4/. levTing, and eollecting said assessments and the court costs, attorney f�es and lawful expenses attending the same; and the snm oF �22,331.60 shall be applied towards paying �he co�te of eagin- eering, inspection and superviaion incident to said. improvem�at, all as provided by said Act af the General Assembl�, an.d all acts amendatory and supplementary thereto. Section 7. INSTALLMENTS. That the aggregate amount herein or�ered to be a$�essed against the property of each lot, piece, tract a� ��rcel to be asaessed, and the amouat to be assessed, 1Y �ny, �g�iaat the Cit� of Canton, Illinoi�, a� �nd for public bene- f it, shall be divided ia ten (10) annual installffienta �o that all � iastall�ents ahall be equal in amount except tha� all fractional amounts shall be added to the first insta3lment, so as to leave the remaining iastallments of the ' �g regate equal in amount and each multiple of One Hundred Dollars ��100.00) ; said first in�tallment shall be due and payabl� on the 2nd. day of January neat after the date of the first voucher issued on aecount of work done on said improvemen�, and the second installment one year after, and s4 on annua119 until all said installments are paid, and all of said in- atallments sha11 bear interest at the rate of Five Per Centum C596) per annum, from the date of the first voucher issued on account of work done on said improvement. �nd it is hereby made the dnt9 of the Board of Local Improvements to file in the office of the Clerk of the Court 3,n whieh said asses�ment is confirmed a certi�icate signed b;� its secretary of the date of said first voucher and the amount thereof within thirty C30) daya after the issuance thereof. Section 8. BONDS. That for the purpose of anticipating the collection of the seeond and succeeding installmenta of said sgecial assessmentss of said local improvement, bonds �hall be is- susd payable out of the aforesaid installments, bearing imterest at the rate of Five Per Centum C596) per annum, payable annuall�, and �aid bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, President of the Board oi Lacal Improvement$ of the City of Canton Illinois, attested and countersigned b� the �ity Clerk of �aid �ity, under the corporate seal oF saia city of Canton, Illinois, and said bonds aha11 be is- sued in the sum of One Hundred Dollars (9�100.00) each or some multi- ple thereof, and �hall be dated and draw in�erest from the dat�e of the issuing the same ; �aid bonds shall be issued in accordance with and in all respect$ pursuant to the provisions and re4uirements of ��. an Act of �he General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled �Revi�ed Cities and Pillages Act" , Article 84, Sections 1 to 99, both inclusive, approved August 15, 1941, in force January 1, 1942, and all acts amendatory thereto. Sectioa 9. PROCEDURE. That the Mayor of the City of Canton, Illinois, on behalf of �aid City is hereby directed and in$tructed to file � Petition in the �ity Court of Cantoa, Illinois, in the name of the City of Canton, Illinois, praying that steps be taken to levy a special as.essment for the said improeement in accordance with the prowisions of this Ordinanee and in the manaer presdribed by law. Sectioa 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS. �hat all actions taken in and �ased on this Ordiaance is and shall be under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of an �ct of the General �ssembly af the �tate of Illinois entitled "Revised Cities and Villagee Aatp, .�rticle 84, Sections 1 to 99, both inclusive, approved 1�ugust 15, 19�1, in force January 1, 1942, and all additioa� and act� amendatory thereto. i ' S/, � Seetion 11. REP�L. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in any way coaflicting with this Ordinance, be, and the �ame are hereby repealed. Section 12. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This Ordinance shal.l be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, �ecording to law. � PdS�E� by the City Council of the Ci�y of Cant,on, Illinoi�� aad �igned and approved b9 the Mayor of said City an epo�eited in th fi of the �ler]� of said City, this ..� day oi �.. , 196�• ., � � APPROVED: " , ; `" ayor AT sTs ity erk. �