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ORDIN�N'CE N0.__^�' / .
WHEREAS, in an Ordinance passed b� the City Council of the
City of Canton, Ill�nois, on th� 5th. day of February, 1963,
which Ordinance is Number ?4 of th� Ordinances of the City of
C�nton, Illinois, a mi�take was made in next to last word of p�ra-
graph three of Section '1 of said Ordinance wherein the word
"Fourth" was inadvertently inserted when it was intended that the
word "Sixth" should have been placed therein, so that the ordia-
ance would read Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue;
AND WAEREAS, said Ordinance pertains to the improvement of
certain str�ets in the City of Canton under Canton Paving Pro-
ject No. 63-Aa
' AND WHERE.AS the Ordinance afor�said r�fers to a more detail
deseription of �aid project by ref�rence to the plans, profil�
and drawin�s of the con�sulting En�ineers attached to said Ordin-
ance, which plans, profiles and drawings were th�r�by made ex-
' pressaly a part of the Ordinance Number ?4. Which said plans, pro-
, files and drawings specificially set out that the pavement was to
be constructed from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue on Hickort�
AND WHEREAS the Recommen.dation of the Board of I,ocal Improve-
ments submitted to the City Council with the said Ordinance Number
?4 incorporated therewith the Estimata of the Cost of the local
Engineer for said project improvem�nt; that �aid Ordinance as
pas�ed by said City Council on the 5th. day of February, 1963, in
Section 5 thereof, rcfers to the Estimate of Cost of �aid Engineer,
and was attached to said Ordinance and was approved and made a
part of said Ordinance; and in Section 6 of said Ordinance the
Enp;ineer' s Estimate was again referred to as attached to �aid
Ordinance and madc a part th�reof�
AND WHEREAYS in all of said Estimates, made a part of the
Ordinanc� aforesaid and in the plans, profiles and drawings of
the consultin� Engineers, also made a part of said Ordinance, a�
aforesaid, it was speci�iciall� atated that the pavement to be
made on Hickory Street was from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue.
1. That the next to last word in said para@;raph three of ;Serc,•-
tiaa. �.. of said Ordinance 74 be corrected and changed to read
"Sixth" instead of "Fourth" , so that said paragraph three shall �
read as follows:
That thc pavement hereinafter provided to be con-
structed on Hickory Street shall be uniformly 34
faet in width as measured from front face of curb�
from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue. •
2. That said correetion shall be and take effect nunc
pro tunc as of February 5, 19E�.
Passcd by the City Council of the City of Cantoa, Illinois,
signed axi.d approved by the Mayor of said City of Canton, and de-
posited in th� office of the Clerk of the City of Canton, this
17th. day of April, 1963.
ATTEST � ayor.
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