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Section l, That a local improvement be and the same is
hereby originatPd to be mad� by special assessmen� within the
City of Canton, County of Fulton, and. Stat� of Illinois, to be
known as "CANTON PAVING Ir1P�OVE�'I'�'r�NT iNT1BER 63-D" , the nature ,
character, locality, d�scription and �xtent of which local im-
prov�ment is as follows :
That th� roadway of the streets, driv�s and courts herein-
af�er describe� to be improved by �xcavating, grading and pre-
paring the subgrade to receive the hereinafter d�,cribed pavc-
ment and curbing, by paving with a 7-inch compacted �rav�l,
crushed gravel or crushed stone base cour_se , by primin� the base
course with a bitwninous material, by cov�ring the basc course
and prime coat with a two inch bituminous coat mixture, by curb-
ing with Portland Cement Concretr. curbs, by constructing neces-
sary storm water inlets and connectin� storm sew�rs, b;� construc -
ing and making necessary adjustments to grade of existing man-
holes and valve vault covers, by constructing necessary concrete
headcrs, by removin� trees, such re�moval made necessary by the
placing of curbing, by removing cxisting catch basins and inlets
That the ��avement hereinafter provided to be constructed
on Van. Dyke Drive shall be uniformly 34.0 feet in width as meas-
ured from between front face of curbs from the West corporate li i�s
limits to a point �545' W�st of the center line of S.B.I. RTe.78
That the pavement hereinafter provided �o be con5tructed
on Lawrence Drive shall be uniformly 30.0 fert in width as meas-
ured between front face of curbs from a point 134' North of the
Nor-Gh linc of Winegar Streat to a point330' North of th� North
lin� of Winegar Street.
That tree r�moval shall include excavation, tree removal,
brush and stump removal and backfilling.
That the avemen.t shall be constructed to a uniform thick-
ness of nine C9� inches.
That th� combination curb and gutter herein provided to
be construct�d shall be Nineteen (19) inch�s in width and shall
extend Six (6) inches in hei�ht above pavement surface.
That the curb headers herein provided to be constructad
shall be Six (6) inches in width and eightecn (18) inches in
That th� removal of existin� catch basins and inlets shall
include e�tcavation and �ackfillin�.
That all necessary excavation, grading, shdpin�: and com-
pacting of the subgrade preparatory to the placem�nt af the pave
ment and curbing be done , which excavation and �rading to includ
th� removal of all earth, oil �urface, culvert pipes and other
obstructions of whatever natur� v�ithin the pavement and curbing
. , � ,
arca, the removal of which is necessary for th� construCtion of
the proposed improvement.
That where abuttin� sidewalks and driveways do not m�et the
grades of the proposed curbs, said sidewalks shall be made to con
form to th� proposed improvement grade by taking up th� required
amount of such e�isting sidewalk anC replacing an equal kind and
quality of th� sam� to conform to th� proposed improvement grades
and make a neat and servicable junction.
That the parkways along thE line of the proposed curbs shal
be graded and smoothed to thc top o� th� proposed curb �rade on a
back slop not exc�eding one vertical to thr�e horizontal.
In all other resp�ct the construction shall conform to the
requirements as set forth in the "ST1�ITDAHD SPECIFICATION FOR �
RGAD AI�TD B�IDGE CCNSTRUCTIGN" , prepared by the Depart�ent of Pub-
lic Works and Buildin�s of th� State of Illinois and adopted by
!said Departraent , January 2, �.958, and r°visions and additions
That the total cost of th�: improv�ment, including all nec-
cssary labor, mat�rials , machinery, to ols and equipment, for the
Local Improvcment , in said City of Canton, Illinois , is the sum
of $21, (�0.00, which said estimatc is itenized and is attached
hereto and made a part of this Ordinance by reference th�reto.
That for a mor� detail description of th� matters hercto-
fore recited, reference is her�by made to the plans, profiles
and drawings hereto attached, which plans, profiles and drawin�;s
� are hereby made exp�esse].y a part of this Ordinance.
That all th� el�vations and �rades of the center line of
th� finished improvement, th� top of the finished curbs, the
storm wat�r inlets, valves, manhol�s, and necessars adju�stment to
grades shall conform to and be identical with th� elevations and
�;rades as shown by the plans, specifications and profil�s prepar�
by Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, �onsultir_� En�inec�rs, of the City
of Springfield, Illinois,t��d now on file in the offic� of the
City Clcrk of the City of Canton, I1linois, and made a part of
this Ordinance by refez��nce , as though set out herein in full, a
copy of suchplans, specifications, and profiles being attached
That such grades and elevations are shown in such plans,
s pecifications and profiles and are measured in feet and decim�l
�,arts thereof and ar� determined from a bench mark, the location
o� which is shown on said plans , specifications and profiles.
S�ction 2. D�FINITIONS. That whenever th� words desired
below are used in this Ordinance , or in the specifications heret
attahced are made a part hereof, or in any proce�din.gs relative
to the improvement herein provided for they shall have the fol-
lowin� meanings :
"Stat�" shal,l be int�rpret�d to mean the City of Canton,
"Department"of Public Works and Buildings" shall be inter-
pret�d to mean th� Board o� Zocal Improvements of th� �ity of
Canton, Illinois.
"Enginetr" shall be interpreted to mcan the engin�er em-
i ploycd by the City of Canton, Illinais.
i�c "State Treasurer of Illinais" shall b� interpreted to mean �
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the City Treasurer of Canton, Illinoi�r..
"Contractor" shall b� int�rpreted to m�an th� person, firm ��.
or corporation to whom the work for this improvement is awarded nd
and the agents, assigns and employees th�reof.
Section 3. APPR�VAL UF YLANS ETC. That the maps, plan.s
and sp�cifications for this improvement , hereto attached and
hereinbefore refcrred to, are hereby approv�d and made a part of
this Ordi.nance the sam� as if incorporated in this Ordinance in
full. In case of conflict with the parts of said specifications
and special provisions, th� special provisions shall control.
Section 4. SUP�RVISION. That all the aforesaid local im-
prov�ments shall be under the sup�rvision and direction of the
Board of Z�cal Improv�ments of the City of Canton, Illin.ois.
Section 5. RECOMI'�ND�TIGNS APP�OVED. That tY�e recommenda
tions of th� Board of Local Improvements of the �ity of Canton,
Illinois , r�commending and providin.g for the aforesaid local im-
provement, together with the Estimate of the Cost thereof, as
made and itemizcd by and over the signature of th� Engineer of
said Board, both attached hereto, be and the same are approved,
and made a part hereof the same as if th�y were incorporated
herein in fu11.
Section 6. �SS�,�SSM�1tT ETC. That the said Local Improve-
ment shall be made and the cost of said local improvement bein�;
the sum of $21,050.00, as shown by the estimate of the �ngineer
of said �ity of Canton, Illinois , attached hereto and made a par
hereof, including the sum of $1�262.3�, being the amount include
in th� estimatc of said �ngineer as the cost of making, levying
and collecting the assessments ther�of, the Court Costs, Attor-
neg fees and the lawful experises attending the same, and includ-
ing the sum of �2,582.91, b�ing the amount included in the esti-
mate of said engineer as the cost of en�in�erin�, inspection,
and supervision, shall be paid by sp�cial assessment, to be lev-
ied upon the contiguous property specificially to be benefited
to the amount the same may b� legally assessed therefore in ac-
cordan.ce with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly
of the State of Illinois, as provided by Articl� 9, Division 2,
� of the Cities and Villages Act, approved May 29, 1961. That the
sum of $1,262.36 shall be applied toward th� lawful expenses of
making, l�vying, an.d collecting said assessments and the court
costs, attorney fees and lawful expenses attending th� sam� ; and
th� sum of �2,582.91 shall be applied toward paying the costs of
engineering, inspection and supervision incident to said impro�e
ments , all as provided by the Act of th� Gen�ral Assembly of the
State of Illinois.
Section ?. INST�lI,I,MMENTS. That the aggregat� amoun.t herein
ordered to be asscssed against the property of each lot, piece,
tract or parcel to be assessed, and the amount to be assesscd,
if any, against the City of Canton, Illinois , as and for public �
benefit , shall bc divided in t�n (10) �nnual installments so tha
all installments shall be equal in amount except that all frac-
tional amounts shall be added to the fir�t ins�allment, so as to
' leave the remaining installments of th� ag regate equal in amoun
and ea�h multiple of ane Hundred Dollars ��100.04) ; said first
installment shall be due an.d payable on the 2nd. day of January �
next after the d�te of the first voucher issued on account of
work done on said improvem�nt , and th� second installment one
year after, and so on annuall;� until all said installments are
}. 1
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paicl, and all of said installments shall bear interest at the
rate of Five Per Centum C5%) per annum, from the date af the firs
voucher issued on account of work done on said improvement. And
it is hereby made the duty of the Board of Local Improvements to
file in the office of the Clerk of the Court in which said ass—
essment is confirmed a certificate signed by. its secretary of th
date of the first voucher and th� amount thereof within thirty
C30) dass after the issuance th�reof.
Section $. �ONDS. That for the purpose of anticipatin�
the collection of the second and succeeding installments of said
special assessment of said 1,ocal improvcmcnt, bonds shall be is—
suedpayabl� out of the aforesaid installments, bearing interest
at the rate of Five Per Centum C5%) per annum, payable annually,
and said bonds shall be si�ned bsr the Mayor, President of �he
Board of Zocal Improv�ments of the City of Canton, Illinois, at—
tested and countersigned by th� City Clerk of said Citg, under
the corporate seal of said City of Canton, Illinois, and said
bonds shall be issued in th� sum of One HundrPd Dollars (�100.00)
each or some -,��1_tiple �hereof, and shall b� dated and draw� inter
est from the date of the issuing of the sam� ; said bonds shall be
issued in accordancc with and in all respects pursuant to the
provisions and requirements of the Act of the General �ssembly
of the State of Illinois, as providcd by Article �, vivision 2,
of the Cities and uillages Act , approved May 2g, 1961.
Section 9. PRGCEDURC,. That the Mayor of the City of Canto ,
Illinois, on behalf of sai� City is hereby directed and in struct
ed to file a Petition in th� City Court of Canton, Illinoi�, in
the name of the City of Canton, Illinois, praying that steps be
taken to levy a special assessm�nt for the said improvement in
accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and in the man—
ner prescribed by law.
SECTION 10. GEiVER.�L PROVISIONS. That all actions taken in
and. based on this Ordinance is and shall be und�r and pursuant t
the t�rms and provisions of an Act of the G�neral Assemblg of the
State of Illinois, as provided by Article 9, D�.vision 2, of the
Cities and Villagcs Act, approved May 29, 1961.
SECTION 11. RFPEAL. That all Ordinances and parts of Or—
� dinanc�s in any wa� canflicting with this Ordinance , be , and the
same are hereby repealed.
Section 12. WHL+'N EFF�CTIVE. This �rdinance shall be in
full force and effect from and after its passa�e and approval,
according to law,
P�SSED by th�City Council af the City of Canton, Illinois,
and signed and approved by th� Mayor of said City and deposited
in the office of th� Clerk of said City, this l�,�l� day of
July, 196�.
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