HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #85 y! � . . . _ , i +' - - : ; . . 4 � _ , � ORI;IN�i.NC� N0. '�� . OR�INANCE FV�R Zt�VYIT�G T1�.XLS FG3 CGEiPCI�T�� PURPOS�S OF TK'i� CITY CF CANTGI�?, ILLINCI.�, FC��� THL FISC.4L YLAI� Cr S�ID CITY, 1963-1964. Wr�l�EAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, I11- inois aid, on the 2nd. day of July, i963, pass the AIv`NUAI, APFRUP- RIATION ORDIPT.�NCL OF TIN� CITY 0'r' CANTON for the Fiscal Year of said City be�;inning on the First Tuesday of the month o.f P'Iay, 1963, and endin� on the First Tuesday in the month of May, 1964, and the amount which was appropriated was the sum of �880,973.00, hich said APPROPRIATIGN URDIN�C� was duly approved by the M�yor of said City on the 3rd. day of July, 1963, and which said ANNUAL FPROPRIATION ORDINi�TvCE was, on the 15th. day af July, 1963, duly ublished in the Canton Daily Ledger, a daily secular newspaper of general circulation, published in said. �ity of Canton, Illinoi , for a period of at least One Year prior to said publication: NOW, TH���'�FQR�, EE IT GRDI�IT�'D 33Y TrL�� CITY CGUNCII� OF T �� CITY OF CAP7TGN, SLLIIvTOIS: Section l. That there be , and is hereby levied on all property subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Canton, Illinois , as th� same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year, for the fis- cal year of said City of Canton, Illinois, be�inning on the first Tuesday in the m�nth of May, 1963, �nc� endin� on th� first Tues- day in. the month of May, 1964, the total sum of �31�9�,'�28.00, for the following specified purposes : AI�TGUNT AMOUNT TG B� APPROPRIl�T�D. L��VIED. 0� GLNER='�L CORPUR.F�'1':�� PU�FU�r�S: OLIC:� D��ARTM��NT-SxT,kRI:uS: � 1 Chief of Police � 5,905•40 3 Ser�eants at �5,354.00 each 16,062.00 7 Policemen at $4,821.00 each 33,747.00 2 Radio Operators at �4,C89.00 each 8,1']8.00 1 File Clerk 3,i�+2.00 Auxiliary Folicemen 5,000.00 Vacation Pay �.00 Total Police Department Salaries 74,784.00 � 30,000.00 GZICE DEPxRTr�;NT-SU�FLI:'�LS and n;UIPI`Z�TdT: olice Car Rental 2,880.00 Supplies and Equipment 5,C00.00 asoline for Police Cars 2,200.00 adio Service 1,C00.00 Total Police Department , Supplies �nd Equipment 11,080.00 8,OQ0.00 STREETS AND ALLEY;�: alaries and Labor 33,528.00 Gravelin�. and Road� 6,OCC.00 aterial and Su�plies 12,000.00 urchase of Equipment 5,500.00 Tree Removal 8,000.00 Total Streets and Alleys 65,02£3.00 ! 1 i i l � � ' . ... . j . �/• MzscLz��aus �:xP:;�zaTS�s 2,500.oo i,000,o0 PRINTING �'�ND YURLICATTGN 1,000.00 1,000.00 CITY C�URT I"'i.�TT�;��'�NAtvC� <��: 50Q.00 500.00 PUI3ZIC GROUNDS ATiD �UILDri�GS: Repairs and Maintenance 7,500.00? ?,000.00 SALARIij.S CF CITY GFFICII�.LS: Mayor 2,50C.00 City clerk 4,OOO.CO City Treasurer 2,OOC.00 City Attorney 3,895.00 �ldermen 3,50C.QC Police Magistra�te 2,OOC.00 Deputy Clerk 1,OOO.CO Secretary to Mayor 3,6�1.OQ Custodian of Buildings 3,000.00 Total City Of�Eicials Sal�.ries �5��.�b 25,586.00 AUDITING: ,400.00 STREET LIGriTS: 13,000.00 9,000.00 CEl"'�iETE�.Y: Maintenance 11,OOt;.00 Purchase of �quipment 2,jC0.00 Repairs 2,500.00 I Total Cemetery 1-�,�50�1.Z� 14,000.00 I i INSU�A,NCE: Fire , Windstorm., City Buildin� and Contents l,OQ0.00 Casualty an� �+orkman' s Compensation 10,500.00 Total Insurance 11,500.CC 11,500.00 MACHIN�RY AND E�UIPM�T��T: Purchase of Garage Buildin�; 14,OCC.CO 4,0OO.00 TOTAL G�i�ERAL FUT�L �243,378.�0 111,586.00 WATER ANT� SEWE�R DE�'.i���'Pii�NT: Salaries 78�5�0.00 Extra Zabor 6,0OO.00 Maintenance 8,OOC.00 � Truck Operations 2,OOC.00 Supplies, Chemicals, Fuel.s 22,OCC.00 Office Expense 1,54C.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire and. Windstorm Insurance 2,500.00 Casualty and Workmen' s Compensation 4,200.OU Depreciation Account 12,�00.00 Extension of Service 40,000.00 Retirement of Bonds and Intere�t 30,000.00 Furchase o� Equipment S,OOC.CO Total �ater and Se��Ter De- . partment 226,780.00 � li � S P � • � a � � • 3/• PARKING P�TER FUND: Off-Street Parking and Sinking Fund 10,00C.�� Purchase of Equipment 2,000.00 Gas, Oil and Motorcycles 400.CC Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 Maintenance of Motorcycles 200.00 Painting Markin�s 1,000.00 Salary 1 Meter Maid 2,769.00 Salary 1 Traffic Parking Policeman and Repairm.an 4,604.00 Permanent Street Improvements 13,000.00 Total Pa�rking Meter Fund 35,973•00 SA7�:E;S T�1X FUND: R�tirement of Street Improvement Bonds and Interest 30,OCC.00 General Corporate Furposes 40,OCC.00 Fire Protection Purposes 35,000.00 Street Department Repairs and_ Maintenance 25,000.00 Total Sales T:�x Fund 135,000.00 GRANi� TOTAL GET��RAL PUR�OSES �41,131.00 111,586.00 FOR OTI�i R PUF�'OSLS AUTHO�IZED BY LAW : PUBLIC CONiFORT STATIGN FUND: ,A tax no� to exceed .0333 per cent of the full, fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois. Repairs ar_d Maintenance 9,100.00 Salaries 2,300.00 Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds 1,060.00 Total 12,460.00 12,460.00 CIVIL DE�LNS� FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent of the full, fair cash value , as eque�lized or assessed by thc De- partment of Revenue of the State of Illinois. 4,OOC.00 4,0OO..CO FOR PCLI Cla F-;N�ION FUND: tax not to exceed .05 per cent of the full, fair ca�h value , as equal- ized or asses:,�ed by th� Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois , on all tax�ble property �•�ithin the �p 000.00 10,000.00 . City of Canton, �llinois. � FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND: A tax not to exceed two mills on each dollar of the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the Dt:�te of Illinois, on all taxable propErty ti,�ithin the City of Canton, Illinois. � , . � ,• . J • 4/ SALARIES CF FT'� D'�P�:�2TI�7:�;N'T: , 1 Chief of Fire Department 5,9o5•OC 2 Assistant Chiefs at �5,354.00 each 10,708.00 9 Firemen at $4,821.00 each 43,389•00 Total Firemen Salaries 60,002.00 E quipment 3,0�0.00 � Vacation Pay 2,8C0.00 Total Fire Protection Fund 65,802.00 65,802.00 FOR PUBZIC BLNEFII� FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on the full, fair cash value , as equalized, or assessed by the De- partment of Revenue of the State of Illin.ois, on all taxable prop- erty within the City of Canton, Illinois , to be knawn as Public Benefit Tax, and the fund arising therefrom to be known as the Public Benefit Fund to be used solely for the purpose of payin� that portion of the several amounts heretofore assessed a�ainst the City of Canton for Public �3enefits under and in pursuance of any ordinance that may hereafter be passed or assessed a- 000.00 gainst . 1�,000.00 13, FOR ILLTNOIS MUNICTPAL i�.�TIRE�'IEN'r FUND: A tax not to exceed .125 per cent on the full, fair cash value as equalized or assessed by the De��art- ment of Revenue of thQ State of Ill- inois on all taxable property �aithin the City of Canton, Illinois. 15,U00.00 15,000.00 For the pa�rment of Principal and In- terest on Gneral Obli�;ation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois , for the improvement of Canton Lake Spill- way and Water Works Improvement Author- ized by Ordinan.ce No. 134, passed 17�,�8C.00 17,780.00 August 7, 1951 For �ayment of Principal and Interest on General Obli�;ation Bonds of the City of Canton, Illinois , for the Water Works Improvement , au�thorized by Ordinance No. 405, passed Septem- ber 15, 1959• 31,400.00 31,400.00 For payment of Principal anci Interest on General Obligation Bonds of the City of Canton, I1.linois , for con- struction Improvements and Extension of Sewerage System, author_ized by Or- dinance No. 406, passed S�ptember 15, 1q59. 24-,40C.QC 24,400.00 ,� < . � • � , . i • 5/• OR GA�'LBAG� DISFGSAL: A tax not to exceed.l0 per cent of the full, fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of tr�e State of Ill- inois, on all taxable property with- in the City of Canton, Illinois, ursuant to Ordinance No. 35 Passed ay 20, 1947, authorizin� the estab- lishment and maintenance of a system for trn collection and disposal of garba�e. • Labor 30,000.00 Maintenance 6,000.00 Furchase of Equipment 8,0OO.00 Purchase of Equipment 44,U00.00 44,000.00 TOTAL UTH�R �'URPGS��S 239,842.00 23?,842.00 GRAND TO'rAL F�i �.LZ l�URP�SES t�80,973 349,428.00 Section 2. That th° Cit�J Cl�r�� of said City of Canton llinois , is hereby authorized. an:l directed to file with the ounty Clerk of Fulton County, Illinois , a duly certified copy of his Ordinance. Section 3. This Uruinance shall be in effect upon its ass��e by t11e City Council and a�?proved by the Mayor. PA:�S�'D by the City Council this _�Q� day of Au�ust, 963• APF��.OV.i�D :������ Mayor. T LST : ���`�G-C•r- City Clerk. � � �