HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #86 . •_-_- _ ; , . - ___; . ORDINAIV C:� NUMF��R �. AN ORDIT�ANC�, P?�.:`aFy��?:��D AI�;L TR�.NSMITTLD AN:D IZS 1 ASSkGE RE- CGT�:.MLIVDED BY TK� �Ut1R:u G��` LGC�iL IT°;PRGV;�N�'TS'� �F T��=� CI�lY GF CAN- TON, II,ZIT�<UIS, PR(JVIDII�G F�R TN�� LGC1iL Il1"�'RUVEP'�NT OF C�'?�TAIN PURTIONS OF MULB�RRY FLAC; IN T�'� CITY OF C_�T'I'GN, ILLINC�IS, FORM ING A CGNNECT;D iYSTEM OF PAVT�MFNT AND D.�SIGN�.iED AS "Ct�Ns`GN PAVING IP'LPROV.�ME��I' NUMBLR 63-E. " BE SZ' ORD.�IiUED BY TH;� CITY CC`UNCIL CF TH:L CZTY OF CANTGN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That a local ir�provemGnt be and th� same is h�reby desi�nated to be mad.e by special assessmant within the City of Canton, County of Fulton, and State of Illa_noi:, , t� br, known as "C.ANiCN PAVING I�IPROV:�Mi?;NZ' NUM�3yR 63-E," the nature, character, locality, dcscription and extent of which local im- provem�nt is as follows : That th� roadway of the� Street, �rives and courts herein-- aft�r described to b� improved by excavatin�, gradin�; and pre- parin� th.� subgrade to receive th� h�reinafter describ�d pave- ment and curbing, by pavin�,r• with a 7-inch compact�d gravel, crushed �ravel or crushcd stone base course, by priming the base course with a bituminous material, by coverin� th^ base course and prime coat with a two inch bituminous coat mixture, by curb- ing with Portland Cement Concrete curbs, by constructin� neces- sary storm water inlets and connectin�; storm sewers, by construc - ing and makin� necessary adjustments to grade of existing man- holes and valve vault covers, bt:� constructing necessary conerete headers , by removing trees , such rem�val made necessary by thc placing of curbing, by r�mc;vin�; existin� catch basins and inlets That the pavement hereinafter provided to be constructed on P2ulberry Placc shall be uniformly 34.0 feet in width as meas- , ured from bctween front face of curbs fr�m nvenu� 'D" to Park Co rt. That tree removal shall in.cluc�e excavation, tree removal, brush and stump removal anc backfillin�. That the pavcment shall be construct�d to a uniform thick- ness of nin� inches. That th� combination curb and. ��utt�r herein provided to be constructed shall be Nineteen (19� inch�s in width and shall extend Six (6) inch�s in hei�ht above pav�ment Surface. That th� curb h�aders her�in provided to be constructed shall be Six (6) inch�s in width and Ei�hte�n (18) inches in height. Tha� th� removal af existin�� catch basins anci inl�ts shall include excavation ana backfilling. 'That all necess�.ry excavation, gradin�, shaping and com- pacting of tlle sub�r�de preparatory to the placem�nt of the pave ment and curbin� bc don� , which excavation anc�. ��rading to includ th� removal of al1 �arth, oil surfac� , culvert pipes and other obestuctions of whatever nature within th� p�v�ment and. curbing i I • � ♦ � 2/. arca, th� removal of which is nECessary for the construction of the proposed improvem�nt. That where abuttin.€ sid�walks and driveways do not meet the ,�f� �rades of the progosed curbs , said sidewalks shall be mad� to co form to the nropas�d improv:�m�nt �•r�.de b,y taking ut� �he re4uired amount of such ,�xisting ,sidewalk and replacing an e�ual kind and -- qualit,y of the s�m� to conform to the proposed improvement grad�s an.d mak� a neat and servicable junction. That th� parkways a1on� the line of the proposed curbs shal be �raded and smooth�d to the tap cf the praposed curb �rade on a back slope not �xc�eding on� vertical to three harizontal. In all othPr r�spects the constructian shall conform to the require�ncnts as srt forth in the "ST1��DARD SPECIFICATI�N FOR • RO,�D AND BRIDGE CCNSTRUCTT4N" , prepared by the Department of Pub- lic �arks and }3uildin�s of the State of Illinois and �.dop�ed by said Department, January 2, 19;8, and revisio�s and additions th�reto. That th� total cost os th� Improvemcnt, includ.ing all nec- essary labor, m�.terials, machin�ry, tools and �quipment , for the Local Improv�m�nt, in saicl City of Canton, Illinois , in the sum of �21,150.00, which said estim�te is itemized and is attached hereto and. made a part of this Ordinance by reference th�reto. That for a more det�.iled d�scription of the matters hereto- for� recit�d, reference is hereby m.�de to the plans, profiles and drawin�;s hereto attach�d, �:�hich plans, profiles and drawin�;s are hereby made expressely a. �;�art of tris Ordinance. That a11 the elevations �nd grades of th� center line of the finished improvement, the top of th� finished curbs, the Storm water inlets, valves , manholes, and n�cessary adju�tmcnt to grades shall conform to ar_d be idPntical with the elevations d grades as shown by the plans , specifications and profil�:s prepare -- •. by Crawford, Murphy and Til1y, Consulting En�ine�rs, of th� City of Springfield, Tllinois , and now on file in the office of the City Cl�rk of th:� City of Cantan, Illinois, and madc a part of this Or�inance by reference , as though set out herein in full, a copy of such plans, specifications , and profiles being attached her�to. That such �:rades and elev�tions are shown in such plans , specifications and profiles and. ar� measured in feet and d�cimal parts thereof and arc det�rmin�d fram a bcnch mark, th� location of which is showm on said plans, sp�cifications and profiles. Scction 2. DEFIi�ITIO�VS. Th�.t wh�nev�r the w�rds desired below are used in this Ordinance , or in the specifications hercto attached are m�d� a part h�reof, or in any proceedin�s relativ� tc the improv�ment h�rein provid�d for, the�T shall have th� fol- lowin� meanings : "Sate" shall bA interpreted to mean th� City of Canton, Illinois. "Department oi' Public Works and I3uildin�s" shall be inter- r�ted to mean the Board of Loc�l Im�rovements of th� City of Canton, Illinois. "En�,ineer" sh�11 be interpreted to mean the en�;in�er em- loyed by th� City of Canton, Illinois. "St�te Treasur�r of I-Zlinois" shall be interpr�ted to mean , � 3/• the City Treasur�r of Canton, Illinois. "Contractor" shall be in�erpreted to mean �h� person, firm, or corporation to whom thw work for this improvement is awarded and the agents, assi�ns and �mployees thereof. Section 3. AF'P�LC�V�Z OF PLAI�7S ETC. That the maps, plans, and sp�cifications for this imgrovement , - her�to attached and hereinbefore r�fcrred to, are hereby approvcd and made a part of this G�dinanc� the same as if incorporated ir this Ordinance in full. In case o�' conflict with thG parts of �aid specifications arid s�ecial provisions, thc= syo�cial provisions shall control. S�ction 4. SUYE�VISIC',N. Th��.t all thA aforesaid local im- provements shall b� under th� supervision an�'� direction of the Board of �Local Improvemrnts of th� City of Canton, Illinois. Section ,�. Ry;COT��T°iT�NDATTONS AF'Ft�C��T�D. That the recommenda tions of th� Board o�' Loc�l Improv�m�nts of the City of C�nton, Illinois, r�commen.ding �nd providing for th� aforesaid local im- provem�r�t, to�eth�r with th� �'stimat� of the cost tn�reof, as� mad� and itemized by ancl over the si�nature of the Engin�er of said I3oard, both attach�d he�reto, be and the same are approved, and made � part herpof the same as if they were incorporated herein in full. Section 6. ASS�SNI�i�T�1' �,TC. That the �aid Local Improve- ment shall be m�de and th� cost of said local improvem�nt bcing the sum of �21,150.00, as shown by the estimate of th.e Engineer of said City of Canton, Illinois , attached h<�r�to and made a par. hereof, includin.� th� sum o� �p1,26°.QO, bein�; the amount include in tlz� estimat� of said � �n���in��r �=s th� cost of makin�, le�rying and collectin�, th� assessments �thereo�,the Court Costs, Attorney fees and the lawful �xpenses att�nain� the same, and ir�cluding t e sum of �2,593•16, being the amount included in the cstimate of said engincer as th� cost o� en�in�erin�, inspection and super- vision, sha11 be paid by spPcial as:�essm�nt , to be l�vied upon the contiguous propert� specificiallsT to be benefited to be ben� fited to the amount th� sam� may be 1e�ally assessed therefore in accordance wi�h the provision.s of "AN .�iCT to R�vise a�.d Codif the laws relating to Cities, Villages and incorporated Towns and to Repeal Acts an� part of Acts th�r�=in named" adopted May 29, 1961, as provid�d by Division 2 of Article 9 of said Act, �s a- dopted by the General Assemply of the State of I1linois. Th�t the sum of $1,269.00 shall be ap�blied to����rd the lawful Pxp�nses of making, levying, and crllectin�; saic� assessments and th� Caurt costs , attorney fees and la���fu1 �xpenses attPnding th� same ; and the sum of �2,5�3.16 sh�11 be �j�plie�. toward payin� the costs of engine�rirn�;, inspectior and supervision incident to said improve ment, all as provided by said Act of th� General �ssembly of the State of Illinois. Section 7. INST.�.LLMLr�TS. That the ag�,re�;ate amount herei ord�red to b� assessed against the prop�3rty of each lot, piece , tract or parc�l to b� assessed, ar_d the araount to be assessed, if any, against the City of Canton, I�linois, as and for public benefit , shall be divid�d in ten (10) an.nual installments, so that all installments shall be equal in amount except that all fractional amounts shall b� added to th� first installment , so as to l�ave the r�mainin�; installments of the aggre ate �qu, l in �- ° mountdnd cach a multi�le c�f Onu Hundred. Dollars ��100.00� ; said first installment shall b� du� ,�nc� pdyable on the 2nd. day of January next after thp �.ate of th� �irst Qoucher issu�d on acco of work done on said improvement , anr� the second ins�allmcnts one year after, an�. s� on annually until all said instailments are E 4/. paid, and_ all of said installments shall bcar int�rest at the rate of Five Per Ccntum CS;o) per ann.um, from th� date of the fir t voucher issued on accaunt of work dane on said improvemen�. And it is hercby made th� d.uty of the Board of Local Improvem�nt to filc in the office of the Clerk of the Court in �hich said ass- essment is confirmed a c�rtificate signed by its s.�cretary of the date of the first voucher and th� amount thereof within thirty days C30) after the issuance ther�of. Section 8. . }30T�DS. That far the purpose of anticipating the collection of th� second ana succeedin� installments of sai special assessment of said local improvement , bonds shall be is- suedsucd payable out of the aforesaid_ installments, bearin� int� - est at the rate of Five Per Centum C5/) pPr annum, payable annua - ly and said bonds shall be signed by thP Mayor, President of th.e Board of Local Improv�ment� of thP City of Canton, Illinois, at- tested and c�unt�:rsign�d by th� City Clerk of said City, under the corporate s�al nf said City of Canton, Illinois, and said bonds shall be issued in thp sum of On� Hundred ($140.00) Dollar , each or some multiple th�reof, and sha11 be dated an� draw in- terest from th� date of the issuing of the same ; sa.id bonds shal be issued in. accordanc� with an�A in al.l resp�cts pursuant to �he provisions and r�quirem�nts of th� Gen�ral Assembly of the State of Illinois , as provided �.y Articl� 9, Livision 2, of the Cities and Villages Act, bein�;� "A.n. Act to Revise the laws R�lating to Cities , Villagps and Incorporat�d Towns and to Repeal acts and parts of acts therein named, " Approved P�ay 29, 1961. Section 9. �ROCELUR:�'. That th�� riayor oi the City of Can- tan, Illinois , on behalf of said City is hereby dir�ct�d and in- struct�d to filp a Petition in the City Court of Canton, Illinoi , in th� name of tht: City of Cantcn, Illinoi;� , praying that steps be taken to levy a special ass�ssment for the s�id imprcvement i accordance with the provisions oL this Grdinance and in th� man- ner prescribed by law. Section 10. GEIv�RkL PRCVISTONS.That alI actions taken in and based on this �rclin�nc� is and shall b� under and pursuant t the terms and provis�ons of an Act of the General Assem�aly of th StatP of Illinois , as provided by Article 9 of Division 2, of the Citics and Villag�s Act , being "�n Act to �evise the laws �e lating to Cities, Vill:���s and Tncorpo.rat�d Towns �nd to Repeal acts and parts of acts tl�erein named� " approved May 2�, 1961. Section 11.. REF�.fiL. That all Ordinances and parts of Or- dinances in any w:�y con�lictin� with this Grdi�.ance, be , and the sdm� are hereby r�pe�led. Section 12. WH_Ulv r.FF��CTiV�`i;. This Ordinance shall be in full force and wffe�ct after its pass���e �na approval, accordin.� to law. PASSED by th� City Council of th� City of Canton, Illinois and signed and approv�d by th�: Mayor cf said City d deposited in th� office of thc, Cl.erk of said City, this 0 � day of August , 196� / I-i�'PROV�D: � r��,�. �=��='—��e�� Mayor. A `l'EST: ��� City C1 . 1 � �