HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #108 .,� .
,. , • � • '-�ead: Counci�_ 5��/61� �,.� "�-
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. - . Remcjved from ta'��'�'���1��61�
' V ote f or nassage: (10 AYr�S,�. S)
Section l. That for the fiscal year of the Cit� of Can-
ton, Illinois , from May 1, 1964 to April 30, 19C5, both inclus-
ive , the employees of the City of Canton, herein.after stated and
described, shall receive the followin� salaries for their em-
ployement :
l. Chief of Police $6165.5C
2. Police Sergeants , e�ch 5614.00
3. Policemen, each 5081.00
4. Radio Operators , e�ch �F349.00
5. Fi1e Clerk 3402.00
6. Auxilary Policemen - °•��°.
�. Secretary to Mayor 3 5 .00
8. Deputy Cit� Clerk 964.00
9. Meter Maid 3029.00
10. Traffic Parking Policeman & repair Man 4864.00
11. Custodian Public �omfort Station 2560.00
12. Cief, Fire Department , 6165�50
13. Assistant Chiefs of Fire Department 5614.00
14. Each Fireman 5081.00
15. Superintendent of Streets 6165.50
16. City Engineer 8769.00
17. Chief Gperator, Water Plant 6�14.00
18. Chief Operator, Sewer Plant, 6165.50
19. Cashier, Water and Sewer Department , 4423.00
20. Each Meter Reader 4974.4�
21. Each Operator, Water Plant, 5081.05
22. Each Operator, Sewer Plan.t, 5081.05
23. Plumbing Inspector 6165.50
24. Each Garbage Department employee 4874.45
25. Park Custodian 26�8.45
Section 2. The City Attorney shall receive an annual sal
ary of $4155.00 and such other compensations as the City Council
ma.y approve.
Section 3. Laborers employed by the City Street Depart-
ment who are equipment operators shall be compensated for the
work they perform at the rate of �91.00 per week; laborers em-
ployed by the City izi Street Department work who are truck driv-
ers shall be compensated for the work they perform at the rate
of $89.00 per week. �11 other laborers enployed by the Street
Department shall be compensated for the work they perform at the
rate of �17.40 per day.
Section 4. Laborers employed by the City in the Water
and Sewer Department who are trucik drivers shall be compensated
for the work the� perform at the rate of $.�1.00 ,per week. Al1
other laborers employed by the City in the Wa�ter and Sewer Depar -
ment shall b e compensated for the work the�T perform at the rate
of �17.40 per day.
In the event any laborer works more than forty hours in
any one week in either the City Street Department or in the Wate
and Sewer Department shall be compensated in overtime pay at the
r te�;of �i.me and one-half for edch hour he so works.
�ection 5. Any prior ordinance in cc:nf lict with any of
the provisions of this �rd.inance be and the same is hereby re-
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Section 5. All other ordinances pertaining to renumera-
tion for work done for the City of Canton, as ,yearly employees o
otherwise, not specifically mentioned in th.is Jrdinance , shall
remain in full force and effect.
Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in ePfect after its
passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor.
PASSED by the City Council of t e City of Canton,�llinoi ,
and approved by the Mayor, this day of May, 196 .
City ler .
Amendmen�t: Ma,y 5, 1961� Council meeting -- irori minutes: Alderria.n Skinner
moves and Alderman Jenninns seconds a motion to amend the Ordinance that the
Street emplclyees and two men in the ?�tater and Sewer Department salaries be
made to the same level as those of the Garbage Disposal Department: Roll call
vote. AYE: Aldermen Haward, ti�lrig�rt, Iiurst, UJhiteh�ad, Skinner, Long, �lbbott�
Horton, Jennings, Bender, and Geor�;e. NAY: Aldermen Sebree and Gibbons.
(11 A`�'S and 2 NAYS).
Taken from i�7inutes of the May l�, 196�. Council P1ee�Ling: Alderma.n Slcinner
moves and Alderma.n Je?Zn�ngs seconds a inotion to place the Ordinance, as
amended� on its passage. Ro11 call vote. A5'i�: Alderrnen ti^dri�ht, Hurst,
ti�ah.itehead, Skinner, Lon�, AbboLt, Hortori, Jennzr.gs, B�nder, and George.
NAY: Aldermen Sebree, Iioward, Duncan, and Gibbons. (10 AYES and 1� PdAYS) .
Mot:ion carried. This being Ordinance T�jo. 108.