HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #112 � � '� 1 �:. � 's.,...... _ ORDINANCE NO.�,� AN ORDINANCE MAKING TH!a ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF C.ANTON, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID CITY, 1964-1965, TO BE TERMi�D THE ANNU.AL ��PPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY: BE IT GRDAINED BY THL CITY COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF CAN- TON, ILLINOIS: �����;�� 1.That the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, and as may be needed or deemed ne�es- sary to defray al 1 expenses and liabilities of the Municipality of Canton, Illinois, be and the aame are hereby appropriated for the Corporate purposes and objects of said City herein specified for the fiscal year commencin� on the First Tuesday in the month of May, 1964, and ending on the First Tuesday in the month of rtay, 1965. F�R G�NERA�, CORPORATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY. POLICE DEPARTMENT, SALARIES: 1 Chief of Police $ 6165.50 3 Police Ser�eants each �5614.00 16842.00 ? Policemen, each �5081.00 3556?.00 2 Radio Operators, each �4349.00 8698.00 1 File Clerk 3402.00 Auxiliary Policemen 5000.00 Vacation Pay 2825.00 Total Police Department �alaries � 78,499.5 POLICF DFPARTMENT SUPPLIES AND E�;UIPMENT: Police car rental 3120.00 Supplies and equipment 5000.00 Gasoline for police cars 2200.00 Radio Service 1000.00 Total Police Department Supplies and Equipment 11,320.00 Sidewalks : Repairs and Maintenance of Sidewal�l�c 500.00 500.00 STREETS AN� .�iLLFYS:: Salary of �u erintendent of Streets 6165.50 Other Salar�s and Labor 30000.00 Graveling and Roads 6000.00 Material and Supplies 1200C.00 Tree Removal 8000.00 Purchase of Equipment 5500.00 Oiling and Chipping of Streets 10000.00 Total Streets and Alleys �J7 665.50 , Miscellaneous Expenses: 2500.00 2,500.00 PRINTING AND PUBLICATION 3000.00 3,000.00 PUBLIC GRCUNDS AND BUILDINGS: Repairs and Maintenance '7500.00 7,500.00 PLANrTING �OMMISSION EXPENSES 2500.00 2,500.00 ELECTION EXPENSES: Judges and Clerks 1500.00 Supplies 500.00 2,000.00 . 2. � 4 � SAI�ARIES OF CITY OFFICIALS: Mayor $ 2500.00 City Clerk 4000.40 City Treasurer 2000.00 City Attorney 4�55.00 Aldermen 4500.00 Deputy Clerk 1000.00 Secretary to Mayor 3951.00 Custodian of Buildings 3260.00 Total City Officers ' Salaries 25,366.0 AUDITING: 4bq.00 400.0 STREET LIGHTS: 16000.00 16,000.0 CEMET�RY: Maintenance 11000.00 Purchase of Equipment 2500.00 Repairs 2500.00 Total Cemetery 16,000.0 INSURANCE: Fire, Windstorm, City Buildings and Contents 1000.00 Casualty and Workmen' s Compen- sation Insurance 10500.00 Total Insurar�ce 11,500.0 MACHINERY ANT� E�UIPP'�NT : Stora�e Rental for Machinery 1500.00 1,500.0 TOTAL GFN�RAL FUND 24��,250.0 WATER ANT SFWER DEPARTMENT: Salaries 95570.28 Extra Labor 6000.00 Maintenance 8000.00 Truck �perations 2000.00 Supplies, Chemicals, Fuels 22000.00 Office Expense 1500.00 Power 15000.00 Fire and Windstorm Insurance 2500.00 Casualty and Workmen' s Compensation 4200.00 Depreciation Account 12000.00 Extension of Service 40000.00 Purchase of Equipment 5000.00 Retirement of Water and Sewer Rev- enue Bonds issued May 1,1938. 2885C.00 Retirement of Water and Sewer. Rev- enue Bonds issued May 1, 19�6, 1590.00 Retirement of Water and Sewer Rev- enue Bonds issued May l, 19h3, 67085.00 Retirement of Water and Sewer Gen- ea�l Obligation Bonds issued Aug- �ust 1, 1951 18360.00 Retirement of Water and Sewer Gen- eral Obligation Bonds issued Sept- ember 1, 1959• 53000.00 Tota�l Water and Sewer Department 382,555•� PARSING METER FUND: Off-Street Parking Sinkin� Fund 10000.00 . � � , � " 3. Purchase of Equipment 2000.00 Gas , Oil and Motorcy@'le 400.00 Service in Parking Meter Zone 2000.00 Maintenance of Motorcycles 200.00 Painting and Markin�s 1000.00 Salary, 1 Meter Maid 3029.00 Salary, 1 Traffic Parkin� Policeman. and Repairman -- 4864.00 Permanent Street Improvement 13000.00 Total Parking Meter Fund 36,493.00 SALES T.�.X FUND: Retirement of Street Improvement Bonds and Interest 30000.00 For General Corporate Purposes 40000.00 Fire Protection Purposes 35000.00 For Street Department Repairs and Maintenance 25000.00 Garbage Department Maintenance 5000.00 Total Sales T�.x �und 135,000.00 GRAND T�TAI, GENERAI, PURPOSES � �c�,298.5p FOR OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW. PUBLIC COMFORT STATION FUND: A tax not to exceed .0333 per �ent of the �ull, fair cash value, as equalized or as- sessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois. R�pairs and Maintenance 9100.00 Salaries 2560.00 Payment of Principal and Inter- est on Bonds 1060.00 Total Public Comfort Station Fund 12,720.00 CIVIL DEFENSE: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent of the full, fair cash value, as e ualized or assessed by the Department �f Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, I11- inois. 4000.00 4,000.00 FOR PUBLIC PENSION FUND: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on each Dollar of the full , fair cash value , as equ�lized of' assessed by the Department of Re�`enue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois. 10000.00 10,000.00 FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND: A tax not to exceed .08'7 per cent on each dollar of the full, fair and cash value , as equalized or assessed by the 8epartment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois. Salaries of Fire Department : 1., C�ef of Fire Department 6165.50 2. Assistant Chiefs @ �5614.00 each 11228.00 , r .. 4 , , � . 9 Firemen � �5081.00 each �45�29.00 Total Firemen Salari.es 63122.50 Equipment 3000.00 Vacation Pay 2800.00 TOTAL FI� PROTECTION FUND $68,922.50 FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to eacceed .05 per cent on the full, fair cash value, as equal- ized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, to be known as Public Benefit Fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying that portion of the several amounts heretofore ass- essed against the City for public bene- fits under and in pursuance of any or- dinance that may hereafter be passed or assessed against 15900.00 15,000.00 FOR ILLIN�IS MUNICIP�IZ RETIREMENT FUND: A tax not to exceed .125 per cent on the full, fair cash value on all tax- able property within the City of Can-� ton, Illinois, as the same is equalized or assessed by the Department of Reve- nue of the State of Illinois. 15000.00 15,000.00 FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: A tax not to exceed .10 per cent on the full, fair cash value , as equal- ized or assessed by the Departm�nt of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, pursuant to Ord- inance No. 35, passed May 20, 1947, authorizing the establishment and maintenance of a system for collection and disposal of �arbage. Labor 33000.00 Purchase of Equipment 8000.00 Maintena,�nce 6000.00 Acquiring Disposal grounds 13000.00 Total Garb�ge Disposal 60000.00 60,000.00 TOTAL OTHER PURPOSE 195,642.50 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALI, PURFOSES 9���,941.00 Section 2. That the City Council shall at any time after the first half of the fiscal year, by a two-thirds vote of the membership, make a transfer within any department or other sep- arate agency of the City Government , of sums of money appropriate for one corpora�e object or purpose to a.nother corporate object or purpose, but no appropriation for any object or purpose shall thereby be reduced below an amount sufficient to cover all ob- ligations incurr$d or to be incurred a�ainst such appropriat�;on. . � . , w , . _ 5. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be known as the "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" of the Cit� of Canton, Illinois. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in effect ten days after its passage by the City �ouncil, approval of the Mayor, and publicatiorl according to law. FASSED by the City Council of Canton, Illinois, at a re�ul- ar meeting thereof held on the 14th. day of July, 1964. APPR4VFD BY ME THIS 14th. day of July, 1964. ' APPROVED:___� � Mayor ATTEST: ity erk.