HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #119 .
Read: Nov. 10� 19 61�. Laid ove
°' �� s. for recaanmendation f`rom
" • Liquor Cnmrr�:issio�.
Nov �, �96l�; vote:
ILI,INOIS, 3'hat
Section 1. An9 person who has a valid license to operate
a tavern within the corporate limits of the Cit� of Ca.nton, I11-
inois, under the terms aad conditions ��t forth in Chapter XZIII
of thp Revised �rdinancee of the City of Canton, Illinois, 1959,
and amendments thereto, and are located in a business building
where it is lawful ta conduct a tavern, shall have the right to
owa and operate a restaurant in connection with said tavern,
commoaly known and hereinafter designated as a Supper Club, unde
the terms and conditions as in this Ordinance is �et forth.
Section 2. Any person desiring to operate such a �upper
Club shall make application to the Mayor of the City of Canton
f or a license to operate such a Supper �lub, and if his license
to operate a tavern is legal a.nd in full effect, then the Ma9or
shall, on payment of the license fee for �uch a Supper Club,
grant a licenee to applicant to operate �uch a Supper �lub.
Section 3. The license fee for such Bupper �lub v�'hall be
Two Hundred Dollars per annum, pa�able semi-annually in advance.
Section 4. Such person, �irm, or corporation shall have
the right to opera.t�e such a Supper Club from from Six 0'Clock,
A. M. �ta�i1-;T�irro Q:'.o1�c�C �the ,fQ];lowing �m�rrn�:ng; e��ept such Suppe
Club ahall not open on Sundays until Twelve 0'Clock Noon.
Section 5. Such tavern owner or proprietor shall provide
a �eparate room, separate and apart from the bar in said tavern,
an.d large enough to place twelve tables in said room, with each
table of sufficient size to seat four persons for dining purpos-
6e�tion 6. It shall be unlawful for the bar in said tave
in conneetion with said ?3upper ('1��, to be open and alcoholic �
liquor dispensed from said bar after Two O��lock, A. M. of eaah
da9, and nu alcoholic liquor shall be sol,d et or dispenaed from
said bar at any time on Eunda�►s.
Sectioa 7. It shall be lawful for any person obtaining a
licease to operate a Supper Club, as hereinbefore stated, to
serve alcoholic liquors at the tables to persons eating at said
tables, in said Supper �lub rooms, but $uch liQuors �hall not be
sold or dispensed from the bar of said ta�ern after closing
hours as hereinbefore stated and at no time on Sundays, and at
�such times the bar shall be shut down. and closed.
Section 8. Any person, firm or rorporation who shall
violate the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined aot less
than Twenty-five Dol�ars aor more than Two Iiundred Dollars.
Section 9• ��,�$ p�dinance shall be in effect ten day�
after its passage by the City Counci2, approval of the Mayor,
and publication according to la'�.
PASSED by the Cit9 Counc i a1a.d �appro�*ed b� �he- �a��ras�..�h�.$
��_� d[ay of November, 1964. -
it9 lerk.