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Ordinance #155
! � ; _ . l �I��L�_T I,i tl i,,:;i; 1`.L .�..�.�.�.1�....,..�. , �r�- '' ;,,' , , „ • � af '�� nt c,� , Zl1 in.r,is, i., ti-:e �wn�r rd t!N 1t��X.� t��!E,' '.ilt,�' 1 '` � in fee simpl� o:�' thP �r�11.o��in; d�scribec� real �stat�: L�ts �>u.mhered 1 �nd 2 i_r: 1-slock r,iumk�er 3 �rl i;F:11o�N, dnc� `.>�a_bcock1s .�ddi_t�<�n to the (�1_�i;�r C`.f '�untC�71� ��.�_� ]_TiClS� c'3t1C� �Vf� L r�'.i�ti i� j;"i7 S SalCa � ��.T;�? l�; 1"?Y�}"t�VE'C� tiJ� �l t4J0 StOr'�T framP dwellin�; in f�ir cr�:?d.ition, k��owri �_;s 60'� Lr:ast 1 �rust, :��tr��t, Can- ton, �_1lizzois, ar:d �ocated �it t,�ie ��':orth�a�t corrler c�f' '�ast L,ocust Str•�et ar�d 1'� ortYi Sixt�i �ver!u�;; and ti�afTt:;l-tE.i� , saicl �rernisE s �:rex�e nurch�sE=d b�T the City for t;r;Q nt�rpose of cor�stz°L�ctin�, a f`irF station ��ous� t,���ereon; and ���'��art��;E�� , t���e� said dwFllin-; can°,.c�t�. be us�d by the �ity for tti�F� nur�osc�s fo� �-��_ic'r� said 7�rE�^ice� �.re ir7t�nded; It is th�r�fore irl t��c� oninio� of' tlze �i�t.y �ounc-�.l of said City deernF�d te be ir. ttil� �,est� intF�rests af said City triat said dwFllin�; l�� sald . TFI�F��I+(:-I�.�,, i:� 1:1_' (� ��:'Cii�Ii L�;ii ii'r `li, ;� i:l`:l'Y �l l;i;iCiL C;I �H:[� C7�l`�' C;r` C�;'' `1'�'i�;: , TI,i 1.�-i T;�: Sectior. 1 . 'I"rit.t t��e dc�eL'i.in _ hot�s� situ.ated ori the nremises abovF de:scri.�F�d, b�in.:� located ut tii� T'�'orth�ast cornFr of �-;ast 1:_ocusfi 5�;.reet �nr? i` c�rth >ixth I:venuE in Can.t,on, 111inois, and known as 607 Last 1_:ocust �-�treet , Car�tczi, 111inois, b� �;oia in t�e manr�Fr h�rPiriaft��r set .forth. Section 2. 1'l���t manr�_F�r in wi�_ic�1 t��e s�-�id house sY�t�ll b� sold is as fellows: ( 1 ) �ealed 'r;ids sl�all �e filc�c' in the offiee of t�E City �lerk ar. or.° taPfore `i'uF:sda�,, ':'ovemr�er 9, 14b5 y at f'ive o'clock i_n tr�e aftF�r•noon of s�:iid c�at;e . (?_} Eacl�. Y;idt?cr shall accom�aan�T his k�i� i-rith his cPrtified c��ck for 10;o cf' t�=:�e ar��ount; of his bid . (3 ) :.�aic� bids si��11 be �pe_�r:eci at tr�e re�ular meetin� �f the �ity CcLlncil_ ��,�lcl orl �����vFmb�r ��, 196� . _ (l�) ThP s�ecessft�l t>iddF�:r sri�3.�_1 p��y tr'�e balance of the amoun�, bid to t�1� �%i.t�r �.%lerk ��ritti�in 10 days after 1�e is nctifi�-d tr.�t �lis o,''��r ��c.s bPen accent�d ; :�P s'r�a11 tr��r_ rEC�iv� a t�ill �f' sa�:P �o the dwellin�; from ti�e �%1erk. ( 5) 2'l�e purchaser srall r�movE: the" dwE-1.).i.r�.r fror:? the nr�rr�ises on or bFi'ore ?`��rch 1 � 1 qE�6� clean the lot ancl rer,iave de'oris. � ,,, , . _ . o) '1��e �:;it,y :;ourcxi �}��.s t;;�e ri?�;'r�t Lo r�:j�ct :riy ar,d a17.. 'r�ids anc� s��all accept f;i�e ��i�;��F�st bid . . �ection 3 . .�iithin �ivE: days aftFr tl;e C:it:�r Cour�cil has accent�d an ni'fer, tl!F� ��ity �lerk s �<-�11 retL,rn by t r�ite� �tatFs T''.ai1� the CPrtif'i�d ci�ecks of aJ_1 unsuccPSSful L:ic�clers , but in Pvent the successful_ ��ic�der fails to na�cr t,ti:e i�a?_�.z.ce: rEY�ainint_= . � tivi.trin t�:n c�a.ys aft�r r�F� �s n�tifi.�ci , t�?at ?�P i.s tl-�� sucessful. bidd�r, his c�r�tifi.Fd check sha_l�1 bc for�'Pit.�ca to thP ::itv to nay the costs incurred b�r it . � Sectian t�. `���� �it,,,� �%lE,rk i� ';�,,.�b�r c?irectEd t;o ad- vert,isP t'r_is sa�_P �rld t;� P terms ar:u manr:�E�r therEOf b,r nuti�lishin�7 � two block advertisE�rr.�nts in thF, ��ant�n Lail�;- Le:�?;er, t'�ie first �dzrertis�m�n� t� �e ��t lf��dst t�hro vJPF�'�-s nriar �.o ���aver�b�r 9, 1�C�5 . Pr1��LD �y '1'hree-f'ourt?�:s v �te of t�i� �ity �outicil at a 7 e.-;talar meetin ; ��eld on tr;e -��,�;� datT of Gct,�r�Fr A. D. 1965. ti't'�=1.�:1.;11�1�i): ,�'_��r..l �'``� �� -- -'i�'�._� r��t�YC:x t�2"1'ES T: _ __�� ._ CI`1�Y ��;l.E;�.�t.