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Ordinance #158
� . - � :ead: C ouncil 1U�12�i�', . � f;_� to sus��Y��.d`i�.1es.Lo�� � - . O��.DT�TAI�TCE NO.��� �3F' IT ORDATi�T�;I� .3Y `1'HL; CITY CO?J�IC:rL 01�, `l'::«'� CITv Oi� C�s:`,-T; ,., TLIaIi?OTS: Sect�_on 1_. ��Thene�%er, zaii,hin the corporate l.a.m�!_-vs ot' the City of Canton, Illinois, a driver ai a vericle shal:l_ anproach a h.i_�;hT�ray or street intersection where an official stop si�;n has beern nosted, he sriall br:i�ng his veh�_ele -to a complPte stop and then proceed w:ith caution ti�Then a sa:L'e interva_l oc�t�.rs. Sect.;_on 2. G^Thenever, withi_n �,he cor�orate :1_imit� of t�.e Cit�7 oi' Canton� Tl_lin.ois, a driver of a vehic7_e s}ia11 az�z�roach a }�i�hw�f or street inters�ct-i_on where an o�i.i_cial Yie1_d Rirht-o.f=�Ja.�T s�_�n is nosted, he shal_1 �rranc �the pri.vile�;e oi the ir�mediate use of the int��rsectin� roadwa�T to traf£ic wit��in the �nl,ers��t�_on and to vehicles approaehing irom the ri��ht or lef-t, nrovide:d that ti�rhen �'_ne roadzsa�r i.s clear, t}�z vehicl_e may pro- ceed wit'cii.n the intereecti.on.. Sect�_on 3. That official stop si�ns sha11 be �os�ed at �he follawing street intersections in the �;it�r oi Can-i;o7�, Illi.nais: (a) 1?� the Southeast a.�d �dorthti,re�t corners o�' i,he intersection oF North Seco?�d Avenue and i�ast B�_rch �trcet; (r) At the Southeast a?�ci 1��orth�rest cor?zers ot` th,e intersect:ion oi �`,?orth Ei�hth Ave=�ue and ��ast �irch S-tree�; anc� (IC) At the Southeast and ��Ior�hwest corners ol' t1,e i,ntersection o� Tdor�h ?`linth Avenue and ��ast ?-3irch St_ree�;. Sect:�on. �.. That ori�_cial Yield Ri�ht-thf Wa�1� Si�;ns shall. re posted at the follow�,n� street in�tersect:ions in -the Cl`��r of Canton� T=ilinois: (a) At the Sottthz�es�t �nd ��lorthnas� corners oi the intersect��on of �3orth Second Avenue and East OZive Street; (b) �1t the Southti,rest and ��Tortheast corne_rs of the intersection of 5autr Seeond �verue and rast Cherry S-t�reet; (c) At the Srni-thurest and T�Sor�theast corners of tl�e intersection of South �Tliird Avernze �nd E,�st C��errr S��reet� (d) At �the Sou-�rleast and i�Tort'r��a�st corn�rs o�' the i_:�terseotion o£ Sou�:h Sixth Avenue and i�ast Oak Street; an.d (e) I:t �che Soutneast and Vorthtirest cor�_�.er� o� th.e intersection of South Si�-Lh Ave�zue �.nc? �as� ilar��_e S-L-ree-L-. Section 5. `I'h.at tiie o�'ficia7_ stop signs at ��he fo�lo�rint; street intersec�;ions i_n the City of �anton, i:1.1�_nois, be r.emoved: (a} ,�t the �out��z�res�f; ancl clortheast corr?erti> oi -th� in�ersect_'�on oi South Fir,st Avenue and East Ho�_7�l S-tre�t; (b) ��t tne Sautnwest and ''�iortheast corner.s o�_' L;Ze in�tersection of DTorth Second l��ren��e a;zcz ��ast Oli_ve Street; , .. :. . . . .� ' ( c) k:t t�:e ;�ou��,t���st �.� c� T crt�:��:�t cc�rr�ers c�f �t,he i.r�tE=r- secti.or c�f �ol;th ;�F,�ccnd �.vf,rll� � �.c? �-;ast, Cr.� r,T ,�-tr��E:��; �("� � i`�t', i "`f-?. 1Y1�E�7'Sf�'Cfi]_��?": n�' �=�C�Ut'Ci �1'.�il�'C� �!VE'.T?lJF,' cti;!� i'�c1`,�'^.'t ��1CI�OY'�� St�"'E''P.t� (e) .`:t t:ie ��ot,t�::yv�:st cz�ci , or�ti.c���:-�t cor��e:r:,= oi' t��e ir�tF.r�_ , t. SC-'Ct.1.0:1 Of' ;.:Ot'±'_1 '�.'�11I�a ;;V�-::T1L�E^ ,,.'.., �.,25�; �!'1i�'r']:'S1 ,��1'�f? � (f) 1it the intersf�ct�_r�r: of '�;�l,t;t� :��. ��tlr. .�vc:nue n�.n� x'_anlon , �trPf�t; ( a) ht t' � :::��;ut�_e��st �r_c: .ao7.�tY_�,aFSt cc;r•r;e.r�s uf t�_�� irlter— �� SP_,Ct1.C�1 O.f' �:Oi;"�`1 �.�1 'l',i: .�Vf'i:L1F' ciT1G _.,�a.`?t � -?.'r: �`tT'f;F. t� �11� til: �':iE'` 1T11�E:'T'SE'C�_LOTi Of' :>pl t}`t :�1.JCtI:I .:VE''��UE' c11�`!a i'.ic`l�t ?'inE� :;treet. ,5ection. 5. �i"r��,t t i� cfi'ic? � i. `�� �1 �� �i� -;}-�t-c�'-���,'a�T �i�ns r�t *;'-:F f'ollo�.�rir?,w str�Ft ir�.ter�€=ctior�s l�, t�.c; �z �,�T of ",�.nton, ;�:11i�c�is, h� -r��moved: `c'�� 1�'G �;11E'. �)nLitll<�tr'L .? /' : �> r ry �V;v . {• �{ , {- ) .`l� ..l_L �,�1. �� �'Y�. )L 1,�i1..� ..1 .J l.'... l.':�_�; 2��1.i�;.l.^r. :3E?�t102� C�' :C�T't;', �;��t;r�ta :'.Vr 2�1-� �_. _. ��t�; ��17:G _ ,;�j .r E:t, y u�1C� (r) ' � . �� .� .� ='.t t �� � ,�t.�:�rF:�;t ;�rt.;_ F ��t ccr.��r;=, cf' t�.� �_�tF:r�- SE?C�,10tt c�i ::)01 �;�1 :1Xt:.. :��7E=i;L1E.' c�1;�' ��;,:it; Tr=..Y`�_F' �:%tT'EE:�- . • S�ctian 7. 'i'��,;.:it r.o nerso��, r}� ;�_1 r.��tz��lr �-. vF�'�i_c1� on t,���e� . , - . . - -, . - ,,.or�;.�: 5�.��e �f 1_in�er: `��,r��t, i�i L:���, ��zt��r cf �<;�:±�,c�r�, �l�.inois , �r.�F�- twee:n tr� r;oi�rs cf �i��,��t o'clr,c>> :i r� t'� � f'orcr,_ac;n ari�� five c�t r_1.ock in t,i�E� �ftez�r�oc�r. . S�ction h. T'�i���� ro r�f�r c�r� s'r�all n��Y �: �� vF��:icle cn t'r�� ��("!L.i.t.': S']_CaE'. v^:'i. i�c?St, T,-���Y't,1 E'. �7tT'f?E'�� �_� 1',�'.�'- `lil j,�:' �`:� '.�uT1t:OT) � 1��_1'.''lUl�) frc>r�� tl�P ��.;��IPs� cu-rb linc- c �' `, ort':� ��`ir°~t ���v��r�i�e� �co a roi�t 2C�0 .fe�t ''`�`F;",� O:f' Sc't1.C� CL?Z'�.� a..7..TlE? � . >�ction �?. ��:it;� r�ric�r• C�:rci_in�.incF:� c�f �;�:�, :.%ity�� c�f C<A���tor1, Z�_1.1�"1G1S� 171 CC?ilf�_1Ct �vdl�.". :�.Tlj' O.i �;�_E� 1�7'OZ'1S1Ci'_S O��_' t`-�la �.,�Y'Ct1I1c�:1CC° �,�' i�2"iC� �1'1P S�:""F� �iY'F' i�:"E��:;',� I'E�1JFri�f c� . `%E>ction 10. :.�:�� n� r.�sor� t aun� ;uil_t;;- of a vic�l.ation of �.ny of thE� pr•�visions c�f t�:is : rc'ir_a:�ce s���;11 uF si,�jt ct to a ��1.:':F� C�� I1nt �f'5;.; �i"i��-,: t'�]_VF' � O1_� ciT'.... � ;�j .�7�� T'?C`.;. ,.r _i � t('Or'� f;��u_1 `I'':N'O ;l112'?— �red Dollars (<;;200.00} fc�z�� ���c� c�ife�ricF� . ;>k=�ction 11 . `_';_is C`r°���i.:r:<�.nc�: s�.a1.1 �,c=: :i_rl efj'PCt ��:ri ry��ys <�fLe�r its pa.ssz�:� ��;q� t�,E: `.�it.y �ct�r.c�_l, ���provul byT tl,.A 1 �:��ror� ar:d ?->>�i:licaticn accordir�;; tc 1-w?�r. --..�-L�11Ci:�i.� �:7�" tF':E' �1�.1 Cl.-.li;11 ct7i(� c+�_'.r}T'C?VE.'Cl bf t��F.' �'.'ci,:'C)r' t}�is du;� c�f Cctck;E.r i;., .�. 1 ��t��� y t�:[�-;..�:�::?J,::; �!l�G�-,aZ.�?O � _ r,rtt�:Y�:�. .'P�r��1�;,C�i�i. JT r�� J'.;I:J��,.1�1 ..�. �.��..�....... ��r