HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #177 a , ,� , � _.. o;� . �:a+�.,,�.,.- .+s "� .-t � 9 � � �a �� ��n . �r . r � ` ' . F ORDINANCE NO.� � AN ORI3INANCE MAKTNG THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATI(?N F�R THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, F�R THE FISCAL YEAR OF' 3AID CITY, 1966-i967, to be tern�ed THE ANNUAL APPROPRI�iTION ORDTNANCE OF SAID CITY: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY C?F CANTON, ILLINOI3: 3ection 1. That the following sums of money, or as much a� may be authorized by law, and as may be needed or deemed neces- sary to defr�.y all Mecess�ry e�.penses and liabilities of' the City of Canton, Illinois, be, �nd the same are hereby appropriated f'or the corporate purposes and ob�ects of s�id City herein specified for �he Fiscal Year of said City, commencing on the first Tuesday 3n the month of May, 1966, and endi�ng on the first Tuesday in the �nonth of May, 19b 7: FOR GENERAL C4�PORATE PURPOSES C}F SAID CITY: � -�G� DEPARTMENT, SALARIES: 1 ChisP of Police � 6,631�.00 3 Police 3ergeants, e�ch �6030.00, 18,090.00 7 Policeinen, each $�5,l�.�.5.00, 38,115.00 2 Radio Operators, each �4,713.�0 9,l�26 .00 1 File Clerk 4,108.00 Auxiliary Policemen 5,000.00 Vacation Pay 4,000.00 Total Police Departrnent Salaries � 85,373•00 P4LICE DEPARTI�ENT-SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: 3upplies � 5,000.00 Po13ce Car Rent�l 3,120.00 Fuel For Police Cara 2,400.00 R�.dio and Teletype Service 2,l�00.00 Total Police Department, 3upplies and Equiprnent � 12,920.00 SIDEWAI�{3: �,���i.ra �d 1�'iaintenance of �idewalks,�500.00 � 500.00 3TREETS AND ALLEYS: Salary, Superinteadant of Strests, � 6,63�..00 Other Salaries and Labor 37,000.00 Graveling of Streets 6,000.00 Materials s�nd Supplies 12,000.00 Tree Removal 8,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 15,000.00 �iling and Chipping Streets 12,000.00 TOTAL: 3treets and Alleys � 96,634.00 MISCELLANF OIIS ' EXPENSES: � 2,500.00 � 2,500.00 PRTNTING AND PUBLICATION: � 3,000.00 � 3,000.00 PUBLIC GROUNDS and BUILDINGS: Repairs and Maintenance � 7,500.00 Construction of Sidewalk, City Building, 2,000.00 Air Conditioning, Police Station 2,000.00 TOTAL: Public Buildings and Grounds � 11,500.00 PLANNING COMMTSSION EXPENSES � 3,000.00 � 3,000.00 � � _ � � , � � �_ � _ � . nw SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIAL3: Mayor � 2,500.00 City Clerk 5,000.00 City Treasurer 2,000.00 City Attornay l�.,680.00 Aldermen 6,000.00 Deput� City elerk 1,200.00 3ecr�t�ry to Mayor 4,343•00 Custodian of Buildings 3,952.00 TOTAL: �ity Officer' s Salaries � 29,675.00 ELECT ION3: Judges and Clerks � 1,050.00 Supplies ' !}.50.00 TOTAL: Elections � 1,500.00 AUDIT ING: � !}00.00 � l�00.00 3TREFT LIGHTS: �23,000.00 � 23,000.00 CEMETERY: Maintenance �12,000.00 Purchase of equipment 2,500.00 Repairs 2,500.00 TOTAL: Cemetdry � 17,000.00 IN3URANCE: Fire and Windstorm, City Buildings and Contents, � 1,000.00 Casualty and Wor�nen� s Com- pensation 12,000.00 TOTAL: Insurance � 13,000.00 MACHINERY AND �QUIPMENT: Stor�.ge Rental for Machiner9 � 1,500.00 � 1,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND �301,502.00 WATEH �IPtD SEWER DEPARTMENT: 3alaries �110,000.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 l�aintenance 8,000.00 Truck Operations 2,000.00 Suppli�s, Chemicals, Fuel 21�,000.00 OPfice Expense 2,000.00 Powar 15,000.00 Fire s�nd Windstorm Insurance 2,5�0.00 Casualty and Workmen� s Com�- pensation Insurance 5,000.00 Depreciation Account 18,000.00 Extens3on of Service 40,000.00 Purchase of Equiprnant 5,000.00 Bond Reserve Account 18,000.00 Water �nd Sewer Revenue Bonds za$uea May 1, 1963 Prineipal �30,000.00 Interest 70,972.50 �100,972.50 General Obligation Sanitary sew�r Bonds, i�sued September 1, 1959 Principal �20,000.00 Interest 2,000.00 � 22,000.00 -2- � S u . P , �� � r � aeneral Obligation Water Improvement Bor�ds, Issued Sept. 1, 1959 Principal �25,000.00 Interest 3,400.00 � 28,400.00 General Obligation Water Improve- ment Bonds, z8�uea nu�ust 1 i95i, Prineipal �1�,000.00 Tnterest 2,l�60.00 � 17,460.00 TOTAL: Water and Sewer Departm.ent, ��}2�},332•5� PARKING METER FIIND: Off-Street Parkin� S�inking Fund � 10,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 2,000.00 Fuel for Motorc,ycle 1�00.00 Service in Parking Meter 2one 2,000.00 Mainten�,nce of Motorcycle 200.00 Painting and Markings 1,000.00 Salarg, 1 Meter Maid 3,952.00 3alary, Traffic Parking �"oliceman Qnd Repairman 5,l�.1�.5.00 Parmanent Street Improvements 13,000.00 TOTAL: Parking M�ter F�ind � 99 .00 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSES -��P(b 3'�'� FOR OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORI�ED BY� LAW PUBLIC COMFORT STATION FII1V1D: A tax nat to exceed .0333� of th� full, Pair eash value, as equalized or asses�ed ,by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: Rep�irs and Maintenance �10,000.00 Salaries 2,924.00 � 12,92l�.00 CIVIL DEFENSE: A taar not to exceed .05� of the full fair cash value, as equalized or at�se�aed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, � 1�,000.00 � 4,000.00 FOR FIREMENtS PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon all taxable property of said City of Canton at the ra�e of .05� �10,000.00 � 10,000.00 FOR POLICE PEN3ION FITND: A ta� levied upon taxable property of said City of Canton at the rate of .05� �10,000.00 � 10,OOO.QO -3- �,�+�',�'- � - . � : _ � � ' �� ` ,� FOR FIRE PROTECTIC}N FUND: A ta�c not to excead .-!}0� of the full fair cash valu�, as equalized or aasessed by the Department of Reveriue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois: Salaries of Fire Department: 1 Chief of Fire Department �6,63l�.�0 2 Assistant ChieFs, e�eh �6,030.00 12,060.00 9 Firemen, ��.on �5,l�.!}5.00 l�.9,00�.00 Purchase of Fire Truck 25,000.00 Vacation Pay 4,000.0� Constru�tion of Fire House 70,000.00 T4Tt#L FIRE PROTECTION FUND �166,699.�0 FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exceed .05� of the f'ull fair cash value, ag equalized or e,ssessed by the Department of Re�enue of the State of Iilinois, on all ta�able property within the Cit�r of Canton, I1linois, to be Imown as the Public Benefit Fund to be used solely f'or the purpose of paying that portion of several amounts heretofore assessed against the Cit�r for public benefits under and 3n pursuance of any ordinancs that may haraafter be passed or �.ssessed against said City �15,000.00 �15,000.00 FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT F'UND: A tax not to exceed .12s°b on the full, fair cash value of all tax- �ble property within the City of Canton, Illinoi�, as the same is equalized or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, �z5,000.00 �z5,000.00 FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: A taa not to exceed .14� on the full, fe.ir cash value, as equal- ized or assessed by the Department of Reve�.ue of the State of Illinois, on taxable property within the City of Canton, I:Llinois, pursuant to 4rd�.n�ce No. 35, pasaed May 20, 19?�7, author�i�ing the establish- ment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disposal of garbage; 3al,�ry of Custodian �6,240.00 Labor 36 ,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 12,000.00 Maintenance 8,000.00 TOTAL: Garbage Disposal �62,240.00 r�.� 't - ` , _ ,« , - ,� . TOTAL OTHER PURPOSE3 �305,863.00 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL PURPOSES �1,069,694.50 Section 2. That the City Council shall at any time after the first h�lf' of the fiscal year, by a two-thirds vote of the membership, make a transfer within any department or other separ�.te �gency of the City Government, of sums of money appropriated for one corporate ob�ect or purpose to �other corporate object or purpose, but no appropriation for any ob�eet or purpose ahall thereby be reduced below any amount sufficient to cover all obli- gations incurred or to be incurred a�ainst auch appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be l�own as the "A�nual Appropriation Ordinance" of the City of Canton, Illinois. Section 1}. This Ordinr�nce shall be in affect ten days after its passage by the City Council, approval of' the Mayor, and publication a.ccording to law. PASSID by the City Council of Canton, Illinois, at a regular meeting thereof held on the ��day of June A. D. 1966. J►PPROVED BY ME th3.s `�, dag of June A.D. 1966. ,�- � ��� A �.-- r' ATTEST: ,= C / � �