HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #182 ."5. . ,l � . � ORDINANCE NO.� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS� Section l. PURPOSE. In order that �dequate provisions be made for the prep�.ration of comprehensive City plan for the guidance, direction and control of the growth �nd development or redevelopment of the City of Canton, Illinois , and contiguous terri- tory not more th�n one and one-half miles be,yond the corporate limits and not included in any municipality, a Planning Commission is hereby created under authority of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois �ntitled "Illinois Municipal Code�� approved May 29, 1961, and effective July l, 1961, and as amended . Section 2. MEMBERSHIP. Said Pl�nning Commission shall consist of eleven (11 members, citizens of sa.id City, �ppointed by the Ma�yor on the basie of their particular fitness for their duty on said Planning Commission and sub�ect to the approval of the City council. The following shall be ex officio members of the Planning Commission and shall be appointed for terms coterminous with the terms of their elected or appointed office. Said memb�rs shall not en�oy voting privileges: Mayor, City Attorney, City Engineer, Street Superintendent, Zoning Enforcing Officer, School �oard Rep- resentative, Park Board Representative. Section 3. TERM OF OFFICE. Of the eleven (11) members, eight (8) shall be public members and shall serve for a period of five (5) years, and three ( 3) members of the City Council shall be appointed to serve concurrent with their terms of offic� on the Council. Vacancies shall be filled by appointments for un- expired terms onl,y. All members of the �ommission shall serve without compensation. Section 1.�... PROCEDURE. Immediately following their appoint- ment, th� members of the Planning Commission shall meet, or�anize, elect such officers as it may deem necessary, and adopt and later change or alter, rules and regulations of' organization €�nd procedure consistent with City ordinances and state lawa. The Commission shall keep written records of its proceedings, which shall be open at all times to public inspection. The Commission ahall also file �n annual report with the Mayor and City Council setting forth i�a transactions and recommendations. Section 5. POWERS AND DUTIES. Said Planning Commission shall have the foll.owing powers and duties. (A) To prepare and recommend to the City Council of the City of Canton a comprehensive plan for the present and futur� development or redevelopment of said City and contigu.ous unincorpo- rated territory not more than one and one-half miles beyond the aorporate limits of said City and not included in any other munici- pality. Such plan may be adopted in whole or in separate geograph- ica.l or functional parts, each of which, when adopted shall be the � � 4 '� y official comprehensive pl�.n, or part thereof, of Canton. Such plan shall be advisory except as to such part thereof aa has been implementad by ordinances duly enacted by the City Council. All requirements for public hearing, filing of notice of adoption with the County Recorder of Deeds and filing of said plan and or- din�.nces with the Municipal Clerk shall be complied with �s pro- vided for by law. To provide f'or the health, safety, comfort and convenience of the inhabit�.nts of said City and contiguous terri- tory, such plan or plans shall est�.blish re�sonable stand�rds of dasign for subdivisions and for resubdivisiona of unimproved land and of areas sub�ect to redevelopment in� respect to public improve- manta as herein defined and shall establish reasonable requirements gov�rnin� the location, width, course, and surfacing of public streets �nd highwa9s, alleys, ways for public service f acilities, curbs, guttera, sidewalks, street lights, parks, playgrounds, school grounds, size of lots to be used for residential purposes, storm water draina�,e, water supply and distribution, sanitary �ewers, and sewa�e collection and treatment. The requirements specified herein sh�ll become regulatory only when adopted by ordinance. (B) To desi�nate land suitable for annexation to the municipality and the recommended �oning classification for such land upon �.nnexation. (C) To recommend to the City Council of the City of Canton from time to time, such changes in the comprehensive pla�n, or any part thereof, as may be deemed necessary. (D) To prepare and recommend to the City Council, from time to time, plans and/or recommendations for specific improve- ments in pursuance of the official comprehensive plan. (E) To give aid to the officials of the City of C�nton charged with the direction o�' projects for improvements embraced within the official plan, or parts, thereot', to further the makin� of such improvements and genera"lly to promote the realization of the offici�l comprehensive plan. (F) To arran�e and conduct any form of publicity rel- s�tive to its activities for the �eneral purpose of public under- standing. (G) To cooperate with municipal or re�ional planning commissions and other agencies or ��roups to further the local plan- ning program and to assure harmonious and integrated planning for the area. (H) To exercise such other powers �ermane to the powers gr�nted under authorit,y of an act of' the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled "Illinois Municipal Code'� approved M�y 29, 196 1, and effective July l, 1961, and as amendEd , as may be con- ferred by the City council of the City of Canton. Section 6. LAND SUBDIVISION OR RE�UBAIVISION AND THE OF- FICIAL MAP. At any time or times, before or afte� the formal a- , a .�, ;w doption of the official comprehensive plan by the corporate author- ities , an off icial map may be designated by ordinance, which me�p may consist of the whole �rea included within the offici�l compre- hensive plan, or orie or more separate �eo�raphical or functional parts, and m�y include all or any part of the conti�uous unincorp- orat�d area within one and one-half mil�s from the corporate limit� of the �ity of Canton. All requirements for public hearing, filing oP notice �f adoption with the County Recorder of Deeds, and filin� of saic� pl�.n and ordinances, including the official map, with the Municipal Clerk sha11 be complied with as provided for by law. No map or plat of any s�bdivision or resubdivision presented for record a�ffecting land within the corporate limits of the City of Canton or within contiguous territory which is not more than one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits shall be entitled to record or shall be valid unless the subdivision shown thereon provides for standa�rds of design, and st�ndards gov�rning streets, �lleys, public ways, wa,ys for public service faeilities, street lights, public grounds, size of lots to be used for residential purposes, storm and flood water run-off channels and basins, water supply and dis- tribution, sanitary sewers, and sewage collection and tre�.tment in conf'ormity with the applicable requirements of the ordinances, in- cluding the offieial map. Section 7• IMPROVEMENZ'S. The City Clerk shall furnish the Planning Commission, for its consideration, a copy of all ordinances, plans and dat� relative to public improv�ments of any nature . The Planning Commission m�y report in relation thereta if it deems a report necessar,y or advisable, f'or the consideration of th� city Council. Section 8. EXPENDl"TURES. The Commission may, at the dis- cretion of the City GTOUnc emp o,y a p�.id secretar,y or staff, or both, whose salaries, wages, and other necessary expenses shall be provided for by the City Council from the public funds. If said Planning Commission sha11 deem it advisable to secure technic�.l advice or services , it may be done upon authority from the City Council and appropriations by the City Council therefore. Section 9. PHIOR ORDINANCES. All prior Ordinances in con- flict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed . Section 10. EFF'ECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in affect ten de�ys after its passage by the City council approval by the Mayor and publication accordin� to law. PASS by the it Council at a re�ular meeting held on the � a�y of Z A.D. 1966. ,� � � ��.j� � APPROVED by the ayor this �G�y of A.D. 1966 . A PPROVED: �D� MAYOR A L � ATTEST: C TY C K