HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #184 ' i � . . . . + I . ' w Read; Council 7 /19/66. La,id over ,�" °�"K" ��� Y ORDIN�IvCE �'0. �iN ORDINI�NCE F�R 1.EVYING TtiXES F'On CGRPORAT� PlihPOSES OF THt: CITX CF CrINTOI� , TLLINUTS, F�'G}� Th� F'ISCk1� Y�kR Gi SE►ID CITY, 1966-1967. ��THEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, did on the 21st day of June A. D. 196b, pass the Annual Appropria- tion Ordinance of the City of Canton, Tllinois, for the Fiscal Year of said City, bep;inning on the first 'I'uesday in the month of May A. D. 1966, and endin;� on the first Tuesday in the 1�7ont�a of May A. D. 1967, and the amount which was appronriated was the sum of $� ,069,694•50, which said �ppropriation Ordinance was duly approved by the Mayor of said City on the 21st day of June A. D. 1966, and which said Annual Appropriation Crdinance was on the 30th day of June A. U. 1g6b, duly published in the Canton Dai1y Ledger, a daily secular newspaper of �eneral circulation, published in said City of Canton, Illinois, for a perior� of over one year prior to said publication. NGu�, THEREFCF.L FiE I'1' CI-tDAINED BY THE CITY CGIINCIL G�� THE CITY UF C�Pv7'GN , ILLII�rOIS: � Section 1 . That there be, and there is hereby levied on all the nroperty subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Cantan, Illinois, as tr�e same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for tne current year, for the Fiscal Year of said City of Canton, Illinois, beginning an the rirst Tuesday in the month of P��;ay A. �. 196n, and endin,� on the first Tuesday in the month of l��ay k. D. 1967, the total sum of `�312,000.00 for the following spe:�ified purposes: � r a • FOR GENEkAL CGRPORtiTE PURPGSES GF SAID CITY �MOUNT A:�iOUNT TO APPROPRIkTED BE LEVIED POLICE DEPhRTNENT SAEARIES: 1 - Chief of Police :� 6,631�.00 3- Police Sergeants, each `�6,030.00 1$,090.00 7- Policemen, each 5,445.�0 3$, 115.00 2- Radio Operators, each 4,713 .00 9,426.00 1 - File Clerk, 1�, 10$.00 Aw�iliary Policemen 5,000.00 Vacation Pay _ 4,,000.00 T�TAL POLICE DEPARTP�NT S�.LARIES, ��5,373 •�� �37, 5�0.00 FULTCE DEPARTMEIv'T SliFPLIES AND E�UIPNF:IVT: Supplies � 5,000.00 Police Car Rental 3, 120.00 Fuel For Police Cars 2,1�00.00 Ra�1�.�a and Teletype Service 2,400.00 TOT�L POLICE DEPy.kTT�NT SU�PLIES �12,920.00 $12,500.00 5IDElAdALKS: $ 500.00 $ 500.00 STREETS AIv'D ALLEYS: Salary of Street Superintendent, � 6,631�.00 Other Salaries and labor 3'�,000.00 Graveling of streets 6,000,,00 Materials and supplies 12,000.00 Tree hemoval $,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 15,000.00 Oiling and chippin� of streets 12L000.00 TGTAL STREETS kND t�LL�;YS �96,634.00 MISCELLANEOUS �PENSES: '� 2,500.00 � 2�000.00 PRINTING l�ND PUBLICATION � 3 ,000.00 � 3 ,000.00 PU$LIC GROUNDS AND BUILUINGS: Repairs and Maintenance � 7, 5�0.00 Construction of Sidewalk, City Building ' 2 000.00 Air Conditioning, Police Station, � 2,000.00 TOT�iL PUBLIC GRCUNDS & BUlLDTNGS ' 11 , 5� 00 0 � 7,000.00 PLANIITNG COMMISSIGN EXPENSES: '� 3 ,000.00 � 2,g00.00 SALARIES OF CITY OFFTCIALS: T�:ayor $ 2, 500.00 City Clerk 5,000.00 City Treasurer 2,000.00 City �ttorney 4,6$0.00 Aldermen 6,000.00 Deputy City Clerk 1 ,200.00 Secretary to Mayor I�,3/�3 .00 Custodian of Buildings ___ 3 .952.00 TOTAL CITY OFFICERS1 SALARIES �29,675.0� �27,500.00 ..2.. y1��C�UNT APPROPRIATED MOUNT TO BE LEVIED AUDI TING: $ 1�00.00 400.�0 ELECTIONS: Judges and Clerks, $ 1 ,050.00 Supplies t.�0.00 TOTr1L FGF�. ELECTIGNS, � 1 ,500.00 STREET LIGHTS: �23,000.00 $1$,000.00 CENETERY: NTaintenance �12,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 2, 500.00 Repairs 2, 500.00 TOTAL CE�!�ETERY �17,OU0.00 �17,000.00 INSURANCE: Fire and Windstorm, City Building and contents, � 1 ,000.00 Casualty and y�iorkmen's Compensation, 12,�OO.OU TOTAL INSURANCE: �13 ,000.00 �10,600.00 Nit�CHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Storage Rental for P!�achinery � 1 , 500.00 $ 1 ,,500.00 TGTaL GENERA.L FiJ�dD: �;3,01 , 502.00 $140,000.00 'vdtiTER I�ND SEWER DEPAR7.'P��NT: Salaries �110,000.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 i�aintenance $,000.00 Truck �perations 2,000.00 Supplies, chemicals and fuel, 21�,000.00 Uffice Expense 2,000.00 Power 15,000.00 Fire and Windstorm Insurance 2, 500.00 Casualty and ���Torkmen's Compensation Insurance �,000.00 Depreciation Account 1 $,000.00 Extension of Service 40,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 5 ,000.00 Bond Keserve �ccount 1 $,OOU.00 uTater and Sewer Revenue Bonds, issued AZay 1 , 19b3 , Principal, �30,000.00 Interest, 70,972.50 �100, 9'72.50 General Gbligation Sanit�ry Sewer Bonds, issued September 1 , 1959, Principal , �20,000.00 Interest, 2,000.00 � 22,000.00 General Obligation �Jater Improvement �3onds, issued September 1 , 1959, Principal �25,000.00 Int$rest, 3 ,1�00.00 � 2�,400.00 �3 w � . , E AMOL�N T r1NT0 UN T TO PA� PROPRIATED �3E LEVIED General Obli�ation '�`Vater Improvement Bonds, issued August 1 , 1951 , Principal �15,000.00 Interest, 2,460,00 `' 17,460.00 TOTAI.. vd�1TER AND SE�fdLR DEPriRTN'ENT �424,332•50 PARKIIVG P"ETEIi. FUND: Off Street Parking Sinkin; Fund $ 10,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 2,000.00 Fuel for 1�Iotor cycle 400.00 Service in Parkin�; P��eter Zone 2,000.00 Maintenance of Motorcycle 200.00 Painting and hiarkings 1 ,000.00 Salary, 1 N:eter I��aid 3 ,952.00 Salary, Traffic Parking Policeman and Repairman, 5,445.00 Permanent Street Improvements, 13 ,000.00 TGTAL PAFcKII�'G �ZET�P� FUND � 37,997.00 GRAND TUTAL GENERAL I'UF4PUSES �7�3,�31 .50 �140,000.00 FOR GT��EF� Plii�PGSES i�UTHORIZ��D BY LAVu PUBLTC CUMF'ORT STATIG"� �'UItiD: A tax not to exceed .0333/ of the full, fair cash value, as equal.ized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property wi�hin the City of Canton, Illinois: Repairs and �^_aintenance `; 10,000.00 Sa�aries 2, 2 .00 TGT1�L PUBLIC CUMFORT STATIGN FUDiD, � 12,92t�.00 � 12,.500,00 CIVIL DEFEIvTSE: A tax not to exceed .05ia of the full, fair cash value, as equalized cr assessed by the Department of Revenue of the �tate of Illinois on all taxab��' praperty v,rithin the City of Cantoii, Ill.inois: � 4,000.00 �� 4,000.00 FGK FIRET���NtS P�ldSION FUivD: A tax levied upon all taxable property of said City of Canton, Illinois, at the rate of .05 0, � 10,000.00 y� 10,000.00 FOR FOLICE PET�SIOI� F'UI�D: A tax levied upor� taxable property of said City of Canton, Illinois, at the rate of .�5i�, � 1�,0OO.OU � 10,OOO.UO -4- AI�C L�T T A�iC�UICi T TO APPkOPRT�TED BE LEVIED FGR FIRE PkGTECTION FUI�D: ti tax not to exceed .�.O;�o of th.e full, fair cash value, as equal- izeci or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois: Salaries of Fire Department, 1 - Chief of Fire L'epartmcnt � 6,634.00 2- assistant Chiefs, each, �6,030.00 12,060.00 9- Firemen, each, 5,4�+5.00 1�9,005.00 �urchase of rire Truck, 25,000.00 Vacation Pay 4,000.00 Construction of Fire House 0 000.00 TCITAL FIR� PRUTECTION FtiND, 1� , 9y.00 � 45, 500.00 FOR PUELTC BENEFI7' FUIV'D: � tax not to exceed .05°� of the full, fair cash va�lue, as equal- ized or assessed by tYie Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, to be known as the Public Benefit r'und to be used solely for the purpose of payin� that portion of several amounts heretofore assessed a�ainst the City for public benefits under and in pursuance of any Ordinance that may be hereafter passed or assessed against said City: �: 15,000.00 � 15,000.0� FGR ILLINGIS 1�ZU11�ICIPt�L RE'I'II���:P,EI��T �'Ui�ll: A tax not to exceed .1250 on the full, fair cash value of all taxable propertt� within tYie City of' Canton, Illinois, as the same is equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Il.linois: � 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 FGR GpRBtiGE DISPGSAL: A tax not to exceed .14io of the full, fair cash value as eaual- ized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on taxable property within trie City ' of Canton, Illinois, pu.rsuant to -5- 1����GUNT tii��sOUNT TG APPkOPnIt�TED BE LEVIED FGR GARB�GE DISPGSAL: (continued) Ordinance No. 35, passed Nlay 20, 191�'7, authorizin� the establish- ment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disnosal of garbage: 1 Salary of Custoc?ian � 6,240.00 Labor 36,000.00 Purchase of equipment 12,000.00 hiaintenance $,000.00 TOTAL GARBAGE DISPOSAL, � 62,240.00 �p 50,00�.00 � TGTf�L OTHER PURPGSES �305,$63 .00 $172,U00.0� GR i�'D TOTAL FGR ALL PUP�POSES� �1';069,694.5� $312,000.00 Section 2. That the City �lerk of t he City of Canton, Illinois, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of Fulton County, Illinois, a duly certified copy of this Ordinance. Section 3 . This Grdinance shall be in effect upon its passa;e by the City Council and Kpproval by the N�ayor. PASSED by the City Cauncil this -��� day of -- A. D. 1966. APPROVED by the Niayor this �day of � A D � . . 1966. APPI"tCVED: Q`-�'�"-G�O I� YO . ' ATTZST• -e ' CITY ERK. i -6-