HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #202 �_,� . � : . ,� , .� . �` ' �r ORDINANCE ,NIIMBER _� `� � r ti F dP' ORDTNANCE ADOPTIN(� �, FIRE PREVENTION GODE PRESCRIBIN(� REaULATIONS (30YERNINa CONDITION3 HAZ,�RDOU3 TO LIFE AND PROPERTY F'ROM FIR� 4R EXPIA3TON, AND PROVIDING FfJR THE ENFORCIIKENT THEREOF BY I�i3PECTI0N3, PENAIl�IE3 F4R THE VIOI,ATION THEREOF, AND THE ISSIIANCE t?P' PERMITS, ALL F08 TH� PtTRPOSE OF P1�E3CRIBING REaIILATICINS CON$I�TE�T" WTTH NATIa�TALLY RECOaNI� a04D P'RACTICE FOR THE 3TANDARDS FOR 311F�GUARD= INa, TO A REASONABI,E DEaREE, OF LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM T�'E HAZARDS OF FIRT AND EXPLOSIOAT ARISING FROM THE STORAf�E, HANDLING .AND USE OF HAZAI3DOUB SIIBSTANCES, MATERIALS AND DEVICE3, AND F'ROM. CONDITTON3 HAZAR;DOUS T4 LIFE AND PROPER.TY IN THE IISE OR OC�TTPANCY OF BIIILDING3 OR PREMTSE3. BE IT 4RDAINED BY THE CTTY COUNCIL �F THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: SECTIDN l. ADOPTTON OF FIRE PREVENTIOAT CODE. That certai� documents threa (3) cop es o wh c are now, an or more than thirty (30) days prior herto have been, on file in the office oP �he City Clerk of the City of Camtor�., Illiaoia, for the uae an.d eaamination of the public, being marked and designated ea the Builc3ing OfficiQls Conference of America, Inc. Basic Fire Prevention Code, 1966 Pdition, as published by the Builaing Officials Con�erenca oP America, Inc., be and is hereby adopted as the Fire Frevention Code of the City of Canton, in the Stete of Illinois, for the control of hazards of fire and ex- plosion as herein provided; and each and all of the regulations, pro- visions, penalties, condition�, and terms of the Buildin� Of�iciala Conference of America, Ine. , Basic Fire Prevention Code, 1966 Edition, are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if full� set out in th3s Ordinence. SECTIQN 2. INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES REPEALED. That all other Ordinari- ces or parts o rd nances o the C ty o anton, Illinois, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SAVTNG CLAUSE. That nothing in this Ordinance or in tha Fira Pravent on Code hereby adopted shall be congtrued to afPect any� euit ar proceadin� impendin� in any court, or any rights acqu3tted, or liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing, under any Act or Ordinance hereby repealed as cited in Sec- tion 2 of this Ordinance; nor shall any �ust or legal right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this Ordinance. SECTION !�. DATE �F EFFECT. This �rdinance shall be in effect ten days after i s pas$a�e by the City Council, approval by the Mayor and publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council and approved by the Ma,yor this -���day of A. D. 1967. APPROVED: � �� MA � `. ATTEST: - � �