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Ordinance #203
. - .. +. _- .. V � 4 9 � � ♦ f C;��LIT���yP;��L ���C .� ° _ k; � ;� _, - � - -�� , -, T,.-_,_ -,_ _,�_, , �:�„- T ,� , , � Kl`: L liZ1�1�1�.1�Ia L�.� L.L��>..11:�..]� �_ ."-�Ltil.�._�i� ii�i.C� �. � t�.LvL.�'L�J �1,'�17� �r�� ,'� L'1'' ��i..;'_: l..i.� 1�1 �.1� .�ii1i�:�l�l.��-� Z � 1.11`:�.� �. kll�`::i� .��i;t L.� ii� � 1- '�.}-_.. . , _ ..- .. . .., ...� ,7 . , .l. 7 i. • , . ( '(T . . �.-.,;r ., , .. ( - - -_ / L.L'� ��i \':.��.1.�1�12::.�L .I.1� l��il.: vZi1 IJIJ!'itv�.l.. `.�,' �.i�..._..- vi�l�;r Ll Vi�i;�.�.l,i���: � 1,l . tl�� J: �f_;Ct.102"7 � • vIrl".l i>�1�1�. 1` ��Y. �.1��"i�".' 'l.rlt:jT 'it�Q1'!�f'n�r S�1r..t�_1 r'�C�l_Ve �r� �ai�r�.u�.l ��l��ry of �'iv� lhous�nd Fcur i'.u�idr��d �i�ty lloll�rg (ip5,�,b0.��0) �a.ncl �uch oth�r comp�r�5�tior�: ��s thR� '�it�r Cour�cil m�y nrovide by Crdi- r.:�r;c� . �PCtion 2. SLP�::�IT.�i''���L�!=:t�:�i �:.' �`�',.�:: �.`,'� . `i'h�: �upc�rii�t�rlder:t o� Str�ets sh��li r�cciv�: �:�! �.r�nu�.:l s��.i� x�y c�z ���v�r Thous�i�d ��'our �iur�- dred �'ourteer poll�.��r� (.:;�?,411�.U0) . S�ction 3 . ��1:1"1 #_i��II.i;L��.. `1'�i� �ity k:Y�;in�:�r s�,�1.1 r�crive �r �,r�nu�.l s�al��r�.T of `i'cr� Thous��r�d L';i �;ht�er, LaI�_;.�.rs ( ;�10,�>1 %�.�:)0) . �1'hc 1`�ssiGt��.r�t �ity �;-r� ;irie,�r 5i��l:i r�;c�iv� �ari �rinu�I ��le.ry of Six Thou.s�;rd Six �':ur�dred ��`ift�r-5ix �o11_�rrs ( ;:6,c�5v .0�) . � , � . m_:.+- ..._ _^•..,. ;,- - , r_,rnP ._,..rl ri,_ �i • . �CC�lOT'. �.}.• tt:l�!.rl� rL'i��..i ��uVi�}? �.�I.i_i.l L:i41 . lr:f'', vC11�'f' Uper�tor cf thF '�i:�ter I'ldnt sha11 r�ceiv� �.r: ��r�r-Au�l s�_l�r�y of ��=v�n i'hot��a�d Sev�}� �;undred Sixty-twc Doll�_r� { ,�7,'762.00) . �I'��it' i�}'�_l�:f �ip�:r:�tor �t. t;11°� �iC°.�6^l�v:'�E iil..",��0°"a':�1 ���..�Y_i: Sl'ia�l1 r't'— C�ivE a n «nnu�l s�l�try o�' :s�v�n �l'hou�<�.r.d T'our t�undre:d i�ourt��r: liol- 1�rs (�i�'7,41�..0�) . I���.ch Certified OpF�r�.tor «.t t'r�e :J�t�r ir��xt^.e;r<t Pl�nt :�nd Scwer `I'x~�dtment �'l�.nt sh�ll rec�ivr ��r: �l�nu,��l ���_I�ry of x{,iv� �1.'hota- �and T�:in� Hundrr.d vihty-fiv� Lcil��r� (�,s5, 965.00) . 1°��ch (;pPr�.tor �t tiie i�tcr �l`r���tme�nt �l�.r:t �nc. S�wcr 'i're�,t- m�nt ��l.�nt 5h:�11 rcc�iv� �r. �ar.r�tz�1 s�l�:�ry of I+iv� �1`r,ousE�nd ���i;;ht Hun- dr�d �ixty-Un� Dolle+_rs (=;�5, �61 .�U) . Th� Cashi�r cf the ��d�t�:r �.�:.d SeYs�;r ��:n�rtm�nt �}�l:�ll re- r ccive ��� �nnu�1 ��.14:ryr of Fiv�� Trlovs�r,d �'iv� ��u-ridr::c�. i��r�z�ty lioliars ( �5, 5z0.00) . L:��ch I��:�ter i�.�„�d�r sh�11. rc:c�iv� d�� �nnu�1. s�l��ry of �{ivc Thous�nd Fivc i:ur.dr-�d l;':in�ty-nir�u: �oll��.rs (•,�5, 59�.��U) fcr ��c�l yc�.r of' ��rvicc for th� fi��st four y�:�r� ; ��-�d �.��ch T�'���t��=:r ;�.��d�r sl�.�ll r�- cPive dr annu�7. s�1�ry of r'ivG T��ous:�rld `��v�n �±ur�dr�d I�'ifty-five I�oll��rs (;�5,755 •00) for th� fifth y��r �_�u' ���c�� y��r t'r_�r����ftcr. ��cii l:�borer i�� t'ri{� :��_t�r �t�d �;�TWv�r �i�p�rt:r�nt sr�.Il re- c�ive �r. �r�r��u�l s�.lE�ry oz �'iv� Thous��nd ::}�v�r� f:undre?d r`ifty-fiv� Lollar� (�5 ,755 •�Oj for t��� first four yc�r�, of hi� e�m�loyment �rid �n arxnu�l �al�ry of r ivc ihous�x��d l;i_;ht i-�undr�d ?�if_'ty-nirie I�oll�.rs ��5,�59.00) th�reditcr. Each F�rt tir,:� �l�rk ol th� �.`�tr:r �:.n.d ���fr�r Lmp�:rt��nt sh�ll be compensat�d for th� wor:-,� th�:•y n�rform <�.t t'r�� r�.t�� of �l�ro Dollars Six C�nts (at}2.06) per hour. -1 - Section 5 . Pi:UI>>'�BI'_`�i� 1T,�PEC�l'GR. Th�, �'lumbin� lnsn�ctor sh:�ll rtccivr :�n :a��nu�.l ��l�:ry of Sev�r. `1'hou5�nd r�`our tlur�dr�d Four- teen lloll�rs (�p7,414.U0) . Sectiorl 6 . ?'ti�tK A�i,�L I-'I ;=�i.I� ;;U>> �'G1;.1 S'1'r`llGi�. �L���'C�DIANS. The P�ark Custodian shall r�ceiv� :�r. �rrnu�±l s�.l�ry of Faur Thous:and TE�o ��ur�dred Twelv� �%oll�.r� (�t,., 212 .00) . � '1'ti� t'ublic Comfort �it�.tior� Custoc�i:�n uh;�ll r�ceiv� ar� �nnu�l s�.l�ry of Thre� Thous:�nd C,r�� ?lu�drrd i�iN,�ity-four poll:�r� (�;�3 , 1 �4.c�0) . Sectiori 7. rlI.�� ;��Fh��i:�'"�st�<`l'. The Chief of th� ��'ir� �c- p«rtment sr,�ll r�;ceiv� �an �nriu�l sal�.ry of' Sev�:n Z'hous�r�� F'our Hun- dred ��'ourteen lioll�rs (�7,414.00) . Eacr, t,ssist�r�t F`ire:= �hie�' s?1�:11 re�ceiv� �r �nnu�.l sal�.ry of Six `I'hou:��nd Sevcr� f�ur�dr�d �ix l�oll�rs (.E�b,706 .00) ; �n.d e�,ch Fire- m�.ri employed b�r t��e �it�r sY�all r�c�iv� � s�.l�:ry of Fiv� "1'houss:�nd �i�ht :?undred Sixty-on� Dollw.rs (:;�5, �61 .U0) �rr �T��_r for tYi� first fou.r yc�ars of his cmploym�:nt, �r�c; th�: sum of' k'iv� �i'h�us�nd i�iir�e Hun- cired Sixty-fiv� �oll�r� (<�5,g65 .00) for e�ch y�;�.r th�rc��ft�r. In Addition to t��� �Uov� s�1�r•y ��ch mcmb�r of tr�e F'ir•c D�nartm�°nt sh�ll r�ceivc :�r� �r�nu�l c1ot,Y��ir�� �llow:anc�: cf l�'orty-ei�ht Doll�.r� {;p��.$.00) per ye�cr. Scction �. ��:LI�� �i_,T':�hTl LitT. �h� �:%hi�f of Polic� sh.�ll rec�ive :�n �nnu:�l sal�.ry of ��ven `I'Yiousar�d i'our r[undr�d �'ourteen Dollars (�j�'�,1�1�..UO) . E�ch SF4r�e�nt sr�all r�ceiv� �n �nr;u�l 5�l�ry of Six �I'hou- s�nd S�ven �iu.nds�ed Six �oll�rs (Y:6,706.UO) . �ach l olicem�:� e;mploy�c� by th� City s}7�;11 receive �n annual s�lary af Fivc Thous;�nd L�i�ht �=.undred Sixty-on� Do11�rs ( �5, �b1 .OQ) for the first four y��rs of his �.mploym�r:t, �r�d tn� sum of �'ive Thousand I�:inc Huridr�d :�ixty-fiv� �oll�rs (�5,965 .00) fcr ��c�. y��r thcre�.fter. Iri addition to th� �bovr s�l�ry e�clz m�mb�r af th� Folice uepartm�nt sh�.11 r�ceiv� .xr: �nr�u�l clothinr� �llow�ricc of Cr.� F-lundr�d Lo11�rs (�j�100.00) p�r yc«r. ��ch _��'��t�:r �"aid �ri,plc��d sri�ll r�:c�ivc �n �ri;iu�.1 ��l:�ry of I�our Thou�ar�d `l�;�ro ?-:undr�d ioll�.r� ( ;a4, 200.UO) for t�1� zir�t four fe�.rG of h�r �mploym�nt, :�nd th� sum of F'our �l'lzous�r_� 1'hree riundred Sixty-ei�l�t �oll�rs (��4,;6�.OU) for �:�c'ri ye�.r t��e�r��.ft�r. E�ch Iy_'�ter P�.trolm�:� sh�all. r�c�iv� :�n �anr.u�l ��l�ary �f Fiv� 'ihousand Fiv� �:ur.dred i��ir��tyr-rlin�: ;�cll�rs (�5,�99.00) for th� firs� four ye�xs of' his �mploym�nt �.z�d �n �nr_u�l salary of �'ive Thou- sand Sev�r� �::undred Fifty-Fiv� (:;�5,755.00) for each y��r th�r��fter. `i`h� Filc �lerk irl th� F'ol.ic� lie�p4 rtr�!�rit shall r�c�iv� :�n �r�riu�al s�l�ry of Four 'I'hous�nd `1'hre� :'ut�dred Sixty-i:i�ht lioll�rs (4;�4,36�.U0) . �2_ E�ch �'olice i�:�dio C.p��r�ztor �mnloy�d bsr t'r,� �::ity �1z�_11 r�c�ivc �n �nnu�l ��l�ry of Four� Thous�z.d �:iri� I�ur.dred S�v�r�ty-thre�e i�o�l�rs (�N1�., >'73 .00) for th� f'irst fout° yt-_��;r: of ni:-� �mployr,�;:�rit, �nc� t�r� sum of Five Thous�r�d Gt�� i-±ur�dr�d �1'Urenty-r�ir�� Ja114�.rs ( �5, � 2�.�0) for e�acL� y��r tl�.er��:fter. ��b,cx�_ p�rt tim� x°��dio aper�:�tor� sh:=���:11 l�c com- per���ted for th� work he p�r�forms �t tti�� rG3t� oi' ri�ro Loll�rs Thirty-six C�nts (�2.36) per hour. Each tr�ffic p�.trolm�r. s:��:11 'o� camp�ns��.tc;d f'or the �,aork tra�t Yi� performs mt t?_�: r�:t� of 2'��o uoll�ra (��2.OUj per hour. E�ch School Crossi�.r�. Gu�.rd s'r�:F::ll be; corr�n�r:s�tF�d for t h� vaork h� ��rforms �t tli� r�.t� of C;�r��: lioll�r Fifty-C�nts (�;�1 .50) p�r hour. Scction 9. 3L�iL'�ni'hF�Y iC �r.�Y(,�t. Tl��� :»cr�t��.ry to t'rl� T>!�yor 51��11 reccive ar� �tr�nu�l ��l�ry of '�'our '1'Ylous����c3. �ix 1:luzdr�d Three i�olla�rs {•:��.,603 .�7U) . �@CtlOi1 ��. .s L't'�l_'i-i r ��•r•. �>rl-�r��,�rj� rl'�C �Y�ET'i1t.OT' C1�' t.� � ai;�I1l-- .L�1+J: 11aL '.=t ` • � t�ry T.�nd �'ill sh�.l-i rF�c�iv� .�arr �nnu����{l sr.��.�r��- of' Six ri'hous�.�z�d S�v�n Hurdr�� Sixty U�ll��r�s (��6, 760.UO) . � i:�cYi I�bor�r of th� :-=�:x�r��:�TE :�e��:.{rt;�:fLrt srAE:x�1 rec�iv� ari �rr- nu�l s�l�ry of Fiv� ri'h.ous�.ri�. �>�v�r� :iur�dr��d '�'iity-}�'iv� �oll�rs (.;:5,755 .U0) . Sectior� 11 . T 1.��::I:r'7' l:i :1����'���� , ."�'� . :;.�.�h i{�:criir,�y (:��r�r�jtor �i,!C� a a,.T'�i'`"� 1'"�."C r2�i Ti 1 C E:t"i1 t�?1_O'T�'0'0 �y :�i l�' v 1 t y' ,`-��_�Z 1 T'F:'C E:1 V� �:+_, �i Y1'1 U.Y'.1. Sct��^]."�J Uf' n1V�: �i��"lOUtii:::.I'.C� �:.:1,_�Yi�i. ::U'_'iC1rEC:". i'l�t<`'—i^:1�i� ��oll�zY'S \°i'S� U`�j�j•17�� . Each truck drivf.r e�inr�loye�c� hy t��� t%it;r s'��all r�c�ive� �ri �nru�l �:a.l�ry af Fiv� �.'hou��nd Seven i�undre�d F'ifty-five Doll�rs (�5,755 .00) . Section 12. D�PUT� �T'�i �L�P�I� . �1"r�� '���^pui;y City �ler•k sh�ll k�� cc:mp�r:s�ted for thL d-JOr�x s�!� ���rfcrms ;:at �� ;: r �tt_: cf �i'��o :�oll�rs Six C���tS ��:�2 .Ob) p�r hour. � Sectior 13 . C,�1�:����1T:���; I'1�i. ld�c'r_ ;��rsor�, ot'r���r° t�i::<r-� ��z: �1_�ct�a. offici�� , �r.l�loyPd. by �h� �ityr ,�r���o 5��1�11 ���rfor���r. �:1���°�.� o_: ?'����w ye��r� D�:.y, i-���,.st�r, i'e.�lori�;.i �».�r , F'oi,rth cf` �`L�.l�r, �:�.�ior ��:�y, �i'h��.iir,����rivin� ar C�rri�tr,:�s sr�:�ll rec�ive: �dctiition�.l i�ourly p�� �'or 4:� perioc� of not 1!iOT'r� �:"1�71 �'OUY' r10Ur",= .fOr' �'"�iC�"1 Cy�' SE:.1Ci Ce�iyr: � �:.I''.Ci 1LlY't}1E;:C'� 1'_"i ^�'VC�.t �ry l�.borr�r wori�s ��icrc tri�;.r� f'ort� :�ours ixl a._��e �v�r�e� , h� sY�F�l1 re�- c�ivA ove�rtim� p�:y ��t t 'r,�� r� t��� oi ti;�1� ��:�1� on��-h��.lf for �4�c�i hour h� ���rcrk� . S�ctior� 1�.. `Ji�C�iTIGTv Fr�`� t�N�li LTCi�; i�at�V�: (��) ��,:;�ch r�����r��so:-� �:nploy�c� by tr,� Ci�;y- for _�. p�z•iod. o�' _���ct l�ss th��ri oriF� y��.r ;���.r ��id not mor�� th�n thr�� ��<:,r;� s�i��all rF:c�i�r� .�:xr� � r:�ZU::.�l v�.c�tion of cr�c vaeek with ��.� ; ��:ch ��rson �n;ploy�^d bJ t'r�e �ity for �{ r�e�riod c�f nct l�ss tr �..� thr�� y��:..z�s «r.� rot mor� t �..rz; tc�rs yc��.rs sh�ll r�c�iv� �n �nru�l v�c.�_tior� ot' t�ro +v�:�l•;s �rvith pE�y; ��;.c�: oE�rso�i e::;;�loy��ci by th� City r�ot lcss tii�;r� t��: yc�=r.rs Yaor� mor�: t��a�<r. fift��r: t,%�,�xrs ��i�11 r�C�1V� m'tT'i �ZT111U�1 V��.C�+t.lOY1 O.�' trii'f'.e�' TtiF'E�°::5 �'T:LT;i1 t��:tjT� z�.T1G.� f~'.�C�i IJ�Z'SOFI ��;�ploy�d b�r tr1� �ity for f'if't�e,. y�.;+.r�� ar n��r�,: s�i�a�.l re:ceiv� �r �r�- nv.�l vv;;c�tio�, of foiar :�r��ks �:,rith p�.y. -;- ! (b ) ��.ch p�:rso�� �r. ��loy�d b,yT t��N= ��it y �,-;r; o is u:���.L�lf� Le work b�c�us� oi' illr�c:�:� s'r����:1 b� n�:�ia �Zi.: r�� ;ul�.z• p�:r.r i�oz• �� ��eriod of r?ot rr,ore t'r.<;�r� t�.� d�:ys for �_���y o.�lE-: vt,�:�r, w'rzicr� tcA��. cl��r p�riod m�.y �ccur::ul�te for nat r,or:� ti��.�,?? t�-:iz t;r c�e,y� , �.�:d iaz-.ST �m�lof�e who h�s :�ot be��: �'bs�r:t b�c:�u::�F; of illnc:;;s for � t�n d�,y ���rioa in �z�y y��.r s.1�.11 h;�v� t:�� optior. to dr�v�r ti��e �ick ���;� ciu� :r_im or ?��:r�a�ittir�.; it t;o accumul�te . � (c ) ror tii�� pur�os�s cf t.ii� ::ECtiot? tii�: neriod for� w};ich s�id ��ar sr°��a1.1 b��irL s'.�,�11 ��: t'��.� fisc�l y��r oi' s�;a.id Cit�, �xcept f�r e�rnployees p�id by t��e hotzr, �rid �:� tc� ta�?�m tli�� timE: tt�ey b�rrin t�eir e:^�ploymF�nt s:�a11 b�s tY�A:_ %��: :;in��ir: , �i' ti�r ��;:riod �na th�ir eiV�T'��C naurly p�y Si1�.1_1. bfi- COT�SIC:I�T'�:Cl 1ri Cl�t:�:i'Y!i'1T21T�;r t�1�; �r„OUrlt of' t���ir v�c�ti.on ���y� . Section 15 . �'.��1�:�L. ��11 prior C�ruirl:�.r.c�: or p��rts of Gr- dir.Wzzc�3 ir� cor�f�'lict vrith �ny cf' ti:�. r>rcvision;; a�' t.i�is �-rdi��zr�ce b� �nd th� ���.m�� �r� l,er�=bj� r�n��l�d. Scc�io�. 1 . EF`F;���`l'IV�, L'1",`1'E, �„ ��iis �rdi����.r�.c� sra�il b� in �ff�ct on �r�cl �.f'ter T1e"�y s, 19�'�, ��°��i ii,s pe��ss:�;;r�: by th� uity Council �r:c1 �zpprov��l �iy til� i���T�.�yor. � I''',SSLD ��y th�, ��it;� Co�.zr_ci1 ��ri� c,.?�nrov�a b�r th� ;'"�ayo�° this � � d�y of � __ _ A. li. 1 i�>7. � , :PP1=�CV7�D: �' �/d`�`Z��� I!�x�GR. , �i 1�l'�.�J�l�'' C `l'Y C1.LhK. ��_