HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #205 . 4. /, . • ......_...�.. r . .,,. ..R � . ' � • p"++ .. � R � Y l.�F�1�I.lvliNCi'� ttiCi. oZU..S BE IT t�k�l'�TTvLD i3Y `I'H� CI�l,Y C�.t�A�C�L U��' '1'E':L �1TY� Ci` C���:TCT�I, I7:�lII�OIS• Section 1 . I��o person shall p�rk a vehicle, exccpt for the unl�ading of �oods or the disch:�rain� of pass�ng�rs, on th� South side of thc followin,� str�ets ana avenu�s in the City of C�nton, Illinois: (�) �'dst Syc�mor� Street: from the �ast Ftight-of-w�y line of the Chica�o, Lurlin�ton �nd ���uincy Rdilro�d to I�Torth El�venth ,�v�nue; (b) East Td°yrtle 5treet: from North �::i�hth 1�v�nu� to the East Corporation Limits ; and (c) ��st Glive 5�reet: from ivorth Sev�nth kvtnue to I�orth Eleventh �venue. S�ction 2. T�o p�rson sridll pdrk a veriicle, except for the unloadin� of goods or discharging of passEn�;�rs u��on th� �ast side of the followin_; streets or avenues in the City of ��nton, Tllinoiss (�) 1Vorth Ei�hth :�venue: from E�st Ash Str��t ta the l�Torth Corporation limits; (b) Tyorth 'T'enth �v�nu�: from East i�:yrtle Street to tn� North Corporation Limits ; (c) North '1'welfth Xvenue from East :�sh �treet to East P��yrtle :�treet; and � (d) I��orth Sixth �v�nue: from ��st �h�stnut Str��t to E�st 5pruc� Stre�:t. Scction 3 . t1ny person a.ccused of' �a violation of this Crdinance may settle and compromis� thE clair�L :�g�inst him on c�r for such violation by p�ying to th� �ity the sum of CN� DOLLi�I�. (�1 .Q0) for �ach offense within twcnty-four hours from the timc such viola- tion w�,s committed. Such payment shall ba m�de �t the police station, and a receipt shall b� issued for all money so received, �nd such money shall be promptly turned ov�r to the City Tr�asurcr to be placed in th� p�rkin� met�r fund. 1f such paym�nt is mdde the members of the police departm�nt and tr�ffic officers �re h�r�- by authorized to rcfrain from instituting a. prosecution for sdid viol�tion. Scctian 4. This Grdinance shall be in effect ten days after its passage by th� City Council, �pprov�l by the :L�_ayor and publication accordin;� to law. �1SSED by the Ci� � Council and approved by the P4�iayor this day of G� k',. U. 1 �,'67. t�.PPF�GV�D: �j�� ����i���l=-�,,� T�i��YUR. , A�'�!'ES`l'• ,,-',. _ C CLE K.