HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #253 3 ' � . ` �� . �,.---f'��� Titl� rsad'�� �auncil 6/1�/68 . � � , Laid over. ' • � � � OrDINANC�;, r1C),�_.�.��"�. - AN ORDII3ANC�� 1�2AKINC� THE ANNUAL APPROP??IA�'TON FOR T�:"r; (�I7'Y OF C4NTON, ILLI�iOIS, F0�? TH�, FISCAL Y?s'AR. OF SAID CITY, 19f�f�-1969, T� BE TER.��IF� THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIOTd ORDINAIdCE OF SAIn CITYt BE I'1' ORD�±.?NED BY TH'r.'. CTTY CQUNCIL OF THE C.T.TY OF CI�NTON� ILLINOIS: Se_ tion 1. That the follow3.n�- sums of money, or as mur.h as may be authorized by 1�.w, anr� as mt�,y be nee�Pd or dePmed necessar�,� to defray all neees- sary expensPS anci liabili��As of the Cit;� of Canton, I1linois, be, and the s�me are hereby appropri�ted for the car,z�orate purposes and ob�ects of s�i� City herein specified for the Fiscal Year o.f said CitvT, commencing on the first Tuesday in the manth of M?a,y� 196�, and endin� on the first �'uesday in tha montk: of May, 1969: FOR GFNP;R�L CC?F,PORATF PURPOSF�S 01+, S^�ZD CITY: POLICE iJEPARTMENT, SALARIES: 1 - L'�iief of Police � 7�h79�36 3 - Police .Ser�eants, Eaeh �6,971.12 2�,91�.36 l� - Policemen " 6,230.12 2/�,920.l�f3 5 - Policemen " h,126.12 30,6�d.60 2 - �,dio OpPrators " 5,393.96 1�J,'787.92 1 - Fi1e Clerk 4,633.20 Auxil�.ary Policemen 5,0�0.00 Vacati�n Pay l,.,000.00 Clothing Allowance 1 64 40 T�TAL POLICE DFPAR`..P;�NT SALr.pIFS: �110,121�.92 POLICE DFPART��;NT SUYPLIES AND E��UI�'t�'NT: Supplies � 5i0�Q`Q� Police Car R.Pnt�,l 3,1�0.00 F�.i�l for Police Cars ?,1.��0.00 R.�.ciio and Teletype Serv3 ce ��Q00,0� TQTAL POLTCE D�,PART;�I�?T SIIPI�LIE� � 13,5�0.00 SIDFWALKS: Repairs and M�.inten�nce of S�dewalks � 500.00 STRFETS AN'J ALLT:YS: � 500.00 Sa.lary of Street Superintend.ent � 7,679.36 Other Salaries and I�bor �.3,0OO.Oa Grr�.velin�* of StrePts 7,000.00 Materials and Supplies 12,q00.00 Tree RemovaJ_ �,000.00 Purchase of �.quipment 15,O�Q.QO Oiling and Chippin� of Streets 17�0.�0 TOTAL STREETS AND AILEYS �109,679.36 NiI3CH'LLANEOUS EXPENSES: � 2,500.OQ PRINTING AND PUBLICiYTION: � 2,500.00 � 3,000.00 PUBLIC GROUNDS AAID BUILDINGS: � 3�000.0� Repa�irs and l�iaintenance TM� 9,500.00 PLANNIIvG COI�MIS:SION EXPENSES: �_ � 9,500.00 �; 5,000.0(? � 5,QOO.OQ � , , , � • . , , , e • . w i w SAL.9RIES OF CITY (7FFICTALS: Mayor � 2,500.00 City Clerk 5,OOO.QO City Treasure 2,000.00 City Attorney Alciermen 5,725.20 Deputy City Clerk 6,000.00 Seeretary to i�9a.yor 2,500.00 Custodian of Buildings �+'�bg'z4 TQTAL CITY OFN�IGERS� SALARIES =-�..�77.2Q AUDITTNG: � 33,070.64 � 4�Q.00 STREET LIGHTS: � 400.00 �31 ,500.OQ CEh�;TERY: � 3�,5oa.�0 Maintenance �13,5��.d0 Purahase of Equipment 2,500.p0 Repairs 2,_g00.00 TOTAL CEMETERY � 1�,5p0.00 INSURANCE: �'ire and Windstorm, City Buildings and Contents� � 1�000.00 Casualty and Workmen's CompPnsation 16 000.00 Insurance for employees ' TOTAL INSURANCE 2b.000.04 � 37,000.00 ELECTIONS; Supplies � �,50.�0 Printing 1,500.40 Judges 1,05Q�00 TOTAL ELECTION EXPENSES � 3,Q00,00 TOTA.L GENF�L FtJR1D: �377�294.92 WATER AND S:�GIER �EPARTN,�NT: Salaries �125,00�.00 Estra Labor 7,b00.00 Ma,intenanee ���Q��� Truck Operations 2,b00.C10 Supplies, Chemieals �.nd Fuel ?1.�,p00.00 Office Expense 2,000.00 PowPr 15,�00.00 Fire and Windstarm Insurance 2�500.00 Casualty and Workmen�s Compensation Insurance 7�000.40 I)epr�ciation Accaunt �������� ExtAnsion of Services 1,.�,000.Od Purehase of Equipment �,OOO.�p Bond Reserve Aceourit 18,000.00 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonc�s, Issued MM��„y 1, 1963 �'rincipal �30,C10�.00 Interest 7b,972.50 100 972.50 General Oblipation Water Improvement ' Bonds, issued September 1, 1959 Principal �10,000.00 Interest 400.00 10,400.q0 General Obli�;ation Water Zmprovement &�nds, igsued Au�ust 1, 1951, �'rincipal �17�000.00 In�erest 1,02Q.00 1�?�0 0 00 TOTAL: WATER AIvD SF:t�1F,R nEPARTMT;NT ���2�892.�0 -?- , � , , , � � � PARKING METER FUND: Of£-street Parking Sinkin� Fbnd �10,C�00.00 Purch�.se of E:quipment 4�(�00�00 Fuel for Motor cycle 1�00.00 Service in Parking I�:eter Lons 2 000.00 Maintenance of Motor cycle �200.00 Painting and M�,rki.n�s 1,Odp.00 Salary, 1 N�ter A'�id 4,633.2� Sa.lary, Traffic Parking Policemen and RspA,irman, 5,g64.00 Perm�nent Strest Improvements 13,OOQ.00 TOTAL PA?�ICING MET:�;R FUND ~� �41,� GRA1�'D TOTAL GENERqL PURPOSES �821�2$L�..6� FOR OTHER PURPOSES AUTHO'�IZED BY L.AW PUBLIC COMF�RT STATION FUND: A Tax not to exceed .0333� of the full, fair cash value, as ec�ual- ised or assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all Taxable property within the City --- o£ Cantc�n, Illinois: Repairs and Maintenance �10,�00.00 Salarieg, 3.�,�1:00 TOTAL PUBLIC CO1'�ORT STATION FUND �13,451 .�0 CNIL DEFEI3SE: A T�x not to exceed .05� of the full, fair cash value, as equalizec� or assesser� by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, � a�ppp�pq � 2,000.00 FOR FIREME;N�S PENSIOP3 FUIJD: A tax levied upon a11 taxable property of said City of Canton, Illinois, at the ra.tP of .05� ����Q�p�Cp �10,0OO.Op FOR POLICE PENSION FUND: A t�x 1PVied upon taxa.ble property of said City of Canton, Illinois� at the rate of .05�, �10,�OO.dO �10,000.00 FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUI��: A tax not to exceed .10� of tha ful.l, fair cash value, as enual- ized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State �f Illinois on all ta�ble property in the Cit�J of Cantan, Z11i.nois. Sal.aries of Fire Department: 1- Chisf of �'ire Department :� 7,6'79.36 2- Assista.nt Chiefs� each �'36,971.12 13,942.2l� y,- Firemen, Each, 6,23C�.1� 2l�,g20,48 �- Firemen, Each� b,"126.1� 30,630.60 Va,cation Pay �,�ppp�p�} Clothing Allowance 780.00 TOTAL F7RE PRdTFCTIOPd FtT�JD �8��g52,6g ..3.. FO?� PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exceed .0_5�' af the fu11 fa�r cash value, fts equ�2ized or assessed by the DepG.rtment of Revenue of the State of Illinoi�, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, I11i.no3.s, to be known as the Public B�nefi.t Fund t� be used solely for the purpose of p�vin� that portion of several amounts heretof.ore assessed �r��,inst the City for public benef=ts under fznd in pursua.nce of any �raj.nance that may be hereafter passed or as�es;;e� against a�id City: �'lh,Q�0.00 �16,0�().�f� FQR ILLINOI5 MUNICTPAL RETIRFMENT FUNDs A ta.x not to exceed .1?5'� on the full, fair c�sh value of �.11 taxable pr��erty within the Cit�� c�f C�nton, I11ino3.4, �s the came i� equalize� or asGesse�? l�y the Tlepart- Ment of Revenue of th� St�te of I�linois, `�3�,C�Of!.�0 s�3 S,OOC�.00 FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: A t�.x not. to e�ceed .114`� of the full, fair cash value as ecauu�l3.zed or assesse� by the I?epartment of Revenue of the St:.?,tP, of Illinois on taxable vropert�° ��ithin th� Citf of Canton, I1linois, pur�ua.nt to Ordinance No, 35, passPC? MaY '�, 1R4.?, authorizin� the establichMent an� main- ten�,nce of a system for the co11_er,tian and dis�aosal of �axbaPe: Salary of Custodian � 7,02�.�0 Iabor l,.0,C00.00 Purchase of �'�uipment 1fy,OQQ.�O Maintenance "!0.CnO.(?0 't'0'PAI� G�RBAGF; D?cpC?SAL `�'71 �Q25.t70 T()'T'AL OT??FR PTIRPOSFS "� 239,1�28•68 GRAN?� mOTAL FOR s'�LL PiTRPOSES � l�pb(�.?�3.30 Secti�n 2�, Tha+ the Cit.y Council ^ha11 a.t any t?.zne �?ftt�?' the f�rst ha].f of the Fi4ca1 Year, by a twn-thirds vote of the membership, m�ke :�. transfer withi.n any department or other Ge�xate a�ency of the Cit�r Governm�nt, of sums �f money app.ropriater� for one cornorate objnet or purnc,�e to nnother corporate object or purpose, but no appropriation for any �bje.r,t. or nu.rpose �ha�.l thPreby be reduced below any amaunt suff3cient to cover f11 obli��tions �.ncurred. or to be incurred a�ainst such appropr.i�.tion. Section 3. This Or�i.nance shAll be known as the "Annu�1. Apprapri�tion Or�?inance" of the Gity of Canton, Illinois. -�- �, ' . Seetion 4. Th�s Or�inance sh�ll be in effect ten da.ys after its passa�e by the City Council, �pproval of the I�layor, and bubl9cation accordin� to l�,w. PASSED by the Citt Counci_1 of Cflnton� I113.noiG, at a rP{*ular meetin� there�f held on the _l�� dadr of June A. D. 1�6'�. APPROVED by me this ���ds.y of June A. �. 1�h'g. ____._.�..��-���t a�-�--�-�-� � o . ATTEST: cz�r� c�xx. -5-