HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #258 ' Title read to C�,eil 8/�0�68 ord. to ].�.y o�rar t�ll 9/3/6g . m, ORD'—.�.A���0• �"S F HOLi �t� O�IN,��IN,'E�„� B� IT 4RT�I�ED BY TSE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CdNTON, ILLINOISs ' �i . DBCLARATION OF POLICY'. (a) It ie hsrsb�r d�clarsd to be t,he pmlicy of the C3ty of Caato�� in order t� pa�vm�ote thm g�a�ral welfare cf the com�anity, to �,sat�re f'ul]. and eqva]. opportmzity to a11 reeidan�e of tbe city ia the obtsiaing of' �air amd adequats houaing for themselvea and their familiea �riithout diacri�aination agninat th�m aolely b�c�a,usa of their raae, color� relig3on, national origin or ancemtry. (b) It is t'urther declared to be the polioy of thi� City of Caritcm that, in a epirit of harmon,q, thia Com�cil aad ita Co�i.�aioa on Ht�maa Relntiona eha].l endeavor to vork with arxd oaoperate with t,he home oimer� and realtora ct' the City of Caatoa tc� the end t,��at the deolared p�u�po�e of thie Ordine,nae oan bs aocomplishe►d in sn arderly, ].+�w�tal aad prcper faahioa. �,T,��,,,�. D�'FINITI�NS. Ae uaed in this Ordinance, tmleas a diPferent menniag es]].early appeara frc�a th• eonteat� the fdlloxing tera►s ehall have the meaning seeri.bed im thia eeotioas. (a) CO��MIS3ION. Th� �Cc�mi�eioa� msane fi,he City o� Cn��toa �.eeiozt c� H�nn &e].ationa. (b) DI3CAIMI1�lTE. The ter�e "diserimiae.te� •and "discsriffir�tion" msaa e�r�y differsao� ia the tsr�a ot' the �ale, lsasm� rmnta]. or finnncing of euay real property of�ered to a perac� applying for ea,ah �a].e, xsatsl, lsase or finamcing bao�,nae ot the racss, color� reltgioaf nneae��rq or national origin of enah p�rscm. (e) REAL ESTATE BR��. The t.eru RR4e,1 E�tate B�roker" m�es�a e�ny natt�ral perac,a, partnerahip, aseociaticn cr corporaticn or ageat ther�mf, who !cr n fee cr other valuabl� carteids�,tion at�ers� selle� purahe��e�, eaahangea or renta� o� nmge�tiattes for the aals, pnrcha�e� exohang�, or rente�l of the resl property of anothar or holde himself or herse2� ont as engaged in the busineee of eelling� purahmeing� e�cc�nging or reating the real prc>perty mt' 8nother, er eoll�cts reata7. Pmr trhe uiea oY t,he real property of e�not,her. (d) OWNBR. An "OWner� neaaa the peraon holding �3t1� or haviag legal or •quitsble oryrnerahip or l�gally repreeea�ing the peracn who holda title tc> pro— perty or haa legal owaersl�i.p. (e) UNLAWF'UL HOII3ING PRACTIC�. The term "nnlaxflal houaing praatia�� is th►e ac�ni.asioa of aay aat prohibited by Se�tioa 3 hereattar. � '�t�. UNFAIR RF.�, E3TATE PRACTICE. (d) It shali be e�a �'air or disar3mina�tory practice for aa� ovnsr, leasse, snblms�e�, ae:ignea, maaaging agent or ot.her persan, firm or aorporatima or eu�y ageat of t�heee:. 1. To srithold liatinga mr rafuse to �11, rent, lea�e�� aaslgzr� cr mublmaae az�y rma�7. P�P��Y or P�, Portion or interest th�rein to � perscm � solely bscamae m� hi� cr her raoe� color� religioa� natiorral crigin ar aaasatry. 2. To diecriaiaate againat any pmrac>n �clel,y beQanas mf hia or h�r raae, �olor� religioa, na�icma7. origin or aaeeetry, in the term�� ao�ditione� or prlvilegea �f e�].e� reutnl., leaae� aeaignmeat cr sttblea:� cf ar�,y real property or e�n,,4 P�� Po�oa of int,ere�t thsreia. 3. To diaarimiaete oP pnrtiaipste ia diBOrimi�atia,n in ��c�ioa xi.th borrrnring or lending m�ney, 8usranteeiag lesaa� sc�ept3,ng m�rtgsgee, or otherviee abtainiag cr making availe�ble Pand� for the parahaae, acq�iaitic�n, � atrr�a�i.on, rel�abilitation, repe►i.rs cr maintenaaae of any real property beca�ns� of raoe� colcr� rsllgion, netional arigia or amoestry. 4. To direotly or iadirsatly adver�ise cr in aay othmr maaner in» di�a,te or pnbliaise that the purahaes, rent�e�]., lease asaignment or anbleasa oP aay r�sl prc►per�* or any part, porticn or intere�t t,harein� by persc�as of auy partiaa]mr rao�� �m1or, religion, z�ationel origia or auzcrostry� i� unxelcome� objectionable, not acceptable or not aolicited. 5. To solicit for sale, leaae or lieting for eale or leaae aay rsal propexty on the grotmd of los� of value due to ths present or pro�pective eatry ia�o the ae3ghbcrhe�d of aay peracn or peraona of a�t psrticular r��e, eclor, religion or national origiti. ..2» 6. To mnke, di�tribute� or canee to be me.de or diatributed any Written n�ter3al or atatem:ents designed to iaduce any ownsr of real e�tate tc aell cr leeae hia property becuaae of a�,y preseat or proepective oh.ange in t�ie race, volor, religioa or astioria7. mrigin o� the propoeed b�rer or tenaat. (b� Tha provision� of thi� 3ECTI4N 3 ahall not appl� to the rentail af a room or rcwma in a eingle f�mily d�elling arid the rental of aa apartment 1A an oi�aer occupied two family b�3.iding. +' �„�,j�. DDTIES OF THE CANTON CONIl�lISSTON 04� FiUMA16 REI�ATIt'�S. It sha11 t�s the duty of t,he Co�mi,aeion tm: (a) R+�oeive or iaitiate, record and inveatigate complaiate chargiag any tuilaxt�i]. honeing practice. (b) �sek coaeiliation of psrtiea involved in auch complaints by ccra- ciliation� conterences, hold hearings where neceesat�y�, ffilce �indinge of �aat� iaeue reco�sendations, aad report its findinga of fact and recaam�endatione ia socct�de�aoe vi.th the prav3si�aa of th3e Ord,inaace. �,BCT�• 8NF'ORCEMENT PROC�EDURE. (n) R�e Coa�ia�ion ahall adopt ench rulea end regnla�tiLor�a e►m me�y be neeeeee.r,� to carry cmt the p�rpoee� and provi�ioae of t�is Ordiaanae. (b) AnY lxreon e,ggrieved in any manner by an,y vial.atioa oF � prcvi.ffiic�a of the above �h�dinance me3r Pil.e a xritten camplaint �etting forth hie grievsnce vlth the Ctiait�aa of th� CantAn Cw�mo3.saion on Human Rslatione who ahall mc�rk the date of 3'iiiag t,�ereoa. Said �t ahall be f iled wit�hin 120 daye a!'ter the violatic�u alleged in the complaint. Sa.3d aoa►p].�in.t shall ate.te name e,nd adctrese of the ccmnpl.eii,iaarl� and of the persoae egainst whom the eomplaiat ia bronght a�nd shall eleo ate,te the alleged Pa�ta �urronadiug th� alleged violation of thia Eh�diaaaao. (c� Said Co�aai.eeion i� hereby llil.ly �,uthorized i�diately tc inveetigete any� ffinah cc�anplaint Piled. If the Co�i.aeion determines tha�,t the ree�poadent ha�a not engaged in ar�y u�at"nl practice, it ahaL1 eta.t� its findings of fact 3a -3- writiag a�ad die�miaa the eomplaiat. If the Cwnm3aa3mn determinsei after eaah ia- �►�satigation that probsb]�r caue� exigt� fcr the alleg�,tica ms,de ia the complain�, the Cc+am�i.eaiva at�aall. aet a d�t,� fc�r a eoaoil3aticm conferen�e. 1t such ccanf'er- ence the Co�meiasion or a S'�ib-Cc►mmittee of t�he Cc�mmi�aion shall im�F.erview the Coo�plaiaant nnd the per�on or per�ona agaia�t xhom the aomplaint ha8 bsen directed and +sbal.l attempt to rmavl�re t�he eompla3nt b�r �,1 p�•mpar m�t�hoda of oonailiatioa e�ad perat�aeion. If �c11 attempta at aonciliation � not ��aeeafuJ, rithia ��Y �bt1}' da,,Ye e��'ter the ti].ing cP the c�cmpla3�►t� tyhe ConmLi.eeion ehall then pro- aeed prornp�ly' taith f�ill hear3ng of th� complaint. (d� �iti hearirxg sha11 be oa�ndttcted by t.tte Co�mniesion, or e 9ab-Coemoittes thersoP� npon dae and reasone,ble nc�ice tc► a11 pe,rtfas. The Co�i,saion eha11 I�a,w t'a11. gawer tc sub�we�as ti+itnee�ees and pertinent doat�ents sud to take sWOrn teati- �Y• �Y P�Y �eged tv have violated thie �rdiasnae �hall be entitled to b� repree•ated by cou�eel a�nd arkhall have the right tc �all witnesse� on hia v� be- halt and to cra�s-eaa�mdne wf.tnsase�. At the emnelusicn ef the h�,ringsi thm Commiasian �hall. make s rrritten repor� and rocce�endations vh�.ah ahall be aerved by mtil upon the complainaat and respoadent. �o report aha].1 be de].eEy�ed �ore 'k�ea ai.aty (b0� d�ye a�ter dste of the iesua,a�e cf notiee for ccm�nencement of ths fir�t conailiation cc�nfersaae. (e� A eopy of eaid �iritten report end recc�meadation� eha11 be delivered to the City Covneil and 3f a�y Qat of disariminaticn hsa beea deter�ninsd, the rePo="� �►11 inalude a r�cc�nendatioa to thm City Cmuneil t,ha� the City gttor�ey plro�eente aay per�oa or per�aas who ha.ve violat,�d a�ny of t,hiec f)rdineacca�� provi�ions. a`�' '' �!�.�t. P�igLTY. (s) At�y perecn, 1Yrm or earporation vimlating e�ny of the provinione oi thi.� Ord3nanoe aball, npo� eonvietic�a thereof, be fined not leea than �50.04 a�nd not more thaa �gpp,Op� �4- �' ' . 3EPARABILI2T PRf�1TISIE�N. If a�y proviaien, sect�oa, sabaectima, subdivimic�n� eentence, elanse or phrase cf thia Ordi.nance ahall for eu�r rsaao� be adj�dged or dsclaretl bsr a�r�y Covrt of eomp�tent �uriedi�tion to bs naaonati— tational mr iave�lid, atush �udgment or deeision eakhall not effect the val3dity of the remaining portion� of this th�dit;sace, 'kmt ahall be oontis�d in ita operationa ta tha provisicans, a�ection� aabaecti�a, aubdiviaion, 8ent,ence� c1.a�uaa or phraae tiihi.ah �hhall lzavs been ad juciged or declared ta be unconetitntional or iava].id in euoh jndgmer�t or deci�ioa, and it is hereby eapreaely dealared thet �very other proviaion, section, sub�eotion� aubdivision, �entenoe, e2anae or phra�e t,hereot wou].d havs baea eascted irrespective of' the ena:�tment of validit� of the port3on thereof declared to be unconstitutioual or invalid. �',T?4�,�. Thi.a Ordinsnee eha].l be in Pull for�e and affeet froffi euid aftor tsn d4,yA ai�er ita pasaage bry* the City Couneil� epproval by the l�yr�r and publioatioa according t,o la�r. ADOPT�D by the City Counail of tyhe City of('�nt�n►, Illinoi8� thi���'� dey of A. D. 1966. LPP�PBD aad SIGNED by t�he Me,y+or of the City o�' Canton, I12inoia� thi� �,�day cf A. D. 1968. APPROYEAs 0 1T3�3T: ��� GITY' CI�. -5-