HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #259 u 8/20/68s Titl�, re�d to Cr.�,,�,eil.
� �� _:".° ' , Laid over t3.11 9/3/68
. .� .
o„��c� xo.� �s�
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Ba z� o� � � c��ry co�ciL oF � caar�c o� c�rrox, ���noo�ts:.
,�g�,,g,y�,,,l. D�'INITIONS. Th� �oll�wi�g word� vr pbraae� vhan ase8 ia
tlai� ��� a'�].1 }aav� P�r the p�arpoae• of thir 4rdiaanas tha m�aaua3ags
raspsotively aearibed ta then in t�.i.n Sectie�, �zaspt Whsn tl�e eoat� o�hexwias
(a) '��•„ A d�mssticated oarnivare� a�ieatifical�.y kaawn as aeinie fandl..iari��,
ot vhstever breed, ae� or vsrist�y.
(b) "tkraser", any psre�oa l�ving a� right propaz�y in �, dog, or k�epa or harbc�rs
a dog� or �s� in hia cr�rs, or dote a�s its e�s�od�aa��, or `rh4 kaa�gly permit�t a
dog to renain a� or abont aa�r gre�i�e� neonpisd bg him.
�.o� x�g In H�at• or "In '�� t�ha.t period or dt�rat3a� of tims when ther� i•
ee�casl ezcit�smsat ia a t'eme�ls ��g.
(dj M3pey� cr ���e.yed �gp, a fe�l.e dog xhiah Iaa� had her cvariea remca�red.
(e) "Inoan�latiQn aga3aet Rn.bisa", '�h� in�eotis�, �ubeui;aneoualy, mr ct�hsrwise,
aa sppro�d by �he I�p�,rtment ot Agrio�xlta�,re of the 3t.ate of I].liaoia, cf anti-
nbiQ v�.aina appr�sd by aa3d D»pe►rtment.
�,t} "�,b�,es 7�ap�atoz�, t,he Rabie� Inspm�tor appc�3nted p�ur+�ant to tho Iswe
of the 3tnt►s of I].].ir►ois,i
(g) "Rsstraiat", A dog, off tha pr�i.ees of ite cnr�mr�a r�ral property ie
unc'!er restra�iat w3.thiri ths meaa3ag ot t�is Ord3nam�e:
(i) IY it 3e controlled by a l,ias or leaarh aot mcn� t�an eiz fem� ia
lsagth, vhen sa,id lin� �r lessb i� held by a aam}�etoeti� persou;
(ii) Wh�a w1tl�l.n s vmhiale;
(111� li��n aot m�re �Lhan f1t'ty faet of s ocmpet�emt per�Aa� if anmh
deg ia sc�t auctnoy3t�g 0r �ariyia� au�y pera�n mr d�oneatia �1, or
tYs�apu�aiag v� private pre�Perty'•
(h) "�o�spetssst Peres�"� a ht�n bei�g xho.is �apsbls cf aoatroll3ag the dog
in qnsati�a, aad to uhome co�rd� the dog i� obod9.eat.
(i� "B�.isia.aa Di.etri�t", 'Chat portion of the City of C�aton tahere Pitty
per aent vr m�ore 0f the boa�.ld3ngs i�a o�a block aro u�ed fmr bn�iness pnarpo�sa.
���„�� LICEN3E R�IIIx�. �ery o�er of a dog �ha].1 ragiatsr
ths aems with th� City C1erk and obt�e.in e liasa�• f�r eaah dog Yr� the Clerk
prier �o ths l�irat de� of Jvne si sa�h yeas. ghs fea for eaah livsnee aahall bs
Ane Dcllsx (�'!.E)0)� payable t�hen appl�iag For �id liceaa�s. T�ih�n �king anoh
appliaRt�.�n� ths awasr �hall presea� tm t�he City Clmrk a Certificate of inmcu-
latioa as zyqt�ired b�►' �he law� oP tho �te at Illino3e.
i ; p .
.i A '
�.y��• TAZ, REaI3TER. F�a.arh dog 13,oenae atha�ll be evid�nced by a
�11 a��l tag Whieh shall b� i�sued to th0 li�smsme by ths Gf.t� Clerk for maeh
�tag li�eaaed to th. owner �her0of up�n Propsr e►pplisa�ioxi far regiat►ration auad
liaa�s� sa eSorasaid a�ad �pam preaeatatimn to the Clerk oP ai�vh CsrtiYi�afis �i
ia�ct�latimn a�s here3aa�before provided. �a�h of �aid tage aha11 bear the x�a
'�Ceat� Dog Ta��" �t�amped thereoa, aa well am ths n�r of t,hs li�onas aad the
year of iaauana��. 7�o ahape of th� tag� ehall be ehsngad s�oh year.
Th� �3ty Cl•rk ehall k•ep a regiater book 3a whiah �e shall liat a�Lt li�eased
doga, dea�aaib3ag tham by naffie� breed� amlmr and smx eind alao ea�ar therein th�
aame a,nd sddr4as of the liaeaaee a� givea and the n�amber of t�he liernee tsg.
�g�,�. TAG ON COLLdR. Lbery s�wner of a dcg �hall kmep aad ae�in�,ia
a �llar or �ess src��d tl�e dcg xith the tag issued by the ei.ty Clerk p�•
s�nant to thia drdi�ndo a�ad s r�bima inoculatia�n tra,g �sca�rirely att,Qah�d � s�.i.d
caa]+].ar or haraesa.
�g�,�g,.,�� WHE�f UF�ICSRS MAY EILL DOG. It sha].l be �n].auf"u]. for a?ay
psrac� '�o hinder, d�lay� reeiat or ol�s�rndt e�y d�.7.p appoiz�ted otfiaer in t�h�
ezea�tioa o! hia dn�iee hermin required by thia Ordinnn�s� �r to aid or abet in
the hiaderiag� dsleying� reeisting or oba�ruetiag euc�h of Piaer; as�d if a�y dog
aha1,1 beac�nrs vieious or cf fer tr� bi�,e mr bite e�n,y duly appEaiated mffieer vhils
performiffig his duti�s herein requirsd of hin, a�eh offic�r shall i�ediately kill
raid dog snd dispasa of it a� requirsd b,r law.
�g;��� DQC�►S 38ALL HE RE3TAAINEI�. It is �].a�w.�1. for an� ownmr �r
hespsr of n dmg t�o permit auch do� to bs ofP th� prea�i�ea c�Y i�a �er �n].ses
it is t�der restraint by a aompeten� p�reoa ae detined b�r Se�tion 1, parsgr�ph (��
of this Ordi�amcte� iml.e�a aaid dcg is upon prApsrty of �sot�her s�3.th that Px'�Per"�Y
owtier�a conaeat.
�,gt, i�� DE�GS PROHIBSTED AT PUBLIC PLAC�3. Zt ie tu3lawft�l P�r at�►
awner or k�epar of a dm� to permit aueh dog to be npan sdhmol �r play gre�mds
ia the C3ty of Can�on.
�,�,,,�. DOGS IN �T. A female ding vhiQh haa �ot b�ea epav►ed aad �then
3n heat she�ll be omaiiasd lyy her c�waer ia am enalosed plaae �o that �1e dogg
�at �nter ew�sh pla�e.
S�g��s. Dt)aS Ci�' STREETS TN BII5INESS AREA. Zt �hall bs malaxf"�]. Y�►r
amy persmn tm havs a dmg on the publia etreete ead aid�ralka vf a bnaiaeaa arme�
mr Jonea Park irt sai� City� �nleea said dog ia an a laash in tha cuatocl�r of a
eonpsteat psree� as pr�vi.ded f�r in Saat3os 1� paragraph (g} -(i} �f this Osdi.-
naace, or irt d veh�ele.
�rticm 1�. INOCULATID�T. �vsry dog whiash i� ao� �oafined sha1.1 a�n�sll�
bs iaodetlsted �y a licsx�:ed v+�te�iaariaua aa rsquired by td�e lax� oP the State of
�,�►ti� „1,1. Il�'4UADING. It eball be the dnty of taha Police Dspe�rtment
or ar�r pe�ea� dt�jr appoint�ed by the Msyc�r and ccnPirAed by the City Eo�►cil tca aet
aa s�, �o oaptt�re a�,y dog xh�ae oxner ha� viel�tad �r fad 1ed to �omgly W3.th a�r
af trhe pro�3ei0na �Y thiffi Ordivauce. Any dog ao capturrd alsall bm i�edia�t,sly
traztsfsrred tc> a prr�md wh3ah ha� been apprcved by ths proper euthoritie� cF the
Si�t� of Illinoie. The impot�nd.ing offi�er arhhall i�ed3s.t�l,y notif'y any licsaeee
aP amy dog bsaring a lioeaee te�g iaaued by the C3ty Clerk for tba y+�ar ia whieh
th� dog 3a a�►�t�red aftsr findiag the name aisd addrees ot' the lieeaase frQa ths
C3ty Cl,erk. Natiese alao aha11, bm poated iaa the City Bailding lmeatsd at
21� �sst Che�tamt 3trest� and ths Poliae Stat3on at 49 :�nth Firet Avenue, which
nctioe shea.l deaoribe the breed and color cf the dog. If withia five days si'tter
. , � � '
i �
4 s
trh� poe�tiag oY eueh nm�tic.e e,r�y d�g 3$ aot rmdsamed� a��► dog she,13 bs h�maa�ly
d�st,rolr+ed amd �.ispoeed af.
�ia,y' Psrsoa r�d�e�iag a� dog a�all pe,y the aum �f �3.00 pins the � oS �1.00
tor eaah dey t}�at the aaid dmg hae beea impo�,ded; pr�vidsd f�rther t�at any
dog whioh luES bsan impo�ded for be3�ag in vi0].atien of Seati�a 1� mf thi� 4rdi-
�cs s1ut11 i�sadiatmly have eaid d4g iaoa�al.ated.
�L��..1�+ PE�O� HITT7�N BY D�G. W�hsa w�r s d�g bi�am a, perae�� t,he
�er of aa3d dog shall st mnc�s notif'y fi.he �biea Iaapsctor �o eba]�7. hatre th�
dog aon�'ined Pmr a p�r3�d of tera ciape e►ad obsersed 'by a lieenaed vs�eriaar3�an�,
If a� the end �f th3e �:.ea daq psriod the Vsterinsriaa ie m� t�h� opin3on tliat �e
dog is Pr�e �ram4 rtebias� he �ha11 order th� d�g releae�d. All eapssaes i�enrred
zmd�r �his :�eati� sha�li be paid by the 0wnar ot sa�.d dog.
��. �YCBPTIO�S. Nmn� ot' �he pr�+vi�iaaa oF t�is Ordj.aiuta�� sz-
cepting 3setimae 2, 3� !� aad 1� �ha3.l aPP1Y to t�e c>rmsre of aeeit� eys dmge.
�Q�o�1L. PEI�ALTY. A�r psrec►n �m ahall �iolats a�y �f' �lae pr��►i�i�s
oP th�ia Ordisanee +shal.l, upan �anvi.atioa� 1� subjset tm a f'ine of not ].e�� thaa
Fivm Dollars ($�.f�0) sor aore t�Zaa 4ne H�dxmd Dollara (�1QE3.�t3) for mach often�e.
Ss cn 1S. REPF.�L. 9�y primr 4rdinan�e� or pe�rt �hereof in �on�ltart
with au�y of the pravisioa� oP thi� Ordima�tce be, a�d t�h� ea�e ia hereby repsa.led.
�t�6. SEPARABI�? PRt3VISI4�f. If smy prmvieioa, aod�imn� s�bsecti�a,
at�bdiviai0a, son�sa�e� Elanae o� phrass oF thie� t?rdina,aee eha�71 �or a,ny rsasa�
be ad�t�digsd or de�lared by a�y Cvurt of ac�tsat �tar3.ad.taticin tm b� tim�cnat3,-
tstimnal or inTalid, �dh judgmeat or de�i�ion sha11 no� eife�t tha rralidit� 0f
the re�ainisg part30a� oP t�a� (�rd3nan@e� b�t �hall be eonPined in ita apers�ioa�
t�o t,he prmv�.�ionm, eeet3o8y a�bae��i�r�, etabdi�is3an, men�,enve, ela�n�s ar p�reis�
Whieh ahall have 'been ad3t�dged er declarsd to be �aaanati�i�iAaal or 1ava,li�S ia
suah 3�adgment ar d��isio�� and it i� hereb3r axpre�sly dea].a�red that nrez�y �t�her
prmrision, se�tima� st�bse�t3on� auibdivi�i�� aentence, cla►�as or phraae tla�rsoi
vmmld ha� bse� eaaat�d 3rre��pe�t�ive o!' the �enaotmant oP validity of trhe p0rtima
ther+of dealarmd to be wicon�titutional or invalid.
�em�17. B�CTTPE DA2E. T�tis f?rdima�aae shall b� is aff•at t�a d�sy�
aFtar ite pesaa�ge b� the City Counail aad approva►1 by �he M�y�or, an� pt�bl3eation
a000rdiag to law.
P4SS�� by �he City Couxi�31 of e i y of Caxttani I3.liaois� a�►d apprrre�
by the M�,por, th3e ,�_ day of ,,,�„ A. D. 1968.
APPRtJ9EDe ��G''d��lJ `
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