HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #262 � �. � ; „ First Reading: i2/i7/68 , , • P�iotion to suspend rules: BAyes,� Nays) �, , oxnznTArrcE_r?o�,,�� AN ORDI?�s�n?Cr GOVERNIPtG UTI+:APOT7S ATTD FI?3,T:ARMS F�E IT OR�ATP�ED BX T?� CTT�� C01���rTL 0�� T"�1�� CI�iY ���' CArT�:�N, ILLI�IOIS: Sec�ion 1 . DFI�'INITIONS. ?:�ennver in 1-'.��.;� Orc�inance the f�llo�<•;nn �. ter�s or words are u^e�3 they s?1a11 havc thv mt�aninns re^pectivel,y� ascribed to �` them in this Section. ; (a) GT�.�POi�S r �l�c'�� j F�ck, slun�- sha��., �and c�.�zb, sar..cl bag, ��ritch blade knife, d�,g��r, dirk, s`•rc�r::l� se.her, sti.letta, brokeil bottle, piece of �.lass or o�(;}��er dar^^^rous or deacl7_sr tr�unon a" 1i?ce ch.�.racter, tear gas projectar or bomb or any ob,�ect cor_`t�?_nin,�• � noxioti�s ���.N o� substaneQ, or any bom.b, bomb shell, mrenade, bottle c�� o�tt�er n�ntainer containir� �.n �xxpal.o�i�,�e subst�,nee, �uch �.s b�a.t not limited �,o blu^'c powder bomhs and P�iolotov cocktails. (b) FI�'EAT�1��: Shot �tu�, .°ifle, I3-� �;l�n, 1��1.1et r;un, pistol� ?°e-� volver o� machine ru.r. (c) PI;AC�.� OF'FIC���.S: �f{'icer� �1?.z1.;- �.pnointed by the '�irF �nd Palice Conr!.ission of the City of rR:nton, I1linois, o;.» of.f'cers elected by the people or apnointed by an officic�. or bo�.rd of the TTnited States Govern- ment ar r " thc State o:�' Illinnis or of �ome� sub-diva_��_on thereof a.nd ha�r�n; a ri7h1� to c«rr`� laeapor_s ��r.' �'�re�rrns in their ofiici�.'L capacity. Section 2. DI"�HAP."� CT v�T:�PC?'?;� �T�ID FIF'�AP�,S. It. shall he unla�lful �OT' "c171y i1G'T'vfl?1 �.;C C�].SC'Ll^.Y'�C�' �.'•1�� flll.'E''t�"M OT' �1t7Jr 13�cS.7'OTl C^?�c'1.�1.":` '�fl bf'�.Tl�'' C��S•• C�lt`-i.2'a'E,'(� 471.t}1�.11 ay ., r,-�.,.��.�,,,-I-.� � -.�' r-° +}e.� C'i�- ('£}11•f:f)Tl� ��.�.�t701.5� @XCBn'� ±.�'l'ij; f'..?'E??1?^TC�^ •+„?'r r^ '_„' , r.�.,�� ;"�, . „-;l "+.-,,.:_ P,-X1''l'n�.,^ i11�1 O'f11C?7' t�'3,'�;�'l.O+,�C oh^�rv�;.nce�. ,�i'rra-iC)Tl � (�;�Tn„rTTT^ (1" Ti'TTJTP�r1T��TM` T-�. .r�!^�.l �^ '?'��_c,24!�111 f'OZ' 8.T1J' �`�-,7'^:.T2 .. _ r... �.. _ to carry �irea�?r:s �,�rit,hin the c<.x=��or��Le l:i?�i U^ ^�' +'�F, C;�ur ��' G^.ntan, IJ l�nois. Sec*i�n 4. C11..R'.�.YI?�IG Oi' '.-"?�"�l'OT�t�. It s;i,�il �e vnlat-rful. for an� p�r�ozi to c�rry or have �n his per�un o�� ir �.n�r veh3.c�.e �.n� tre�.pon trii.liin the corporate lim3.ts or tl^e City of Ga.ntdr., Illinois. Section �,. EXCT�,�''1'102rS. Ser.t:i�n 3 �� tiii� f?rdinance ,�hal? nc� ap�2y , to any o� -the fol�.ot�3_n�,: • ..r,,,.. r� .� „ „-r,,, �" m n Y7tr ^'tC'.: r^�'1(;ei. in r.L31Liri (a) PEace o�'�fi�... .. . b ..n�; rt-_.,,.>r- .au.mon�d ,, ,�, � � ~� �' arrests or p�eservir.�- thf� �� u.ce ti�riiilc: he a_s actua.l_ly- a�sistin�; such officer. (b) Thb '���ro�� �.nc' Al.c'c�rris�Y� °s_' �f;ne GztJr of C�,n�o�, ?l.linois, u�ien actin� as C�n . ��=^t.crs o.° the �'� .ce as :et fortii ir. �ection 3_�--L,. of tho Illinois T"n.xn.icipal Goa^. (c) Z��embers o� t�;; _'::�r�ec; Force,s or �?.�,^c�:.�ve �'orce� of t�,.e tJnited "t�tes or the Il?ir..ois 1`?°.tion��.I Gti��.rd or• �?ec�c��e Cf�'icers Z'rair_ir�^ ro�°1>; in the pe�farmw.nce o� thEir o�f�.�ia1 cluf;i:ss„ , -+- . • � _ • ' ,, . . f . � , ' r (ca) Special agents rmnloyed by ^. r.ailraad to perform pcalic� ftmctions while actu.ally enga��d in the perfor.mance of tizeir empl�ym�nt or commutin� between their pl�:ce of em�layment �.nd tirFtchmen or �uarcis �ahile actually en- gaged. in the perform�,nce of. tl,c�i_r employment. (e) Ihily authorizecl r.0 lita.r�� n�� civic or�;anizations while parading „ or conducting funer^1- or other militAry or c_�vic observar�ces. � (�) Li_censed hunters or fishermen �•rhile comr�utin� between their ; homes and their places of huntint� or fishin�, provided they comply with the laws of the State of Illinois in such cases m�.d� and pravide�3. (g) TrPnsportat3.on 4rY�en broken doti:m or in a non-f.unetioning state. (h) M��hers of any cl.ub or organiz�t�.cn organized for the shooting of tar�etc upon established target ran�es, whether public or. private, when con�unut3.n� from their home to said r�.n�e. It is furt'i�r provided that a membn�� of an o.r#��.nized fraternal or .rc�- ligious organization in whicY� a svrord �r sak�er �� �. ?�-rt of his re�alia m�.;� carr;;Y ^��id sword or s�ber in corrn�utin�r from his home to the meetinn pl�.ee of said ow���niz�.t3on or durinF` public observances of said erganization. Section_(�. REPFAL• All pric�r Ordinances and n��rts of Ordinances in any way in confli..ct l��ith t'�i.s Or:'�-nance ���, and the sar�e are hereby repea.lerl. Sect� 7� P�'N�LTY. :!1ny person f���.rc' or +�.iadfine oflnot�f essyt�.n the rovivaonr o:f this Ordinanee shall be subject �p� for each �����5.Q0 �Dollars nor m�r� tl�an Five Hun.dred T)ollars (�500. offense. Section �. �F�'ECTn?E DATE. `1'his �rdinance sha11 be in ef.fect ten. days after its p�.ssage by the Cit,� Counci?, �,pproval by thv �?^yor and nubli- c�.+ion r.ecordin�* to law. PI�S�ED by the City Co�.mcil �.nd approved by the T'�ayor t'�is ?th day o� Janua ry A. n. 1�?69�. �PPP�OVED:�_ �L�C� �d)���� MAYOR. �_ �ATTEST: .� C7TY CLI�R�SS. _�_