HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #268 �__��- . -.'''` °' ' > ,. :�. ->-� . First reading 6/3/69 T�aid`over - � ORDINANCE N0. �� � AN ORDINANCE MAKIN�G THE ANNUAL APPROPRZATION FOR Tif� �CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF SAID CITY, 1969-1970, TO BE TE'RS+4ED TiHE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO�JNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS : Section 1. That the following sums of money, or as much as may be authorized by law, and as may bc needed or deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses a7n�d liabilities of the City of Canton, Illinvis, be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate p��rposes an d objects of said City herein specified fo.r the Fiscal Year of said City, cownencing on the first Tuesday in the mozth of May, 19�59, and ending on the first T�uesday in the month of ritay, 1970. FO�t GENER,��L CORPORATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY: POLICE DEPAR'I'MENT, SALARIES : 1 Chief of Police � 8,178.52 3 Poliee Sergeants �7,424.24 22,272.22 5 Policemen 5,635.08 33,175.40 4 Po13ce�en 6,524.32 �h,097.28 2 �tadio Operatnrs 5,744.57 11,489.14 1 File �lerk 4, 934.36 A�xiliar� Policemen 6,OOJ.O� �Ta ati n and sick leave pay 5,500.O�J OTALaPOLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES : 2�500.00 �12U, 146.92 POLICE DEPARTMF.�VT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: Clothing allowance $ 1,5+50.00 Suppl ies a.n d Equ ipment 5,000.Of� Police ear re�tal 5,706.0� Fuel for Police ^ars 3,OOa.O� Radio 1,5�J�J.00 TOTAL POLICE DEPT. SUPPLIES � 16,765.00 SIDEWALKS : Repairs ?� Maintenance of Sidewalks 5�J��.00 , $ 500.Oa STREETS & ALLEYS : Salary of Street Supt. �C 8, 178.52 Other salaries an3 labor 43,0��.0� �raveling of streets 7,Oa0.00 Materials and supplies 12,Oa0.00 Tree removal 8,000.00 Purchase of equiprnent 15,0�0.00 �iling & chipping of streets 17 L000.00 TOTAL STIZEETS AND ALLEYSs �110,178.52 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES : $ 2�500.00 $ 2,5J0.00 PRINTING & PUBLICATION 3,000.00 � 3,OOJ.00 PUBLIC GROUNDS AND B�JILDINC�� s Repairs and Mainteriance 9,50��.00 $ 9,500.O�J PLA..NNIN� CO:�IISSION EXPENSES : 5,00�.O�J � 5,000.00 .° ,, � , , � . (2) ORDINAN�CE N0. CONTINUED SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIALS : Mayor � 4,Ofl0.00 �ity Clerk 6,0��.00 �City Treasurer 3,0��0.00 City Attorney 5,725.2E� City Attorney Off ice Expe�se 1,20a,0� Aldermen 6,Od0.00 Deputy Cit� Clerk 2,50�.00 Secretary to Mayor 5,184.68 Custod3an of Buildings 4,768.22 TOTAL CITY OFFICERS ' SALARIE� $ 38,378.10 AUDITING: � . 400.00 $ 40J.00 ST1EtEET LIG:�ITS : $35,00�.00 $ 35,00�.00 ��EMETERY: Maintenanee $15,0�0.00 Purchase o.f equiprnent 2,500.00 Repairs 2,500.0� TOTAL CEMET�;RY � 20,000.00 INSURANCE: Fire 3� Windstorm, City Buildings & contents 1,0��0.00 Casualty & Workmen 's �omp. 18,0��.0� Insurance for employees 26 ,000.0� TOTAL INSURANCE � 45,000.00 ELECTIONS : Supplies $ 275.OD Printing 300.00 Judges 525.00 TOTAL ELECTION EXPENSES � 1,]:a0.00 TOTAL GE.NER4L FUND: $407,469.54 WAT�ER �C SE'MIER DEPART'MENT: Salaries �133�125.0� Extra Labor 7,000.00 Maintenance 8,0OO.Of� Truck Operations 2,000.0� S�pplies, Chemicals & Fuel 24,000.00 Off ice Expense 2,000.00 Power 15,000.00 ��ire & Windstorm Insurance 2,500.00 Casualty & Workmen 's Comp. Ins. 8,0��0.00 Depreeiation acco��nt 18,OOfl.O�J F�tension of services 40,0O�.Ofl Purchase of Equipment 5�000.00 Bond Reserve Acco��nt 18�00�.0�� �later & Sewer Revenue Bonds Tssued May l, 1963 Principal 30,000.00 Interest 67, 975.00 97, 975.0� �eneral Obligation Water Imp. Bonds, issued Aug. 1, 1951 Principal 17,0��0.00 Interest 1,02d.0� 18,020,0� TOTAL WATER & SEWER DEPT. $39�3,620.00 PARKING METER FUl'dD: Off-street Parkin� Sinking fund $ 10,000.00 , Purchase of Equipment 4,000.00 Fuel for Motor Cycle 400.00 Service in Parki.ng Metei• Zone 2,0����.00 :�taintenance of Motor cycle 200.00 Painting & Markings 1,00�.00 Salary, 1 Metei• Maid 4, 934.36 Salary, Traffic Parking Police & Repa3rman 6,245.16 ,, Permanent Street Improvements 13,000.0�� TOTAL PARKING METER FUND: $ 41s779.52 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL PURCHASES : �847,869.0�8 � ` � � , ORDINANCE N0. �3� CONTINUED FOR OTIEI�R PU�tPOSES AUTIHORIZED B�' I.�AW PUBLIC CO,MF'ORT STATTON FUND; A tax not to exceed .033396 of the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois : Repairs & Maintenance : Salaries : �10,0��0.0� TOTAL PUBLIC CO1►�IFORT STATION FUNDc —3+675.32 CIVIL DEFEIVSE; � �13,675.32 A tex not to exceed .0596 of the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept . of Revenue of the State of Illinois o:� all taxable property within the City of Canton, I11. FOR FI � 5,000,0� � 5,000.00 REMEN'S PENSION FUNDs A tax levied up�n all taxable property of said City of Caizton, Illi.nois, at the rate of .0596 FOR POLICE PENSTON FU1VD: , �10,00�.00 �10,000.00 A tax levied upon taxable property of said City of Canton, Illinois at the rat e o.f .05g� FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND: �10,00a.00 �10,0��.00 A tax not to exceed .10��6 of the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City vf Canton, I11. Salaries of Fire Dept. 1 Chief of Fire Dept. � 8,178.52 2 Asst. Chiefs �7,424.24 14,848.48 4 Fir�men 6,635.08 26,540.32 5 Firemen 6,524.32 32 621.60 Vacation & sick leave pay 5,50d.00 TOTAL k'IRE PRdTECTION FUND SALARZES : $87,6gg.92 FI.RE PROTECTTON FUND EXPF.,IITSES s Clothing allowance � 780.00 New Equipment 1,500.00 �upplies 90�.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTtON FU1VD EXPEN�ES � 3L8���� TOTAL FIRi; PROTECTION FUND: $90,868.92 FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exceed .05y6 of the full fair cas� value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois to be known as the Public Benefit Fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying that portion of several amounts heretofore a��essed against the City for public be�efits under and in pursuance of any ordinance that may be hereafter passed or asseased against said City: $24,0�0.00 �24,000.00 �c � � �,,r � _ _ + �� � (4) ORDINANCE N0. COiVTINUED FOR OT�IER PURPOSE� AUTHORIZED BY LAW FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FU1VD: A tax not to exceed .12596 on the full, fair cash value of all taxable property within the City of Canton, I11. , as the same is equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the atate of Illinois $50,000.00 �50,000.00 FOR t�,ARBAGE DISPOSAL: A tax not to exceed .11496 of the full, fair cash value as equalized or asse�sed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of I11. on taxable property within the Cit� of Canton, I11. , pursuant to Ordinaalce No. 35, passed May 20, 1947, authorizing the establishment and ma3n- tenance of a s�*stem for th� collection and disposal of garbage : Salary of Custodian �7,481.63 Labor 40,000.0� Furchase of Equipment 3,O+J�.Ofl Ma int en an c e 10,000.0� TOTAL GARBAGE DISPOSAL: �6�0,481.63 TOTAL OTHER PURPOSES �264,025.87 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL PJ.RPOSES : �1�111,894.93 � # # # # � � � � � # � # # � � � # � � # # # # � � � � � # # � � � Section 2. That the City Council shall at any time after the first half of the Fiscal Year, by a two-thirds vote of the membership, make a transfer within a:n,y department or other separate agency of the Citg Government , of sums of money appropriated for o:�e corporate ob�ect or purpose to another corporate object or purpose, but no appropriation for any object or purpose shall thereby be reduced below any amount sufficiei�t to cover all abligations incurr�d or to be incurr�d against su�eh appropria- tion. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be kno�rn as the "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" of the City o��' Canton, Illino3.s. Section 4. This Ordinance s�el.l be in effect ten days after its passage by the City Council, approval of the M�yor, and publication according to law. PASSED b� the City Council of anton, Illi is, at a regular �neeting thereof held on the -�!��� day of .� � A.D. 19�9. ° �_ ' i �_ ATTEST: � C��C �, -�