HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #271 C - . 6 � ii,�, _ 1 ■ 1 ��e ORDINANCE NO. �_�Z�_ � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XLV OF THE - REVISED ORDINANCE OF T�iE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, 1959, KNOWN AS "ZONING ORDINANCE", , AND PROVIDING FOR ZONING OF A CONTIGUOUS AREA WITHIN ONE AND ONE-HALF MILES BEYOND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CANTON, , ILLINOIS ; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ` CANTON, ILLINOIS: � Section 1. OBJECTIVES. To the end that adequate light, pure air and safety from fire and other dangers may be secured, that the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the City of Canton, Illinois, and contiguous area within one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits of said City of Canton, Illinois, may be conserved, that congestion in the public streets may be lessened or avoided, that the hazards to persons and damage to property resulting from the ac- cumulation or runoff of storm or flood waters may be lessened or avoided, and that the public health, safety, comfort, morals and wel- fare may otherwise be promoted, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, enacts this Ordinance. Section 2. DEFINITIONS. Whenever the term "Zoning Ordinance" is hereafter used in this Ordinance it shall mean Chapter XLV of the Re- vised Ordinances of the City of Canton, Illinois, 1959, and all amendments � thereto. % Section 3. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 1. That Paragraphs 4, �`` � 26 and 27 respectively of Section 1 of the Zoning Ordinance be and the � same are hereby amended to read as follows: ' 4, BUILDING; MAIN OR PRINCIPAL: The building in ' which is conducted the main or principal use of the lot on which it is located. 26. TRAILER COACH or MOBILE HOME: A structure de- � signed to be used for human habitation, carrying or � storage of persons or property, being able to be easily �� ; equipped with wheels or other devices to be transported � from place to place. Neither removal of wheels, plac- ing of structure on foundation, nor disguising the under 1 � , ' � ' ' . . . . � . , carriage with a metal apron shall change its classi- fication to other than a mobile home, Camping Tr�_ vehicle intended only for seasonal use but � not for living purposes within the municipality. For the purpose of this ordinance, no trailer of any kind over twenty-two (22) feet in length shall be considered a camping trailer. 27• TRAILER COURT or MOBILE HOME PARK: The premises ' upon which permanent facilities are located for a specified minimum number of trailer coaches or mobile homes as . indicated in this Ordinance. Section 4. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 2. That Section 2 of the "Zoning Ordinance" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. Establishment of Districts. ) The area of zoning jurisdiction is hereby divided into the following zoning districts: CO-1 Districts: �Conservation Districts) AG-1 Districts: (Agriculture-1 Districts) R-1 Districts: (One-family Residential) R-2 Districts: (One-fami.ly Residential) R-3 Districts: (Two-family Residential) R-4 Districts: (Multiple-family Residential) B-1 Districts: (Local Shopping District) B-2 Districts: (G�neral Business District) I -1 Districts: (Light Industr.i.al District) I -2 Districts: (Heavy Industrial District) The boundaries of such districts are as shown on the maps • entitled "Map A, Zoning Districts, Canton, Illinois" and � "Map B, Zoning Districts, Canton, Illinois and Contiguous Area" which accompany and which, with all explanatory , material thereon are hereby made a part of this Ordinance. Section 5. AMENDMENTS TO SECTTON 5. That Section 5, Paragraph 4 of the Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fo llow s: 5. All territory which may hereafter be annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois shall be considered as being in the R-1 District until otherwise changed by ordinance. All territory previously unzoned by this or subsequent ordinances and which by vir�tu� of city expansion comes 2 within one and one-half miles of allowable z-oning jurisdiction shall be considered as being in the AG-1 District until otherwise changed by ordinance. - ' Section 6. CONSERVATIUN (CO-1) and AGRICULTURE (AG-1) DISTRIC TS. ------_ "The following regulations shall apply to the CO-1 and AG-1 Districts: A. CO-1 District Permit�ted Uses � 1. Lakes (artificial) 2. Public picnic grounds, marinas, and beaches. 3. Public parks and forest preserves. 4. Public utility substations, booster stations, radio and television relay towers., repeater stations, etc. , but not including power generation or gas manufac- turing plants. B. AG-1 District Permitted Uses 1. Agricultural uses, commercial grain storage. 2. Home occupations; one and two family residential dwellings (which provi.de the minimum lot area as specified in para. D of this Section). 3. Community buildings; uti.lit:y and service system buildings and lands; libraries and museums; pic- nic grounds; religious, educational or charitable institutions. 4. Unlighted signs notifyi.ng of sale, rental or lease of land or sale of farm goods on the premises on which the sign is maintained having not over fifty (50) square feet of sign area; signs announcing meeting time and place of civic organizations. 3 5. Advertising structures in accordance with the following: a. Providing such structure proposed to be located in the AG-1 District is within one-half mile of the city limits. • b. Providing such structure is no closer than two hundred (200) feet to any residential district or to any residence which is existing prior to the location of such structure. c. Providing all such structures shall be so located so ' that each structure has 100% of its sign area clearly visible from a point located on the centerline of the highway, such point being two hundred fifty (250) feet from the structure in the general direction the advertising material is facing. No future structure will be allowed to infringe on the 100% visibility of any other existing sign. d. Providing all such structures meet the yard require- ments and building height limitations of the AG-1 District. e, Providing no device is attached or incorporated into the structure which might distract automobile drivers thereby creating an unsafe condition. Distracting de- vices not to be permitted sha11 include parts of the sign which rotate, revolve, or move in any fashion; illumination which is directed to any extent directly toward approaching automobiles; flashing, alternating or rotating lights. _ f. Providing all structur.es are properly constructed; are not allowed to remain in a deteriorating or lean- - ing condition whether due to storm damage or lack of maintenance. g. Providing no such structure is allowed to remain in an unused condition for longer than sixty (60) days. 4 C• Special Uses in the AG Di.stracts The following uses are permitted as special uses when auth�rized by the 1Vlayor and City Council after a public - hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commis- sion. Such special use shall be subject to any require- . ments the Planning Commission and/or Caty Council feels necessary to further the purpose of this ordin- ance as stated in Section 1. In the AG-1 Districts: � 1. Uses of land including qu.arrying and mining of natural resources, sanitary lancl f`ills, refuse disposal and dumps. 2. Cemeteries 3. Commercial resort uses such as lodges, res- taurants, rental cottages., riding stables, golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts and other such recreational facilities. D. Required Lot Area, Lot Width, and Building Height Limitation. In the CO-1 Distri.cts: Lot area, lot width, and building hei.ght limitation not specified. In the AG-1 Districts: ' No dwelling shall be located on a lot less than one (1) acre i.n area or less than one hundred fif.ty (150) feet in width. No residential dwell�ng shall exceed thirty feet in height. E. Yard Required in AG and CO Districts. AG-1 CO-1 Front Yard fifty (50) feet one hundred (10,0) feet Side Yard, each fifteen (15) feet forty-five (45) feet Rear Yard thirty (30) feet si.�cty (60) feet 5 F. Automobile Storage or Parking Space. Adequate off-street parking in accordance with pro- visions of Section 15D of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 7. That Par.agraph C and F of Section 7 of the Zoning Ordinance be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "C. Required Lot area and Lot Width in the R-1 District: Nlin. Lot Area Min. Lot Width per family per structure (sq. ft. ) (feet) Single Family Dwelling: With public water and public sewer 7, 500 60 With either public water or public sewer 10, 000 $� With neither public water nor public sewer 15, 000 100 Change Sec. 2, Paragraph F to read: "F. Automobile Store or Parking Space Adequate off-street parking in accordance with the provisions of Section 15D of Zoning Ordinance. Section 8. AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO SECTION 8. That Paragraphs, , A and C of Section 8 of the Zoning Ordinance be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "A. USE PERMITTED 1. Any use permitted in an R-1 District. 2. One family dwelling. 3. Special uses. 6 The following uses are permitted as special uses in the R-2 Districts when authori.zed by the City Council after a public hearing and after recommendation by the Plan- ning Commission. Such special use shall be subject . ' to the following reqirements and any other requirements the Planning Commission feels necessary to further the purpose of the ordinance as stated in Section 1. 1. Mobile home parks with permanent accommodations for mobile homes; providing that (a) such park will have permanent accommodations for a minimum of five trail- ers; (b) accommodations will include for each mobile - home individual underground sewer and water connections, trailer platform of concrete or white rock to a depth of six (6) inches; (c) the plan development will provide a minimum of thirty-six hundred (3600) square feet per mobile home space, and (4) the mobile home spaces will not be located any closer to the bounding property lines of the park than the appropriate yard requirements for the adjacent district would allow. " "C. REQUIRED LOT AREA AND LOT WIDTHS IN THE R-2 DISTRICT. Nlin. Lot Area Min. Lot Width Per Family Per Structure (sq, ft. ) (feet) Single Family Dwelling With Public Water and Public Sewer 6, 000 50 With Public Water ' or Public Sewer 8, 500 65 With Neither Public Water nor Public Sewer 12, 000 80 7 Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Width Per Family Per Str. ucture (sq, ft. ) �feet) . � Two-Family Dwelling With Public Water and Public Sewer 5, 000 50 With Public Water or Public Sewer 6, 000 60 � W ith Ne ither Public W ate r nor Public Sewer 8, 500 75 Section 9. AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO SECTION 10. That paragraph B, C and F of the Zoni.ng Ordinance be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "B. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT Building Height is not restricted. "C. REQUIRED AREA Single Family Dwellings 5, 000 sq. ft. /family Two-Family Dwellings 2, 500 sq, ft./ family Multr Family Dwellings of 5 or less stories 2, 000 sq, ft. /family Multiple-Family Dwellings . of 5 or more stories For each structure, lot area computed on basis of: • 850 sq. ft. /1 bdrm. or ' efficiency unit. 1, 000 sq, ft. /2 or more bdrm, unit. If required off-street parking is to be provided on other than ground level of site, lot area requirements of multiple-family dwelling of 5 or more stories may be reduced 10%. 8 � , i a^ �� • • I . "F. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE OR PARKING SPACE. 1. Adequate off-street parking in accordance with the provisions of Secti.on 15 D. . 2. Each Multi-Family Dwelling, shall provide one and one-half parking spaces for each new dwelling unit. Section 10. AMENDMENT TO SECTTON 18. That Section 18, Paragraph A (4) of the Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: - 4. "Any work or change in use authorized by permit but not substantially started within ninety (90) days shall require a new permit. A permit shall be revoked by the Enforcing Officer when he shall find from personal inspection or from competent evidence that the rules or regulations under which it has been issued are being violated. A building permit for residential and commercial properties shall become void twelve (12) months after date of issuance, if the project described therein has not been completed. Section 11. CONFLICT. Any prior Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois, in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 12. SEPARABILITY PROVISION. If any provision, section, sub-section, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be adjudged or declared by� any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment or decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordi.nance, but shall be confined in its operations to the provisions, section, subsection, subdivision , sentence, clause or phrase which shall have been adjudged or declared to be unconstitu- tional or invalid in such judgment or decision, and it is hereby expressly de- " clared that every other provis�on, section, sub-section, subdivision, sentence, • clause or phrase thereof would have been enacted irrespective of the enactment � or validity of the portion declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. Section 13. PENALTY. 1. Any perso n, firm or cor.por.ation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the • provisions of this Chapter shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5. 00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50. 00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is . permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. 9 . r . � Section 14. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordi.nance shall be in effect ten (10) days afterits passage by the City Council, approval by the Mayor and publication according to law. � ADOPTED by the City C ncil of the City of Canton, Illinois, this ' �7� day of y,�.� A. D. 1969. ' APPROVED and SIGNED y the Mayor of. the City of Canton, Illinois, this / 7 � day of 2 A. D. 19 6 9. � � i � APPROVE : ' AY OR. ATTEST: � `�� �� TY CLERK. 10