HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #310 . �.._ _�;� Rirst reading 6/2/70 :• � � To be l.a�d over. ,<�,,..,, , .,�� , ORDINANCE N0. .�/d AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATI.ON FOR THE CITY OF • GANTON� ILLINOIS� FOR THE FISCAL YEAR C1F SAID CITY, 1970-1971y TO BE TERMED THE ,ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF SAID GITY: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTUN� ILLINOIS: SEGTION l. That the following sums of money, or as much as may be authorized by 1aw, and as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray a11 necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Ganton, Illinois, be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes and objects of said City herein- specified for the Fiscal Year of said City, commencing on the first Tuesday in the mont� of May, 1970, and ending on the first Tuesday in the month of May, 1971. FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY: POLIGE DEPARTMFNT� SALARIES: 1 Ghief of Police � 8,710.12 3 Police Sergeants �7906.82 23,720.46 3 Policemen 7066.36 21,199.08 6 Policemen 6948.40 41,690.40 2 Radio Operators 6117.97 12, 235.94 Part time Radio Operators 6,000.00 l File Clerk 5,255.09 1 Asst. File C1erk 4,873.44 Auxiliary Policemen 6,000.00 Vacation and sick leave pay 6,000.00 Extra labor 2,500.00 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES �138,184.53 POLICE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: � 1 �00.00 Clothing allowance � Supplies and Equipment 6,500.00 Police car rental 6, 300.00 Fuel for Police Gars 5,000.00 Radio 1,500.00 Police Gar Insurance 1,000.00 TOTAL POLICE DEPT. SUPPLIES: � 22,000.00 SIDEWALKS: Repairs & ,Maintenance of Sidewalks : � 500.00 � 500.00 STREETS .AND ALLEYS: � g 710.12 Salary of Street Supt. 46�000.00 Other salaries and labor 7'000.00 Graveling of streets � Materials and supplies 15,000.00 Tree removal 8,000.00 Purchase of equipment 15,000.00 Oiling & chipping of. streets 15,0_ TOTAL STREETS AND ALLEYS: �114,710.12 � 2. 500.00 � 2�500.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: � � 3 000.00 � 3�000.00 PRINTING & PUBLIGATION: :� PUBLIC C�ROUNDS AND BUILDIN�S: Repairs and Maintenance � 9,500.00 � g�500.00 PLANNING COMMISSION EXPENSES: � 5,00�0.00_ � 5,000.00 SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIALS: � 4�000.00 Mayor 6,000.00 Gity Glerk 3,000.00 City Treasurer 6,097.13 City Attorney 1 200.00 Gity Attorney Off ice Expense 6,000.00 Alder��n Ciy�. 2,500.00 Deputy Gity Clerk f • `• • � � ��� ' t � ORDIN.ANCE N0. CONTINUED SALARIES OF GITY OFFIGIALS - C 0 N T I N U E D: Secretary to Mayor � 5,521.68 Gustodian of Buildings 5,255.09 TOTAL CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES � 39,573.90 AUDITIlV�: � 500.00 � 500.00 STREET LIGHTS : �35,000.00 � 35,000.00 CEMETERY: Maintenance �15,000.00 Purchase of equipment 2,500.00 Repairs 2,500.00 TOTAL CF�►'IETERY � 20�000.00 INSUItANCE: Fire & Windstorm, Gity Buildings and contents � 1,000.00 Casualty & Workmen 's Comp. 18,000.00 Insurance for. employees 26,000.00 TOTAL INSURANGE � 45,000.00 ELECTIONS: Supplies � 500.00 Printing 600.00 Judges 1,400.00 TOTAL ELECTION EXPENSES � 2,500.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: �437, 968.55 WATER & DEWER DEPARTMENT Salaries �141,780.00 Extra Labor 7,000.00 Maintenance 40,000.00 Truck Operations 2,000.00 Supplies, Ghemicals & Fuel 26,000.00 Office Expense 2,000.00 Power 20�000.00 Fire & Windstorm Insurance 2,500.00 Casualty & Workmen's Comp. Ins. 5,000.00 Extension of services 40,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 5,000.00 Bond Reserve account : 18,000.00 Auditing 500.00 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Issued May 1 1963 Principal �25,000.00 Inter-est - 67,075.00 92,075.00 TOTAL WATER & SEWER DEPT: �404,855.00 PARKING METER FUND: Off Street Parking Sinking fund �10,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 14,000.00 Fuel for Motor Gycle 400.00 Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 Maintenance of Motor Gycle 200;00: Painting & Markings 2,000.00 Salary, 1 Meter Maid 5,255,09 Salary, Traff ic Parking Police & Repairman 6,651.10 TOTAL PARKING METER FUND: � 40,506.19 GR,AND TOTAL GENERAL PURCHASES: �83,329.74 � �"'r .• � � • � + ORDINANCE N0. CONTIIVUED (3) FOR OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW PLTBLIG COMFORT STATION FUND: A tax not to exceed .0333/0 of the fu11, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the S�ate of I1linois, on a11 taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois : Repairs & Maintenance : �10,000.00 Salaries : 3, 914.22 TOTAL PUBLIC CUMFORT STATION FUND: � 13, 914.22 CIVIL DEFENSE: A tax not to exceed .05/0 of the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property within the City of Ganton, Ill. � 5,000.00 � 5,000.00 FOR FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon a11 taxable property of said Gity of Canton, I1linois, at the rate of .05% �10,000.00 � 10,000.00 FOR POLICE PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon taxable property of said City of Canton, Illinois at the rat e of .05/ �10,000.00 � 10,000.00 FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND: A tax not to exceed .l5% of the ful1, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of I11i.nois, on all taxable property in the Gity of Canton, I11. SALARIES OF FIRE DEPT. 1 Ghief of Fire Dept. � 8,710.12 2 Asst. Chiefs �7906.82 15,813.64 4 Firemen 7066.36 28,265.44 5 Firemen 6948.40 34,742.00 Vacation & sick leave pay - 6,0� TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND SALARIES: � 93,531.20 FOR POLIGE PROTEGTION FUND: A tax not to exceed .05/ of the ful1, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of I1linois, on al1 taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois. FIRE PRUTECTION FUND EXPENSES: Clothing allowance � 900.00 ]�iew Equipment 1,500.00 �ruppLi e s 900.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTEGTION FUND EXPENSES � 3 300.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTEGTION FUND: � - FUR PUBLIC BENEFIT FUNI�: � A tax not to exceed,',05/ of the full fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of I1linois, on a11 taxable � prop�rty within the 6ity of Ganton, I1linois to be known as the Public Benefit Fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying that portion of several amounts heretofore assessed against the City for public benefits under and in pursuance of any ordinance that may be hereafter passed or assessed against said City: �25,000.00 �25,000.00 � ' .' (4) ' � ` ORDINANCE N0. GONTINUED FOR UTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIP.AL RETIREI�'IENT FUND: A tax not to exceed .125% on the fu11 fair cash value of a11 taxable property within the City of Canton, I11. , as the same is equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of I1linois �45,000.00 �45,000.00 FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: A tax not to exceed .17/0 of the full, fair cash value as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of I11. on taxable property within the City of Canton, I11. , pursuant to Ordinance No. 35, passed May 20, 194? authorizing the establishment and maintenance of a system for the co1]ection and disposal of garpage : Salary of Custodian �7967.94 Labor 40,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 20,000.00 Maintenance 1€3,000.0_0 ' TOTAL GARBAC�E DISFOSAL: �82, 967.94 TOTAL OTHER PURPOSES �288,713.36 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL PURPOSES : �1,172,042.10 � � � # � � � � � � # # # # � # � # � � # # � # # � # # # # # # � # SECTION 2. That the City Council sha11 at any time after the first half of the Fiscal Year, by a two-thirds vote of the membership; ,make a transfer within any department or other ro riated separate agency of the City �overnment, of sums of money app p for one corporate object or purpose to another corporate object or purpose, but no appropriation for any object or purpose shall thereby be reduced below any amount sufficient to cover a11 obligations incurred or to be incurred against such appropriation. SEGTION 3. This Ordinance shall be known as the "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" of the City of Canton, Illinois.` SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in effect ten days after its passage by the City Council, approval of the Mayor and publication according to law. PASSED by the City Gouncil of Canton, Illinois, at a regular meeting thereof held on the _� day of June, A.D. 1970. __� , ,�, , APPROVED: �� � ,�� �''1��-�---�" �r ^ - , �>''l'=''.f �.`�,,--- �----�-��--� , � :��� �;� � , � . . ,. ; ATTEST: �' �_ � '"� I Y �C . _ ✓.