HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #387 " ' • x � • Fir�t reading 8�15/72 i % ORDINANCE N0. -��� AN ORDINANCE FOR ZEVYING T.AXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, IZLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAI, YEAR OF SAID CITY, 1972-1973. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois , did on the 20th day of June , A.D. 1972, pass the Annual Appropriation Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois , for the Fiscal Year of 1972, beginning on the first Tuesday in May, 1972 and ending on the first Tuesday in the month of May, A.D. 1973, and in the amount which was appropriated was the sum of �1 , 508,002.11 , which said Appropriation Ordinance was duly approved by the Mayor of said City on the 20th day of June , A.D. 1972, and which said Annual Appropriation Ordinance was on the 29th day of June , A.D. 1972, duly published in the Canton Daily Led�er, a daily secular newspaper of general circulation, published in said City of Canton, Illinois , for a period of over ozle year prior to said publication, NOW, THEREFORE B:� IT ORDATNED BY THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, IZI,INOIS: SECTION l. That there be , and there is hereby levied on al1 the property subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the Cit9 of Canton, Illinois as the same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year, for the Fiscal Year of said City of Canton, Illinois , beginning on the first Tu�SSday in the month of May , A.D. 1972, and ending on the first Tuesday in the month of May, A.D. 1973, the total sum of �4-44,648.00 for the f ollowing specified purposes: FOR GENERAI� CORPORATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY �MOUNT APPROPRIATED AMOUNT TO BE I,EVIED POI,ICE DEPARTMFNT SAL.ARIES: 1 Chief of Police � 9,969•92 2 Police Sergeants :�9,230.00 18,460.00 1 Police Sergeant: 9,�49.04 2 Policemen: $8,249.28 16,496. 56 4 Policemen 8,112.00 32,448.00 4 Policemen 8,087. 56 32,350.24' 2 Radio Operators 7 ,141.68 14,283. 36 1 Radio Operator 7,086.04 1 Part time Radio Opr. 1 ,289.60 1 Radio Operator - File Clerk 7,001.80 1 Asst. File Clerk 5, 577• 52 Auxiliary Policemen 3,000.00 School C.rossing Guards 5,625•00 Overtime Holiday and sick leave pay 10, 500.00 Court expenses 3,200.00 1 Caretaker 1 ,419.60 TOTAI, POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES:�177,755.68 $ 32,000.00 POLICE DEPAR.TMFNT SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: lo in� al�.owance 2, 55�•00 Supplies & Equipment 15,000.00 Police Car rental 9,1.35.60 Fuel for police car� 6,000.00 Radio maintenance 1 ,800.00 Police car insurance 1 446.00 TOTAL POZICE DEPARTMENT �UPPLIES ���b� � 10,000.00 -1- � � . � \ . . . � � . SIDEWALKS Repairs & Maintenance of Sidewalks �500.00 STREETS & AZLEYS Salary o reet Supt. 9 ,969-9z Other salaries and labor 56 ,000.00 Graveling of streets 15,000.00 Materials and supplies 20,�00.00 Tree removal 8,000.00 Purchase of equipment 22�.s�000.00 TO TAI, STREETS AND ALI,EYS ��.��,y��•� MISCF�LL.ANEOUS EXPENSE � 2�,500.00 ORDINANCE BOOK REVISION $ 7, 500.00 PRINTING & PUBI�TCATIONS � 3,000.00 $3,000.00 PUBZIC GROUNDS AND BUIZDINGS Repalrs an aintenance $ 15,000.00 PZANNING COMMISSION EXPENSES � 3,000.00 �2, 500.00 SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIALS Mayor 4,000.00 City Clerk 6,000.00 City Treasurer 3,000.00 City Attorney 6 ,9`?8•43 Deputy City Clerk 3, 500.00 Secretary to Mayor 6 , 320.08 Maintenance Supervisor 9,968�92 Custodian of Buildings 6,014.84 Fourteen Aldermen 6,000.00 Mayor' � Office �pense 500.00 City A�to rney Office E�pense 1 200.00 TOTAL CTTY OFFICIAI�S SAI�ARIES $5� E- . _ �b20,000.00 AUDITING 600.00 � �00.00 STREET LIGHTS $35,000.00 �23,000.00 CEMETERY aintenance 22,000.00 Purchase �f equipment 2, 500.00 Repairs 2 500.00 lOTAL CEMETERY $�''�,�6.�� �27,000.00 ELECTION EXPENSES 3,000.00 INSURANCE: Fire&�Wind�torm, Ci-�y Bldgs. , and contents 2,200.�0 Casualty & Workmen' s Comp 16,800.00 Insurance fmr employees 31 500.00 TOTAL INSURANCE ���6 �16,000.00 TOTAI� GENERAZ FUND: $545,738.47 �133,900.00 WATER. AND SEWER DEPARTME�TT Sa aries $14�,646.20 Extra labor 10,000.00 Maintenance 40,000.00 _2_ * �` • . c i � . , . � Truck Operations 3,000.00 Supplies , Chemicals & Fuel 26 ,000.00 Office expense 5,000.00 Power 26,000.00 Fire & Windstorm Insurance 2,000.00 Casualty & Workmen's Comp. Ins. 6, 500.00 E�tension of services 180,000.00 Purchase of Equipment 11 ,000.00 Auditing 600.00 Water & Sewer Bonds issued May 1 , 1963 Principal �25,000.00 Interest 65,0']6.00 �90�075.00 �74-y,ts�I. � PARKING METER FUND ree ar ing Sinking Fund 10,000.00 Purchaee of Equipment 7,000.00 Fuel for Motorcycle 400.00 Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 Painting & Markings 2,000.00 Maintenance of motorcycle 200.00 Salary, 2 Meter Maids $6,014.84 12,029.68 Repairman ?,612.28 Cbthing allowanc� 450.00 TOTAI, PARKING METER FUND: ��.�� GRAND TOTAL GENERAI� PURPOSES: �1,137,250.63 �i33,900.00 FOR OTHF� PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW PUBZIC COMFORT STATION FUND A tax not to exceed .0333% of the full , fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Iliinois , on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois Repairs & Maintenance 10,000.00 Salaries 780.00 �BZ�b� �10,780.00 CIVII, DEFENSE A tax no o exceed .05% of the full , fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by th� Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all t�able property within the City of Canton, Illinois 3, 500.00 � 3, 500.00 FOR FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND ax evie upon a �ab1.e property of said City of Canton, Illinois at the rate of .05% 26,`]69.00 $26,769.00 FOR POZICE PENSION FUND ax evied upon taxable property of said Ca�ty of Canton, Illinois at the rate of .05/ 14,699.00 $14,699.00 -3- .• ' • � + ' ' � ' � ' , FOR FIRE PROTECTION FUND A ax not o excee . 5% of the full , fair cash value , as equalized or. assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Illinois , on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois. 1 Fire Chief �9,968.92 2 Asst, Chie�s $9 ,049.04 18,098.08 8 Firemen 8,08'7. 56 64,700.48 2 Firemen 7,952.88 15,905.'76 Vacation, Over- time , Holiday and sick pay 10 500.� TOTAL FIRE PRO�ECTION FUND: $11�;�' �. FIRE PROTECTIO.N FUND EXPENSES Cothing allowance 1, 510.00 New Equipment 3,200.�0 Supplies 2 000.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND EXPENSES -�.�6 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND �125,883.24 $75,000.00 FOR POLICE PROTECTION FUND A tax no to exceed . o of the full fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the �ate of Illinois , on all taxable propez�ty in the City of Canton, Illinois �25,000.00 $25,000.00 FOR PUBI,IC BENEFIT FUND A tax not to exceed .05% of the fu11 fair cash value , as equalized or assessed by the Dept. oi' Revenue of the State of Illinois , on a11 taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois to be known as the Public Benefit Pund to be used solely for the purpose of paying that portion of several amounts heretofore assessed against the City for publi� ber�efits under and in pursuance of any Ordinance that may be hereafter passed or assessed against said City: $25,000.00 $25,000.00 FOR ILZINOIS MUNICIPAI, RETIREMENT FUND A tax no o exceed . o of the ful.l fair cash value of all taxable property within the City of Canton, Ill. , as the same is equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the S�te of Illinois �50 ,000.00 �50,000.00 FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAI, A tax not to exceed a .17% of the full , fair cash value as equalized or assessed by the Dept. of Revenue of the State of Ill. on taxable -4- � . � • • ''` , . . . , property within the City of Canton, Illinois , pursuant to Ordinance No. 35, passed May 20, 1947 aa�horizing the establishment and maintenance of a s9stem for the collection and disposal of' garbage Equipment $23,000.00 Salary of Custodian 9•11).24 Labor 47,000.00 Maintenance 10 000.00 TOTAL GA.RBAGE DISPOSAL: �$��.� $80,000.00 TOTAL OTHER PURPOSES: $370,750.48 �3io,748.00; GRAND TOTAZ FOR AI�I, PURPOSES: �1 , 508.002.11 $444,648.00 SECTION 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of Fulton County, Illinois a duly certified copy of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. , � PASSED by the City Council this �� ��-� day of September, A.D. 19'72. APPROVED by the Mayor this �_?� �� day of September, A.D. 1972. ,����'� � � � APPROVED: �-�_% ' i' ��%. ATTEST: �c.-�-�'-� �'✓t��i-� 2°Z , , -5-