HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #376 ' F�eadt �ou,nc'i]. �./1],�?2 . �'", � ' �,...� ,,, :' � ••w Tab�.ed: 9 A�'.S &';� TJAYS) - , . � : � , �' ' . . � . _ , - , . � . STATE OF ILLTNOI3 ) ''� ? S� COUNTY' OF �'ULTON ) ORDINANCE N0. �� WFiER�AS, i t appe ara to the Ci ty Counai 1 ot' the Ci ty oP Canton, Illinois, that the territor�r here3n described is not � now within the corporate limits of any mur�icipality but is con- tiguoua to the City of Canton� and WI�REAS, it f'urther appearing to the City Council that there are no electora residing on said premises arid that a].1 oP the equitable owners of aaid premises have requeated that said premiaea be .anneaed to the City of Canton, as shown by the records of this Council; � NOW, THFRFFORE, BE IT 4RDAINED by the City Council oP the City of Canton, Illinois : 3ection l. That the premises described as Pollows : A part of the Southeast Quarter oP Section 2S, Township ? North� Renge !� Ea�t of the Fouarth Principal Meridian� Fulton Oounty, Illinoi�e, being more partiaularly deacribed as Pollow$ : Commencing at the Southwest aorner oP Lot 1 in Sebree Subdiviaion; thence Easterly on the 3outh line of Lo�s 1-1� of Sebree Subdivision !}18.5 feet; thence Northerly 624.5 feet; thence Westerly !},].8.5 Feet; thenae Southerly 62l�.5 Fest ta the place oP beginning, containing 6 acrea, m,ore or less. (8aid premiaee are located at the Northeast corner of 3ebree Road and Eaat Chestnut Street, beir.g com�aonly known as Hradley Corner.) be, and the same 3s hereby anneaed to the Cit�r o� Can�on, Illinois. Seation 2. That a aertified aopy of this Qrdinance shall be reeorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Fulton County, Illinois, together with e,n accurate map oP the territory ��oi�e described. Section 3. That this prope rty shall be zonad R-4 (Multiple- f'ami.lg Residential) . Section l�. That this Ordinance shall be in effect f'rom and af'ter a two-thirds "aye" and "no" vote oP the City Couna3l �Q�� �� � � ' _ '.r • , . • - . . �,- . , , , �►,, . _ �'AG� Qgp ' . ,. . ; � of the City of Canton, Illinois, and approval bg the Mayor. PASSED �1ND APPROVED by a two-third� ",�,,ye+� �d «no�f vote oP the City Counail and approved by the Mayor this �h day of �-, , 197�. APPRQVr,D: ����_ � �_ '�� . ._-��-. _ ��:-_ .{_�� �ox ;r ;� ATTE3T: � � �� - � .t�2.Z ty erk � � -2-