HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #459 i � - -,. _ .�. . . . . .:t . ,.� � c;,t>»�,��c;i: r,c�. �� ;11 (���1;) 1,11�C1�; l�:;i7'�11�1,1:i11J1�'l� `�Al.Alt] l:5 A1�1) 11tUVl1)71�G 1�'Ult Cf�:il'1'AII� I;[:l�'I:1�'1'!'S I•'c�l; l;l:l:'I'�\11� l�sil l,t)Y1,LS Ol� 1'Itl: CI1'Y U1� C/11�"!'U1� , II,LII�UIS 1�'UIZ '1'liL (�I5CA1, Yi:.�11t CU;+,it�:nc�nc r;AY, 1J7�1 . �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� �� /� �� �� IJ111:1tJ�;�1:�, i t i� 1 lioii��l�t hy f,lic cc�����oi•,at�.• rai�i.h��ri tics of t lic C i t�- c� f C�int.c►n , 1] ] inoi � 11i,�t an Urdinuncc settin� f'orth not onl,y ����i e� of P��y for certain em}�loyees of said City Uut whicl� nl�o �i�t line< <inci cic!'inc� ccrtain ai:hcr bencfits ror si�ch emPloyee� and a�l�icl�, a� well , eniinci��tes the Policy and outlook of ��id City with ��e�pect to �ucli emIiloyee� would be oi' benefit to �11 concerned ; t�nd, tir'11LId1:�1S, ��nd it�rther, it is ti�e intent of said corPor��te ��t�thoritic� , I�e��eby Pl•omul���ted, th��t therELShall be di�nity and rc���onal�le �t��bility in rel��tion �nd ��ttit�ude toa�ards �11 employee� oi' s��ic� City, 1�UW, TIILIt�I�'ORL, I3L IT OIZllAINLl) L3Y TIIL C1TY COUI�CIL Ol�' TIIE C 11�' UI� CAn 7'Ul� , 1 LLI1�U IS , AS I�'ULLOWS : Section 1 . Tli��t this Urdin�nce may Ue i,eferred to as the "Lmrloyment �r•din�nce" o!' the Cit;y of Canton, Illinoi�. Section 2. Tl�at the follo�vin� worcis or PfirA�e� , �s u�ed lierein, sh�ll hnvc the roilow�n� meanin�s, to-wit : �. "LmPl�yer" shall met�n the City of C�nton, Illinoi�. , h. "LmPloyce" shall mcan � person, otlicr th��n aPpointed or electecl offici��l or dePartment t�ea�l, wi�o does worlc for or renders �ervices to the emPloyer and who i� P�id thereror at weekly interv�ls. c . "UcPartment l�cad" �1��11 mer�n either the rirc Chiei', tlie I'olicc Cl�icf, ti�c Superintenclent of the City Wt�tcr 1Jorks, t.hc �tii�crinl.endent o!' thc iJ��ste 1Jt�ter Tre�tment P1Ant ; the SuPcrintendent of St.rcc�.s nncl Al1cyG , or the 1'lumbin� In�pector, �s the context rc��uire� ; �ncl sl��all �il�o l��ve rc!'crencc to Gevcrnl or All of tl�em wl�en t��ecl in the j�lt�r��l , �s thc context requi�°c� . ' . ' . d . "I�'ull Timc LmPloyee" sl»11 mef�n anc� h��ve reJ'erence t�> ��n em1�l_oyce o!' the employer who re�ult�rly works r� minimum of 40 1i�iir� per week in a p��rticul�ir worlc cr�te�ory establisheci Uy tl�e em��l �yer ��n�l whicli l�a� subsisted �� fillCil A wor•ic c�te�ory utilizin� t i�e �crvi ce5 of��n employce f'or a minimum oJ' 9� hoiirs Per week f'or e��c}� week o!' ti�e I�recedin�; fi�c�l ye�r of , the employer t�nd wherein the ncc�l f'or conti.rniouG like services i� �nticiPt�ted in ttie fore- �ec��ihl c� f'titure. ( � See .Amendment on paid 7 of this Ordinance. ) c. "'1'emj�ornry l�mTiloyce" shf�l.l met�n �n emPloyce wi�oce -.1- .' � ; , , •' � • service� in any�aork c��tc�;ory es�.��l�lishec� b,y tl�r-, em��loyer ��re exrected to he of �hc�rt c�uratior ��r.�? w�ic�reir ttze a�eec� tlicrefor• is easual ol� intermitter�t . f. "Seniority" or v�>>��it�tions c�f thi� �ac�rc� c1�a11 have reference to the cor�tintzous service of �i full. time em�loyee wi.thir t:l�e !�epartmer�; o.f �iic em171o,yment ur?less otr;criaise specifically def_inec?. �;. "Service " or variatior� of this ��o��d C1ial1 have refcrence to t.}le cont inunu� service o:f a fiil 1 t ime em�loyee, whether withir. the ;)epaa�tnlent of hi� ciirrent em��loyment or not , unless otrierwice specific;ally def�inec�. 1� . "�LeE;ular �'ay" (or salary) shall mean the basic tioeel�ly salary �S]_uc ��11 mc�ney additi�rc� thereto ��hic�l shall be ap��lic�abl_� to any full time em�:loyee as l��ereirafter �:rovic�ed ; or, if' the cor.teat requi.re� , it s}.��11_ merin the basic weekly salary of �� I)e�artment llead or tlie weelcly ��ay provi�led for a �?art.icular ������i.r.tive raocition. 5ection 3. F'UI,L TIAiI� �,FL()Y��:I�'S . �z. The follo�air�� �rovisions are a�i�licable �o all full t:ime em�lo�Tees : !!, b�tsic eaeekly �al��r,y, based on 40 hours actually worked, sh�ill be p�:iid to each ful]_ time em��loyce in the amount ol ��??�.RO �aer iveek. Tt�e sum of �;'��?,0!) ��r Gvee1: sl�iall be acic��c? to �;he b�sic ���eckl�r �a1 ary of each �i.icll emp]_o��ee commer�cir��; ivii:l� tl�e first �i0 liours �a�rked t�y ruc�l an er�r•lc>yec f'ollowin�; cc�m��lctior. of ary �i�,�licar7lc �erioc� oI' Prohation for service ���itl�ir t,he c�epartmer+� . 11 furt.her Gum of' :;��.(3(; �er wce',� s?��1.1 be �zdc�ec3 to ���ic'. 1��3�ic ��eel:ly salar�y commencin� with the 1'ir��t. �1Q )i�tars woi�kecl 17y such an c�m�l�yee � 1'ollowir�, com�;l_etion c�i' loiir• ,yer�ars service 4aii�.?��in t��ie de�artment . �k�. The follo;ain� provi�io�s 5t��al_I ��e ap�iica�le to ���rticularized ful] time em�loyees and in ��c�c�itior. tc� the �rovisions of thc �?r�ec;edin� �arai,r��zrh. �. 1'OI.ICI�, I�I�I'�li'I'�i��llT : l. . t12�I7I�I,7:(�1�;; TG C31���C '��I�'I�I.Y ;�ALf9,�Y : To t�ie basic i,�eE�kl_y s�lary of tl�e senior natrc�lm�ln (atl�er th��r. tt�e S�r�;c��nt in ehar�;e) on e�ze��� shilt sha�l be ��c�c�ed �;nd �;�aic' the �ur�:her Hreel:.ly sum of ��4�.0�. To the k�a�ic Gaeei.ly sal��r,y of eacra I�olice ��ergeant sh�j 11_ be ��cic1ec] ancl �;aic� t��e .fu��t.her weck.ly sum of �;17.06 . To thc Y�asic weekl.y s��lary of cact� fizl.l t:ime eml�layee �aho is a memt�er of the I ol ice 3;erartment- �nd subject to tl�e ru]_es r�,nd re��ulations of t:hE T�ire ar,c� 1'oliee �ommis�ior! of this City sY��i�_1 be ac�dec� ar�c3 �aic� the further weekl}r �um of �`4 .00. �. CLGT�111�'G ALL(��T�ll�`Ci��: ��ach F��olice U.fficer, � � r • • . r incJ_tt�?it?�; the I'ol_iec �I�iefi �ncl `l'i,�fl'ic C;or�tr�ol (:ff'icer, �ll�ll be �illataed ��nc� �aic� � C]_ott�:ir:t� �llod��ancc it- t?;E� ye�i��ly sur.�t of �,���'�a.C�O. i�<zch ft�ll timc 1'•:c�ter ���aic' s}ial_t be �llo�vcc8 ��nc3 I�aic1 �� clothin� allo�vance in t;Y�e yeat°ly �urn of �;:liO.OQ. �'lle sum� r1e�°ein �roeric�ed � f'or clothin�; a].l ow��nce st�all 11e n�iicl ir �ic�v�ince ��t tl�e commer,cement. of t:he fi�c��.l ,year of tl�ie City, ar° as r�e��r thcr•c�tc� ��s l;�racticak�le. � s:� . I�'I:��':: ;;l�I�l�.i��'i'i����i;l`';T : I . �����si7'I(;P;� �l'C; I3<i��� �r��3.�;I�I_,1' �.1I..!'�:�Y : 'tb tl�ie b�:sic weei�:�_y ���Ia���,y o1' �acF� I�'ire �'rt�c:l: 3;a�ivcl� (cac�i of ��hom is to �e t��ti� sr.ni�>r em���l.oyee c3r �nY �zrti_eui�;r° sl�i('t) ;�l���l_1 he addec� and ��aic� tt�e ftaxtl�er tiaec.��v �:i.am o.f �a�':.C)(9, �'c the ���l�i.c� ��eckl_y sal��r�y of cae]� �^��;si��t;�r�t I�':6_3�e ;,t�ie�' �;birlll l�e �ic?clec' ��nc' ���iic� tF.e .furt��er �:jec�ttly �,. ��un� of :.:17.f�(� . 'i'o t��c i�a:=ic ����c};].y s�,l��r•- ol cr>tcEZ �'izll_ t.ir;le e.r�raloyce �4�ll0 �.._< c� mc�mY�c��^ of t:llc �:�'i��c �`;�c;"��rtmer,t �:��nc� �;iib�gcct to tlic rtzle�; anc? z•c�:;iil�ition� af tt�e i�'���e anc� I olicc (;ommicsior� c�l' t3�i� i�t,y sh��.il ��e ��cic�ec? ard j���i_d t}ie ft�.r��t ��er �ocel:l3= slzm �>f �;� .()0. ��'o tt3e l�r���_c ��le��x�.y s��l�i�°y oi' e��c}i �.iet�ten��nt ��rh� ic 3°e�;ul��rly st;atior.ed �it any �ul�-I'i_re �t��tian of t3iis City sh�ll be ad��ec? and paid tl�ie further �aecl:ly sum oi' �8.:'�3. '1'o the basic �eeel.ly salary of eac11 1�'ii�e 7'rucic I;ri vc3� (e��ch oi' �,��iom is to be the senior em�loyee on any �}art.icular shilt) �aho is .rc�F,ularl,y stati.orec� at any sub-fire sta�;ion of �l�ii�: Cit,y �hall be ��c�clec� anc3 ���icl the 1'urther weekly sum of �w4.On. ^.. t;L�`I'�III`wi� :�L,I,(��v�11�;C;�: ?_:acll ��'ireman, incli�c�ir�; t3�e 1�'ire �;hicf, c�h�ll bc.� allowec3 anc] ��iic� a Clottiin� AI_low��rce ira t��c yc�irly �urn of `�1��5 .Qn. �'hc sums here�ir_ ��rav:idec3 for clottling ��I.1oG»nce si���ll l�c Paicl in ac?v��nce ��t. ti2e comrnencemen± of ttle fire�al yea1� of t;lle Ci.ty c�r a� neai tl�c�3�eto �w �;�r���ctic�l�le. �I�3 . 1'��;I:7'I'.�ri,l, ,l'0 .�;I�':'�..�'�:�`:.TaT 94��11I�,� : �i';c�T:artrnent� ?;��,�c�C e�•.cet�i ir� of t?�e i�'ire ��r.r� 1 0?ice !)c,���i°tmertC ��rd tlle 1'.lilm�» r �; Insl�r_ctor, may c?c�i�.;r��te �� �ull_ i�i_cle em��.Io�Tec ��s� ��t� .L;;�;���t �art . ;�iic:�� ciTl .`i�i�l�,i;'c1T?t � 1-l'! i1(�C�l�;1C)� � O �1��'� �)�1.`''�1C l4'Cl�;::l.� �ill_F�1V� C]:li1l�. �C ���11.C� ar.ca i°eceive ��r �ic'c;i.t.ioral_ `".�l .f)Cl �cr ��lce3t, �,roviclec?, ��o�re�rc�r�, it� tl�r., CVCt��: t�1C i,F?��3T'tTt1C'Ilt ��C?i�t� l�; t�1 21\�:21�i3i:�1C' ilI'(� nl'i' C'U!�Y �()T' �� COI1f:l.l?110Uc' T'�E`.1'I()(� Of' fl��C C�IlE'I�(��ll`' (�el`j'S � �1.ICj"l ��1�:i]_�'t�ll�t � ll�'•OT': CE'J'tlflCii� 1OT1 r l�,y t3��e ':�'�e��ar�tmcrt �Ieac�, �;1���1_1 t�ie��e���'tcr i�€"c] t�t�ri_r.�; the �,u��sec�i�ent a��scnce of tl�e :�c�j�c�rt;ment �ic�ic3 ?�c ;�r�-�r� t:i�e ��zla��y af t.l�c y�e��artrnc�nt �sencl arc� ir. l ieu oi' tt3e st�.l.ary c�nc? mor�ey hcr.e�'itc 1sc other�aice would I7ave bcen �aid �� ��er�einabc��re l��z oviclec�. :�cci;ior !� . T`i��IC?;<<1�tiY :�°�:I`l,(jYi�.;i�'��. � tcr.��or�a�^y eml�loyce �t���ll c{ be p��ica and z eeeive �r� liour�_y wt��;e c�f not l.ess �;l��in .:0�..50 ;r.e�� l�ic�ur nor m��re than �:"�.00 I�cr lloiu� �'o�� c�ach hour ac�u��lly �ar�ri.ecl in ��ny a�>�lic�iblc w�cel-.. �l,��e t�iourly rat,e i;o �I-se ,�i�3 �wi�c�i an em�layce sh�all �e ��s f'ror� tirrr to time ��etern2ine�� 1�y t��xe a��;�l�_c��ble �I��epartr�et�t I�cac', (;ommit.tec C;h��irman ��r�c3 the ��:��yc�1��. ::�ccti_or � . _:�i��� :���YT�:.�;1��"ri' 3�?�9.��� : '�'?�c l�za` �c �acel,:l�r s��l�r�,y o1' � e�ct� ?ecl.artment �le�r?, to l�e p�iicl �rec�cl_�r, ir t?�c st�m of ��'3�?. �E� , , . . , , � .! : - �i'�3is C;ity reco�;nizes , ��awevcr, th��t ":�e��rt!�er?t :ieacls , t�y reasot� o.f mar�gerial re�For.�il�ilitie.� �anc' dttties t��t��cen�l tl�osc o�' otl�er cmployees , may ��ometir�es ��e i�er,uirec� not orl,y to �crform ser�ri.ces over� cor.tir.u.ous ;?erioc�c c�.f time corisi_c?ez?al�7y in e�:cess ol' �0 lflours i.n any one iee�k, Y��it �c�rnetimec m�iy be rec�uirec� or� �����ecte� to L��erform �crvices or, hol_ic�ay� , �it or�d t:ime: , �n cl.ays ofl, duri_n�; vacatior, �e.riods , or at variou� other and ur�ea;pecte�� tirne� �zr�d tinder emer�;enc,y ��r unusual condition� . r.ccorc�in�;ly, ar,cl wit�ii_n i�er�son, it shall be t}le Pol.icy o.f ti�i� Cit.y tliat sucli c]emanc�� for scrvices t�,y ��ep��rtmer.t lieac3� sl��ll l�e reco�;nize�l by the cor�or�te authori.tics of t.his City and tla�at reasanable adjustments ancl cor�sessions therefor, both in money �aayment� �nd �ts other��ise m�:�y be fair and suitable i_n particul�rized in:�tanc.e� , sh�ill. .frc�m time t� time be cor>sidered anc�rr��c,e, �rovided, ho�aever, tli��t any si.ieh ac?jtistment� �.}lall he ir thc sole c�iscr•etior of ttic cor•I�or•��te ��nthorities of t,�iic City �n�a , f'urt}�er, that nathir� hei�ein contained sh��ll l�e construed as an inducemer.t , ;���omisc ar obli�,atior. rur�r�in� from 1;hc em��loyer t.o ��r.y l�epartment IIeac3 . In the interpretatior� of the I�ar•��r�7�?� immec�i.atel,y }�reeec3in�; it. is hcrel�y d��cl��.red s}�ecific�ll,y ar.c� dtirit�� emp���asis triat ttie s�?irit �nd pz^� r.ci�les �f �ill r�3°ovi�ior.� of thi s C;ity Iz�vir�; to c�o �oi_t}� vacation ���3y, ��ioliday ��ay, rit lit time bonus an�� sic�: p��,y, to�ether with the cor.ce�t of re��sc>nahle arc? p�riodic time o#'f from tlie dem��rcls of duty anc� emplo,yment , a}?I�l ics ta i;�e�artment ��e��cls . nc�corclir��;l.y, i.n t}1c iml�lemcrtatior anc3 ap�lic€�tior, af tl�e �?rovi�ior.s of the two I�ara�;ra}�1is , immecli<�tcl.y ;nrecceuir.� it sha_ll be t}ie i)UTl' of e�ch I�ep��rtment Iiezd to m�ke weekly re�aort of tlie circumstances of llis emnloymer.t (tial�ether l�y }�im cleemed urusu�l or not) to the Chairmar of tlie ��p�ropri��tte Commi_ttee of this �it,y, chargec� witt�i immediate c�r�cern �or anc� over the I>e��artmer.t of his emp.loyment , wYio z� hcreUy �authorized and d�.rected to make sucll immecliate adjustments of �ala��y �ind conditions of employment as may be con�onant wit}i the in�Lention and sr�irit of s�id Paragraphs, Proviclecl , ho�oever, all sueh aclju��;ments of salar}r shall be repori.;ed on a montlily l�asis for ap��rov�il by the co���orc�te authoritic�s . Section 6� ��I'IO�1��T�VY�' I'G�ITIC�I4S. The foll�wi.n� ��ositions or o_ffice� sh�3.11. r�e _Cilled l�,y a�pointment of the I�a�yor, ��ith con- currence o�' tl�e City Council. , anc� ttle ��rnual salar,yT to be �aic� to tlie appointee for each such pc�sition or office (to be paid in 5� eqii��l weekly inst�llments} shal] be as inc3icatec' : One Itadio U�erator, �;;F��00.�7 ; one 12��dio Ct��erator, .�;�f3200.07 ; one 1�adio (�perator, �£�?00.07 ; on� p<�rt time ►�ac�i_o O� er�li�or, K�1360. i�:a ; one �Zaclio U�erator-F'ile Cleri{, � . , ' � • . ;;,��00.07 ; or�e �ssistant I�il e CI erF:, �f;5��'.�� ; one C��re Tzlcer f F�olice ��epartment ) �14��7.6� ; or.e Cit,y ��.ttorney (I�ai t timc) , °,v"�0�7.�39 ; deputy C�_ty Clerlc not to e�ceed .'�350�.0(� ; onc, Secretary t.o tY�e T�tayor, �733�i.4£� ; one I�laintc�n��r�ce �'u�ervi_sor, ��_1 :���' .G?; one I3uildin�;s Custodi�r., �"U7011 .�?6 ; one T;eter T;aic�, `>�(�11. .�C> ; one I°ieter T���i�l :,b'7011 .�6 , one Traffic Control Uff'icer�, ��6J6 .�G ; �nc�, one �r��ter b�e��artm�r�t Casl�lier, �8588.�£3. To the ��ec�ily s�a�_����y of eacl�i of tl�e thi�ce �t�dio U�:erators (o�;liel �;l���n part time ltiadio Crerator) , that of the i�ac?io (�gerator- Tile Clerk anc� that of the Traff'i.c Control (.�1'ficer, shall be adc?ed �nd r�id the further �acekly sum of �`i .00. ���ich of tlie three ltadio C3l�err�torG (other than �?a.rt time ���dia Orerator•) and the Radio Ol erator-I�'ile Cle��l� shal.l be all.owec� and �,aic' � clotl�in� allowance in the ycarl�= sum of �100.00. '�'llc sum.- jierein Providecl for clotliin�; allo�aancc shall be �aid in adv�nce rit tt�c commencement of the fiscal ye�lr of ttie �ity oi° as rear thereto as ��r<�cticable. Section �. V�'�C1�T�(t�„ �'t1Y: �v�cli .fuJ. l. tiMC em�loyee, offici�il oS'ficer, �:)e�����°tmenl; Ilc�c? (incl_uciin�; �er�ons fill.in�; an a�?�ointive position) a1' tiie Cit,y of C;�rton, Il_linois, �aYio c�tz�lii'ies therefor �� 13ereinr�fter }�rovitlec� , s1i�17 reccive �� �,=acatior, �?erio�? , cor�sistin�; of ore or morc �oeel�� , as herein�a_f�;er rr��videc�, �-rith 4�� l�ours re�ul.ar pay for each �uch �aee�. anc� as r�ay be r�}���l.ic��l±ie �� �ny � sLich person, T�ro�-ic�ec?, tiowevei, t��at �ucli j�et�ron shal.l_ rot ��e�rfor�m Ylis rc��;i�l��r �aorl: or renc�cr hi.s re�ylllt�r services for i�he City ct�rir� any �ueh vaer�tior: per�ioc3 or ;.%art ttier•eof. �I't�e lT��e�tior ��erioc� �r �erioc�� , hereir�:ai'ter s�t l'oi°tt�, sl�a?1 ��ccr�ue hy �aay ofi en�;itlement or)y ���'tel� conti.nuou� scr�vice to t��e �mployer for the entia�e les�er �eri.oc� in each in�tar?ce r?am��� . ��"t�irt���cr, t'oi� tYie �urPose of_ com��utin� �r�cation entitl.ement , cortinuous ser��rice ��itl�i t}�e emrrloyer (a� rlistin�;uished from service �aithit� �i 3�el�artmer.t } sh��ll b� count��d. `I'he vacatior. period 1�Perc�by pr��ov�.c�e�� i'o�� sucla service of not _les5 tiiar! one, nor more th��n t2li�ce cal endar ,ye��r� , ch�ll be t���o iaeel:s ; for not less than thi ce years , r�or moi�e t��r�r� ter yeai°s , tl�ree weei�s ; for not less t����r. tet� y�ars , nor more i,lian fifteen years, four �oeeks ; and, for any Peri oc� i.r, eYCess of' fif'teer. years , five weel�s . Vacation Per•iocls rnay not ��e accumizlatec� and must be u5ecl c?urir.�; t}ic fisc��l ycar of tlie Cit.,y durin�; ��}lich t}ic enti.tlem�r.t a��i�es urless other�aise ex�res�ly �rc�vic�ec? hy t}1e cor���orate aut�iorit.ics at a re�ul�r meeti_ n�•. Sectior. 8. s�t;�LI�F��'�Y I':'1Y. :>ach ful� ti_me em�]_oyee, ofI'icia� , officc.r, :%epartment �lcac� (irc.�.uc�in� �?erson� 1'illir��r �in a<<;�ointive ��o�it iar?.) o£ the 4;it-.v of Cr�:ntor, Il. linoi.s ���all Y�e j�-aic? ��nc� reeei��e . , . . . � • . , '•� . • • ' II ��iit>1_li?ilV � �1�r �� COI��1_�1: �_�',L?; Of� ('£3C}l 3T?�'fr`lI"!CE'� �`]_�`;11� 11(>l.lY'C l�C?;ll�_ill� ��ay a����] ic�blc to c��cti st,c,l� �er��.or� , Cor e��cli of t}1�, fotl_owi_nE; �ever holic�ays , to-wit : P���:ew Ycr�rs ��7y ; l�:em�ri��l �:s���> ; I�'ourt��� 01' �July ; L�lk�o.�° �,'c`ly � �'C',t;C2°�lY?!�± ::�£1�' j ���1�1T�i��:�1V]_T"'f'; I�ilyy £1T�`C�� �.�'ll'1Gf?'!1�° �.iFIY ; I'rovic�eci, lir�tiaever, t�},at �uch em�,loyee, offici��l_ o,r�� officer� he em��loyec� 1.�y the City both hefore ard �ifter t��e ����pl_i.cabl_e liol_i_d�ay fo�� w�i�cl1 �?aymert is hereit� �?r�avidec�. In t}�e evert �7ny sucll em�loyce, official or o.fficei� actuall�r v�orlc� an ei�:t��t-trour �erir�cl on ar��r �f t�ie holidays hereir. namec� �� a ,���7�t of }ric re�;ul��.r wc�€•k �ti�ce�,, sueh rer:�or: shall bc ���ir� ar.d receive a ,yet ��dc�itiorlal_ }���y ti�erefor consir�in�, in each i.r��tarce, 01' ei�,ht hourc re�;ular �.czy �I��l ic��ble to cach such Z�er�on. '1'he c�lerc���t° c�a,y on �aliicYi cach such YFOlic.j��y fa]_l s �nc� fo�� �ahich �aymet�t is to he mac�e as hE�reir. �rovic�ed ���1��1_1 be a� �rovi.c�ed by laio, or i.n �:tle abcencc tY�er�of, by cust.or�. l�'or the purr:osc of cl�rificatior , t}ie inten� of tl�e for�e�oin{; is that each �ixc}�Y em�;loyee �:l�it�ll_ receive his r�e�;�alar ���y ('o�� e�ch rameci lzoli.d��,y if root �tiror��ec1. 7'ri��� c�, i.f ��orl.ed , i:enartment �9eac?s , howevcr , c4lall t-�ot �ao.rk excert ir.. emer�er!cy or rcces�itous circtimCtZr.ces �ti�l�icli carnat be circumvertec? . :�ection �. l�:I(��r�' �IP<� I3C=I!US. �;�jcli fitz] 1_ ti.mc em�la,yee , officiczl , officer or ::c���rtrnent I;eacl of tl�iC Cit,y, e,;ce�7tir�; of memberc �f the I�i.re �?el�artmer�t , �a��o tiror���� a rc��u_lar cigh��-hoilr � t���;l�t 4hift ��c �� r��rt of l�ic re�;ial��r �ti�o��iL ��Tcc��:, sh�l1 receive ar�c? lie �raid �ir ��ciclitioral. ircrca�c ir. }�is r�asic �aeekl_y s�,lary ir. tl�e ��mour.t of one-fifth a.f' t�ao ��er certum thc�reor fc�r such r,i�h.t- l��ixa� ni�;ht shift ��ctu�ll,y wor�:ed. r�'oi� the Pui°�o��e o.f tY�is ,;ectiar? the te��m "ni�;ht shift. " �hal.l. mean an,y re�;ul��r cir;ht-hour periad actuall,y worked ��etween t�ie h��izrs of t;hree o 'c]_ock ir:� tlle afternoon ef any c�ay �incl eight o ' clock in the morri.r.� of t1�e daythereafter immediately succeedir��;. Section 1_0. SI_CIL l'r�1Y. �:��ch full t:ime em�loyee, offici��l , officer, I,epartment �iead (incluc3i.n� �;ersor� �at�o work in full_ time ��ppointive po�itions) , sha]_1 be crtitled to and �hal.l be paid, durin� the fi�c�jl year of the em�loyer, a si_ck ����y. 'rime c>ff taker. far ��erson��l reason� shall be construeci to bc �aithin the meanin�; of and ercom��isced hy the term "�ick r>ay". The maximum �ick p<�y t.o �e pt�iu� by the eml�loyer to any em�loyee on r�cc�unt of any � ir�1_e fi�,cal year of tt�e emp]_oyc�r shall be : �is: �-hou�r d��,y� of r°����;ular� p�y (i.c. 4i?;-fi_fths of tlie baric weekly sr�l��ry, ba�ecl or 4� hours actually workec?, �]_us adc?itivie�, , in the case of full_ time employee� ; six-f'ifths ol' the hasic k�eekly s�l�ry of �e}�<3rt;ment �I�ads ; or, cix-�'i,fthc tt�e w�el:ly sa]_ary of fu_l_1 time a�roi.nt;ive positior.r (tc��ett�er� wi.t�l adc'i.-tivies if �r�r�l.ic�Y�le) . In the elren�: thi� sick ray i� rot paicl t.o i;he inc�ivic?ual c�tarin�; tt�r cu�°rent fi�ca.l year on accourt of , , ' . . . ,. . +` ' , � , . , • , � . . . . � � ' . �ctual illnesG or �3ct.u�1. ��er�onal_ tim� off for �;ersona.l reasons , the �ame shall be paid �t the commencement of tl�e ensuing fi�cal ye�a�� of the employer o�� zs t�ea.r thereto as ��r�ct icable. C;om��utatior� of �icl: ���y for� ar em�loyee neti�ly hired as a i'ull time employee, tal�et�ie�� for the first time or after a brealc in service with tYte Cit,y, shal]_ h :r, comrtited �,�ith reference to the fisc��l ye��r of t}te City. �1'�it�� , tlie �icic �;ay entitlement of sucli ��n em�loyee shrill cot�sist oJ' th��t ��ercent of tiie m�lximum sick �?ay (hereinabove ����ovic�ed) which his 1er�tli of �ervice in the fisca_l year of his 1�irin�; hee�zrs to the enti_re lcn�;t.�i of si�ch fi�c��l year. �ection _t_l . �l�'SUi�;'11�G��. 'I'he emT�:lo,yer st»1_l �ay for �rc? on be}���1_f of its ��«f�tici�atir��; employees , ineliic�in� el eetec� �inc� �ppoi_rted Gfficex°s and em��loye�:= , �zll ��Pl�licat�le ?�1^emiums under �;he �rc�up insurance �r�ro�r�lm ��resently in forcc� l��etween the emplo,yer ancl tl��c e�:istin� �;roup in�sure�, ; _it� ac3c?itior tl��ereto , t��e em�loyer �YtalJ_ P�iy for anr� ot� ���e�}���t f of suc�� j�ar,ti.ci��at.in� em1�7_oyee� iaho, m��y here�z_fter beeome i•eti�^ec� ar�d H�lio is er.titlec� to mort.}�1_tr ber.efit�,. t�ndei° a �;ersi_on T�lar of tl�e em��lo,yer, cor;�mencin�;• �it tiir a�;e of C� ye��r�, , �i.11 �3�r1_ica��lf� �;remiurns of l,is tsrder ����ic� €;rouP insurance �lan, �rovidec', however, �ucZ� �3r� employee, if f iY��st hirec� a�'tcr I���ay F, 1�J7�, must have ref:irec? �aith �l mini.mum oi' 1.5 yE�z��� servire �,�ith thc Cit,y, �nc? �rovic�eci, furthcr, however, ti�c amount so ��ic� for �racl on 1he11alf of any sLich ret.il,ec� cm�,l,oyce �l��all not e�:ceed �^5.00 T,er� mont}�. �ectic�n 1?. �CT7'�;�LI'1,L�.�t,i1T_1C1�' : �'1ii� C�rc?in�ircc r�erre��ert�; the lemislati_ve c�etermirtition of t.hc cor�,�orate 7uthoritie� c�f' the (',ity of C«ntor., �llinoi� �r��� is not contr��ctu�l ir? its im�act an� ttle irte�°rret�if_ior hereofi, in tt�e ever�t, of <�mbi�;uit�ie� c�r c�ue4ti�ns of �ipJ�l.ic�ltior, ,�ccorclint;ly, ��ht�ll be in t?�e role c?i�;c�^etion of ��uc?� t�u�horitie� . :�ecti��r, 13. t;I�'I�':;C'�'I�V;�; :����'1�.;. 'I'h� �ro��irior?� P�ere��1' �}��11 1�c arc] become effe�ti_ve on tl3e f=ir�.t I��tor�c'ay ir� �•�ay , 197�1 . I_'1155�;1> l�y tlle Cit,y ���zuncil_ of thc, City of Cantor, 1=]_lir!oi_ti ��nd r'11�1';�(3��1,'�;�� by the r:��yor tl�iereo�" t��i � �-���c���r of l�lay , ��.��. I�74 - ��, , ,, ,., .,_ , � � -- . �:I I.,���- u�.;f. ( _ , .� ^ 'i` - �:�'i'T�;ti>7' : �,.�.� ' L.. l.� L . ., r°.� �,, AMENTIMENT: Motion by �lderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Peak to add under Section l� paragraph ��d" "a�pointive employees shall be included i.n this . catsgory►�. Voice vote carried.