HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #460 \ �' r�
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�.. , , _'`Mi,y 21, 197l1, RAad,;by�;,f+18� c�nlT.
c���y�Zr;���c;��� r�:�. ._—�d
�r: o�:;�:�r�1�r;��; 1�r:��r��;Ir�,� c�t.�Ir,t�r c�: �rc�. ���, enti�;lec3 ��nr4 c����zr�nnc�:
�" LSTIIBLISIIIIl�G S�L.1i�1 I��i 1'P�:i; I-?i.(iV31>'I1�,G I�('eI� CE7iT�:1T:` I3E1tTEI�ITa 1�'C;I; CEItTAII�'
EI�tI'L�YEES (�F TIIL CI7'Y OP' �1�NT01��, II.,I,I1�OI5 I�OI� '1'I��; TI�C11L Y�:;�1�Z CUrI��EN-
� CInG l�i�Y, 197�. " '
F3I� IZ' 03�i�AINL',) I3Y �,F��=. CITY CQUhCI1:� (rI� T�IL Cl�'Y OF' CAIeTOr�,
That Ordinance l�o. �159 of saic� Cit,y be ancl t�ie same herehy is
amended as follows :
l . That the amendment heretofore mac�e i;o �eetior 2, para�raph c]
of s��ic� 4rdinance, consisting of the words : "1�pPoin�Live emPloyces
shall l�e inc:lixded in this cate�;ory. " be ard the same Yiereby are deleted,
to the end arcl purpose ti7at the same sha.11 t�encef_orth be }ield for
nau�ht and o.f none effect.
�. Tl�iat rew �ara�;ra��hs, hereby re�pectively desi�;natecl as "d-1"
and"g-1 " be �nd tl�ie same here��,y are adcled to ��ection � of said
Orc3inance in ��orc�s ��nd �i�;ur�s as fo]_loi±�s :
"d-l. "1=art-time Lmplo�Tee" slial_1 mean ar:d have ��efcrence to
an emPl.oye� of the em�?loyer who ��e�;ulai ly works a minimum af 3� hours
(but not �s many as �0 hours) per �aeek in � �artictYlar ���or�, ca�e�or,y
estahli�lied by the employer ancl wt3icti Y�as subsisted as such,� a worlc
categary uti.lizin� the services or an em�loyee for a minimum of 3�
liours (but not as many as �0 houa s) per wec�� for eacl� ��eek of tile pre-
ccding fiscal ye��r of tY�e employer �inc� �,il�erein tlie need for cor?tinuou�>
lil.e services is �ni;icipated in tlie �'or•creeable futiire. "
"�-1. "F��robation ��c .rioc? " or variations of ttie5e words �l�zall
mean ancl h�ve refer�nee �;o th�t C-m�r.t;li �erioc� of emplo,yment immecliately
follo�air.m the iritial em�loyment af' ar,y em;�loyec of the emr,]_o,yer
exceptint; o£ temporary emplvyces or em�loyces w�io �re memb�r� of either
tlie I�ire or 1`olice I:epartmerats of t;he City ; �eith resPect to ar,y emPloyee
wl��o i� a mem�aer of either tlie Fit°e or 1'olice ��)e�ai tment of the �ity
they shall. �an �n,u h��ve reference to tha� one-year period of empl_oyment
immediately fol]_owiz��; i;he initial em�loymert of such em�loyce as a
membcr of citl�er of ttiese �e�ai°tments (a�� a I�,irem�n or �'aliceman, czs
the case may be. ) 11ny ���plicable l;robatior perioc� shall have as it�
incident and shall be cansic?ered a �eriod of test oi tri�l for tl�e
emPlo,yee in tiis relations to Yiis �eork ��nd to 11i� em��lo3=er du�°in�; whic�i
time the em�lo,yee mav }�e c3i.seliar¢;ec? ��y t�le er!�rlo,yer withc�tat stated
reason or cau�e.H
3. That. tlie fi.�;ure : "��]_7ry.�3�", �,���ich ap;�ears i.rs �ara;raPt2 "�. " of
Section i o£ ��icl Urc�inance be ��nrl the s<�me herehy is �mendec� to read :
���172.98, ��
�1 . 3'hat � nei,� ;iecti_or, ijerei�y c3eri�;nated as ";�ection 3-a" Ue anc�
the sam@: �lei eb,y is adc�ec? to said Ci�d:in��nee in �aords ard figures a�
follows :
"Sectior 3-��. I'�I:T-TIT'a�.�: 3::1��F'I_:OYL�,;;. ''�'��, follotving ��rovi.sions
arc ��;Plic�ble i;o �11 �art-ta.me emPloyee� : �'4 weel,l_y salarv, from time
to time haseci on the total r�uml�ci° of l�ours �ctu��lly wo���ec? i.n a partic-
u1.ar �eeek, sh�li he eomPuted anc� ��aic� at. tiie rate oi' ��;9 .�? ;�cr hour
to c�ich ���zrt-time emj�lc�yc�e. I��r the Purposes af com�;utit�;; �Tacatior. ray,
holid�,y pay �inc� �iel<. �ay t?�e "re�;txl.ar r��y" c�f �i p��rt ti.me em�loyee sl�all
l�e computed a� a t�ecl�l,y salar,y bacec' �r �� hours o.f Ey�ork �t ti�e hourl�t
rate I�ereinaY�o��c provic'ec3. �s �,��oviclec?
�� I�'art-tim� em��].oyees �,�3��o c�u�l i.fy�'���ith re��?�r.ct � c� ot��er�
�et forth �r �ectior. r o_�' t��i� Orc��_n��r�cc� �;i�.�l_7 �,eceive �a vac�ti_on period
�r tllerein �ro�Tic�ec'. I:n rlacta ir�rt�lr�cc tl�ev �t�Zll. r,e�cive ttzeir re�i�lar
�ay (a���z���ue �?rc�vid�ec�� f�i° cacll �,rcet. i;��creof.
"l rzrt-time em�loyce�;s}i��l_1. ��e 1?aicl �ir.cl �eceive a ilolic3ay �a,y a5
�rovidecl in �iectior �`3 of tY�is'� Ux�c�in�nce, �_�roiric'ec', }�a�d�ever, tk�e pay
t:herefor shall consirt of six houi s af re�tzlar I:ay (i.e. , sia i�oit���
comPutec'. at the l�oizrly rate above �rovic3e��. )
"I'art-tir�e employees sl�all be er.titl cc� ta ard sliall receive a.
sick Pay as ��rovidecl in �ection 1(1 of t':�i� (;�°di_rarce, �i°ovic�ed, 1�odaever,
ttie mazim��r� si_c�� ����y to ��e �aic� on acco2�g:�; of' any sir��le fisc�l year
sha11 be five G-haur ����,ys cc�rn��uteca at tiie �ourly rate above g�rovzc�ecl. "
, ��
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. 7'hat a nc��r ����•a�ra��r� Lc �znc� t�ie srime 1��ereb}r i:� ac�c�ec� to
Seetion G of s��ic? {:rc?in�nee ir tiaorc�s �nc' fic,t�z•c� as ft>llows :
� "T� the E�eelzly �alary oS eacl� emg��7_c�yee :Cil_lin�; ar! ���pointive
�; position wl�io re�ul�i�a_y woii.s �1� �iours eac2�i wcci-_ �11a11 Ue adc?ec� ard paid .
� the fui°ther ��eel�ly rum of ;��.00 comr�enci.x��°; �,�it}� t��e firsf: 40 ii�lir�
e:�o,�l:ec' ��y s�tcl:� an em��lc�,yee :�'ollo��ir.�; com�.l_etiat, o#' his probation period .
11 fi.�rther surn �f ��'.(�0 Ter �aeek sh�ll �e a�?c?ec': to i��7e weel�:ly salG ry ��?ncl �
l�ai�? to such an em��lo,yee commet�cir� ���i1�17 tYie* 1'i.rst 4n hour� �aor�ec�
foll_owzr� cor+�l.etion of four }rear�-, af cor.tir�lz�i�s �crvice as st�c1�3 �n
emr? oyee. "
� . 7'l�r�t �l new �,��rrlt;r�;�l be anc' i:t�e C�me l�erekay is ac?c�ec� to
��ecticr l� of s�iic? (;rdinance i_r? worc?s �zr.�? fiit;ures �s follo�,�s :
"'�'l�ie �icl� �ay herein�l��vc ���rovi��ec, rh�zll 1�c ���id orly af ter
�re�ert;�ment. tc� t�ie Cler��: ar�� 7're�at����er c�f t}�i�� �ity o:f ��a voueher ar
certific�zte oS �rerifica�;i.or� si�;nec? l�}r tlie a�,�l_ical�le ��e�?artment; Iieac�
�ncl countersignec� by ttie ap��licable C:�mr:�ittee C}iairman� m��nifestir�� �he
entitlemer�t oS' tlie �.articular em;�loyee ta tl�e �icl� �ay cl.�imec�. �'►
��ePartment T�eacl rl�all siE;n lai� owt� voticl�er �zr�cl ot� l�i�� owr. t�et�alf �nd
t?�ic , a.> to l.�im, sha�l I�c suf'f'ic�er.t �•�I�cr cour,tersi�;rec? by tiie �;ommitt;ee
l;liairman. "
" �l'Ylat. new �>ectiot�s , l�cr�e1�3T/'c'e�ir r��itec' as "Sectiot� 11-�" a:?cl
, .
"Section 11-b" he ar.�? tlie Car�e 11ei^el�y ��re ac�c':ec� t o s��ic? C�+rc'inar�cc i.n
wor�'� an�� S'i�;LZr�s as ��ollo�as :
, . . . ., , ,
����ect�on 11-�� . l�. ..T ;�:T��i L(,Yv�:��_1 �=Y�� r.;A.I, i;�.,'1P�:IA?1�TIUP�; . . I�erC an�
�ee?�in�; cm��loymer�t w�_tt�i t}�c �it�r, �ther t��an cl_ectec� oi° aP�:ointivc
I,ersonnel , rot otl�er�ei:�e r�equirec' t.a taf.e a i�l�y�,ic��l. e����mina�;ior, �aiio,
��7,y rea::or of tt��eir antici��ated er.►,;�1_oyment , �a�otl�c1 bc qu�lificc� to
��arti.cipate in tY�e insui��nce ��r��;ram oi' i:t�is City, st�all , r�r�oi to anc?
��s � cor,clitior. af em;�layment. , �t ti�eir° a��r c}:j��erse, take anc? ras� stacli
T,l�ly�ical e�amin�tic�r� a� m�y from time to tirne be ��rescri�ed �k�y the
in�urance carrier of' t2i.is City or, if rone, ��� s�iall l�e �rescribec' by
the corporate �uth�rities of tLis Ci�,y. "
"Sectier 11-b. �G;;T C,I�' L7�V=i;1`:G �LL�!It�I��I��. �::acY� employec of
t}�i_s Cit,y, exce�tin�; 01' el_eci;ec offici�ls ancx tem��orary cm�nloyee.�, �hall
receive ar,cl be paid � cost of ].iv�_ng allow����ce com�utec1 ora anci wi{h
resrect to the week.ly �alar,y of each stzcl� em�l_oyee and tlie same 5r�a17_
t�e talren in accourt in �L)�e compiitatior c�f vacation �?�y, liolic'ay ���y,
sici: pa,y, or any speci�lty }�ayment ri�;➢�t , incluciit��; overtime. Tl�c
amount of tYie cost oi' livin� allota�Znce sh�l] t�e c?etermined anc re-cleter-
mi_n�eci on �tle l.�asis of the Cor��si�imer I��'ric� It�dex for Urb��r� �da�e �����arners
anc� Cl.eric��l tdorkers (Irc�udin� �ir��]_e E��orl:ers} �ublishec� by the I3ureau
af L,abor �tatistics , United States ]�epa���tment of ]Lal�or, referred to
herein as the "index. " Contir:uance of the cost of livi_n�; allowar�cd
sh�ll be cantin�;ent u��on tlie �ivailability of tlre Index in it:s Preset�t
form. �etermination ar�c? arl�l_icatior. of ttie cost of .livin� alloiaancc
�hall_ 1�e made in the follo��ir•m manner, �t i�he foll.o�air��; times , �ird for•
a��rlic��zi.:ion in tk�e foll_owin�r �,ray :
"1��1N1��t��� (?F�' I)�TL��t�;lllT�TIGP� : Thc cort of l.ivin� it�c?ex �hz11 be
c�eterminecl as of h:ay l, 1.J79 or �s eloce thereto fol.]_owin� r�s may be.
This detcrmin<�tion sr��ll ser�re �s tlae t•eferer=ce inc�e�_ in t�ie c?etermiration
af an,y cos1; ol' livin�; a]_] owar:ce. 'I''ae coCt; o�' 1 ivir�; allowance Cha]_l_
consist of l� �;er hour ��cic3ec3 to the re�;ul�r avera�e houi�ly �La�;e of each
qualifyir��:, er�i�loyee for �act� t�,rec-terth�, of ar.c �ercent risc a�n tt�e
� cost of livin� irc�e� �aDi�_cl� occurs over the rc_fe��erce indea men�ior�ec�
,�T?1�:;�'. ��I�' I}�:Ti :'1�':�1`�1�1TTt1Iw;: Z`hc coCt �,o�� ��i�l��«,������r�� sr�all.
he determinec� 1? r tlze cor �orate autiac�r�_ties/e��c �i uar`�e - a._ ne�r
t:l2ereto as practicabl.e) of t��e fisc��l year of tfie �ity ex.ceptin�; of
t.lic f irst .
��T1�:��. GI�' 1 r1YI�;::'.1��'Y' C`1� C(;ST (:I�' L.�►VIh:(z 1�1.L(;r`l:l`d�;i:;. `I'h� cost ol
livin�� allowance, ��s cleterminecl, shal_1_ t�e I���id for eactY of tYae second,
tYairc? , and fourtl? quart�rs of tlie fisca). ycai� ot' t}�c �ity, in each
inst�rce commer�cin� as e��rly ir� ti�e ap�lica��le qi.aarte�^ as �+r°ac�icable. "
I11SSi�:;� b,y �;he City �;auncil of t:l e 'ity of C�ar. or, Il.linois arc?
�I:l,I�O�T��;I) by the l�:ayor ttlereot ' �� -yZ� c�,�3� of , �1.k�. 1974 .
..�-,,� r��}�=�zc;v�;}� `' � , rt��rc;�L.
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