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Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton,
It is proposed by the City Council of the City of Canton, I1linois that
the area �enerally described as bounded bv North M�in Street �nd North
First A.�enue and East I,ocust Street and East Chestnut Street be acquirec�
and impr. oved by the City of. Canton for use as an off street parkin� lot.
Sections 1301 throu�h 1311 of chapter 120 of the Illinois Revised
Statutes provide for the estr�blishment of a Special Service Area by a
municipality and provide the manner of levyin� or i.mposing taxes for a
special service to areas within the boundries of a munic�.pality.
SECTION 3� � ,
That attached hereto and marked as Exhibit A is � legal de;�cr. iption
of ti�e Special Service Area and attached hereto and marked as Exhibit B
i� a true and correct map of the said area.
That attached hereto as a part of the record hereof is a l�a�t��'from
Robert L. McManus of John Hackler a.nd �omr�any of Peoria dated/x���xgx�2�
1975 estim�ting the co�t of pr�viding the improvements to the parking lot
described above, the sum total represented therein bein� ���x��� ��'S1,000.00.
That atta.ched her.eto as a part of tre reaord hereof is a Niemorandum
of Intent between this City and Fulton Squ�.re Corporation of Canton, Illinois
dated April 30, 1975 purs�.iant to which the sale price of the area described
above preposed f.or L-he off street �oarkin� lot is the sum of a�proximately
The City Council of the City of Canton, I7_l�.nois find�:
+�. It is in the public interest that the creation of the area herein
described as a Soecial Ser.vice Area for the purposes set forth herein be
B� `rhat said area is compact and contig
uous and constitutes the prin-
Cit of Canto�, Illinois.
cipal shoppi�� area of the Y
ur oses and will benefit
�, That said area is zoned for cammerci��V��ed and that the proposed
�pecially from the municipal services to be p rovided
municipal services are ,inique and in addition to municipal services p
ton as a whole and it is therefore in the best interefor
to the City of �an ainst said area
of the City of Canton that the levy of special taxes a�
the services to be �rovided be considered.
;ECTION ?: ' ' y J�_+
That a public hearin� shall be held on the 30�_ da of
210 E. Chestnut Street,
i975 in the Council �hambers in the City Building, ecial
Canton Illinois, at the hour of. 7 p.�• to con�ider thin�r setlforth in the
Service Area Numher One described aboe�e willnbelconsidered the bo.rrowin� o�
section following.
At the hearin� th y. 000) to
a sum not to exceed four hundred seventy-five thousand dollars �� 75,
eneral obli�;ation bonds, the proceeds of which shall be used
be evidenced by � Lot described above, and
to pay part of the costs of acquirin�, the parking
to improve same. Said bonds are to be retired over not tede�/eperaannumty
year period and to bear interest at a rate of not to exce
Said bonds, if issued, shall be retired by a levy o.f a die�estton suchlbonds
property within said Special Services Area to pay the int
the fall due and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity.
as y
Notice of hearing shall be published at least once not less than fifteen
days prior to the public hearing in the Canton Daily Led�er in the City of
mailin shall be given by
Canton, Illinois. In addition thereto, notice bY � erson or persons
de,�ositing said notice in the U.S. Mail addressed to the p
in whose name the general taxes for the last precedin� year were paid on
each lot, tract or parcel of land lying
wi.thin the proposed Special Service
Area. Said notice shall be mailed not less than ten dalastrioecedin�eyeare
set for the public hearin�. In the event taxes of the p
were not paid, a notice shall �-e sent to the �erson l�st listed on the tax
rolls prior to that year as the owner of said property. The notice shall
be in substantially the followin� form:
30th June 19'75 at
NOTICE IS HERE�3Y GIVEN that on the day of Chestnut Street,
7 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Buildinq, 210 E.
Canton, Illinois, a hearin� wi;_1 be held by the City Council of the City
of Canton, Yllinois to consider formin� a Special Sernice Area consisting
of the following described territory:
, � .
Re�inning at the Northwest corner of Lot 94 in Swan's Original Town Addition
to the City of Canton, Illinois; thence North to the Northwest corner of
Lot 75 in said Addition; �henre East along the South side of Spruce Street
to the Northeast corner of Lot 74 in said Addition; thence South to the
Northwest corner of Lot 85 in said Addition; thence East to the Northeast
corner of Lot 85 in said Addition; thence South to the Northeast corner of
Lot 96 in said Addition; thence East a1on� the South side of Locust Street
to a point 60 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 111 in said Addition;
thence South to the North line of Lot 110 in said Addition; thence East
to the Northeast corner of Lot 120; thence South to a point 23 feet North
of the Southwest corner of Lot 125 in said Addition; thence East 66.5 feet;
thence South 15 feet; thence East 4.5 feet; thence South 8 feet to the
South line of said Lot 125; thence East on said Lot line to a point 110
feet from the Northe�st corner of Lot 126 in said Addition; thence South
to the North line of Lot 1 in Nathan Jones First .4ddition to the City
of Canton, Illinois; thence Fast to the Northeast corner of said Lot;
thence South alon� the West side of Second Avenue to the Northeast corner
of Lot 4 in said Nathan Jones First Addition; thence along the North line
of said Lot 4 one-half of -the distance to the Northwest corner of said
Lot; thence South one-half the distance to the South line of said Lot;
thence East to the East lot line of said Lot; thence along the West side
of Second Avenue to the Southeast corner Lot 34 in Nathan Jones' Secon�
Addition to the City of Canton, Illinois; thence -alon� the North side of
Pine Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 42 in said Nathan Jones' Second
Addition; thence South to a point 40 feet South of the Southeast corner of
Lot 61 in said Nathan Jones' Sec.ond t�ddition; thence ?dest to a point 78
feet East of the West line of Lot 62 in said Nathan Jones' Second �ddition;
thence South 3�.5 feet; thence West to thr East line of Lot 57 in said
Nathan Jones' Second �ddition; thence South alon� the West side of `�hite
Court to a point 47.5 feet North of the Southeagt corner of Lot 58 in said
Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence West one-half the distance to the
?dest line of said Lot; thence South to the South line of said Lot; thence
West on said Lot line to a p�int 87 feet 4dest of the Northeast corner of
Lot 5A in said Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence South 5?_.5 feet, more
or. less, thence East to the East line of Lot 59 in said Nathan Jones'
Second Addition; thence South to the Southeast corner of Lot 60 in said
Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence West along the North side of '�alnut
Street to th� Southwest corner of Lot 55 in said Nathan Jones' Second
Addition; thence North to the Southwe�t corner of Lot 50 in said Nathan
Jones� Second 4ddition; thence Westerly alon� the North side of Pine Street
to the Southeast corner of Lot 14 in Nathan Jones' Third Addition to the
City of Canton, Illinois; thence North to the Northeast corner of said
Lot 14 in said Nathan Jones' Third Additian; thence East alon� the South
side of Elm Street to the Northwest corner of Lot 4 in said Nath�n Jones'
Third Addition; thence North alon� the East �ide of Avenue A to a point
63 feet South of the Northwest corner of Lot 100 in said Swan's Original
Town Addition; thence East to the West line of Lot 99 in said Swan's Ori�inal
Town Addition; thence No .rth to the point of beginning, all situated in the
City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois.
The �nproximate street location is the area hounde� by Ea.st, an� '�est
Spruce Street, East and ]�est Walnut Street, North and South Avenue A and
North and South Second Avenue, with certain parcels excepted. An accurate
map of said territory is on file ir. the office of the City Clerk and available
for public inspection.
All interested persons affected by the formation of said Special Service
Area will be �iven an opportunity to be heard re�ardin� the formation of same
and the boundaries thereof and may object to the formation of the area, the
issuance of bonds and the levy of taxes affectin� said area.
The pur�ose of the formation of said .Special Service Area in general
is to provide for a �art of the cost of purchasin� and improving land to
provide off street parking.
The issuance of ineneral obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed four
hundred seventy-five thousand dollars (�475,000) at an interest rate of not
to exceed �� per annum and to mature within thirty (30) years will be cons-
idered at the hearing. Said bonds, if issued, srall be retire� by the levy
of a direct tax a�ainst the property within said special area to pay the
interest �n such bonds as it falls due and to dischar$e the principal thereof.
At the hearin�, all persons affected will be �•iven an �}�portunity to
be heard. The hearing may be adjourned without further notice to another
date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the
minutes of the meetin� fixing the time and place of the adjournment.
If a petition si�ned by at least fifty-one per cent (51%) of the electors
rPSiding within the Special Service Area and by at least fifty-one per cent
(51%) of the owners of record of the land included within the boundaries of
the Special Service Area is filed with the municipal clerk within thirty(303
days followin� the final adjournment of the public hearing abjectin� to the
creation of the Special Service District, the levy or imposition of a tax
or the issuance of bonds for the ���rovision of special ser-✓ices to the area
or to a proposed increase in the tax rate, no such district may be created
or enlarged, or tax may be levied or imposed nor the r�te increased, or no
such bonds may be issued.
Dated this __ � �` day of , 1975•
r:_ /� _ .
r ' /
° N 1 Ji Craw ord- `� �� /
City Clerk v
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
adoption and approval as provided by law.
-�.� 1975 pursuant to a
ADOPTED this day of v'�' +
roll call vote as follows:
�Y�S� Aldermen Kovachevich, Yerbic, Spencer, Peak, Cook, Edwards, Sepich,
Luthy, Farr, and Howard
NAYS: None
APPROVED by me this _„
'� day of , 1975•
_.�°� ' , / / __ � �� �
-�� � l
Be�innin� at the Northwest corner of Lot 94 in Swan's Original Town Addition
to the City of Canton, Illinois; thence North to the Northwest corner of
Lot 75 in said Addition; tbence East along the South side of Spruce Street
to the Northeast corner of I�ot 74 in said Addition; thence South to the
Northwest corner of Lot 85 in said Addition; thence East to the Northeast
corner of Lot 85 in said Addition; thence South to the Northeast corner of
Lot 96 in said Addition; thence East along the South side of Locust Street
to a point 60 feet East of the Northwest corner ef Lot 111 in said Addition;
thence South to the North line of Lot 110 in said Add-tion; thence East
to the Northeast corner of Lot 110; thence South to a point 23 feet North
of the Southwest corner of Lot 125 in said Addition; thence East 66.5 feet;
thence South 15 feet; thence East 4.5 feet; thence South 8 feet to the
South line of said Lot 125; thence �ast on said Lot line to a point 110
feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 126 in said Addition; thence South
to the North line of Lot 1 in Nathan Jones First �ddition to the City
of Canton� Illinois; thence Fast to the Northeast corner of said Lot;
thence South alon� the West side of Second Avenue to the Northeast corner
of Lot 4 in said Nathan Jones First Addition; thence along the North line
of said Lot 4 one-half of the distance to the Northwest corner of said
Lot; thence South one-half the distance to the South line of said Lot;
thence East to the East lot line of said Lot; thence along the West side
of Second Avenue to the Southeast corner I,ot 3�+ in Nathan Jones' Second
Addition to the City of Canton, Illinois; thence 31ong the North side of
Pine Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 42 in said Nath�n Jones' Second
Addition; thence South to a point 40 feet South of the Southeast corner of
Lot 61 in said Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence '•:est to a point 78
feet �ast of the West line of Lot 62 in said Nathan Jones' �econd :�ddition;
thence South 37.5 feet; thence ;aest to the East line of Lot 57 in said
Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence South alon� the �aest side of '.�hite
Court to a point 47.5 feet North of the Southeast corner of Lot 5$ in said
Nathan Jones' Second .Addition; thence ��!est one-half the distance to the
�rlest line of said Lot; thence South to the South line of said Lot; thence
�;lest on said Lot line to a point 87 feet `.ti'est of the Northeast corner of
Lot 59 in said Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence South 5?_.5 feet, more
or less, thence East to the East line of Lot 59 in said Nathan Jones'
Second Addition; thence South to the Southeast corner of Lot 60 in said
Nathan Jones' Second Addition; thence '�7esin�G°id IvathanrJones�'eSefo'ndlnut
Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 55
Addition; thence North to the Southwe=t corner of T,ot r0 in sai�l Pl�than
Jones' Second tddition; thence ',�esterly alon� the North side of Pine Street
to the Southeast corner of Lot 14 in Nath�n Jones' Third '.ddition to the
City of Canton� Illinois; thence North to the NorthEast corner of said
Lot 14 in said TIathan Jones' Third 4ddition; thence East along the South
side of Elm Street to the Plorthwest corner of Lot 4 in said Nathan Jones'
Third Addition; thence North alon� the East side of �venue A to a point
63 feet South of the Northwest corner of Lot 100 in said Swan' s Cri�inal
Town 4ddition; thence East to the '�dest line of Lot 99 in said Swan' s Ori�inal
Town Addition; thence Idorth to theui���tand Statenof�Illinoi�tuated in the
City of Canton, in the County of F