HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #495 '�• - � � ' OJ��INAIJrE N0. �f't (�iN ORDINANCE ADOP�'"N� 7'RF CTTX !'ODE 0� CANTOI�', II,LINUIS) BF IT 0?'D!�INED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton� Illin:,is, an Illinois Mucir.ipal Corporation: Section ls -�rom and after the date of passa�e of this Ordinance, the City Code o� �he City of C�nton, I1linais, prep�red by Sterlin� Codifiers, Inc. under the direction of the Government Body of the City, containing all ordinances of a �eneral� n�ture in eff?ct at the time of such r..odification, shall be accepted in all Courts without �uestion as the �fficial Code a.nd Law of the City as en�acted �;y the Mavor and City Cauncil. Section 2: There is hereby adopted, as a methoci �f per�etual cod- ification, the loose-leaf type of bindin� to�;ether ���ith the rontinuous supt>lement service provided by Sterlin� Codifiers, Tnc. , whereby each newly adopted ordin�nce of a Uenera.l and pern�anent nature amendinrn, alterin�, adding to or cieletin� provisions of the Official ri_ty Code is identified bv the proper catchline and is inserted in the �T'nt�gr pla.ce in each of the official copies. i,ach such new ?�rovision shal�l becarne effective upon the ?assa�� of the ordinance and the insertion of the proper rer�lacement names in the c�pies of thF. ^ode, three (3) copies of which shall be maintained in the office of the City Clerk, certified as to cor.rectness and available, for inspection at any and all times that said offire is re�;ularly o�en. Section 3: All ordinances af a �eneral nature incl.�a�e�l in �h�s Off�nial _itv Coue sr�11 he consi�ered ar :a r��t �n�,�+i�n �f .^y�id nrdir,a.nce �ro�rision and the fact th?t Some provisions have heen deliberatelv el-�minate�l bv the Govern�_ng Body sh�ll not serve '_.� cause any interruption in the continuous effectiveness of ordinances included in sai� Official Gity Cocle. A1Z ordinances of a. .,pecia_1 nature, such as t;�x levy r�r.dinances, bond ordinances, franchises, vacatin� ordinance� and annexation ordinar.c.es shall continue in full force and effect unlecs specific�llv repealed or a�encied hy a provision of the City Code. Such Ordinances are not intended to be included in the pE'ficial City Gode. aection 4: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to change or amend by additions or .?eletions, any part or :ortion of such Code, or to insert or delete °���;es or nortion� thereof, or to alter or tamper ?�rith such Cc�de in �ny rrtanner whatsoever which !aill cau.se the la.u� of the City to be mi�rer�.resented thereby. Any r�erson, firm or corporation vio]..atin� this Section sha]_1 be punished as provided in Section 1-1-5 of the City Code of Canton, Illinois. Section 5: All O.rdinances or �arts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of Such conflict, herebv repealed. Section 6: This Ordinance and the Code adopted by the Game shall be in full force and effect f:^om an�� after its �assa�;e and �pprova.l in accordance with law, �s printed and r�lzblished in book form by order of the Mayor and City Council. Passea hy the City rouncil of the Eity of CaMton, Il znois and a.pproved by the T?ayor thereof this j�/�; day of � �, ,,�_, 1975� � ..J � _ � 4PP�OVED: � n-="!�,�` -"'� ,� -v°�.��- � . .' :1YOR ,,; , �, r� A�'Tr�ST: - ����-c. �'�,rC-/r ` rj�rl� �I T C L�RK�— ��