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(t"�I�' C�;.��iTbTAT�dC� r�',T'�_�"�Trymlts �'(�t�3.'ICiP�S Cs1� TI�T_,��, �� C��.�.I�'I'�;}� 8� T�41'�"OXICA�i':L1LTC'�
LI�UO#2S, (3I' T�iE CA1�ITON T�iUh1ICTP1IL CCt�);)
Be it ordained by the City Council of thc Ci_ty of C :nf��n, I_l.li�aoa.s :
�ection l : That Section 4 of_ Titl.e 3, C�la�ter 8 be at�d the s�me
hereby is amended to read as follow5 :
3-8-�: CLASSES OF LTCEt�?S�S : Lice�ses for the sale at retail of
alcoholic liquor within the cor�orate limits ot t11e City sp���ll
be divided into the fol�.owin� classes :
Class 1, CLUI3 LICF�IS�., �ahich shall aut�iorize the sale of ��C0�101].0
bevera,�es at retail on the premises speeii'ied �'or cansumy�tion thereo:�
to member and guests of a club.
Class 2, SUI�F�P CLU�3 LIC�iSE, which sYiall authoraze the sale of
alcoholic beverages at ret�il on the s�eci�'ied premises of a restaurat�t
for consumption on said premises ar.d an conjunction with the �imul-
t�neous or near simultaneous consum�tio�n of food thereon.
Class 3, TAV]ERN LICd�S�, w�zich �h�11 autl�orize thc ��le o� alcoholic
beverages at retail on the premise� specifaec? for consumg�tion on or
off said �remises.
Cla�s 3A, SUPFLII�iIIVTAL TAVEI?N LIC�ISE, which shall authorize the
alcoholic beverages at retail, in packa�ed form, on the premi.ses
specified, by a Class 3, T1�V�:r�T LIC�iSL licensee, for consumptiot�
off said premises (only) and on condition that no bar, chairs-ard-
tables (or other £acilities) exist or Ue maintained on said P�emises
for use in connection with the consumption of alcoholic beverages
or� saic] �remises at any time� �rir� that no suc11 beverages be consumed
on said premises at a�y '�ime.
C1ass 4, �2ESTAURAn'T, BIiAE�t AN� t�INE LIC�iS�;, which shall authorize
the sale of beer and wine at retail on the specified Premises of a
restaurant for consumPtion on said premises and in conjunction ��rith
the simultaneous or ne�r simultaneous consumption o� food tlzereon.
B� it further ordained by the City Council af the City of Cznton,
Illinois :
Section � : That Section 7 of Title 3, Cha�nter 8 be �nd the
same hereby is amencled as follo��s : After the word "Chapter" as
contained in the paragra��h "Class 3, Tavern Licen�e", the followitl�
clause shall be added :
Class 3A, Supplemental Taverr. License. From twelve-thirty o 'clocic
(12 :30) P.m. to ten-thirty o 'c]_ock (10 :30) �n.m„ on eacra Sund�y and
in addition to and together with all other times provided Eaith respect
to Class 3, Tavern License.
�ie ft further ordained by the City Council of the City of Canton,
T1linoi� as follows :
* .
Section 3 : That Section 8 of Title 3, Chapter 8 and the same
hereby is amended as follows :
Ii'ollowing para�raPh (C) shall be added a new para�raph as follaws :
(ll} The annual license fee for C1ass 3A, Supplemental Tavern License
shall be one hundred dollars (�100.00) (IlV A3��)ITION to the fee provicied
for Class 3, Tavern License) .
P'urther, the �resent paragrapYi c3esi�nated a "J" shall be and
the same hereby is redesi�natec� as "�".
Be it and it hereby is further ordairecl by tlae �ity Council of
the City of Canton, Illinois as fo�lows :
Section � : That tize first paragr�ph of Section 11 of Title 3,
Chapter 8 be and the same hereby is amended to read as folZows :
3-8-11 : LICENS� I;LST��ICTIONS : l�o re�a licens� shall be i�sued
as to �ny new location so as to increase the tot:�l t�umber of Class 3,
TAV�RIV LIC�NSL, within the corporate limits oi' the City in; excess of
one license per t�ao thousanc� (2,000) �opulation of tYae City. T�o new
license for a Class 3A, SUPFL�iff{:NTAL TAV���1i L�C�hTS� sh��ll be issuec�
without the exprESS authority of the corporate authorities o�' t�ie City.
Be it further ordained by the City Council of the City of Cunton,
Tllinoia :
That this amend�tory ord�.�aance stzall be in full force and effect
upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton� Tllinoi�
and aPproval. of the l�iayor thereof.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Canton, 11i�nois and
approvecl by the Mayor thereof this _;�-�-�-- day o� �, 1975.