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��,7r�TnT'�P1r'F' N�. ���O
� .-nTTd_°:N^_J :?FF.;n�TTTI� _''.r' n-'nTN�i'�"?' (1`Tn. 4PH) n�;�TTTr,nTl�r�: T,P?"'?�A�,,?TT���,�m, nr
pTj�;T,7'(' t>7,�t,T_��_�,i�v TT,- ���T,� �•�--1,v !; r t�p,r'Z`C`TT y TT„LTr7rT�1
;'NH.����G, Or�?in,�n�e N�. 4�h has h�retnfor hPen TaC,e^� b�> t�+e Ci_tv Cn,�nril
of' thP Ci.ty of C,-�.+�tnn, Tllin�is ?r.!� � %nrotred b•r the T�;�vor thereof; an�.,
'^�;'CRE":S, G�_id or�in.�n^? ha.�; not hAen tir�e7 y Y�,ahlishe� a� ren,,.i red �^y
1����!; ��nd,
`JHF''T?�S, it is d.eeme� ex ,Pdient t� t�ke reme�li.a'_ action �o th�t there iG
no ;i�e,stion a� t;o the l.e����l.ative intent of �ai� r�.tVr,
`I??F ,F���, the �,ity of rant�x�, herPinafter knoi�m ��- t.h� �".7^y, �,n�1 th?
�tatA �f Tll.inoi�, ?��tinL b�r anc3 thr�,.t ;ti, .it�; n°r,artmer.t ofi Tran;r�oY�t::�t i an,
I?�.viGion of Hi�h��ra_y;, herPin�fter knc?wn •�� ±h� '�T��'E. r.�ve Pr_te.re� into �n
��reement relative tn the im�?rove?-�ent of i,orti�n� af M�in �treet an�. 'Ies.+,
T�oc,��t StrPet, lrnown a� �RI �'�,xte�> '?� �n� �, S?cti_an (135`:v) �'" �nd !41?)
T?c; �nd,
`�rFT � ,N�:�;, in �rc�er to fa.�ilit:�te +ti�e �aid improven,ent, it i� nece�,ary
for the CTT`T to �caopt �n or.�i.r�ncP reti,ul-�.+i.n��; Pncrn;,chr�ent�; on +he rimht-of-
t�r?v f�r �aid imrrovement in �ccarclance with the fol].�win� ��.efinitions:
?2oadur�y Ri�ht-of-'.��ay i� �lef;.ned ?; tnos� ar�^a,� exi,tin� or �cn�;ire�.
bv dedica.tion o..r k�y fee sir.�,;le for hi�hw�� r�ur»a^,e�, al..�o a .re�,^ �.c-
q,zired by temy�o,rar�r Paser^ent d,,iri.n� the timP �hP e��ser�ent �, �^ i_n effect.
Encroach�!ent is !�efinP� as 3n;* buildi_n�;, fen�e, ^i�n, nr �r,�r ot��er
structnre or ob�ect af �n�- l�ind. (�.�i_th t?�� exc?�t�i�n of uti]_ities �nc�
n��bli� roa.d si�ns) ��thi.eh i� ,,]_�cec3 , 1!>c�ted, or n��intained �.n, on,
iander, or �ver anv -�?ortl.on of the rnadUla;;r .ri��ht-nf-�vaJ•
Perr.-;is:,ible Fncroa���ment is defirie� -a� r�ny en�roac'r!rlent �rhi!'h� in
th� oX�in-i.an �f the �T�.TF�, �oes n�t imt�air th� free �.nd s;�.f� ilo��r �f
tr�ffa.c on the hi�hway. The.�e �>er:�,�.;,s-ihlP encroachrner.t.� sh�.]_1 re
a.11owed to remaizz by a T:evoka.k�le Per.r�it; �nd,
�.rrTL�'�,'i;�, re-��resent=�tives af the ^TT� and �;^:�m'�' h,�ve m,�t��all.v �eter��� ned
the disr�o,�i.t-i�n o� �ncroa^�:r?ent,
T?(�:�1� "'tir �.��,n'�J, �e it �rd.��ine� �,v the ��it�* af C��nton, rulton r�,.�ntV,
>r�,CTION 1:
It sh�ll be unlav�ful for any �- r�on, fi.rrn, or cory��arati_a*� to ere�t or c�ttse to
be erect�d, ta retain or c.�au,�� to be retainPCi any enc .ro�.cti�nient� rhereiria'nove
defined) , exce�t .�s �;�rnvided i_n �ec+ion 11, wi.thin the limits of the ro�dca�y
r. imht-of-'^��`�..
. i . v
=��C,TTC�TI I. L L
Permissible encroachments (hereinabove described) shall be allowed to remain
by the use o.f a Revokable Permit obt�ined by the CITY and submitted to the
�TATE. Permis�ible �ncroachments sha.11 be r,la�sified �.� sti�ch by the STATE.
�,�;CmTOr? 1]_1:
Thi:� Orc�inanee is intended to �inc3 �..�: ]. re in �c��-ition ;;o �11 other ore?inance,,,
r>>7_e^, e�nd re��.�l:-�tions concernin� Pncroacl�rr.��nt�� and sh�l]_ not be con,Gtrued
as re*�eal_�.n�; �r resr,indin�� �ny other, ordin�nce�� or n��t of any or�inanee,
!inl�:�s in direct confl.ict ther.e���_th.
Any person, firm, or corY�orati�n violatin� this Orclinance �hal�. be fined not
less than I'iv? Doll�r�, nor rnore than Two T�un�?re� nollars
_for each offen�e; a.n� � .se•�ar�te offense s'_.all k�e deeimed c�mitte�3 for each
�nd everv da�r durin� urhich a t.ri.olation COYSt12117PS or exists.
:'�'"LION V:
Tr:is C�rc�inance sL�l_1 k�e �n�a.Y;lishec� nne time ��ithin t?n d�_y� --+f�er its pa.�s���,e
in � neur�r».�er havin� a ;;eneral ci.rcul�tion in the vicinz.t�r of Canton,
Illinois, -�n�] .^hall be in f��ll. force and effe�t after �_t,� nas.^-���e, rubli�a-
tion, and :�r���rovzl a.� �rovidPd k�y l�ti,�,
P3s�ed by the rity Co�xncil. of the City of Canton I]_l.inois a.nd anproved
by the Ma�ror ther�of this ��°� �at� of , 147�._
� � 1
,�,�'.t�������V Pi1l:��� / . ..� J
r.��vnr of C ,on
r ty Clerk