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Ordinance #504
� +8�5/75 Read by Title � � {)r�'.=)�7°Tl"r�'T�% �T�� �"O y �t'�r; Ol'LJIh'APd��� I'i�C��TI:�IStiG ��'���' ST(�F` STC'.dVS �� T���; II�dT���S�:C1I�P�5 QI�' �:L�,VI�.N7iiZ �1V�1U.� �T �',:i� �NT�y�SEC�.'I01`1� ���' I=��P1:�; .�li� @�TALl�:1JT �Ti'�:�']CS 3:T�' TII� �I�.'Y OIi' C�tTQrJ, IL]LINOIa.) I3� IT 0.���AI1�T�,� BY T,i�,�, CI�'Y COI1TvCIL CF T��� !CI'�'Y C�F�' ��1TON, ILLI1V01� : S,'`:CT�OP�? l. 'I'hat a sto� sign shal? ��e nZ;�cecl at t��e Soutllwest corner oi Fine Street �t t�1e �.�tersection o� �out�i �leve�tll Ave�ue anc� I'ine Street in t��e �ity a�' Cantot�, lllinoi�; anca all c�rivers af mator vehicles approachin� �leventh �venue fronn the �Tesi; on I'�ne Street shall brir�� their velz�cles tc a complete sto� be:Core emterin� u�on saic? said Lleventl� Aver�uc, �nc? then oa��.y �����en � s�.fe ir��erva� occurs in the tra_C�ic on s�id �lever�t?Z �'svenue. �i:CTION 2. ilz�t a sto� si�;n �hall he nl ��cec� ��t �he l�'orth�aest co�ner of. South �levent� Avenue at the intersectio� of �o�a�Ll� �leventh. �venue and llalnut Street in the City of �<<�ton, I11ir��is ��and a1� cTr�vers oi' motar vel�icles �pproachin� ��z�lnut �treet �'rom t�?e 1`�:o�th or. �aic3 ��Zeven�h Avenue y����ll br�n� tt�eir vehzcle Lo �� com�lete sto� befi�re enterin� u�aon s�ic� ;d��?r�ut .�� .reet, �a�c' tPie� or�ly ti���et� � sa�'e i.ntere.T�l occurs i� the tra�fic or: saic� T�I.zl�ut Street. a�CTIGI°-1 3. Th�t the �roper o.�fici�,l� or t��i� �City shall �oCt a�proPri�te si�ns informinz:, pe�sozzs o�' this arc�i�aree. ��:C�'Ial�1 4. �hat any �aersot� `r�_ol�lVin� any of tlle �ro�ri�ions of tlzis Orc�inance s.zall be ,,unished �y ��; �r�_ne o�' no-� les�� t�ar �5.00� nor more tg1�n �;20(�.00. ���;CT�Ort? �. That tl��_s Qrc7a_�:anee sk7a11 be �n e�fect ten d��ys ��'ter its �assa�e by t�e C�urcil, �pnroval �y t�ie Tf�;jTOI amc� ��ublication accordin� to lata. F�1SS�� by t�ie �ity �ouncz�l aa�c� �.��'k���TL,� by �;1?e T'�ayor tlais /�� c�3y oi Auc�us�;, �.'�. 1�75. __ ;�� , .F'��'����C�Ti��:�:� �-�--� � T��7f��'. � '�T'��,5�' : , C ITY CL����Ir.