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Ordinance #507
' • . �� . • - „ Title read to Council 8/19/75.: " a . . y . `, � • . � r � i , .. � 1 , ` . � , , » , , Y . � . t7����i:��.'T'd�l"�1Ci�� l��i(�. �" �� � " , (AN Oat�.IINANCL Fg�20VT�t�'Ca Ii�k'� Tit�I� �t'����.� t�l�' E;T'�'Y ��1T�T �'i:� �i���..:�LTY Ci+�����'�t�i�LY LOC�1T'i;,� AT T�I� NOx�'.I'I��,a�' CU�',I�1�;��, �I�' �'I�� I�,TT;��;�;�TICI�TY G� 1�C��TtI 6th AVa, TUE Alei� LOCUSZ' �T$'��T T1�T l�i�, �TTY 0��' C13.Pd�.'Q�,', ILL�TOTS.) �+�Br.tri:Ela, the City o� Car��tar, �llirois, �y �urch�se, h�s l��eretofore t�cquired re��lty, Ie�,ally c�escri�ec� �� k�ie�^eina�'ter �et for�h, ger?eral3y loct�tec� a� t�ie l�dortile�;�-� Corner of tlle intei sect�on of h�ort�i Si„tIi k'ivenue �nd 7Locus� Street �.n t�ie City of �anton, Il.linois ; and, ��i��` �' �, �aid �e��alty i�r�� �cc�u:ired �or t�ie �ur�aose of thereon cnnstructin� ��r�d o}�er�tin� �n �:tu�:ili��y ri.re st�t�.on o£ the �ity of Canton, Ill�noas ; a�c3 ?°JI�y'���,AS, said s ealty h��s �ot, since its c�Jc�uisitioz�, bee�a used by t� City of Car?ton, �?linoi� for t�le zn�enc�ed �aui p�se o� any othez^ �nurpm�e �ut t�r��,� rem�ina v�car�t, u�soccu�?ec�, anc� urau�ec� ; ��nc�, t+TII�� �'AS, �t h�s '�e�� c�etermired Uy tl�e cor�or�te authoritie� of s�id City tha� thc ori��r�z�l ir�ter:�aec7 pur�o�es of �aic� re�lty is no longer de�irable or �rz-.cticable ��d �ii�t sE:�id re�lty will not be usee� therefor; and, ��I�,i}3�AAS, it hr�s �een further c�etermir�ed that �aid real�� is not suitabie for �ir.c3 i�il�. not b.e. usec? �'or �ny cor�orate pur��os�s of the City of Cat�tot�, Illanois ; a�d, WII �' i'115, the cor�orate r'�U'�YlUY'1t1G'S o� said City have detcarnined th�t it is necessary ar�d desira�le ir� the �rurt�er. ance of pul�l� ic interest that saic� realty ou�ht nodtii to be sold �or �ur�ose� or usa�es re�tricted to res�cier�tial use, l�?Ot��, TII�;i� �' {�Q�i,�,, �3� IT C���;;:�A�14:;� i`.� '�iI��; +�ITY �COUNC�L O�i, ,1'�i�' CITl' OF CANTOTJ, ILLIl�?(�IS A� ��'OL�.,O�d;� : ]_. `That the re�ilty od,�nec� 3�y t�ie Ci�;y of �anton, I�linois, ��rhach is �ener�lly lacated ��t tlie nortise��a�t corr�er of the inter- section of Narth Gth Ave�ue ��rrl Locust �treet i� t��ic �;ity of C�nton, Illinoiu, and �ahieh is le�ally c��seribec� as fo�llo�as, to^wit : Lots Num�erecl 1 �nd �? in y3lock l�umber 3 in I.ello��; �nd ➢3abcock ' s �.c�c':-�taon �o the C�ty of Ce�znton, Illinois, situatec? in the �ounty o� I�`ult;ora ��na State of Illinoa s, shall be sold for cas�i ta the lii.�heut anc� beCt bidder therefor. 2. That saic� realty shall be �olc� for �es I dential pUr�r?OSeS only and tl��t saic� realty shaZl �ae ao�ed, and th.e same hereby is, to the zonin� classi�ication of x�-u ui�c�ez the �oning Ordit�an�cea of the City of Caraton, Illinois. 3. �'hat slid realty c,h��11 be so.Zc� �or ca�h, to be fully paid on or before 30 c3�y� folloi�in� the og�eri��, ��cce;atance an� . , , , , . • ,, � , . • rV ,•,�.� -. j , ' - ^ . , � , �otific�tiora o.� succc;�sful. bac�. hl? a��teres�, of t�ae �ity "o�'t�C��ntot�, Illinois in anc� to s�.aic� realty Cd�`,11 �ae conv�yec� to tl�e succes��'u1 biGC�er by cuCtom�iry quitcl�aim c,eec� r��r ���strac�(; o� �it.�e �hereto s��al�. be fui nishec� r�-t e..��en�e o�' s��i� �;i.�l;y. ��ch �i;�� sgl��ll be se�led ���c� accom�ra�iec� �ay a ee.:ta_�iec� ci3�cl�. (o� ecgtA:��r�x�e��; t�aereto} oi �o�. �e�,� t���an �f�°o o� the c�a1�n7�.t�ec? ��iG (�•e�'ur�c'eAble to �.inauccess�'ul bidders} , The ra�ht to re jec�t a�y b:i.c� i� reservecl. �. 7CI��t ��11 bids �'or tlz� pu�°ch:ise o�' ��ic� �ealty rl�a�l �e o�enec� aa�cl co�:�adered d�y tiie coa�o�rate aut�ao�it3_e� o�" s;��.c� �ity �t the re�ulc�r mee�i�� o.� tP�e ��ty C;c�uncil of :�ic� �zty ta �e �Aelc� ir. t�3e City Courcil I�oom ir� the ��ntor� Ci�J �ui�c?is�g ���; 4 lp �'as� Ches�tnut Street iAa �h� ��ty of �C�z�to��, I1.lixaois, comme�cin� a� 6 :30 P.A�2.� October 7� 1975 "�. `'�� � ; �n�, th��-t all �uch bids __._,.-- .�__�....�.,._..._. ,_ �. _._._.._._.�._.a_�.. mu�t b e �iled with the City Clerk ��zt said City �uilc�it3�; r�ot later thar� 6 '3� P.�:. o n s a i d G�ay. _---�.__,__..��. - 5. ��'hat, �riar to ttie :�Ie af �a�� �e�ilty, �otice o.� tl�iis Urdinance ��nd tl�e �aro�aosal o� c�etemmit;�?t�o� �ie�eira co�at�i�ec� �o s�ll s��id rer:lty shLall be �u�lis��ec� Ug� t�a.e �l� e��� o�' t�1as City o�ce cac�a weel� for three sL2ece.7s�.ve ��ee1L 3 �.n � t�e�•�C���e:� �u�a].i�I�ec? an. tt�e City o:C CG>>��;or, Illinais, t�1e f3r�t suc��. �au�lic��ti....on tc� �e printed ;�ot le�ti tt�ar� th�.r�y c�ay� l�e.�ore tdle c�ay ����e�r�bo�Te g�rovac�ec� fo� t��e o�e���.n� o�' '�z�s far t��ae �u�cl�a�.atiye o.i ��:�c? rezlty. ���.c� natice ss�aAl contt�:��: �.�! �l�curatc c�esc�'�n�t�.oa� a� �aiEi re�l��r, �hall st�te trie x�u��oCe ar r,�tl���es �or ��I��ch it is �re�e�!tl� u�ec3 ar!d sh�ll �t���;c the �u�rrotie �'o� ��r��c�� �t m�y t�e used ,�.xnc3 sha?1 state at ��h�:t reuulzr mee�:�r� of �31e C���toa� City Cour�ci.� e�Iae�� �;he ��.c�� will be conCide�red �a:d o;�e�ed. �aica �ot�ce �I�al� �olicz-� or advcrt��c for bAC�s �o� the �ua�o5e c� cr:u.��r�; o� ��asirs� �-��out � s�le o�' s�id x�ealty. S��c�? notice �I���l� Ue �r: �La���t����ti�1_�� t��e �ol�oi{��nv :�c��^�n: r�T��.���: (�r_I�r�g�.����cr, s��l� �,��:,;� �� �-����T���: a����.��� Vo°�:us1 1�.�'lY rl}Yr',�i� ai1.9�3 �Jl' ..'�i�i!`!Y l�l'Y� �_LL�1�TV�.'Lr.�.)) l�TO�i.ce is ��ereby viver �ay t�ze CA-�y o� ��-ento�, ���-�;:Q�s as �ol�_ot�rs : I'u��u�n� to C�rc��_k����t,ce ��;±sree� ��y ���e Citv C=�<<�,�c�.l o.� �dle �i�y o:�' �,���toa�, I�.�ar�o�, a�: Septembe� ;2, 197,5, 1�iGS �.�s e sol�.�z-�ec� �?��� a_�viteci -�'or -���e ��urcii�se of �e�1�ty ow�±e�� ��y �.��e v�ty �� �;<<r.tc�, �llino�:� t��iich �� �e�?ere�lly r?�;u�:�tec� ar• �oc��tec3 at �;?�� ���tFae���t corr?er of t�fe :��.r�n�errec��o�� c:;.`' Tw1o�^�;Ii f�'�;�� �venue �z�c� Locust �t�eet i�a �f.d2e ��ity a� C`-,ntor, �.�1i�:o�s �rac� � + ' � ' e • ' _ • . y .. ' � . . � � f , , . . , , • . • � - . . c��acli ic, le�::i�ly c�eacz��.�aec3 �t� io�.�.c�ca�, �o—E,�it : Lo-�s l��um���ei ec� l �z:�e� :�v i� �locr> T�Tumber � ar� a°;e�.lo�; �t�c? F3��l�cocl>�"� ��c�c�a.t�.c�r �o �;��� `;�-�y o�' C�$;;tot�, ��.�.3.roi�, s��;z�a�tec� ig� ���e Ur�tir�-��r c���' �'i'ultaa� �r?ci ut��te ��' �l�.�ne�is. ��ic� r•eal�;y i; �ot ;?�e�e�tly u�r li�ec� �or �att�y �aa�bo�e, a.s zorec� ��d-2 u�c�er �;�re zonzr� orc�ia���L�ce as �t��e �ity Q£ C�.t�ton, 7Cllino:��, E�t�c� m��y �e 13�ec� by ttie ,�ure�1���er t�lereof for �esic�ea��;��ai �ur�ao�e� �ne� �o��e ot�ier. 3�ic7� foa t�le �ureli�.�se of ��i�s .�etal�y muNt �e �eE�lec? arac� �ubm�.t�f.eca a�c� �aleG ��:i�,�: t��e ��.ty ��er�c c��' tlle City c�� {;���ton, ��.liroi� �ti-d; t��e ���nto� �'?�y ;;uilc�i�� at �1G �:�zst ���estnu-� ;;�reet, �;�a?�ton, Tl�:���o�s t�at l�ter �Iiar� 6 , , � �'�0 0 ' cloc?: �}.I��. or: Oc�ober ��_1��5 ��t�c� sl��l .... .___ _.�._...�..._._ _�.__,. ..0 ...,_.. _.�..._._�.. .. '° Y:?:�ez�ed �ar�c� co�sir�ci ec� hy t��e C�t��o� �ity �ounci� at . �.he Iaouir. �f C :�0 0 'clocT� �='.I��. in t�?e �ounc�l i?oom of s��id �;ity �3uilc�a��. ���ie �^i�;t��; to re�ect ��ny b�c3 is res— ervecl. iaic3 re��lty :-si�i�l� �e so�u? :.d'o� c��ah, to l�e �'ully p�a�_c� or� or be:�ore �0 c��ys �'o?_lo��ar;� t�ie o�nenia��;, ��cce�tclt�ce �xnc� r�at���,c���;ant1 0� �;ucces��ul �?d. ;ach bic� sl���ll be �3e���m�ar_iec� �ay �? eer�?faec? e��eek (or equiv�ler�t tlzereto� of r��ot 1e�� th�t� �0;'0 0.� tl�e Cubtnittec? bic�. .�11 ia�terest o�' tike �:��y o� �;�nto�, ��lir�oi� ir? ��a�d �;a ����ira real-ty sd1a�1 ��e co��veyec� to t�1e succe��ful l�icic��r ��y c�uitc.��?m deec� at�c� �e�a�tr,�ct o�' t�tie thcre�o sh�11 be �'ur�islzcc� ��� e.::nea��e o� saic� City. ���'�T�.;�.�: _ _,,_..._.m_,�. ,� _.,�._,_ C�k,rtot= City.�,ler���j 6. ��aat ��ais ��c{:.�;�ce ���t.11 �ae in full �oz ce �anc� e��'ec� u�ot� it� ���ga�e by �ize �:ity �;oua�c�_1 ef �?ae ��.�;;� o�f i,��n�ot�, Il.�ir�e�.s ar�c� ����arov��l by �;��e T•��:#yo� t��c�x�co!�'. Y��SS�'-� �y t��e �C�_ty �cj�k?ci� o� ���e �i.ty c�� �,�nrte�t�, T_�_�.�.roi: �nU ���n�a�vec' ��y t��e ��:r��o� tl�e�ed.� ttzi� ��� c;��y o:�" Se t. A.;'�. Z975 . ,,.. .._�.p.�.�. ,�._ __._._...._.__._ ^ ) �,, ' � 1'?T� ,<,. t ,,. �'YtG�J'�:�. «-�y � `'--`_`�.�'�''�_. �'a',� s,,' a. 1'��T li �.o •.,.,. .......y.�..e.+� . �„� r ATi::�ST:__.._..��������: ._ _.�.,_..�._e�.._.._.,_ C ITl' CL��'�z. ` �