HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #538 � : ' 2/3/76 read by Title onl� `
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(An ordinance re�ul�ting the use o#' �?ublic and �rivate sewers and drains,
private waste�,iater disposal, tlle instal_lat�or and cor_nection of_ building
sewers, and the discharge of water� anc� tiT?stes it�to the �ublic sewer
system (and providing penalties for viol�tions thPreof) in tlhe City of
Canton, County of Fti.ilton, St�te af I11ino� �.)
Be it orciained hy the City Cout��il of thp City c�f Canton, I1linois,
as follows :
Sec. l. That Sec. 1 of Chapter 4 (S�.,WEh USE) of Title 7 IiEATTN
AN�3 SANITATTbN) of jCanton r1u*.?:�cip31 Code be �,nd th�e same hereby is
amended to rea� as foll�ws :
'�?-4-_t ; �EFINITIOIV'S : IJn]_es� t�,e con�ext �pecifically �_ndic�tes
otherwise, the meanir�g of terms u�ec� in this Chapter shalJ. be Rs followG :
l. ""Biochemical oxy�en demand (BO��j" shall mean the quantity of
oxygen util� zed in the hio�hemical oxidatiot� of organic matter under
stanlaboratory �.rocedure in five (5) dayG� �t 2�"C, ex�ressed in mill-
igrams per liter.
2. "Buildin� drain" shall mean that ra_r�-. of the lowest horizontaZ
piPing of a cirainage s,y�tem which recei�res the disch�rge from soi]_,
w�ste, and other drainage �i.pPs inside 1;he walls of tl�e bu3.lding and
conveys it i;o the building sewer, he�inring five (5) feet outGir�e the
ir�ner face of the Y�uilding wa�1.
�. "Building sewe�r" shall mear_ the e�+.,ension from the building
dr�in to the .�zblic sewer or other p_lace of dispos��, also caZled house
� 4. "City" sh�ll mean the C�_ty of Cartoc�, Ill.inois.
5., "Combined sewer" shall_ mean a sewer intende!i to recieve both
wastewater and storm or surface w�ter.
f. "Easement : sh�]_1 mean an ecq,uired ?egal righf: for the specifi.c
iise of l�nd o�aned by others.
7. "Floatarle oil" is oil, fat, or �rpase in a �h�sical state such
that it wil�_ senarate by gravity from ��astewatPr by treatment i� aq
apProved Pretreatment facility. A wastewal;er sl�all be conside�ed free
of fl.oatable fat. if i.t is nroperly pretreated at�d the wastewater doeG �ot
inter.fere with the collection system.
8. '"Garba�e" sha?1 mean tlle ani_mal ar�d �eget�ble waste resulting
from the handli_ng, prep�ration, cookin�, a.nd servang of foods.
9. "Industrial wastes" shall mean the w�stewater from industrial
processes, trade, or business as diGti_nct from dome�t.i� or sanit€�ry
' e �.t � . .
10. "Natural outlet" shall mean any outlet, inc:luding storm
sewers and combined sewe� overflo�rs, into a �,ratercourse, pot�d, d�_t�h,
lake, or other body of surface or groundw�tPr.
11 . "May" is permissive (see "shall, " 19 helow)
1.2. "Person" sha11 mean any individual, fi��m, comgany, association,
society, corporat-�.on, or group.
13. "ptI" shall mean the 1��ar?.1-.hm of the recirrocal of the
hydrogen�on c�ncentration. The concentrata.on is the w�igh� of hydroger�ions,
in gram�, per liter of solution. Neutral water, for exam�le, h.as �
pH val ue of 7 and a hydrogen-ion concentration of 1��� lo-�.
14. "Properly shredded �arbage" sh�ll mean the wastes from the
pr. eparation, cooking, and dispensing of food that ha�re been shredded to
such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flo�a
conditions normally �revailing in publ.ic sewers, with no particle
�reater than 1/2 inch in any dimensions.
15. "Public sewer" sh�ll mean a common sewPr co�ntrolled by a
governmental agency or publi� utility.
16. "Sanitary sewPr" shall mean a sewer that carri�s iiquid and
w�ter-carr. ied w�stQS from residences, commercial buildin�s, industrial
plants, and institutions together with minor quantities of ground, storm,
and surface waters that are not admitted int.Pntionally.
1.7. "Sewage" is the �nent water of a community. The preferred
term is "wastewater, " Sec. 26.
18. "Sewer shall mean a piPe or conduit thai carries w�Gtew�ter
or drainage water.
19. "Shall" is manc�atory (see "m�iy" 11 above)
20. "Slug" shall mean any disch�r�e of water or wastew�ter whic�
in concentration of any given constitue�nt or in �u�ntity of fl_ow
exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen (15) m�nutes more
than _f.ive (5) times the a�Terage twenty-four (24) hc�ur concentration of
flows during normal operation and shall adversely a.ffect the �ollection
system and/or performance of the waste�aater tr�atment taorks.
27.. "S�andard Specifications" shall mean the latest edit�.on of
"Stand�rd Specifications for Water and Sewer 1�1ain Constructian i�r_
Illinois" nublished on behalf of the Tllinois Society o_f Professiona�.
Engineers, Consulting EnginPers Council of Illinois, Illin4is Chapter of
tlhe American Fublic Works Association, the Iliinois M��nici.pal Leag�ae
and the Aasociated Ger�eral Contractors of �[1linois.
22. "Storm drain" (sometimes terme�i "storm sewer") shall mean a
drain or sewer for cor.veyin� �aater, �roundwater, subsurf.ace water, or
unpolluted w�ter from any source.
. � , .
23. "Superintendent" sha11 mean �he su?�intendent of wastewntPr
facilities, atndror oi' wastewater treatment works, of the City of Cantoh,
or his authorized deputy, agent, or represer.±ative.
24. "Suspended solidst' Sha11 m�an total suspended matter that
either floats on the surface of, o� is in suspension in, water, waste-
water, or other Iiqui.c��, and that is removable hy labor�tory fi.l_terin�
a� prescribed ir� "Stand�rd rlethods fc�r tYie _F,x�mira�t?_n of W�ter and Waste-
water" a.,nd referred to as nonfilter�ble residue.
25. "Urpolluted �,r�ter" is water o.f c�uality eq��al +o or bettex� �ha❑
the effluent criteria in effect or water that �a��i1.d „ot cause violatior�
o.f receivir►g w�ter quality standards and would not be henefite�l by dis-
charge -(-a the saritar,y sewers and �aastewater treatment fa�ilities nrovided.
26. "Wastewater" shall me�n the s;►ent w�ter of a community. From
a �t�andpoint of source, it may be � combination of the liquic� and water-
carried ;�astes fr. ot� resic�ences, commerc%�? bu�_Iditr_gs, ind�istr�.al glants,
and instituti�ns, together with any groundwatej°, surface �aater, an�.�
stormwater that may be present.
27. "Wastewater facil�ties" sha11 mean the structures, equipment ,
and processes reqt�ired to collect, carry a!�ay, anci treat d�me�tic anc]
indu�trial waste� and dispo�e of the effluent.
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��. "Wastewater treatment works" shal? mean an arran�ement of
devices anc� structures for trea�ing waStewater, industrial. was+Ps, and
sl�id�e. Somet�mes used as synoraymous with "��tas+e �reatment plant"
or "wt��tewater treatment �lant", "water pel�uti�n contro� plant, " or
"sew�ge treatment pl.ant. "
Sec. 2. That Sec. 2 of Chapter 4 (SF4�EIt US�� o�' Title 7 (HEALTH
AND SANITATION) of Canton Munici�al Code be a!nd the same l�ereby is
�mer�ded to read a� follows :
"7-�:-2. : tTSE OF PU�3L�C SEWERS FtEqUI�E��7:
l. It shall be un�a���ful fo�r any �,er�on to �]_.�ce, clegosit, or
nermi+ to be depositec� in �,ny ut��anitary ma�ner on public or priv�te
pro�►erty with?n the City of Canton, or �n any ��re� under the jurisdic-
tior_ of said City, �ny' human or animal ex�remen�, �arba�e, or ob�Ac+.ion-
able ���aste.
�. It shal.l be unlawful to �iischarge to any nat.ural outlet �aitha�
the Cit,y of Car_ton, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said City,
any waste����ter or other polluted �,�aterc, �•���r{, �a11ere su?t.ab]_e treatmen-!�
j�as been pro�Tidecl in accorciance with subsequent Provi��_��� of_ this
3. E.xcept as hereinaf±er prorT.i.ded, �.�; shall be un_Latoful to const*�uct
or maintain �ny priv-y, gri.�Ty vault, septir, tsat�k, cesspeol, �r oth�r
f�ci.lity ini;end�ci or iised f�.r thP di.�posal of wastew�ter.
4. The owner(s) of all houses, buil�ling�, or �?roper-�:�es usecl �'nr
hiunan occuPancy, emPloyment, reccre�tio�n, or other nurnose�:, �;.tua+ea
within +he City and abuttin� an �r.y street, aley, nr r:;_�}it--�t�_`,,a� in
whi.ch there i� n�w located or may in the future be located � pubiic
sani_tary or combined setaer of the �i1-,,y, is hPrP��ar �Pq,�;rea �t the owner(s)
expense to install suitable t�i1e± far,�t?.t.ies therein, and t�n cornect
sucli f�cilitiP� dire�•.+,1y �;th the nroper ni�b_lic s�E�er in ac�:�re�ance
w'+h �rle �.roviszor►_s of #,his ordinance, �vi+hin ninety (90) days af+er
�a+A of official natice to do so, provaded tliat saic� publi_c sewer �_s
within one hundred-fii"ty �'eet {15n ' ) of �he rr�perty line.
Sec. 3. That S�c. 3 of Chanter 4 (SE'4dE:R USE� of T:�tle 7 (H�ALT�-I
ANT) SANITATION) of Cantan Mi�niciZ�al Coc�e be and t,1e same I�ereby is
amended to read as follow� :
1. Where � public sanita�ry or combi_rec� sewer a�s not av�il�ble
unc�er t.he pro�risions �f para�ra�h 4 of 7-�-2, the buil d;.�� sewer shall
be connectec+ to a przvate wastew�tPr d�spos�l_ cy�+em complyi�n�; with the
provisions �f this �rtic? e.
2. Before commenc�mer_� of con�truct.ion ofi a Fr'-�-�r��e w�s+ewater
c�icposal cystem the ow�ner(s) shalt �'irst obta�in a wflitte�n �ermit si�nec3
hY ��e Superintendent. The �Pplication for such �ermi_t �hall bQ m�ide
on a form furni�hPd by the Ci.ty, which +he applicant shall �u�aplQment
bx any plans, speci.fication, �nd �ther i.nformation as are deAmed �ece-
s�ar� by the Su�erintendent. The Superintet�dent sh�11 1oe al_towecl to
ins�ect the work at :�r_y st��e of constructi�n, anc�, in an.y event, the
aj�licant f_'o.r the pnrmit shall notafy thF Superintenden� wl�et? the work
is reac�y _for fin�� anspeetic�n, �nci bPfore �ny uncler�round pv�rtiors are
covered. The inspec+ion sha11 he made within 24 hou�s of the recein-�
�f notice l�y the Sunerintendent. �
3. The type, c��acities, location, and layout of a �rivate waste-
�ater dispo�a.l system chall comgly with all recommendation� of the
Itlinois Environmental Protection Agency. No pe .rm?t shall �he issuQ�l
�or �?ny �?rivate w�ste��ater dispos��l system emrloying subst�rface sail
abso.rption facilities unles� it copforms in all respects to the requi�e-
ments of the State liepartment of Puhlic He�.1tYi. Nc� septic tank or
ce�spool shal.l be permitteci to discharge to �ny natural outl_et.
4. At such tim� as a publi.c sewer becomes a�rail��ble to a �roper+..y
served by a gri.vate wastewater d3_s osal
P rystem, as rrovided in r�-
�ra�?h 4 of 7-4-2, a direct c��t�ection sh�l?_ be made to thP pu�ili�c sewer
within sixty (�0) days ?n compli�nce �aith this ordinance, anc3 any
sePtic tat�ks, cess�ooJ_�, �nd simi]_ar privat� wastew�ter di�rosal fac-
il�_ties �hal_1 be cle�ned of sludge and fil]_ed with suitab.':.e granulor
mater. ial. The inlet thereof shall be �noc�_-t��.�Tely sea7led a�d plu�ged
so th�t no use thereof thereafter can be �e�de.
5. The owner(s) shall operate and maintain the pr�vate w�ste-
water disposal facilities i.n � sanitary manner at all �times, at no
Pxpense to the City.
6. No statement containeci in this article shall bP construed to
inter.fere with any addi.tional requirPment� that may be imposed by the
health o.fficer.
Sec. 4. That Sec. 4 o.f Chapter 4 (SEWER USE) of Title 7 (�IEA.LTH
AND SANITATTON) of Cantnn i�Iuni.cipal. Code be anci the �ame hereby i�
amended to re�d �s fol_lows :
"?-4-4: C�ROIA�'D WATF� D]�AINAGE FACILITIES : The discharge from
rlumbing fixtures, only, shall be connected ta the puUlic sanitary
sewers of the City. For the purnoses of this Chapter, the term "plumbing
fixture�" shall be construed in accordance with the Illinois State
Plumbing Code, and shall specifically incl��dp basement floor drains.
The connection of footing t� �.e, area dr�ins, surf��e wate?^ inlets,
downspouts, yard or field drait?�s or a�ny other drainage facil�.#y which
receive� ground water seepage or collected ��rfa�e E��ater to the Public
sanitary se�ver system is hereby rrohibitec�.
Sec. 5. That Sec. 5 of Chapter 4 (SEW�R U��) of Tit1e 7 (HEALTTi
AND SANITATION) of Canton Nirxnicipal Coc?e i�e and the sa.me ,�ereby is
amended to read as follo��s :
"?-4-5 : �3UIL�ING S�.W�RS Al� CONNECTIONS :
l. No ur,authorizec� persor!(s) sha?_1 unco��r, make �ny �onr�ectic!ns
with or opening into, use, �lter, or di.sturU any public �e��rer or aP11ir-
tenance t��ereof without fzrst oht�i�nin� a �arit±en �erm�t _from the
�. TherP shall be two (2) classes of bui�ding sewer parmits :
(a) for re�identia� and commercial service, and (h) for service� to
establ�.sl�mez�ts Prodi��in� industr�al �aastes. Tn PithAr case, the owner(s)
or hi.s agent shall m�ke aFpli_c�t��n on a specia�. form f_urt�i��e� by the
City. . The perm?t aPp�_ication shall be sunplemet�ted U,y an�,� �al..a.r_s, s�aec-
ific�tions, or other information considered ierti�nert in the �ud�ment of
the superinteadent. A ;�ermit an!� in_spec�i.or f'ee o�' t�aenty-five dollars
(�25.00) for an industri.al huildin;; sewer permit shall be paid to the
City at the time the �pPlicatior� i_s file�.
3. A11 costs �nd e�penses incider_t.a� to the installatioz� and
conn_ection of the building ser�►er sha]_� be borne ��, the owner(s) . TilP,
owt�er(s) shall indemnify the City from any .l_oss or dama�e that m�y direct�.y
or inc�irectly he �ccasi�ned by the inst=�1_la�tior of the hu�.1 ding sPwer. .
4. A sep�rate and indepen�ent, bui.l�ing sewer shall be prqvided
for every buildin�; excePt where one buil�ing stan�s �t the r�ar o�
another on �n �.nteri�r lot ar_� no pr?vate set�rer is av�ilable or can be
�onstructed to the rear buildin� throia.gh �n ����inin� allP.y, court,
y2r�, or drivew�y, the front buildi�� may be e�ten�e� to the rear
b��.il�in� an� the whole c�nsider. ed as one Uu�ldin� sewer, b�t the City
does not ar.d taill_ nnt assume ar.y ohl_igation or res�onsibility for dam��e
�au�ed by or resulting fr�m any �uch sin�;le connectiot� aforemer�tioned.
a. Old k�uildit�g sewers m�y re used in cot?rectinr� wit11 new �iuildin�s
only when they are found, on ex�iminata_on and test by the Sz�nerinterdent,
to meet all requ�rements of this ordinance.
6. All huilding sewers �aithin a bziil_c�in� or within five .feet
(5 ' ) of a water service pipe shaZl �ae c�st iron soil_ pi;�e, ASTM Spec-
ifications, A-74, latest revi�ion. T1e�a s�nitary se�aers (private or
�uhlic) beyond the limits describeci abo�Te for connection with a City
se�ae.r �hal1 be one of the folla,r irig :
(a) Cast irc►n soil Pipe, ASTM S�eci.fic��-.ion A-?4, i.�test �evisa_on.
(b) Heavy w�ll P��TC ��astic pi�e, ASTP�i L�2,729,1)3033, or D303�,
latest revision.
(c) Tieavy wall AIiS Pla�tic p�_re, �S�ifi� Speczfic�tior� ll2751,
latest revi�ion.
Sewers eight �nches (g") in d?ame+,er or lar��r �hall he o.f materir�ls
as specified in Stardard Specificatior►s or as approved i�y the Citye
?. The size acd s�.�ne of tlie build�n� sew�er �hall be subject
to the approval of the SuPerintendent, but in no e�TPnt s�al?_ the sia;e
�e � e�� than four innhes (4") in �.�iameter. The �lone �f su�ch pine
sh�ll not be les� th�n one-�fc�ur. th irch (�-r �-"� rer. f'oot ��'�r four irch
(4") �iameter pip�, or �ne-eigh�,h �nc��� (?,`�"} per foot �or �z�-�ncli
(6") c�i�meter pipe. Any pi.pe 1,��.c� lon�itudin�ll�y� �-n publ?_c stree+s,
all.eys ox� easements wh?ch could connnri, more th�� one �ui?c7?n� s��aer
or could be extenc�ed to connect more than one bu�.1c?�.r� sewer, sk�a?.1 be
not less than eight inches (8") in diameter, and sh�ll be con�tructed
to a maximum depth to germit further e�c±ea�sio�r thereto. Sewer�; �onst~"l�+P(�
longitudinally ir� a pu�lic street, alley or ea�emQr_t shal� l�e c�n�tructed
in ac�:orc�ance with nZans an�? specifi�aticens rrepared Uy �� Re�istered
Professional Engin�e.r �rsd a��nroved Uy the II l.inn� s �nvirotlmer�ta'
Pr�±ecti_on Agency and the Ci�;y.
8. ?!�]_ j�ints in buildin�; or nulilic s��aers sh�ll be mac�e perm�r_-
ently gasti�ht �nd water�ro�Jf. �TOir�ts i� c���t iran soi.l r�ipp shall b�
in��?e 1�y �e:�d and �uf;e or a�pr�c>vGa mechanical jnints. .Toints �+_r ilas�:�c
pipe s}1a?.� be made ��r accord��ce with trie recommenc3ations of the
m�t�ufa��turer. Joir�ts in ez�h�t-�inc11 (8") c�i�amef.er �� ?_ar�e*� ��i�ne shall be
i � , � i � 1
as set i'orth ir� the Stand�rd ,5;�eci1'icatior!s, or =�s a�pro�Teci l�y th�
3. When.P�rer po���hle, t.he b►�.ildin� �etaer si�=�11 i�e hro�t�ht to the
h��i l di_ng at �n eleva.tion below th.e hasement floor. In all i�uildin�s
in which r�ny buildin� draitn is too �J_���r to Perm?_1; gravi+.,y �low to �;he
public sek��r, san3_tary �ewage carr�ed b,y cucl� �U1.�_(�?L!?� c�rain sh?11 be
] ifted hy �n an�ro�red me�ns and dis�har�;Pd to the �ui].d�ir�g sewer.
ln. No person(s) shall. m�ike connecti.on of �oa�' Gow�snouts, found-
atio�n draZns, areaway clrains, or �ther saurces ef surfa�p runof�' or
�round�ater to a bii�.lding sewer or buildzr�g drai?� which an turr� is
connected directl_y c�r indirect�y to a Yub_1_ic sar.i.tary sew�r unless such
connection is ar�rovecl Uy th� SuperirtPndent f�r nt�r�oses of d�sposal
of �olluted si�._r.face c�r�ina�e.
11. The connecti�n of the bu� ld:i.r_� or property sPi,rer sh��ll be
m�d� at a "Y" or '°T�� hra*�ch, if si�ch bra+ncl� i� ���ailab�e at a s'�i.t€�ble
�ecati�r_. The Superznt�nde�t shall h�ve the r. ight to determine whether
or not a connec+ior� sha11 �e made at �?� e�cis�ting "Y" or "T: . If .^,
c�nne�tion to a "Y" or "T" is nc�t mac�e, a ?ne�t hole may k�e cut into the
nublic s�wer to recei�e the building or p?^oper. ty sewer. A "s����c�le"
�hall be used i;e make suc� conne�tions, the sp�_got er.c� to ext�c? n^�! ;n2st
the inner sur�'ace of such sewer. The center l.ir,e of the b�i�_lding se��rer
at i;he point �f connection sh�].l be a± tl� same or a hi�her clevat?on
as the center line of the �i?bl�c sewer. A smooth r_eat joint sh�ll be
made, and the �onnecti.on ma��e secure and M►atertight i�y enc�sement,
if nece�sary, in conerete. Tn all cases whe�e a hole must he cut into the
publ ic seWrer to rece:i.ve the bui� ding r�r ��ro�erty se�aer the proposed
coranection must be insnecte�l i�y the S��perini;endent prior to encasement
in concrete. Other fittin�s may be used for the conrection only when
�p�!roveci by the �uperintet�dent. The applicant for a nermit �;o tap the
nublic sewer �hal]. notify the Superir_tendent when such �ewer is reac�y
for ins�ection and cont�ection to �-.he rub.l_ic sewer. C�nnection �hall
be m�de under the �upervision of the Superintendent. 1V� existing or
new drain tilp or foundatzon til e which cot�1!� �r does collect su_rface
or subsurf�ce water sh�11 hereafter be connectec? �irec.tl.y or indirectly
to the sanitary sewer s,ystem of the City.
l2. The anplicant for tt�� b�iilclir�g sewer permit shall �notzfy thP
Superintendent when the buildin� sew.:r is ready �'er. inspection and conn-
ection to the piz��l?�c sewer. Ttiie connecti.ot� anc� testing shall �ie mar�e
under the superv�sion of the Supe .rintet�dent or tiis re�resent��;ive.
13. All. exca�T�tions f�r building sewer instal�.ation shall be
adequately guarded t�it.h b��ricade� and li�hts so as to protect tlie
nublic from hazard. All trenches anc� other exca�at�:ons �hall be t�raced
or otherwise rrotectec� �gainst c�ving. Streets, $^ewalks, parkways,
and othe� nublic property disturbed in the coursA of �he work �h�l.? be
restored in � man�er satisfact�ry to t.he City.
�Sec. 6. That Sec. 6 of Chapter 4 (,��JE� USE) of Y�_tle 7 �(ITEALT:rT
AN�) SAI�'TTATION) of' �Canton TluniciPal Coc�e be a!n_c� tlie same lZPrehy is
amenc�ed to �ead as foll�ws :
"7-4-G : USE 01� T�iF PU�3.LIC Sr�'WERS :
�. No person(s) sh�ll ci�.schar�e or caus� to be ilischarged �r_y
unpolluted water. s �uch as stormwater, groundw�+.Pr, ro�f runof�, sub-
sur.facP drainage, or cooling water to at]y sanit�ry seE•Jer.
2.. Stormwaf er �nd aI�. other unpoll.uted drainage shall be di�c��ir�ed
to such sewers as are specifically desi�na�ed as combined sewers or
storm sewers or to a natu�ra_l ouf.1_et a;nproved by the SuPerinter�dent ar..d
other regul_�tory a�encies. tl��o]Llutec� ?.ndust�ial cooli.r_� wate_r or
process �aaters may be disQhar�ed, on apProva?_ o� the Superintendent ,
#o a s+orm sewer, combined seeaer, or natur�l out� �t.
�. No Per�on�s) slz��_1 clischare;e or �ause to be �lic�h=�r�ec� any of
the follo�ring c?escri.be� water� ar wt�stes t� any �ub�.ic se���ers :
(a) !�ny �asoline, �ier�zene, nal�th�, fuP�, oi1, or o�her flammahle
or explo�i.ve Zi�u:�c�, sol�d, er gas.
(b) Any �,r�ters oo nta�ining -�o:�ic or poisonoms solids, liquids, or
�ases in sufficient c�u�ntity, either 5in;ly o� by interaction
� ���with other �wastes, to �njure or interi'ere �,rztj7 any wa�te
treatment process, cons�itute a haza�rd to humans or antimals,
create a �ul�lic nuisarce, or cre�te any ilazar�y in the
recei..ring ��aters o�' -�he wast�!,��±er �;r��tment Illa�?+.
(c) Any taaters or wa�tes hav;ng a nH lo�,�e� tlian 5.5, or h�ving
any other corrosive pr�per#y capa�h?.e of caL�sir►� dama;e or
hazarcl to sturctures, equipment, and personnel of the
waste�oater warks.
(d) Solid or visrouc stxbstanc�� in n�uantities or of suciz siz�
cnpable of causin� oi�str�xctio� �;o the fl�w ir_ se�„rers, or
other interf_erence ��ith tl�e �roper operation ,f tlge waste-
water f�cilities sucii :+s, but not �im�_ted t-o, ashes, bot�es,
einders, sanc�, mi�d, s+.r:��a, sh�vings, metal, �lass, �^ags,
�'eathers, tar, pla�t�es, wooc'�� Un��pUnC� �arba�e, whc►1e
blood, p�unch manure, h�ir ��nd fles��t�gs, entrails ar�d p�ner
disY�es, cu�►s, mill� co�taz�rer, et.c. , eith�r �ahole or �round
hy garha�e urinciers.
4. Tlie f�llow�in� desc.ribed c.ubstance�, m�.terials, waters, or waste
shall �he l_zmited=� �_n discha��;es to mur�icinal_ systems to conce�r:�.rat�_ons
or quantities which wi11 not harm either the sewers, �aastet,►ater treati.
ment Process o.r equi,ment, wilJ not h�ve at? adverse effect on the re-
ceiving stream, or will_ not otherwise e�nda�ger lives, lim�, Fubl�c
pronerty, or constitute a r!uisance. The Su;erintenc?e*.-��; may se±
l�mitfttions lower than the 1 imita.tions estai�lishec? in tl�e regizlatior_s
Sec. 7. That Sec. 7 of Ch�pter 4 (SEWER US�) o�' Title 7 (N�lLTI3
AN1? SANITATIOIV) of Canton I�iunicip�l Cocie be and the ��me he�eby is
amendeci to read ��s .f.ollows :
'��-�-�1 : TAMPEtc Oiii.. I�AMAGE:
1. 14'o perron(s) sh�ll m�li�ioiisly, wil.lfully, or n�gl i�ert.lv 'are�?�,
damage, destroy, �ancover, defa�e, or tamper wi.t41 any ��ruc vure, �!i P-
�irtena�ce or ec�tx:i..pment which ?_s a ��r± �f the ��laste��ratei° f_acili±ies.
Any person(s) violat�n� this p_rc�visio�n sha�l l�e sub�ect to �.mmec?�_ate
arrest under char�e of disorderly co�duct.
��ec. 8. Tl1at Sec. 8 of Chapter �: (SEWE� USE} of T:��le 7 {��EALTtI
AND SANITA�ION) u.f C�t�ton i�.u�rici�nal Cocie be �n!� the same hPreby is
amex►ded to re�.�l as follows :
"7-4--8: POktIFRS A_11�L AU`_C1�Oi��TY �F INSP�'CTCIRC :
l. �he S�.?perintet?c?ent �t�d other duly authorized emi loyees of the
C�ty beari�ng proner crede�tials �nc? identi�'icai,i�r sh�ll be ��E"!�!1'�t@C�
to e►�ter a11 properties fo� the �1irpo�es of ��r►snAc+�or�, o�serv�t?.c�n,
measurement, s��mi?_zng, and tE.'Stl_1?� j�n2^���re*�t �-o c��.sch��r�e to the community
system �n accord�nce witll the previszon� of thi:; or�in�����.
2. The �unerintendes►t or �tiler duly author�zec4 emgloyees are �zutll-
orized to olbta�_�. inform�,tiot�? concern�.n� %r�c�usi;rial pro�e�se� which have�'
a di.rect bea.rin� on t�e ?:inc? ��tacl soi�x�ce o:f di�ehr�?�'�;P +.,� ttle �a,aCte���at�r
col i e�ti_on system. th� �a.1n��ust.r',y m:�y ���i.-t;�iho�c3 i!nforma-ta�n ��h?c:1i it
c�on�i �aers �.ot��'ider�tial_ on.lu�, i � �ifi , at ,t� own e��er.se, ar:c� un���r the
�?-�rec�+-i_on an� �uidence ��z�d sat�cti.��n o�' the C?.ty, :�ns+a�lc i.� ' � ^4an
treatmert .faci lities, tl��e efflu��nt of wkzaclz �_s ?.ciet�tifiab_le anc3 c?�z�.le
a�' �r��lyszs by t�►c City a?nd so t.,at. Qva]_u��ti�n tt�ereof may be readily
3. The Superintendent and o�her duly a�itl�orize� emnloyees of -the
Ci�;y he�.rin� nro�er crec�enti�ls anc� ider±� �'�_c�t7.on s�all. be �erma�;i;ec�
t� enter all Priv�te proPerties +���^c�u��� wh��:h the Citg* ��olcl� �� c�ul,y
l���o�.:i a�;ec� easeme�!t for t}ie pur�oses o �:, �ut rofi. limite�l to, �.ns�►ec��.a c�n,
, , ..
ohservati��, mea�„remer!t, �am,+�?_?r�. Y�f����r, ��c� m�xnten�n�� �f an.y� �
po.rtiox� �f the wastei���-,�r �'�cilit,aes l,yir��; ���i;hir; �,��.c� e�serr►ent. I�31
entry and �ubsec�uer_t �aorri, �_�' any, �n s�icj p���ment, s►���?.? ��� ���� if
_fi.i1_1 �ecorc3:�n�e �aitk� �t�e terms of ±.l�Q c?uly regoti=a�,�c� e�s�men+, �e?�+�z*��r�g
to the �nra�rat� r?��.��erty ?t?vo��reci.
Sec. 9 Th��t Sec. 9 of Ch.�rte� � ���?jJF��t U�P�) o� Ti��_e t (���'�.T�'It
ANi� S�l�ITAT�r�1V'� of Car.ton l�Zt�ni.cin�� �or�e Z�e a�?� the ���me heret�y �s
amended to reacl as ���� lnws :
? 4 9: P�?A? T IES -
1 . i1nV jlAr'SOI'l fo�.�r_c� �O i?� fr_'.�1�1�•�_t'!,r; ap�.' �r?�'t���Ti c1��n� n:i �;'��.i �
Cl��ptE�r except 7-4-7 s���l. be server� k�y tt�e �.;ii�y t�►��� writt�n r_of-:ice
helow if in hzs opi�ion snch more severe �.imitatio�s �re necessary to
meet the �bove ob�eci,i�res. �n formzng liis opinion �s to the accep�ab-
ili�;y, the SuPerintenc�er�t will give cc�nsi�er.�tion t� �uch factors as
tk�e qu�nt�_ty �f su�hject wa,�te in rPl.atior_ tc� fl.ows ancl velocities in
the seroers, materi�ls of canstnuct?on of thF� �ew�rs, t�e wastewa�er
treatment procesC emPtoyed, canacity of the �aastpwater f;x•eatmen�; plant,
de�ree af treatabili�:y of the waste ?n the l�Oc�.�t�'E�c`�tE'3" t�eatmeht plant,
anc? other pertinent _factors. Tl1e Z?mita+iar�s n.r re;=trictions or� m�-cer--
�a.t� �r characteristics o#' w�ste or wastew�ters d�scha��e�� t� the �anitary
sewer whi�h �ha11 ro+ be viol�ted without a��ro�ral. of the Superintendent
are as foJlows :
<,Y�) �dastP��T��ter h�ir:i�� <� tem�era+_,ure h�:��ier th�r 1_50" P'ahrenhei�
(6�` Celsiiis� .
(b) Wastewater cor.taining more th�n 2� Il1�.Z.� ?�':'c�r1S per �itei
of netroleum oil, r�or.biode�ra�ah�e cutt�ng ezl�, or procluct
af mineral 0�_1 ori�;i�.
�c) Waste��ater from inc�ustrial l�lanl;s containin�r flo��t.�ab?.e oil�,
f:�.t, oY° gre�ae. 7-4-1:14)
(ci) Ary �ark�2ge ±hat has t�ot been i roperl,y �a1?�eddec? (sPe /A��ix��
x Ctarha�e grinders may �ae cot�nectPc� to sa�n�i:-
ary sewers £ronl homes, I�otel�, �_nstitut�ons, r�st��tara�i�s,
ho�;i��ls, cater?.ng e�tabl�s�iments, or �imil�r �laces where
garba�e o�•_�_xe�,tes �'rom the �reparation o� food in kitchens
for the �ur�os� c��' cot�sum�tion �n the nrem� s+�� or �.Ft?e,r_
�er�red b,y �aterers.
(e) Any h�a.ters or wastes con�.�+�.;��r�g i.r�c�t►, cl�romium, c���er,
zinc, anc� s�milar ol�jection��_1_P or toxi� st?bst�nces +� such
ctegree tha�`. �ny such materi�?_ rPCeavec� in �t�.e com�os�te
��astewa+,er �t ��ie ��aste°J�t��r �i-.�re�etmPnt; works ex�pp�?s the
limits est�bJ.i�hed b�r t.lie Super. in+,�nd�nt for such material_s.
(�) Ar.y w��ters ox w�stP� co�tain�_n� oc�or-�roducin� ct�t�stances
exc�eeding l�_r�ii;� w�ic�� may be est�lali�l���� 'u�y t�he Super-
(�) Ar.y r=,!�ioact�.ve ��l�ef,F'S or a sotopP� o� sucl� �alf-�i.fe o:r
concentr��tion as m�y eYceed l:i_nt�t� establ?.sl�ec� t�y tlae
Su�erir�tenc7e�t �.n com,l �_.�r_ce rr;t.h ��il��zcablp s�atn er
J'e�er:�l re�ul�t-�ons.
(h) Q�aar_tit�i.es o#' _fl.ow, con�Pn�;Y�at� or��., or ��k,Ii ��r�-,i_c�z const?.+.����
a "s��i�;�� a�c c1efine�± ���rein.
(i_) taaters or e�astPs con±��x�i*.�� st�bstances wh�c�1 ��re not amer_ab�:e
to t*�e�tment or redt�r,+,i.on ��y tlae !�rciStP.Wd�i.t@?" -�-��e�tmen.+,
�rocess em�1_oyed, or. are �mP+��+bYe to tret�tmer�t on1.y to such
c�e�z°ee t���t the w��s t.e���=�t-.er �;re��tmet�t p? �nt e�i_'luent cannot
meet �he requireme►�ts of other agencies havin� ,�uri_sc�ictior�
aver ci-i�char�e to tlie �'�CE'1V1►_`?�?' �:�r+terc.
(j) AnV water or wastes ra�li.c;h, hy inter�ct�_o?n ��it�� other ���ter
or Wc�5t0�'+ it� thP �����?ic Ce�,aer �,ystpm, release ot�noxious
�as�s, form suspenc+ed sol�ds wlnich in�erfere with tl�e coll-
ec+.,ion system, or cre�te a conc�it�on c7�letPrious to strt�c-
tures anc3 tre��tment prs�c�esses.
,. �f �ry waters o� wa�f.�� are c��.sch�r�ed or a�e �roposec� +_,o '�e
c�ischarged to the n��hl?_^ sewers, �Rrhich w�ters �ontain the Stik3StE�!"lC@'+
n:r possess the c�ar�►cteris�::i cs enumerate� in Sect i_on 4 of thi s Ar+i�.l.e,
�nci which in the jud�ment of the �u�er7.nten�ent, m�y haue a �le.�eterious
effect u��r the wastew�ter f�c3_?_�i�;�.es, }�rocesces, eq_u;;me��., ar receivir►g
waters, or wh�s;h �therwise create a hazar� to life or �ons�-,�i.tu�e �
Publac nuisance, the Superintendent m�y :
(a) ��eject the wastes,
(b) Require �retreatme�nt to an ac�en+abZe conc�i�;?_or_ for disc,ha�e�e
to tl�e nublic sewers,
(c) Require conl:.r�1 over tY3e qi�antities �nd ratp� �f. diCchar�e,
sr_di or
(c�) Fequire payment to eaver ac�c�ed eos� of I� nc�l;n�; anc� �;F�ea�;-
�.ng the w�stes not cc��Tere� by eYisti�� sewer use cliar�es.
When considering the abov� alternr�tives, tlze St�perintendent shall
�ive consi.�leration to the e$onom?.c �_mpact of each alter!�ative on t�e
d�_schr�r�er. If the Superirtenc�ent permits the gret,:eatment �r equal-
i.zation of raastP flo�a�, the d�c��n �nd installation of the plants and
equi�ment shall ��e sub�ect to the x�evie�a �nd a�Prova�. of tlie Superin-
6. C�rease, oil, �cnd sar�c� int�rce�tors �11a11 I�e providec� «hen,
in the opinion of the �uier�.ntendent they are ne�essary �or �;he prone.r
har.dlin� oi iiqu�c3 wastes containing floata�ule �rea�e in exce�si�re amounts,
as sgeci�ied in Section 4 (c) , or �.ny �l:�,mm��i].e w�ste�, s�nd, or other
ha.rmful in�redie�ts ; except t1h�t such interce�tore sh�? l not be requ�red
fsr pr;_vate l.iving qu�rters or ��wel.ling urazts. .�.11 i_nteY�cePtors shall
be of a ty�e and ca�ac?ty anprove� b,y the Superintender.t, a�ac� shall be
located as ta be readil_y and .;asily �ccessii�le for cleaning a�d inspec-
tion. I� the mainta�ning o£ these �nterce�tors the oc,rner(�) shall be
responsible for the PropPr remov�l �nd d� snosa� ►�y ap�roi�riai�.e means
of the caPt�rPd material a�!ci �hal l mair�tain reco _rc�s of the d�tes, and
n'+P.,�XI� of disposal which ar� subje�� to revie�a Uy the SLi�e�ri*�tendent.
Any remova]. ar�d haul_ing af the coll.ecterl m�te�^i_a1s not �+erformed by
owner(�) �e .rsonnel must Ue Per.formec� by currently licerased waste
di�posal firms.
7. Whnre Pretr. e�tmer.t or fl�w-equ�? ?_zi�� facili_ties �re �rovidn�
or reryuired �'or any w=�ters or wa�tes, �hey ���al?. ��e m�intainec� contin--
iaously in s=�fisfactory ancl ef.fective operataon by the owner(s) at his
8. Wher. requzred by the Superintendent, the owner of �.r�y property
servi ced by a building �e�aer carryin� industrial Eaastes silal.l install
a suitable structurp t�ge+,T�er with siicY± necessary mete�s and other
appurtenances in the build�n� .sewe_r to facilitate obser�Tat?on, �amrla:��;,
and mea�remerzt of tYie �a�c±es. Su�h structure, when re�,uired, sha:ll be
accessibly and safely located and sh�ll be c�r_striz�tec� in ac�nrcl�nce
�aith plans ap�roved by tiie Su�er?ntet�r�ent. The strucf;u�re sh�l� be
installed l�y the owner �t his ex�ense and sha1.1 be ma;ntaine<? � him
so �s t� be safe an�i accessible at �1�. -i,�mes.
9. �Ile Superintenden� may requi.re � l�.ser �.f �ewer service� to
pr�vide information neede� to de�c�rmi_ne �omnliance with' this orc�in�nce.
These reqtzirements mt�v incl.ude :
(a) Faasi;e�T�ters c�ischar�e pe�k rate an� volume eve� � specifaec�
time perioc�.
(b) Ci�emical �nalyses �f wastewate.rs.
(c) Information on raw materaals, processes, anci pro�lucts
affectin� wastew�ter volume ar�d qual.ity.
(d) �luantity and c?ispos�.ta.on of s�ecific liqu�.c7, sludge, o�_� ,
solvent, or ether materials impor�ant to sewer use contro�.
(e) A plot plan of sewers o#' the t��er ' s �ro�ert,y showing seeaer
anc� nretreatmen�.; facility locatien.
(f; Det�ils of �a�.ste���E�te?� �retreatment facilities.
(�) De+ails of systems 1-n ;nrevent and cc�ntrol the losses of
materi�ls throu�li s�il.ls to the municigal sewer.
�0. All measu�ements, ±ests, az�d analyses �f the char�.c+,eristzcs
of Waters and wastes to which referPr.ce ic m�de in thi� orc�ir►�:�nce shal).
he determined in accordance witl� ±,he latest editic�n of "Stand�rd Ntethods
for the Examination of 1�ater an , Waste��ater, " publ.ished by the Americ�an
pub�l.�.c Health As�oc;�tion. S:�mg�li�� method��, locati�r�, timec, dur�tions,
a�ad frFquencies arA to be c�ete�m3t��c1 or� an it�divi�?ual basis �u�bjec�: tc�
appro���l by the Su�erin±en�lent.
11. No statement coY�tained in this aritcle shall be �c��s+,ruec� ��
Prevent?.n� �ny s�eci.�l ag�eemez?t 1�etween the �'�.ty an� any.' zndustrial
car_cerr_ whe_reUy ax� ind�.�striPl wa��e of unusi�al �±ren�tiz or ctl�racter m��
be accer�¢ed by �l�e City i'or tre�tment.
a � � . . ' � � , � .
� � '
st�tit��; the n�!turp ^� tk�e violE3'tlOt? �nc� pr°c►�Ticlin�; �i renr�naUle �ime
li.mit for tlie s�+,�_�f�r:-i-c2',y CC�rY'�'C'�,1nT� tl"�eY�e��'. The vffenc�er ��za�-j-�
��ithin the �eriod of time statec, ryr suc�i n��:i�ce, l�erm�,nen+�_y cea�P al?.
2. l�r�y per. sQ!� whc� shall cc�nt?_n1ie a�y �Tiola��_or bc=yon� ttae time
.limi.t, rroviclecl for ir� ���?r�3�ra�t� (i 1 =�>>ov�, slza?� j,� �;i�i l.ty of a misrlet�--
e�n_or, ���a i1�on convicti�r� thereof sha�.�. be �'ine�� i�n:�an �mc�lint r.o les�
-than five dellars (,��.0�? a�c� r_ot mare t�7an five hi��c�rer� c�ol1� ars
{4�500.n(!� f�r e�ch `r�_ol�+.�an. ��ch d�y in wh�ch any �L��� �ria1_a+ian �h�l�-
cortinue sha3_1 h� cie�mec� a �;eP�r:ate �_f_�et�se.
�. �nV nerso� �T3.01_��;1F"t�'; �ny e:£ t�ie �ro�T� �?ot�s of t;his C11�pter s�a�l
lhecome liahle to thP �"ity _for ar_y expen�e, lc?ss or c�amage occasioned
the City bv re�sor? o_f such violatzon.
Sec. 10 T:�at Sec. ln �f �"h��ter 4 (5�.±�E.�t USE; o�' Ti+�_� 7 (c�T�ALT�i
AND SANITA�ION) o:� C�ntot� rluni_ci�nal Cod� �e �rd i.he smp ;Zereby is
^mended to read as foJlows :
"7-4-10 : A��i�TCATION F�I?Ni:
�..Sug�ested applicat.ion forms, as•��np�^cived i�y the Sunerirten��eni.,
shall. be mai_ntair�ed av�iila�ile fc�z aPplicant �.n the Of�ice o�' the
Ca t.y Clerk for the c�nvPnience o�' a�pl� cations hereunder �►r�d in
im�lementation of thi� C° apter.
E��'FCTI�TE ��ATE: This L�rdinance sha�.� bP i�n f�zll �'orce and e�fect
u�an it� �assa�e 1ay the Citgr rou�ncil, appr��Ta? by the r•t�yor ar_�
public�tion accorc�in� to l.�w.
AN?? APP�OVEI� �Y TT�E r1AY0�� TFI��OF TI�IS :;� �AY OF �/'�R-�-��,
�-� �,/
APPPOVED: ��'�' /� �- ��z--1�--� , Mayor
ATTEST : �� ��G-t�` . ' , City CI_erk.
AMENDMENT: IJherever the word "Superintendent" appears in this Ordinance, it
should read "Water Distribution and Sewer Superintendent" except
in Section 23.