HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #526 � « � ' e � �+; ;.: Jan. 7, 1976 - read by Title only . N0. `�°21� ORDINANCE WHF.REAS, The City of Canton, Illinois has recently re-codified ita Ordinances and Enactments into the Canton Municipal Code; and, WIiEREAS, in the recodification process inadvertent o�ission of a portioa of the Zoniag Ordinance of said City occurred; and, WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of said City are here purposed to the cure thereof by the etaact�ent herein maae, Nq�T, �HEREFORE, BE IT, AND IT HEREBY IS ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTUN, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOiWS : SECTI�1 1 : That a new section, to be desiguated as 10-12-6 be and the sa�e hereby is, 8aa�a to Title 10, Chapter 12 (SUPPLII�fiTTARY REGULATI(3�1S) of the Caaton Municipal Code to read as follows : "10-12-6 : RFSIDFNCE DISTRICTS-REQUIRED C�iDITIOTTS. The following uaes ere permitted in all residential zonea sub�ect to the following conditions: 1. Churches or si�ilar places of worship, parish house, convents, where located at least fifty (50) feet from any other lot in any reaidence district. 2. Public, parochial a�d private schuo].s, where located at least fifty (50) feet fron any other lot in any residence district. 3. Public libraries, pnblic �useum�a and public art galleries, Nhere located at least fifty (50) feet from any lot id any residence district. 4. Municipal, state or federal ad�inistrativ4 or service buildings, where located at leatst fifty (50) feet fro� any lot in any re�ideace district. 5. Public parks, playgronnds and community centers, provided that any buildings shall be located at least fifty (50) feet Prom any other lot in any residence distr3ct. 6. ExistiQg railroad right-of-ways, providing there i� no switching, storage, freight yards or sidings. ?. Nnrseries, trnck gardening aad the raieing of far� crops, b�t not the keeping or rai�ing of poultry, birds, livestock, or other anisals for stictly coe�ercial purposes; and provided fnrther that pets m�* be kept, but not on such a scale that they would be ob3ectioaable beceuse of noiae or odor to aurrouading residences. 8. Any occupation for gaia or support conauctea only by members of a fas�ily residipg on the premises and conducted entirely within the dr+elling, the street line of which is directly opposite the - • ys street line of a B-1, B-2, 1-1, or 1-2 District ; provided that no article ig 8old or of�ered for sale except such as may be produced by �e�bers of the i�mediate fa�ily reaiding on the pre�ises. 9. Oae aign advertisieg the sale or rent of the land or build- ings npon which it is located. Such sign shall not exceed ten(10) square feet ip area, and shall be distant from the street line not less than one-half (�) of the front yard depth. 10. One sign or bulletin board not exceeding twelve (12) aqnare feet in area in connection with churches or publie build3ngs. 11. A non-conforming busipess use may have exterior signs aggregating not more than twelve (12) square feet in area on any lot. 12. The taking of boardera or leasing of roo�s by a re�ident family, provided the tot�l nu�ber of boarders and roomers does not exceed two (2) in any one-family or two-family dWelliag, or une (1) per c�relling unit in any �iltiple dwelling. 13. Other custo�ary accessory uses and buildings, provided such uaes are incidental to the principal use and do not include � aqy activity co�only conducted as a bnsiness. Any acceasory bnilding shall be located on the sa�e lot with the principal building aad aot nearer than three (3) feet to any wall thereof; provided, however, no part of any accessory building �ay be used for residence purposes, except that doeestic employees of the owner, lessee or occupants of the principal building, and the family of such e�ployee may have quarters in such accessory building. No acceseory building shall exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. No required front yard ahall be used for the open air parking or storage of motor vehicles. 14. At�y building used ae a residence shall coptain on the gronnd floor at leas�t six hundred (600) square feet of livable floor space. 15. Ce�eteries, provided the location thereof ia approved by Resolution of the City Council after public hearing held and rec- ommendatioq made by the Planning Co�ission. 16. Public utility buildings, where located at lea�t fifty (50) feet fro� any other lot in any re�idence district, after review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council." SECTIONi !�s That this ordinance sshall be in full force and effect upoa its pasffiage by the City Counc3.1 atid approval by the Mayor. , , _ - , PASSED by the City Council of the City of Caaton, Illinois and APPROVED by the Mayar therevf this �U`� day of January, l9?6. �_-� - - ,� � r APPROVEI�.: .;-'���� : � � ..� .i::.:. �_ . `�; ATTEST: � �-c-e C�,C-�2 ,